The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1157: Someone above me!

On September 28, Yuan Chengdao and his party had not yet arrived, but Shen Qian came back first.


Li Dong originally led people to prepare for Lan Xingguo, but did not expect to meet Shen Qian who had just got off the plane at the airport.

When he saw Shen Qian, Li Dong was surprised, and then frowned, "Why didn't you call in advance?"

Shen Qian didn't expect to meet Li Dong at the airport. When Li Dong was angry, she said timidly: "I want to surprise you."

Seeing her expression, Li Dong didn't have a good air: "I don't pretend to be pretending. Forget about traveling. Let's go back to rest first. I will let Lao Tan give you away. I can't leave now."

Shen Qian already knows that Lan Xingguo is coming today, throwing his suitcase to his assistant, with a smile on his face: "I will wait with you. Brother Lan's son is still my alumnus.

But I can't remember it, see if I can recognize it. "

Lan Xingguo's son, when he was in Sichuan and Sichuan, had indeed gone to school with Shen Qian.

Of course, the two are at different levels. Lan Xingguo's son is one or two levels lower than Shen Qian.

Last time I went to Sichuan and Sichuan, Lan Xingguo said it once, but Shen Qian couldn't remember it and didn't ask in detail.

Seeing Lan Xingguo's son was just an excuse, Shen Qian just wanted to stay with Li Dong for a while.

Li Dong didn't say much, but just said: "If you are tired, go back to rest early. You will have to accompany the old man for lunch later. In the afternoon, I will go to the logistics company and the aviation preparatory team to get familiar with the situation.

These two days have to be busy, the key is to choose the site.

Before the end of the year, the location of the aviation base will be determined and construction will begin next spring.

In the second half of the year, we will strive to meet the standards of the General Administration of Civil Aviation, and perhaps we will see our distant planes flying in the sky in the second half of next year. "

Nowadays, the conditions for private aviation have been liberalized in China, but some conditions are still essential for liberalization.

According to regulations, the establishment of public transport aviation must meet a number of conditions.

First, no less than 3 civil aircraft purchased or leased and meeting the relevant requirements.

Second, have professional and technical personnel.

Third, it has base airports and other fixed business premises and equipment necessary for operations.

Fourth, the main person in charge of the overall operation and management of the enterprise should have the management capabilities of a public air transportation enterprise, and the legal representative of the enterprise should be a Chinese citizen.

Fifth, the registered capital reached the minimum limit.


In all these cases, there are not many conditions, and not many.

Other conditions are not difficult for the distant place. Once Lan Xingguo arrives, he will not only be able to solve the fourth problem, but even the second one.

With the status of Lan Xingguo, it is easy to recruit some professional technicians.

Therefore, on the far side, the only thing left that does not meet the standard is the base airport and fixed equipment that are necessary.

If Lan Xingguo is in place, the addressing of the airport will become the next biggest task.

Once the airport base is settled, the far side can apply for civil aviation approval. After the approval of the Civil Aviation Administration, it can continue to improve the base construction and finally apply for the cargo route.

Shen Qian is actually not very interested in these, but Li Dong has this ambition, and she is also a little more concerned.

Wen Yan thought for a while and said, "Is Sichuan Airlines' shares sold?"

"not yet."

Li Dong shook his head and explained: "President Qin is still talking with other companies in Sichuan and Sichuan. At present, there are not many companies that can bear this share.

25% of Sichuan Airlines shares involve funds of more than 2.5 billion.

There are several companies that are interested, but those guys still have to pay in installments. The short term is two years, and the long term is five or six years. Am I so stupid?

No, I asked Mr. Qin to talk to a few more companies and separate them. "

Shen Qian couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

Li Dong's double standards are really at home.

When he merged with other companies, he was eager to divide the funds for the merger into 10 years and 20 years.

As a result, if someone buys the shares in a distant place, they will have to pay in one lump sum.

Others are not stupid, of course they will not do it.

Of course, it really needs to be split up and sold out a little bit, with little pressure on funds, and there is probably hope to settle it all at once.

However, Shen Qian asked: "Does Sichuan SASAC and Sichuan Airlines agree to our separation?"

"Of course I agree!"

Li Dong smiled and said: "Because they also want us to split and buy back 2% of the shares."

Shen Qian understood instantly that before the restructuring of Sichuan Airlines, the Sichuan-Shu State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission controlled Sichuan Airlines ’49% stake, Sinotrans 26%, and Far East 25%.

Now that the distant country wants to withdraw and all take over, the Sichuan-Shu State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is also unwilling and has so little money.

But if the faraway split, they repurchase 2%, they have control of the shareholding, as for the other, how far the remote sells, it has little to do with them.

The split of shares in a distant place may not necessarily be what they advocate.

Seeing that Li Dong was full of confidence, Shen Qian did not say anything.

This piece of aviation belongs to Qin Hai's jurisdiction. She only needs to know a little bit about what to do. She talks too much about it and may cause Qin Hai's taboo.

Before the Sichuan-Shu flight arrived, Shen Qian also briefly talked about her trip to Guangdong.

"Guangdong Province, which I went to on the 21st, and I went to the oppo research center on the 22nd to see. The second oppo phone already has a model.

This phone imitates iphone3g style and operation mode.

However, it is not yet available for the time being, mainly because there are several issues that have not been resolved.

First, the 3G network is temporarily unavailable in China. If it is launched, some functions must be cut.

Second, it is also the biggest problem.

What system does the mobile phone use?

Oppo advocates the use of a non-intelligent Java platform, but some researchers want to obtain Apple authorization to use the iphoneos system.

However, Chen Mingyong believes that this way, the cost will increase significantly.

Moreover, using the same system has almost become a copy of the iPhone, Apple should not agree to let go of authorization.

Just as we were arguing, Google and T-mobi1e operator of Deutsche Telekom held a joint conference on the 22nd.

The two parties will jointly launch the first Android system mobile phone, officially released in New York on January 22nd.

On September 23, Google launched the Android system. Some Google executives revealed that at the same time as the launch of the first Android phone, Google will open the Android source code for free.

If the news is accurate, Chen Mingyong hopes to wait and see the function of the android system.

After all, there is no need to spend money, Google is not a small company, the system should not be much worse than the iphoneos system.

Although the Java platform can also be used, it does not support running in the background, even if it is not a real smartphone ... "

Shen Qian said for a while, maybe Li Dong didn't understand these things well.

Just wanted to explain in detail, Li Dong said: "Wait, wait for Google to open the android source code for free.

Oppo is best to use the Android system to make China's first real smartphone.

Symbian or Java currently used in China is strictly speaking, even if it supports 3g operation, it is not a smartphone.

However, even if Android is open, it will not be known when it will reach the country.

Let Chen Mingyong run to several operators and let them come forward to introduce the android system into China. "

Shen Qian glanced at Li Dong with some surprise. She now found that Li Dong seemed to know these things better than someone she had just heard of.

To be honest, she didn't pay much attention to these things before.

Similar to the Android system, she actually knew it for the first time.

In fact, many people know this for the first time. It is after T-mobi1e held the conference that everyone knew that Google was also working on a smartphone system.

But Shen Qian felt that maybe Li Dong had already known.

Otherwise, he would n’t be so sure, and he did n’t even listen carefully, so he insisted on adopting the new system.

Of course, Shen Qian didn't think much about it. It wasn't two or two days since the Android system was turned on. This trend has existed as early as o5 years, and the open mobile phone alliance was formed in o7 years.

Huaxia's mobile operator is also one of the founding members of this alliance.

Once the source code of the android system is freely available, Huaxia should not be surprised and should be included in the free scope.

This is also the reason why Chen Mingyong is willing to wait. Sometimes, the major giant operators are still quite powerful. If mobile is not in this alliance, even if Google opens for free, Huaxia will not necessarily be authorized.

I thought that long ago, Li Dong would acquire oppo, plus the recent domestic promotion of 3g, and the launch of android ...

Shen Qian whispered: "Have you heard anything long ago?"

Sometimes, Shen Qian is actually very curious, and Li Dong has his own news channel.

Some important news, Li Dong received it in advance several times, and made a layout.

However, Shen Qian and Li Dong have known each other for a long time. Where did Li Dong's news source come from? She still doesn't know very well.

Sometimes, Shen Qian really wants to ask, are you someone at the top?

This is actually not surprising. Li Dong has risen in Jiangbei, and Jiangbei has had many gangster-level figures, whose status is much higher than that of Du Anmin.

Under the chance of Li Dong's chance, which big brother's eye is right, or maybe he has a relative relationship ...

It is not surprising that Li Dong received some news in advance.

But the point is, how can Li Dong's youthfulness meet the eyes of others at a young age. You know, sometimes the big brothers will not reveal these important news even to their children.

Unless it's some irrelevant news, then Li Dong's analysis leads to similar conclusions.

Seeing Shen Qian's face full of curiosity, Li Dongshen mysteriously said: "The news is received a little, but you can't say too much, so as not to cause trouble.

Do n’t guess, people just talk casually, I just listen.

When Shen Qian heard it, her face was sullen, and she was not an insignificant person.

Since there are really big people connected with Li Dong, it is better not to ask too much, because the province causes some trouble, it is not good.

Seeing the mystery Li Dong said, Shen Qian quickly said: "I understand, rest assured, I won't tell anyone, and don't talk nonsense yourself."

Li Dong saw her in a serious way and laughed without replying.

There are some things that are really hard to say too clearly.

In the past few years, Li Dong has indeed often made some moves to make others doubt. Has this guy already known this news?

Those who admire Li Dong will think that his ability to predict judgment is amazing and his overall outlook is extremely strong.

Anyone who really understands knows that what is expected and what the overall situation is is actually based on a certain basis.

The heads of some enterprises have strong predictive ability, and they can avoid them in time when they encounter some accidents.

But there are not many people in your heart, it is based on the sources.

Perhaps the information is inaccurate and unclear, but through analysis, everyone can draw some conclusions and avoid some trouble.

Li Dong's situation is somewhat similar to them, so they are naturally regarded as similar people.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, the biggest source of Li Dong's news is probably Du Anmin, and others did not think much about Shen Qian.

Everyone is used to this kind of thing, and no one will be surprised.

Li Dong didn't say much about it, and he would lose if he said too much.

Rebirth is his biggest secret, even if Shen Qian is a person beside him, he can't tell.

In this life, Li Dong was really scared by his grandmother.

If Li Dong ’s grandmother did n’t say that, Li Dong would n’t let her grandmother return to her hometown.

But since the grandmother said a few words, Li Dong subconsciously developed fear.

The grandmother was leaving, and Li Dong didn't stop or persuade him.

Fortunately, his grandmother also shintoed in front of him, otherwise, Li Dong might not be so calm now.

Some things are clear to you, and telling others ~ ~ adds trouble, and even greets strange eyes.

Even if Shen Qian does not disclose it to the outside world, she has a big secret in her heart. I am afraid that she will not be comfortable afterwards, and it may not even exclude Li Dong.

This is not a matter of good or bad feelings. For aliens, that sense of exclusion is self-confident.

Li Dong does not want to be treated as an alien, so it is best to close his mouth. No one will disclose that is the best choice.

Shen Qian didn't ask this question, Li Dong also relaxed a lot, the two chatted a few extra digressions, and the Sichuan and Sichuan flight arrived.

Far away, Li Dong saw Lan Xingguo.

The old man is fierce and fierce, looking at the layout of Pingchuan Airport while walking, it seems to be compared with Chuanshu.

From time to time, Yuan Chengdao whispered a few words, and the two exchanged were quite pleasant.

Upon seeing this, Li Dong smiled and turned to Shen Qian: "Oppo, I will communicate with Lao Chen later, so don't be too busy.

Let's pick up the old man first. This old man called me a few days ago and scolded me. When I looked back, it was my soldiers. "

Shen Qian laughed, while several deputy general managers and managers of the logistics company laughed, they were also vigilant.

It seems that this state of Lan Xingguo is not low in Li Dong's mind.

The president of the group personally went to invite people, and the big boss also had telephone communication with him in private.

Li Dong's remarks were obviously not casual, but a warning.

The big boss's words and deeds are more thoughtful.

People like Li Dong, who meet with friends at the same level, can speak casually and speak in front of their subordinates. Some words are not literal.

Really need to understand the poor ability, if you don't get it, you have to eat the first line.

Genius remembers this site's address for one second. Apex novel mobile version reading URL: