The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1168: 0 goods 8 giants

In October, there were many things from afar.

From the beginning of the month, the international version of Weibo was launched, the mobile version of Wan cartoon was launched, the logistics park of Yuanfang was opened, and the investigation team settled in Wan cartoon ...

Then there is the micro-B round of financing, the option incentive plan is released, and the occupation level is unified.

Shancheng is also at war with Yonghui Supermarket, East China is integrating with China Resources, and Far East Airlines is also addressing ...

And the second round of the remote city project officially opened!

Li Dong allocated 10 billion yuan to prepare for another 10 plots of land, plus the previous 10, in about 10 years, to achieve 20 distant cities to land in China at the same time!

So far, Yuanfang Group has entered the second round of expansion mode.

In the past few years, the distance has laid the foundation. From the second half of 2008, the distance has begun to deepen and expand in depth.


And just when everyone put their eyes on the distant Internet industry.

Domestic retail companies seem to be brewing in place, or they feel the opportunity, and take action while they don't care in the distance.

Since the beginning of October, major retail groups have been moving frequently.

In terms of supermarkets, on October 1, Dashang merged with the Northeast local retail giant Eurasia Supermarket to host Xinglong's big family, and acquired several local retail giants such as Zhongxing Supermarket and Central Red Supermarket.

At this point, Dashang has completed all retail distribution in the Northeast region.

The big merchants known as "Retail Siberian Tigers" began to recuperate, and in the Northeast region, retail turbulence tended to calm down.

In the three eastern provinces, retail is dominated by big businessmen.

In North China, Wumart completed the integration of Xinhua Supermarket, because big business focused on the sites in the three eastern provinces, and gave up Wuwumei to seize the controlling stake issued by the local retail giant supermarket in Beijing.

Based on this, Wumart finally won the controlling stake issued by the supermarket after twists and turns.

The three local giants in Beijing retail, Wumart, Supermarket Development, and Beijing Kelong, have now been completely incorporated.

There is even news that Wumart has adopted the idea of ​​Beijing Kekelong and has the intention to unify all the local retail power in Beijing to counter the invasion of other foreign capital.

The most important foreign capital in Wumei's mouth is the supermarket in the distance.

After the acquisition of Carrefour by a distant supermarket, Carrefour originally occupied a large market share in the Beijing and Tianjin areas. Under the two, even the local retail giant, Wumei, also felt a suffocation.

In addition to the Beijing-Tianjin area, North China also includes Hebei and Jin provinces. However, the local retail power in these two places is weak, which means that the special supermarkets in Jin province have entered the top 100 retail stores, and are slightly prestigious in North China.

Others are more foreign capital, Gaoxin, Auchan and RT-Mart, Lianhua, Bailian, Yichu Lotus, CR Vanguard ...

The integration of Yuanfang and Carrefour has a large-scale layout in North China.

Not for Northeast China, North China Department Store retail has formed a situation in which the four foreign capitals of Far East, China Resources, Gaoxin, and Bailian, as well as the three local giants Wumart, Jingkelong, and Meitehao, have jointly held the situation.

East China is much clearer than other places.

The entire East China can be regarded as two big blocks, with the Shanghai market as the dividing line. The five places of Jiangbei, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, South Jiangsu, Lu and Gan provinces are mainly remote and China Resources.

Shanghai Stock Market and South Fujian, Bailian and the Agricultural and Commercial Union are the dominant players.

Other local departments such as Intime and Yonghui are now shrinking their scope, consolidating the inherent market, and no longer daring to attack.

Now China Resources and Yuanfang are joining forces, Bailian and agriculture and industry are joining forces.

Originally Bailian and the agricultural industry and commerce were only a joint, the two sides did not unify, but on October 7, the Shanghai Municipal SASAC reported that Guangming Group was about to reorganize.

Agriculture and industry are likely to be divested and completely merged into Bailian.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange hopes to increase Bailian's strength and expand its influence, thus resisting the invasion of Far East and China Resources.

Since ancient times, local protectionism has existed.

Even if an international metropolis such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange does not impose restrictions on foreign companies, it is also what they want to see that increase the competitiveness of local companies.

Once Bailian and Agribusiness are defeated by Distant and China Resources, the local retail in Shanghai will be completely controlled by foreign departments.

In South China, Wal-Mart took the first place after many acquisitions. China Resources Vanguard followed, RT-Mart ranked third, and the local department's new Yijia and Renrenle companies couldn't even enter the top three.

As a coastal region, South China is also the region with the strongest foreign investment strength.

Even if China Resources started from this point, it would not be able to withstand Wal-Mart's offensive.

In the three provinces of Central China, the local department is respected by the Wushang Federation. In the distance and China Resources are on the cusp, Zhong Bai finally realizes that he made a big mistake and led the wolf into the room.

The distance is not a wolf, but a group of hungry wolves, it is likely to completely bury Zhongbai's future.

With some hesitation and the promotion of Hubei Province, under the strong external threat, the three major retail giants in Hubei Province, Zhongbai, Zhongshang, and Wuwu Businessmen, finally chose to sit down and negotiate for restructuring.

On October 10, the three parties announced that they would form a Wushang Federation.

In the five major regions of East China, North China, Central China, South China, and Northeast China, the retail pattern is relatively clear.

In the southwest and northwest areas, apart from the lingering stagnation of the Shancheng Business Association, the local department has no other figures.

If it were not for the giants to rush to unify their forces in the eastern region and start preparing for war, the local SMEs in the western region would have been divided.

So far, with the continuous changes of major department store chain giants, or expansion or contraction.

In the past, there was still a hard work of Xinyijia to completely withdraw from the hegemony, and the new cooperative commerce was also annexed to the local market by several giants, which was in jeopardy.

In the first half of the year, the stable situation changed again, and eight retail giants such as Far East, China Resources, Bailian, Wal-Mart, Gaoxin, Dashang, Wumart, and Wushanglian competed for hegemony.

Foreign-funded enterprises, Carrefour have completely dissipated, Tesco and Lotte have several foreign investment, seeing the land of China, the giants have joined, and several foreign retailers have slowed down. Seeing this situation, apart from lamenting the inability to return to the sky, there is no heart for victory .

In addition to Wal-Mart and Gaoxin ranked among the eight giants, other foreign investors have withdrawn from the hegemony.

The eight giants occupy most of China's market.

At the second level, the local departments are Jingkelong, Meitehao, Intime, Xinyijia, Renrenle, Yonghui, Shancheng Commercial Union ... and foreign investment such as Tesco and Metro.

Huaxia Department Store retail, the situation is clearly visible.

Apart from the supermarket industry, another major business of the retail industry is home appliance retail.

Home appliance retailing is much clearer than supermarket retailing. Suning, Gome, Dazhong, Yongle, Wuxing, Best Buy, Sanlian Trading Company, Hongtu Sanbang, Dixintong, Shengxing Electrical Appliances have divided up 80% of the national market.

Among them, Yongle and Sanlian Trading Company were annexed by Gome, Dazhong was annexed by Suning, Five Stars was annexed by Best Buy, Shengxing Electrical Appliances faced bankruptcy under the impact of the financial crisis.

Ten home appliances retail, five were removed in an instant, leaving only five giant enterprises competing.

While Best Buy has no action for the time being, although Dixintong is known as a giant, its strength is actually weak. The battle between Gome and Suning and Acer are unable to intervene. In the field of home appliances, there is a situation of dual power.

However, in the case that everyone forgot.

The three e-commerce sites of Yuanfang Mall, Tmall Mall, and Jingdong Mall gradually emerged and began to invade the field of physical home appliances.

The major supermarkets in the distance have gradually increased the business of self-operated home appliances.

With the support of Wal-Mart, also started the idea of ​​several traditional home appliance manufacturers in Suning and quietly began to invade their inherent market.

For a time, the storm is coming.

However, in the context of the financial crisis, everyone is restraining and silently accumulating strength.

Once the strength is sufficient, China Retail will inevitably break out a long-lasting battle to expand Japan.


October 13.

Li Dong held a meeting of supermarket executives.

Sun Tao and Wang Yue, two group vice presidents, attended the meeting. Other senior executives included Chen Lang, Tan Haiying, Chen Heming, Zhang Mingduo, Qi Yunna and others.

meeting room.

When everyone arrived, Li Dong had arrived early.

When Sun Tao came, Li Dong was lying on the table and studying a map.

After everyone arrived, Li Dong smiled and said: "Everyone, look at it. The current situation is gradually becoming clearer. In the past, the flowers are in the fog, everyone is in a ball, and now the situation is finally clear.

Everyone got up and looked at the past.

Li Dong saw a lot of people and smiled and said, "Haiying, you are on the Internet. Go back and get some electronic maps. We have to keep pace with the times."

Tan Haiying nodded quickly.

While Chen Lang was looking at the map, he said, "Mr. Li, are we going to fight again?"

"Why are you talking so alarmist? What is war?"

Li Dong laughed and said, "Just let everyone have a number in mind, and there are still a few months at the end of this year. I also set a goal for you, and you are headless flies."

Chen Langqian laughed and set a goal. The goal of the distant supermarket now does not know much.

This year alone, the expansion of several provinces in South China, North China, and Central China has caused Chen Lang to burn.

There is also the mountain city, where Yonghui is full of tenacity.

Now Li Dong also said that their headless flies are turning around, is this a joke?

If there is no speech, Chen Lang does not speak, and other people will say nothing.

Li Dong didn't care about them either, and he pointed to the map and said: "Now, the situation in East China is the clearest, but it is also the most complicated.

Bailian and agriculture, industry and commerce united to form a super-aggregate, and its strength soared.

We want to unify the East China region, and the difficulty is greatly increased.

The cooperation with China Resources will, at most, eliminate some second-tier department store chains.

For example, local companies such as Intime and Jiajiayue are our main targets this time, as well as foreign companies such as Metro and Tesco, which are not strong in East China.

While we wiped out these enterprises, Bailian and the AIC expanded southwards, attacked the southern Fujian, and attacked Yonghui inside and outside.

Yonghui will not last long, it will be destroyed before the end of the year!

These second-tier enterprises have been annihilated, and the situation in East China, where the three countries are competing for hegemony, is temporarily unshakable. "

Everyone nodded slightly, although these second-tier groups are not weak.

But under the siege of the three top giants, there will be no way out.

The end result is either to be acquired, or to use local protectionism, and to stick to the local market.

Local protection is not unlimited.

If your strength is not good, it will be eliminated sooner or later, and now that everyone is developing, you will stick to the local area, and you will be completely hopeless.

Li Dong continued by saying: "East China does not care about it for the time being. China Resources and Bailian are both strong players. We have no way to take them for a while.


Everyone immediately raised their ears, waiting for Li Dong to continue.

Li Dong smiled and said: "But the so-called eight giants still have a lot of people.

The Wushang Federation in Central China and Wumart in North China are still weaker than the others.

Gaoxin, Wal-Mart and China Resources are fighting in secret in South China. We will not provoke them, nor will they provoke us.

And the big business group, sitting in the northeast, although the strength is not much stronger, but the northeast is tightly managed by them, so temporarily they can't help them.

The only thing is beauty, in the land of the four wars, the North China retail dispute can be described as extremely chaotic.

Therefore, the next thing we will do in East China is to target the North China region and eliminate Wumart. North China is our world. At most, we will give China Resources a few pieces of soup.

The Wushang Federation is even more important! "

Li Dong's face was sullen, and Chen Lang then said: "The merger of the 300 schools and the establishment of the Wushang Merchants Group, we all know to have committed our taboo.

We have been operating the Southwest market for a long time, and Hubei Province happens to be the transit point of Jiangbei and Southwest, and it is also our strategic depth.

Now they are in front of our troop transport road, cutting our connection with the southwest, this is to find their own death.

I feel that the beauty is not in a hurry. North China is the land of the four wars, and it can't be finished in a while.

It is the Wushang Federation that wants to defeat them as quickly as possible without giving them the opportunity to unify their forces.

The key to getting through with the Southwest is to make preparations for our large-scale entry into the Southwest in the future. "

Everyone nodded, and Sun Tao pondered for a moment: "The establishment of the Wushang Federation is indeed unwise at present.

It's okay if they don't merge. We borrowed that with the cooperation with Zhongbai, we can't kill them.

But now they have joined forces to shoot us out of Hubei Province, interrupting our military path, and we can't do it without a shot.

Once they are allowed to grow bigger ~ ~ our connection with the southwest will be completely divided. On the southwest side, we have invested in Shancheng and Sichuan.

If it is cut, I am afraid there will be no small trouble. "

Several people analyzed the pros and cons, and Chen Lang asked Li Dongdao: "Mr. Li, you mean, after defeating the second- and third-tier retail groups in East China, we will go to Hubei Province and get in touch with Southwest?"

Li Dong nodded and said, "It's not just Hubei Province. Didn't I say that before?

To defeat Wumei, the business of North China and East China will be completely connected.

Every time I go to Beijing, I always feel that in another area, Jiangbei, Beijing and Tianjin, there are always cutting points.

It's not exactly Wumart, but Wumei is really strong in North China.

The Wumart has been defeated, and other enterprises are not worried, enough to allow us to connect the industry into a front line and completely occupy the eastern market. "
