The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1178: What are you doing to make money? It's n

Feng Tingting finished, seeing Li Dong stunned, could not help getting nervous.

After more than ten seconds, Li Dong came back to God and said: "What is the name of your website?"

"Ladies Street!"

Feng Tingting hurriedly answered, in fact she just said that Li Dong didn't care.

"Ladies Street?"

Li Dong muttered that he had not heard of this website, but he knew the model of this website.

The beauty of later generations said that Mushroom Street is such a model. In summary, it is a shopping guide model website, which is considered a vertical e-commerce.

These previous websites rely on Taobao to carry out community-based e-commerce shopping guides, disrupt the reorganization of Taobao ’s products, compare and share, choose the best, and attract the attention of a large number of female customers in a short time.

These shopping guide sites are different from those of

Later generations, Taobao almost blocked the rebate network, that is because the rebate network invaded the interests of the platform.

Different shopping guide websites, as long as these websites do not make their own e-commerce platforms, they can complement and rely on the platforms they rely on for drainage.

The significance of the shopping guide website is to help the e-commerce platform to reorganize the information and increase the transaction volume. When necessary, you can also drain the inventory to go, which is a very good model.

Of course, in that sentence, the assistant must have the concept of assistant.

If you build your own e-commerce platform, or even deliberately discredit platform products, it will be your opponent. It will not be polite to start with a third-party platform, and it is not a lie to block it completely.

Li Dong thought about it and said, "Now, which platform do you mainly deal with?"

Feng Tingting embarrassedly said: "It hasn't been, there is no cooperation, just for comparison and sharing of some Taobao products.

On the far side of the mall, because the price system is relatively unified, we have not done it for the time being.

Also, our website has just been established, there are not many users, and the impact on the business is limited.

What we mean now is to share and compare for free first.

Later, when our traffic is high, we can charge for clicks and advertising to make a profit.

Especially the third-party platform such as Taobao is more suitable for us. It can attract merchants and charge commissions. "

Seeing that she even thought about the profit model, Li Dong couldn't help laughing: "A little idea, what's the difficulty now?"

"Without money to promote, without money to build a server, even the salary cannot be paid out.

and also……"

Feng Tingting carefully glanced at Li Dongdao: "Also, we would like to conduct cross-platform shopping guide sharing and comparison business in the future, so we are afraid of the distance ..."

Fear of the distance?

Fear of blocking them from afar!

Because most of the distant places are self-operated stores, the proportion of c2c business is relatively low.

Relatively speaking, the price is a little higher than Taobao.

Once Ladies' Street has become a climate, cross-platform comparison and sharing is likely to cause some adverse effects in the distance, and some customers may be lost.

Li Dong doesn't care much about these, the impact does not affect, see how to operate.

Can black out the price far away, naturally can be true or false.

Once the shopping guide website is biased, it is the benefit of the e-commerce platform. It is likely that it will not necessarily attract many customers from Taobao.

In the future, Meiguo said, the shopping guide sites such as Mushroom Street are not low in valuation, naturally because of its existence.

Taobao and, the e-commerce giants, once made their own shopping guide websites, just want to control these vertical e-commerce in their own hands.

Why control?

Is of course because it is good for them, otherwise these giants will not be idle and have nothing to do.

Li Dong can't remember how much these shopping guide websites are valued, but it can be vaguely impressed. The peak period seems to have been valued by billions of dollars, which is definitely not low.

Can value so much, because the other party can create so much value.

If this is really done by these girls, it will be a wealthy class in the future.

Li Dong, the name of Ladies' Street, was not impressed. I don't know if it was or not in the previous life, or the butterfly effect brought about by his rebirth in this life.

No matter what happens in the future, for now, controlling the shopping guide website is still good for the distance.

Touched his chin and said, "It's quite a lot to think about, and it's not so far away to block many mouths.

Block your family, there will naturally be another.

Even if you withdraw the platform entrance, if you do other website business, you do n’t have to worry about any ideas from afar.

But this platform is too dependent.

Once several major e-commerce platforms have recovered their entrances, then you will have no living space.

Of course, this is not absolute, depending on your influence, if you can bring help to the platform and mutual benefit, everyone will be happy to open the entrance to you.

Fear, it is not easy to open up more markets later.

Once you reach the bottleneck period, you can't do good things on the content, you have to make a 100% idea to build your own platform. Once this is the case, it is a competitor. "

Feng Tingting and Qian Jiajia were dumbfounded. Have you considered this?

They have n’t really thought about these, but simply thought about being a sharing website, bringing traffic to some stores, charging traffic fees, and awesome click fees and commissions.

As a result, Li Dong started to consider building a platform to grab business in the future


Li Dong ignored them and continued to ask: "How many users do you have now?"

"200,000." Feng Tingting hurriedly said.

"A lot of them, it seems that you haven't graduated for a long time?"

"We were doing it before graduation, our website was officially launched in July, and now in 3 months, 200,000 is not worth mentioning to Yuanyuan and Taobao."

Feng Tingting said so, in fact it was quite satisfactory.

This is also the capital they want to seek financing. I really don't have any grades at all, and I don't have any money. I really don't think it is a fool.

Finally, Feng Tingting said: "We did a survey some time ago and shared some recommended products with us. Within a month, sales generally rose around 15%.

Of course, our website is small in scale, with few users, and not many products to share.

But when we get bigger ... "

Before her words fell, Li Dong smiled and said: "It makes sense, it seems the effect is pretty good. Looking back, I will try it myself, maybe it will also work."

Two women were stunned instantly!

We heard correctly?

Is this what Li Dong said?

We are so pitiful, so weak, thinking of relying on you to drink some soup and water, but in the end, a giant like you, is coming to grab business?

Li Dongzhen wants to do it himself, but the result is needless to say, they are 100% competitive!

Asking for money without money, dignitaries and no one, which is better than the far-off group.

Li Dong is going to do it himself, it seems there is nothing wrong with it.

But ... why do you want to scold people so much!

Even Qian Jiajia, his face flushed at this time, watching Li Dong's disbelief, the myth collapsed!

The big god-level figure in her mind actually grabbed the rice bowl with two poor and poor women.

Just when the two were stupid, Li Dong smiled and said, "Why? Are you surprised?

Business, if you can do it, I can do it naturally.

And this vertical e-commerce platform is likely to infringe the interests of e-commerce platforms in the future. This is one of them.

Second, I really want to do it well. It is the result that we hope to see for the platform to attract sales, increase sales and customer base.

Thirdly, I feel that this model can still make some money. It is also non-woven.

Of course, there is also a disadvantage. If we do it ourselves, we will not be able to achieve fairness and justice. It is likely to cause prejudice to customers and loss of customers, but not beautiful.

This shopping guide platform, in fact, the key lies in the user's trust.

It doesn't matter if the effect of your recommendation is not good. If the effect is not good several times, then the user's trust will be lost and the space for survival will be lost.

So doing it yourself is actually just taking precautions, and it may not be of much benefit to the platform. "

Both of them were confused by Li Dong, what the **** did they mean?

Are you doing it or not?

Li Dong chuckled and said casually: "Just a joke, I'm too lazy to do this thing, trouble, with this time, I might as well put more time on the platform.

And other big data effects come out, the so-called shopping guide platform, the sense of presence will be weakened a lot.

Of course, there are still some prospects in the past few years. Taking advantage of the opportunity, financing, listing, and making a fortune, there is not much problem, not much, and being a billionaire is more than enough.

But now you are still too weak, the influence is not enough, and the platform is not very helpful.

I really want to affect the entire platform ...

Okay, this is unlikely, and it is not so easy to rebel against customers.

Well, I will give you a call, you can contact yourself back, and it ’s okay to raise millions of millions.

As for you guys who want to raise money here today, it ’s not good to say that it ’s unlikely.

Is not a bad model or anything else. Today everyone ’s minds are not here. If you come here, you will come in vain. Even if it is really done, financing one or two million, you might dare to ask for all your equity.

The two of you are fledglings, you do n’t understand anything, and there is a high possibility of being fooled. "

At this moment, the two of them didn't want to listen to the words behind, but the millions in Li Dong's mouth!

Funding hundreds of millions!

Are you dreaming?

When they came, they were already prepared, and if they could finance, hundreds of thousands of them also accepted, and millions, that exceeded expectations.

But now?

Li Dong said that it is not difficult to fuse millions to tens of millions, which is completely beyond their expectations.

Doesn't it mean that after completing the financing, they may all be millionaires?

At this time, the millionaire is still worth a little money, especially for a few newly graduated students.

And their initial investment on the website is actually not much.

The website is built by themselves, they all know the art and technology, mainly to promote, they also have no money to advertise, and rely solely on manpower to promote.

Cost less than 200,000.

As for manpower, this thing is worthless until it is unsuccessful.

But now?

If the financing is successful now, it will be worth a million dollars at once, or even more.

And Li Dong also said that it is not difficult for billionaires to do well in the future.

Two people, their eyes are about to starlet, are we really not dreaming?

Li Dong also understands the mood of the two, smiled and said nothing


The investor he asked them to find was naturally Shen Qian.

Li Dong said that he did it, and it was really a joke. He didn't have this idea or the energy to do it.

Shopping guide site can make money, this Li Dong knows.

But these years, there are many profitable businesses, and no one can take over by themselves.

Let Shen Qian get some money and watch them do it themselves, so that they can just wait to make money.

Future Mall needs this platform in the future, Li Dong wants to take over, it is not difficult, they all say that there are hundreds of millions of financing, can the shares be reduced?

Didn't eat all of it, that's for the sake of a little relationship, plus the need for them to work to help themselves make money.

Didn't talk to the two more, and Li Dong didn't have Shen Qian's business card, and reported the number to the two of them and said: "You come back to contact yourself. If you feel bad, go find an investment and try it yourself.

Unsuccessful, see what you mean.

Turn around yourself again, I still have something to do with you, so I will not entertain you. "

Leaving this, Li Dong walked outside the hall door, Shen Xuehua really came, and he had to entertain himself even if he was doing it.

When he left, Feng Tingting's two talents woke up like dreams.

After a long while, Qian Jiajia was flushed and said: "Tingting, succeeded?"

Feng Tingting smiled and nodded fiercely: "Successful! Even if the financing of 1 million yuan, as long as the other party is not too excessive, we will also earn.

If 10 million, then ... "

"10 million, even if you give 80 shares, we have dozens of times the income!" Qian Jiajia is also a thief.

Really want to raise 10 million yuan, give 80 shares, the total value is as high as 12.5 million, their 20, then 2.5 million.

And this is only three months, with an investment of 200,000, manpower is not counted, more than ten times the income!

Seeing her eyes shining, Feng Tingting hurriedly said: "Calm down, calm down first, don't be embarrassed, look back and see the other party, and then say that 10 million is just our illusion.

Li Dong didn't say ~ ~ there must be so many. "

"Well, calm, calm ..."

The two whispered and forgot to continue to follow Li Dong for a while.


The side of the hall entrance.

Li Dong smiled and said: "Aunt Shen, I didn't expect you to come in person. I knew I would pick you up."

There are outsiders, and Shen Xuehua did not find fault, and chuckled: "Too polite, I hope you will be more polite about the Weibo financing."

Li Dongqian laughed and said haha: "Sure, but there are several other capitals present, I will try to fight for you here."

Shen Xuehua smiled and didn't speak, staring at Li Dong for a while without speaking.

Li Dong is helpless, why do you want so much money?

Your daughter is mine. Is it possible that you and Lao Du have an illegitimate child?

Otherwise, the money is mine, how much is it useful to make money?

When dividing the accounts before, I didn't give her less money, but also make money, tired.

He didn't want to think about himself, he was so rich, he was still making money.

Seeing that the two little girls had the opportunity to make money, they refused to let it go. How could they be qualified to say Shen Xuehua.

Ps: Thank you silen brothers for your reward and becoming the 14th leader of this book. Thank you again! 74