The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1187: No. 1 can't be lost

"Mr. Li, the number of Bailian stores is currently the largest in Shanghai.

Had no previous mergers and acquisitions of agriculture, industry and commerce. Bailian had 32 hypermarkets and 19 supermarkets.

After the acquisition of agro-business, agro-business has a total of 45 hypermarkets and super market in Shanghai, and Yonghui also has several hypermarkets in Shanghai.

As of now, Bailian alone has 62 hypermarkets and 37 supermarkets in Shanghai alone.

These do not include convenience stores, community stores, if added, there will only be more.

Besides Bailian, the next step is our distance. We have 12 new hypermarkets in Shanghai and 22 supermarkets.

After merged with Carrefour, Carrefour's share in Shanghai's stock market is not low, both are hypermarkets, with a total of 21 stores.

Now we have 30 hypermarkets in the Shanghai market, and the other three have been transferred because of overlapping business. We have over 22 superstores, not counting convenience stores.

Then came Gaoxin Group, Auchan and RT-Mart, a total of 22 hypermarkets.

There are 20 Walmart hypermarkets, 14 Lotus Lotus hypermarkets, China Resources hypermarkets with more than 12 bids, 4 easy-to-buy hypermarkets, and Metro 3 hypermarkets ... "

Chen Ying reported all the store data in one go. Obviously, he had done a lot of work and knew the data.

Li Dongwen said with emotion: "There are nearly 200 hypermarkets in the Shanghai market, with hundreds of standards and hundreds of convenience stores and community stores.

Is even more fiercely competitive than the capital. Being a president here is much more difficult than in the central regions of Jiangbei. "

The Shanghai market is not small, but it is not too big. Compared with the provinces of Jiangbei, it is quite different.

In such a large place, countless hypermarkets and supermarkets, as well as convenience stores that cannot be counted, the competition is fierce, and it is not comparable to the central part.

Bailian has made great efforts in the Shanghai market, and the hypermarkets have been super-marked, with a total of 99 stores, almost over a hundred.

Hypermarkets and Supermarkets are actually supermarkets of a large scale. According to today's industry standards, what is a hypermarket?

Not to mention what kind of business, simply divided by area.

Supermarkets over 7000 square meters are called hypermarkets.

Above 1500 square meters, below 7000 square meters, it is called standard super or comprehensive super.

And less than 1500 square meters, generally referred to as convenience stores.

Of course, the division standards are different. Some enterprises and supermarkets with thousands of square meters are all classified as super standard, which is also normal.

As far as the public is concerned, those convenience stores that are less than 100 square meters cannot actually be regarded as convenience stores. Li Dong prefers to call them grocery stores.

Yes, if the operating area is less than 100 square meters, it is indeed a grocery store. Generally, few people will count the number of these grocery stores.

Bailian, in Shanghai, has more than 60 hypermarkets over 7,000 square meters, and more than 30 standards over 1,500 square meters, which is terrible data.

In the past, many people didn't even care about this, and many people even felt that the Shanghai market was still dominated by foreign hypermarkets.

Obviously, their subconscious mind is wrong.

Shanghai market, the real retail hegemony has always been Bailian, and even agricultural and commercial enterprises are not much weaker than Bailian.

Now the two join forces, it is even more powerful and unreasonable.

After the merger and acquisition of Carrefour, the scale can only reach half of the other side, unless one of Gaoxin or Wal-Mart is added, otherwise it is not an opponent of Bailian.

As for some other foreign investors, including China Resources, in fact, the strength in the Shanghai stock market is not very strong.

Li Dong didn't care about them either. Now that Bailian has integrated its brand, after absorbing the strength of agriculture, industry and commerce and Yonghui, these foreign capitals can't be turned upside down.

Hearing Li Dong's emotion, Chen Lang smiled and said, "This is inevitable. In fact, what to say over the capital? After all, it is not a coastal area, nor is it mainly economic, but a political center.

On the economic environment, the Shanghai stock market is more compatible and inclusive.

Among the four municipalities directly under the Central Government, Shancheng now has a tendency to catch up with Beijing. Of course, I am talking about the department store industry.

The competition of department stores in Shancheng is becoming more and more fierce, and we have already established our foothold. In addition, the Yonghui fight can not lift the head, and other supermarkets have slowed down the progress.

Otherwise, the hypermarkets and standard superstores in Shancheng are not necessarily less than those in Beijing. "

Li Dong shook his head and followed everyone in the branch, saying: "The competition is so fierce, I am not too worried that Bailian will attack us at this time.

Otherwise, fight for both defeats and hurt, but cheaper Wal-Mart and Gaoxin.

The strength of the two here is not weak, it seems that they also have the mind to get through the passage from South China to East China.

It is a pity that Bailian took a step ahead and won Yonghui first. They might snipe them in southern Fujian. In a short period of time, these two may not be able to pass.

This is also good, lest we fight, cheap these guys. "

For Bailian and China Resources, Li Dong generally holds that cooperation is possible, and cooperation is not possible, then there is a fight, but all the premise is that no foreign capital can intervene!

The distant place and Su Guo were in full swing in southern Jiangsu.

Why do you dare to do this?

Because the foreign-funded department stores have been cleared by them in advance, the fight is no longer lively, and it has nothing to do with foreign capital.

Both Li Dong and Ma Jialiang are nationalists, and of course they won't do the kind of infighting that cheapens others.

The outside must be settled first, which is not suitable at this time.

Everyone has a prerequisite to kill foreign capital first and then fight each other. This is not only a consensus in the department store industry.

Of course, someone

You will abide by this rule. If someone does n’t, you ca n’t blame anything.

Can really grow large China enterprises, in fact, there is such a consensus.

Is not only for the sake of national self-esteem, it is easier for the Chinese people to favor the foreign capital by facing the spearhead.

Hua Xia has an extremely large market. Before you accounted for more than Hua Xia in the European and American industries, if you dare to leave the Hua Xia market, you will be 100% dead.

Even if you exceed it, you, a Chinese company, have left the local market and you still have to die.

Therefore, in order to develop the enterprise, the heads of major enterprises have to adopt the situation of first investing foreign capital and then infighting.

Of course, that is when the strength is equivalent.

Your strength is too weak, hug the grass and hit the rabbit, and then you are killed by others. This is no wonder that others.

Li Dong said a few words and said again: "How is the performance of the Shanghai market this year?"

Chen Ying hurriedly said: "In the past few months, because of the merger and integration, the performance is not too good.

Although the integration is not completely over yet, it is almost the same.

In October, our hypermarket, the monthly performance of a single store, reached an average of 20 million.

In terms of standards, the average monthly performance of a single store has also reached 4 million.

With convenience store community stores, the Shanghai market has a total revenue of 750 million monthly.

The annual total revenue may not exceed 10 billion this year. After all, the performance in the first half of the year is not too good.

If the performance in the next two months can reach the expectations, the Shanghai market, this year's revenue should be 8 billion. "

Li Dong Wenyan smiled and said: "Yes, better than I expected.

When I visited the whole country, I remembered to give missions to all regions.

On the Shanghai market, the expected value I gave is not too high, 5 billion, right? "

Chen Ying nodded and said: "It's 5 billion, but some of our stores were not opened at the time, and because we are in the integration period, President Li gave us preferential treatment.

Li Dongdan smiled and said: "That's not true, it's your merits, I don't deny it.

The annual revenue exceeds the task of 3 billion, an increase of 160, this is not everyone can do.

When returning to the headquarters at the end of the year, you and Qi Yunna should be able to rank first and second in the retail group. As for who can be strong, see your next performance.

When the time comes, it is also inevitable to discuss merit and reward.

This trend has been maintained for several years in a row. In the next three to five years, it may not be necessary for the group to have more vice presidents. "

Chen Ying looked humble, so it was hard to say anything.

Chen Lang smiled and said, "Let President Li's words tickle me.

Vice President, I ’m staring at this position now, Mr. Li, ca n’t I just be thin, and let me be a little motivated. "

Li Dongchi smiled and said: "OK, you now say that the total revenue of the store in 2008 is more than 100%, and the vice president I will hang it up for you at the end of the year."

Chen Lang suddenly got stuck and smiled a little pretendingly.

Bailian has merged with Agribusiness and Yonghui, combined with the integration of the brand, and its performance has increased. This year's three companies combined together, the total revenue will inevitably exceed 120 billion or more.

On the far side, if we talk about the store alone, 100 billion is probably stable.

110 billion has to work hard for a while, and there is hope.

120 billion, it really depends on luck.

Although we have reached a cooperation with China Resources, the focus of cooperation is mainly the mall, and the mall's performance is not actually in the store.

The order placed in the mall is the performance of the mall, even if it is picked up at the store.

The cooperation between Yuanfang and China Resources mainly aims to promote the progress of o2o, and the increase in store performance is second.

In this case, the gap of tens of billions, Chen Lang did not dare to talk nonsense.

Once it is not completed, it will make the impression of emptying the gun, especially in front of the subordinates.

Seeing that he did not dare to bear it, Li Dong didn't have a good air: "I said Mr. Chen, you are not even emboldened now?

When you were in China Resources, didn't you clamor for surpassing Bailian all day long?

Is it not as good as China Resources in the distance now? "

Chen Lang smiled bitterly, a little helpless, but Chen Ying helped his boss and Bole to relieve the siege: "Mr. Li, the situation is different now.

If Bailian does not have these actions this year, let me not say President Chen, even me, I am sure to say that Bailian is not our opponent.

But now, Bailian, which has integrated its resources, has skyrocketed.

On our side, after all, it did n’t take long to get started ... "

Li Dong interrupted: "I understand these."

Finally, Li Dong sighed: "Understanding, we can lose the reputation of retail first and department store first, which will cause us a great blow.

Is not only about morale, but also about tangible benefits. "

At this time, Bai Su, who has been following several people, couldn't help but whisper: "Mr. Li, Mr. Chen, can't we lose our first?"

Li Dong glanced at her, Bai Su smiled bitterly: "This is the fourth quarter.

There are generally two methods for the statistical data of institutions around the country.

First, in the first year of mergers and acquisitions, the revenue of the merged company is not counted, but the original company.

Second, only count the performance after the merger and acquisition.

That is to say, the agricultural, commercial and industrial and Yonghui sides, even if they joined Bailian, even if they follow the second method, they will calculate the fourth quarter performance.

From far away, in fact,

We only officially won Carrefour in July.

According to the rules, even Carrefour's performance in the next two quarters.

So, I think we should be able to win the first place.

Bailian's words, next year may be overwhelming us, this year's time is not enough, unless they want to buy a few supermarkets again.

Is still one of the top ten, otherwise the performance of one or two months is not enough to affect anything. "

Li Dong raised his eyebrows slightly and coughed: "I know, but we also need to be more realistic. The facts are the facts.

There is no need to talk about statistics, it is boring.

Do you think that what I care about is the nominal first?

I don't value these things very much, but what I really value is the actual situation. "

Chen Lang was also a bit dazed at this time, and he said for a long time: "What Mr. Li said is that the statistics of professional organizations are not a concept with our industry statistics.

They are for the general public, and our industry statistics are for the industry.

Therefore, it is still necessary to talk about hard power, and to make loopholes, even if you are the first, there is no sense of accomplishment. "

"Mr. Chen is right, Bai Su, you still read it too plainly." Li Dong agreed with a look.

You said me and I, for a time, I was confused by Bai Su.

It was Chen Ying, but he didn't speak with a smile.

These two people are probably too busy, I am afraid I did not care about this.

Of course, even herself, to be honest, didn't really care too much about this.

It's not that they don't really know it, but it's just subconsciously thinking that ~ ~ makes Li Dong frequently talk about the first thing to lose.

Until Bai Su talked about it, several people remembered it.

Can a chairman of the board of directors, a chairman of the retail group, a president of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, can you admit that you remembered it wrong?

Now it ’s natural for you to give me the steps, and I will give you the steps to let a few people get off the floor.

Because of the interruption of Bai Su, several people's discussion on the first end also.

Walked a bit, but Chen Lang couldn't help but quipped: "Mr. Li, can I still pat on the chest and promise?"

What he said was naturally what Li Dong said earlier, and his performance surpassed Bailian and the matter of deputy general manager.

Is not the vice president he really cares about. In fact, it is not much different from it, but it is rare to see Li Dong deflated, and Chen Lang can't help but feel a little joy.

Li Dong ignored him, and said: "Chen Ying, you will arrange this and communicate with Bailian, saying that I want to visit Bailian headquarters.

First look at whether they agree or not. If they agree, they are easy to say. If they do n’t agree, find a time to go to the Shanghai Municipal SASAC. "

Chen Ying nodded quickly, and she actually knew that Li Dong's ninety-nine times came for Bailian.

This year, Bailian is indeed somewhat abnormal.

But it is really hard to say whether Bailian can agree. After all, Li Dong is their biggest competitor. Maybe the SASAC will get some information more easily.