The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1195: Behind the scenes

Lijing Building downstairs.

As soon as Li Dong left, Ma Yun also shone with the heel.

By the car, Li Dong smiled and said: "Lao Ma, outsiders are outsiders after all, a large group of hundreds of billions of revenue, but it is not that remote control can change.

Especially for state-owned enterprises, the difficulty is not so great.

There are not a few professional managers with reliable ability, remote control command is empty talk.

If you like to gamble, go for it, and I will be relaxed when I look back.

Chairman and president have just taken office, I do not think there will be changes in a short time.

Three or five years, enough for me to develop.

Even if there is any change next, I am not really too worried. When it comes to adaptability, even Ali is not good, let alone other companies. "

Ma Yun frowned: "Bailian is not my only choice, your words have no effect on me."

"Then you continue to pick, after you pick, I should almost finish the layout.

Another reminder, do n’t stare at retail all the time, why do you want to fight me?

Last time I asked you to help promote Internet finance, the cracking of your chest shot, the result is that the pressure is all on my side. Am I funny?

The sound of cowhide blowing is so loud, just know that it is cheap to pick up, which is what you did.

But it ’s okay, I swallowed all the markets in the future, so please go for yourself! "

Leaving this, Li Dongyang went away.

Ma Yun was speechless. When he saw him getting on the train, he thought about it: "You don't need to say anything about online payment. Li Dong, your retail alliance plan can actually be discussed in depth. As long as you are not so independent, you can't discuss it! "

Li Dong leaned on the door and turned his head: "Do you want to join?"

"Can consider it."

"Can you listen to me?"

Ma Yun was annoyed and said: "I only listen to the right, not to whom, you are wrong, do I follow you all the way?"

Li Dong looked at the sky and said for a long time: "It's negotiable to look back, but your usefulness is not as great as imagined.

Tmall is going to take the 2 route, just picking people's teeth and wisdom, you won't need you at home, unless the overseas market. "

"That's not necessarily seen!" Ma Yun snorted and looked dissatisfied. The guy was proud of home.

Li Dong opened the door and waved while getting in the car: "Let's talk about it, for people who are incapable and want to share a cup of soup, I generally don't want to see it, let me see the ability to talk."

"Crazy guy!"

"I learned from you, but now I am more bullish than you, so I am more mad than you, and when you are more bullish than me, you are more mad than me."

Li Dong laughed, closed the door, and Maybach started instantly.

When Li Dong's car left, Ma Yun also got on.

It didn't take long for Shen Guojun to go downstairs.

Got into Ma Yun's car directly, and Shen Guojun fell into contemplation.

Ma Yun said: "How is it?"

Shen Guojun shook his head and said: "Attitude is much better than yesterday, but I haven't talked about it on the pretext of something.

Old horse, what do you think? "

"Let's look at it again, this time it's impossible to force the palace, but let Li Dong read the joke."

Ma Yun sighed, he thought that Bailian had changed so much, it was a good opportunity.

But what Li Dong said just now, he agrees with most of them.

Bailian ’s several magical pens are obviously not the handwriting of the two people at the helm now. They ca n’t be wrong in the general direction by remote control.

Can involve specific details and contingency, but it is not easy.

As the helm of a large group, Ma Yun certainly understands that the success or failure of an enterprise is sometimes not just a matter of direction. It depends on the operation.

Operator is very important, otherwise your plan will be better, and others will be able to mix you up.

Can't do random response, change strategy at any time, that is empty.

The top professional managers are in short supply in the business district. Some professional managers, even Li Dong, are willing to let go of their bodies and visit the homes.

Shows how important the specific executor is.

Bailian is good, but the ability of the current few people at the helm is still lacking, and the state-owned enterprise style is still too heavy.

Even if someone acts as a military commander and commands behind the scenes, Ma Yun is not too optimistic.

If this military division is replaced by He Ming, it will be different. The specific fencer and the military division are the same person, and the effect produced is definitely not comparable to that of the commander behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Especially in the face of Li Dong, a cunning guy, Ma Yun is even less optimistic.

Sighed lightly, Ma Yun rubbed his forehead, really worried about it!

And Shen Guojun, this time is not so urgent.

Li Dong's previous major league plan made him a little bit more interested.

Since Bailian is not reliable, it seems that joining Li Dong's big league is not impossible. It depends on whether they can accept the conditions Li Dong made.


Return to the hotel.

Li Dong took off his suit, washed his face, and then said to Chen Lang in the reception area: "Bai Lian is not as scary as we thought. Of course, it cannot be ignored.

But I can see it, so they are.

Our plan continues, but what you said to Ma Yun before is also present. What do you think? "

Chen Langwen said with a smile: "It is not much different from the previous one. President Qi has said before, pulling a batch to fight a batch.

But then

Shi Yintai is not in the ranks of wooing. Now there is Bailian. We have some concerns after all.

You said the alliance plan, I think it is still feasible.

We thought about attracting people before, but there is no good name. Now that this alliance, I think it can still be used.

Unlike a nominal alliance, using online channels to control these companies can also integrate resources and power.

I just worry that not many companies can accept this. "

"Try, not every company has this ambition.

The development of online channels is really that simple, and now we are not the only ones.

Cooperating with others is cooperation, is it not cooperation with us?

Of course, it is still slightly different. Everyone will be more afraid of us. After all, we do it together online and offline. These guys are worried that we have annexed them.

As for how to enlighten them and reduce their vigilance, you will discuss it.

Make the pros and cons clear, and everyone will have their own choice.

Not everyone can do online channels, Wal-Mart can't do it in China, and chose to cooperate with Jingdong.

Can their small business be small?

Since it doesn't work, it's better to choose an online channel supplier to cooperate than to stay offline.

Now we have this strength, that is, we, Taobao, and a few of

Jingdong is not enough. Wal-Mart hasn't got it yet. How can they take care of them, and Jingdong's strength is not enough.

The rest is only Taobao and far away, as for how to choose, they figure it out.

Furthermore, we do n’t need anyone. Do n’t be too weak, do n’t be too strong, do n’t have a bad reputation, at least you need to be representative in the local area.

Everybody who is unreasonable is drawing around, and Ping Bai pulls our grade down. "

Although the alliance plan was just talked about casually, Li Dong was really distracted.

I really want to pull up an alliance to help promote 2 in a distant place. The benefits may be less, but it is enough to save Li Dong for several years and a large amount of capital investment.

Single fight alone, it's a pleasure to eat single food.

The key is that when you are fighting alone, there are a few wolves staring at you next to you, and you will have more trouble.

If Bailian, Wal-Mart, Taobao, and other online and offline channel companies do not make trouble, Li Dong is actually not in a hurry.

Take your time, two years for one year or three years for two years.

But now, the situation changes day by day, if you don't develop, others will grab the market, how can you give Li Dong time to take it slowly.

Rather than making others cheaper, it is better to pull up the team by yourself, and it is better to earn less than not.

And Li Dong's main purpose is not to make money at the moment, to grab the market is the most important.

Before the advent of the mobile Internet era, before e-commerce has reached its peak, grab the market first, and then others want to grab it back, but it is not that simple.

After Li Dong finished, Chen Lang nodded and said: "Then I will go back and make a plan, and then take the team to go around to investigate.

But you can let the news out first and appease others.

Lest be provoked by the enterprises such as Bailian. Under the danger of everyone, we must fight with us to break the net. "

"Yes, when the plan is completed, you can organize a conference and invite friends from all sides to join us!"

Ma Yun ’s West Lake argument in Lin’an Alley was good. Next time we will also organize a retail summit forum. The name will be a little taller and give us a face. "

Li Dong made a joke, but Chen Lang remembered it.

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Lang returned to his room.


Li Dong stood by the window sill for a while, and his phone rang.

Received the call from Bai Su, Li Dong took the channel: "How is it?"

"I probably found something, but I do n’t know if it ’s inaccurate, it ’s not my dad ’s news, it was spoken by some friends during chatting.

Shen Qian over the phone said uncertainly, and did not know if it was useful to Li Dong.

Li Dong said with a smile: "Let's talk, I want to see who is standing behind the scenes of Bailian and has to fight against me."

"Not necessarily against you." Shen Qian said, explaining: "If the news is true, then it is not for whom, but for their own plans."

"Oh, what plan?"

"Unification of China Retail!"

Li Dong lost his smile and said: "Just kidding, who is so generous, I am guilty in saying this, and is there anyone more crazy than me?"

Shen Qian didn't have a good air: "You know you're crazy, I'm serious.

The opponent's strength is not weak, even stronger than far away.

If Bailian is really controlled by them, then two of the top three department stores are controlled by each other. "


Li Dong raised a brow, "Top three? Far away, China Resources, Bailian, aren't you kidding me?"

"No, does the Cheng family know? On the China Resources side, you know what you have in mind, and Chen Lang actually does, and many people know this.

Originally, Bailian did not reach them, and even Bailian appeared to restrain each other.

But now, the situation has changed a bit.

You do n’t know if you are not in Beijing. You have been tossing about the vigorousness of the recent fight.

This time, while others could not move, the Cheng family paid a little price, and He Mingsai

Entering Bailian is regarded as the default of others.

But whether they can control Bailian depends on their own means.

If you do not have enough means, then others will not be polite with them.

In short, Bailian is out of a nostril with Cheng Jia in a short time, and China Resources is the same.

The news is not sure about the true or false. Anyway, you are right to guard against it. If China Resources fails, it will reflect. "

Li Dong took a deep breath, and the previous disapproval disappeared instantly!

China Resources, Bailian, these two really want one nostril to breathe out, that's terrible!

He just thought, Shen Qian added another sentence: "Oh, there are people who say that Gome may also be operated by them. The specifics are not very clear, and it is not easy to say.

You also know that there are some things that are not true, just erroneous things.

But if it is true, then Bailian, China Resources, and Gome have joined forces to say that they are in control of the China Retail System, which is not nonsense. "

Li Dong licked his lips and said for a while: "I know, no matter whether it is true or not, I have to pay attention.

Fortunately, He Ming is not too powerful, Ma Yun is probably a little disappointed, may not choose Bailian cooperation.

But there is no Bailian, there is China Resources, and Gome ... "

Don't talk about it. If you really want this, it will be a little scary.

He had never thought that this would be the result. Someone was planning the entire retail industry.

Li Dong had this idea himself, but he also knew how difficult it was, and it was difficult to do it from the industry.

But now, some people are preparing to start from the industry, and simply integrate.

Once it is really being made, even if the e-commerce hits, it may not shake their status.

Of course, the difficulty is very high.

Bailian and China Resources are state-owned enterprises, not to say that you are in control, that is yours.

Changed a little bit, and maybe made a wedding dress for others.

The enterprise is fixed, but the personnel can change at any time ~ ~ You can't sit in that position. After three or five years, you have to give way. At that time, the so-called integration becomes empty talk.

As for the battle over the capital, Li Dong is actually clear.

It was the last time Jia Wenhao and their affairs, so far no dust has settled.

This kind of thing does not end overnight, and it is normal for a period of time.

Now it seems that the top gangsters are fighting in the capital, while others are afraid to participate and start to fish in muddy waters, preparing to stir the wind and rain in other places.

For bigwigs, a retail department store industry is really not too important.

Huaxia is rich in resources, the industry is more, and the retail industry is only one of the inconspicuous links.

Someone's idea in this regard, as long as the people who do not get the sound of the enthusiasm and act silently, it is nothing to cross the border.

Li Dong tapped the window glass lightly, which is very important to him in the retail industry which is nothing to others.

Now someone wants to rob him of control in this regard, Li Dong cannot tolerate it.

Of course, there is no need to do too much. China Resources, look back at the situation yourself. The two industry overlords do not mean that they are united, and there are many small hills.

There is also Gome, but Li Dong knows, whether it is the other party's fencing or not, he ultimately fails.

I hope that this time Huang will also give a little more power, don't let yourself down.