The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1258: The beginning of M & A

Li Hu Xiaorui's birthday party allowed Li Dong to start the promotion of the whole province.

The establishment of the Internet financial system has come out step by step.

It's not that Li Dong shouted a few slogans, this is the thing.

Some things are easier said than done.

What you seem to be simple is actually more complicated than you think.

Why do customers trust you?

Why do consumers rest assured you?

That is to say, Li Dong is now well-known and influential, so he has the qualification and the capital to carry out rapid promotion.

For another company, it is difficult to go step by step, and slowly affect the penetration.

In the previous life, Alipay was established in 2004, launched mobile payment business in 2008, and began to develop code scanning payment business in 10 years.

However, the promotion was very difficult. At that time, Ma Yun did not have the current influence and strength.

It took only 4 years for Ali to prepare and negotiate, and communicate with various departments!

It was not until 2014 that scan-code payment was accepted by the public.

Then, in order to promote the business, Ali spent a few years to make it known to the public before gradually improving the scan code payment business.

Even so, until Li Dong's rebirth, 16 years, scan code payment failed to occupy half of the country.

In the 6 years before and after, it promoted a business, and even frequently withdrew from the field of offline code scanning, and even the central bank started to stop.

It is difficult for the general public who enjoys the convenience of scanning codes to understand the difficulties.

At this time, Li Dong began to promote this business at the end of 2008. When the smartphone was not turned on, it was more difficult to promote this business than Ma Yun.

However, there are some roads and you decide to go on your own, then you have to be prepared to accept difficult preparations.

The second person to enter, it sounds cool to sit and enjoy it, and it is actually cool.

But the first is the first. The public has different perceptions of you, different influences, and different market shares.

Li Dong, who was born again, should he wait for Ma Yun to stand up and promote it before he often enjoys the results?

Although Li Dong's face is thick, sometimes, it doesn't mean anything.

He also wants to achieve higher achievements and gain greater recognition.

Even if these businesses are not his original, it does n’t matter. At present, Li Dong can proudly say that the pre-promotion and foreshadowing were all done by me!

Li Dong is trying to get through the relationship with the government, the relationship with the central bank, and balance all difficulties and obstacles. <>

In this way, it also makes the sense of accomplishment more pleasant, at least Li Dong feels that he has paid.

Some people may say that since it is so difficult, it is simply not promoted. One scan code payment includes the entire Internet finance field, and it seems that it has not had much impact.

Cash payment, not moisturizing?

Do n’t shop online and live for so many years?

Without internet finance, everyone can spend less money.

Li Dong has always been too lazy to refute these views. The benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom. In other words, what is necessary in this world?

It ’s enough to eat and drink, and the primitives have survived.


On December 14, Shen Qian and Chen Lang went to Xiangjiang together.

Li Dong attaches great importance to the merger and acquisition business of Gome. Shen Qian and Chen Lang attach great importance to them.

This step is completed, the distance will completely establish the status of retail king, no longer lame walking.

The king of online retail, the king of offline retail.

The home appliance and department store industries have opened up both online and offline channels and dominated the domestic market. They have stabilized. In the next ten years or even two decades, there is no need to worry about anything in the distance.

On the same day, Du Juan called Li Dong.

"The board agreed!"

When Du Juan said this, she felt relaxed and relieved, with anxiety and anxiety, and even a little confused about the future.

Li Dong, a cancer in the industry.

This cancer is not just a derogation, but also an awe of Li Dong in the industry.

A terrible person, he never conceals his ambition, is to be a unique king.

But even so, you can't stop it.

The once department store giants, Su Guo and Carrefour, fell down completely and achieved the department store business in the distance.

In the field of home appliances, Li Dong's initial foray into offline, many people are predicting, perhaps, Gome is Li Dong's stepping stone to the rise of offline home appliances.

Du Juan knew these rumors.

But she was really tired and tired.

She did not want to introduce Li Dong, but once she refused, Gome would have to withstand pressure and blows from all directions.

Li Dong is a dose of chronic poison. If you don't eat it, the poison outside is even more violent.

You eat it, you wo n’t die now, maybe you will never die, but it ’s poison, not good medicine. <>

Today, Du Juan has to eat.

If she didn't take this poison, she would have to take more poisonous drugs.

Therefore, Du Juan finally compromised.

Li Dong was not surprised, just chuckled: "When can I sign a contract?"

Du Juan grinned reluctantly: "You can do it at any time. Of course, Li always wants to hurry up.

Before the end of the month, the board of directors will be reorganized.

President Li entered before this, so as not to make arrangements later. "

As the top three largest shareholders of Gome, Li Dong has the right to dispatch directors, including executive directors!

The reorganization of the board of directors, Li Dong must also arrange people to pass.

According to the proportion of shares, Li Dong can also send at least one director. If Li Dong strongly demands, both of them may be able to.

Of course, sometimes the board of directors doesn't really matter.

In many cases, the shareholders' meeting is the most important. There is not much difference between one person and the other.

However, Li Dong still laughed: "Don't worry, I will become the next chairman of Gome?"

Du Juan calmly said: "If President Li is willing to resign from afar, we have no reason to refuse.

However, even part-time work is not enough. Gome has more business and is not suitable for part-time work. "

Li Dong laughed and said: "Then forget it, go to Gome, there are too many mother-in-law above, I still want to be my mountain king.

Well, I will go to the capital on the 16th. I still have to hold a press conference for this kind of thing.

I'm here to cheer on Gome, how does Du feel? "

"Welcome to the extreme!"

Du Juan's words are by no means ironic, but they are really welcome.

Today's Gome needs a dose of stimulant.

Otherwise, Lao Huang let go.

Otherwise, there are powerful people involved.

Li Dong ’s personal presence is of great significance and may bring a major turnaround for Gome, which is now in a trough.

Therefore, Li Dong went in person, Du Juan really welcomed him.

Li Dongwenyan chatted with her a few words, and finally said: "Is it possible to install funds in installments?"

Du Juan: "..."

At this time, Du Juan really wanted to kill.

Gome has reached such a difficult time. When you said this, did you touch your conscience?

Of course, the funding this time has nothing to do with Gome. <>

Because it is the shareholders who transfer the shares, the funds are owned by their shareholders and will not be injected into the group.

However, the 200 million spent on Li Dong's line still belongs to the group.

Other money is theirs.

Nowadays, everyone is having a hard time, and some funds are withdrawn.

Li Dong said that in stages, Du Juan certainly did not want to.

And Du Juan also has her own ideas. This time she had to transfer 3% of the shares, and the proportion of shares held by Huang's hands fell to 35%.

This ratio of 35% is not a tenure, and she is also preparing to buy back some shares, all of which require money.

It was helpless to sell it to Li Dong.

Take this money and continue to repurchase a part in order to reassure her.

If other shareholders were not willing to continue the transfer, Du Juan did not even give 3%. At present, it seems that they can only buy back from the secondary market after the resumption of trading.

And all this needs money!

Du Juan didn't speak, and Li Dong naturally understood what she meant, and said with a smile: "Just kidding, Mr. Du don't take it seriously.

I do n’t lack money, and I do n’t play with you.

As soon as the transaction was concluded, the money was fully paid within one month. Is this Mr. Du's opinion? "

The one-month period is absolutely short-lived, for such a large capital transaction.

Du Juan wanted to pay for everything with one hand, but he also understood that this was unrealistic and said: "Okay!"

"Then that's the deal, I'll be back in Beijing, let's talk about it in detail."


Hanging up the phone, Li Dong asked Bai Su to inform Yuan Chengdao and Sun Tao to come together.

As soon as the two arrived, Li Dong said in a deep voice: "The funds should be prepared as soon as possible, Du Juan agreed!

This time, Gome ’s first phase of payments is as high as 1.8 billion, and Fukang ’s 1.5 billion has to be cut off early to implement this transaction to prevent future changes.

In other words, it is now necessary to prepare 3.3 billion in cash.

I went to the capital city the day after tomorrow. President Sun accompanied me to go. Before the end of the month, the money must be paid.

Regardless of whether I embezzle from the project of the Far City or from another place, the money must arrive immediately.

As for other money, it can be slowed down temporarily. "

Yuan Chengdao subconsciously said: "The other 2% shares ..."

Li Dong said with a smile: "I owe it first, and then go back and talk."

The acquisition of Gome, although it was a distant group behavior, but Gome did not merge into the retail group, is actually Li Dong's personal behavior.

As for whether the group owes or owes it, it makes no difference.

Unless later incorporated into the retail group, then it is necessary to consider these.

Yuan Chengdao didn't ask again, and nodded: "The loan is almost finished. It will raise some funds first, and it will be no problem to fill in later.

If it is urgently needed, we can raise it within three days. "

"That's the best, so be it.

By the way, I went to Beijing to find several investment banks and talked about it. After everything was settled, the one-time killing of the Huang family was caught by surprise and did not give outsiders the opportunity to interfere!

Also, the progress of bond repurchase should be accelerated.

If you call Mr. Chen, the shares of Weibo can be exchanged if you can. If you can't, you can trade in cash!

All in all, at the end of 2008, starting in 2009, I am ready to put a super cannon!

At that time, let the group of Zhang Jindong have a bad year, that's what I want! "

Yuan Chengdao and Sun Tao are helpless, you are really funny.

Think about it, it seems pretty cool.

The two didn't say more, and went to separate to prepare.

Entering Gome this time was not Li Dong ’s own business, including receiving online malls and offline settlers.

Li Dong doesn't care about these things, they have to manage.

Li Dong was originally prepared to go to Henan Province to see it, but now it can only be postponed, and try to get back before the end of the month.

Things are getting more and more.


at the same time.

Just when Li Dong was preparing for the promotion of mobile payment and the acquisition of Gome.


In a small supermarket called Yuanqing Supermarket.

Li Qing, while calculating the bill, said: "Go to buy some better clothes in the afternoon and go to Pingchuan tomorrow morning."

Standing opposite Li Qing was a 27-year-old young man who was looking at Li Qing with his head down.

Wen Yan froze for a moment, and said, "Go to Pingchuan?"


"According to the wedding photo?" The man wondered.

Li Qing raised his head and glanced at him before saying, "What wedding picture hasn't been written yet ..."

The man was anxious as soon as he heard this, and quickly said: "Qing Qing, what do you say, don't we all say it?"

And I've seen it before, and the aunt is very satisfied with me.

Qingqing, am I wrong?

You said, I changed my course.

If you do n’t want to go to Pingchuan, let ’s go anywhere, domestically and abroad, I ’m out of it. Just go wherever you go and get married with Global Travel. Anyway, as long as you do n’t scold me for extravagance. "

Li Qing held his chin and shook his head: "It's not dissatisfaction, you can just barely be OK.

But I have to ask others for their opinions ... "

"Others? Qingqing, our mother agreed, you also agreed, my parents agreed, and I agree, who should I ask?" The man looked helpless.

Li Qing's face was a little complicated, a little stunned, and he said for a long time: "Don't ask so much, just go with me anyway.

If he disagrees, or thinks you ca n’t help the wall with mud, I do n’t want you.

His vision has always been accurate. "

The man's innocent face said helplessly: "Who are you talking about? This is you and me marrying, how come another person came out."

Even if he disagreed, you dumped me, and I was too wrong. "

Li Qing ignored him. His relationship with Li Dong and Li Qing was very complicated.

When I was young, everyone actually had a good relationship. Every time I went back to my hometown, Li Dong and Li Qing played just fine.

Even if Li Nanming and Li Dong didn't deal with it, they didn't deal with it, but they rarely disputed.

As for when to start, the two sides will not deal with it at all, it is still after Li Chenghui developed.

This man, once he has money, it is easy to change.

The brothers of the past, because of the gap between the rich and the poor, can be regarded as a complete distance.

This is also related to Li Dong's ability to grow up since he was a child. Li Nanming has a little money and likes to talk about it. He often bullies Li Dong. As a result, Li Dong is not easy to provoke.

A few times, the relationship between the two sides gradually faded.

It was not until later that Li Chenghui died and his family fell into disappointment. Instead, Li Dong rose completely, and soared into the sky. Even Li Qing ’s supermarket was opened by Li Dong ’s light ~ ~ At this time, the psychology of both sides There have been changes.

There is such a richest cousin. In fact, Li Qing is still very proud, and very proud. For another time, she is eager to publicize every day.

Whether it's dim light, or face, anyway, cousin became the richest man, which is a great joy.

But now, Li Qing never tells people about Li Dong outside.

Except for a few people, almost no one knows that the owner of this small supermarket with a name similar to that in the distance will really have a relationship with Li Dong.

Li Qing is sometimes difficult to make it clear whether he should be grateful to Li Dong or blame him.

In short, the mood is extremely complicated.

Now, I am getting married.

The last one, because of Li Dong, is still in jail.

This time, although Li Qing was quite satisfied, she also knew that Li Dong was more reliable than seeing people.

Uncle called back and told Li Dong to check.

Li Qing is both excited and a little nervous, and her mood is more complicated.

But in any case, Li Qing still hopes that Li Dong can look at it. It doesn't matter if she is a woman. If the man in front of her is looked at by Li Dong, she may have a different future.

Women, they do n’t have high demands on themselves, but they always hope that their men do n’t get trapped in this small county, they can see a wider world.

Unfortunately, the **** in front of him didn't understand anything, nor did he know.

Seeing the man still chattering, Li Qing said impatiently: "Let you go, don't pull down, and don't come to me in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, the man surrendered immediately: "Go, isn't it just to meet people, no problem, I'm so good, are you still afraid of seeing people?") !!