The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1298: One after another

That night, Li Dong and Fang Keng talked for a long time.

In the evening banquet, in addition to those during the day, celebrities from all walks of life in Xiangjiang have arrived a lot.

In terms of entrepreneurs, five or six people came from the Xiangjiang Rich List.

On the Xiangjiang side, the entertainment industry is also extremely developed. Some of the star artists Li Dong often saw when he was a child also attended the reception at night.

Among them, there are also some artists who have cooperated with distant places.

For example, Cheng Long had previously cooperated with a distant place, and his hometown was also Jiangbei. It is strange that he did not come to this party in Jiangbei from all walks of life.


The reception process is not much different from the reception that Li Dong usually participated in.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, all the talents dispersed.

As soon as they left, Li Dong also led people away, and said, "Fang Lao said at night. Tomorrow they will use part of the funds to apply for admission, but the funds will not be too much.

And Xu Shengzhe, they will arrive tomorrow and will represent the Jiangbei business community.

Chaoshang will also enter the market, and the purchase amount tomorrow may exceed the imagination! "

No one can prevent this. The listing of new stocks, whether it is Chaoshang or Jiangbei business, is understandable.

This is a matter of making money, and has nothing to do with fighting.

It is not just them, many mainland tycoons and Xiangjiang tycoons have joined in and waited to share their interests.

Despite knowing it, Li Dong was helpless.

Since you want to fight, you still have to fight in public, and people participate in the subscription of new shares. You have no reason not to let others participate.

Empathy, Li Dong will not let go of such a money-making opportunity.

Shen Qian in a formal dress said, "You don't have to worry about the application here. Tomorrow you will preside over the big picture. President Chen and I will go talk with various institutions together!

After the purchase is successful, we can purchase the shares in their hands at a premium.

We talked to them last time, and this time we have a basis. "

Chen Lang nodded and said: "Mr. Li, we talked separately, which can speed up the efficiency and increase the odds of winning. You don't need too many people to sit here."

"Yes, but don't go too far. How much money the Huang family can raise. It's hard to say, don't scare ourselves."



New Year's Day in 2009!

At 9:30 am, the purchase begins!

Li Dong didn't go to the trading floor. When he went, he strengthened the confidence of others, and then a greater upsurge would erupt.

And purchase, just observe through the computer.

At 9:40, 10 minutes, the subscription amount exceeded 3 billion Hong Kong dollars!

At 9:50, a large sum of money suddenly entered the market. The financial analyst hired by Li Dong immediately said seriously: "It is the people from the Huang family, and the funds have entered the market!"

"How much?" Li Dong said in a deep voice.

"Not less than 1 billion, it is still going on!"

Although it is not yet time for the secondary market to start a war, it is also the easiest time to see the details of the other party.

How much money can be raised, the Huang family will not miss the opportunity to purchase.

Even if you do n’t enter the field, it ’s not much.

As soon as the Huang family entered the theater, voices were heard from all over Xiangjiang.



Fang Keng's eldest son Fang Rende whispered: "The Huang family has entered the market, the investment capital is not less than 2 billion, and I don't know how much money Li Dong has raised here."

Fang Keng said in a deep voice: "Not less, China Merchants Bank's 5 billion yuan loan has come down, and he has so many minimum entry.

As long as the Chaos merchants are not out, they can't beat Li Dong's. "

As he was saying, Fang Rende glanced at the computer, and suddenly, the total amount of the subscription suddenly skyrocketed.

Several financial analysts in the conference room quickly called to confirm the analysis. After a while, someone said: "Jiangbei Commercial Gang has entered the venue!

A large amount of money came in, but this time the Jiangbei Commercial Gang made great efforts. I heard that two of BYD and the Giant also raised a large amount of financial support. "

Fang Keng was silent for a while, and then said, "We are also entering the court. It means more money and less money."

The purchase is just the beginning, and the amount of investment will not cause any loss to us. "

Everyone quickly nodded and began to operate.



Yangtze Center Building.

Lao Li's eldest son said softly, "Dad, do you want to join? The Huang family is here, and Huang Yanhong hopes that we can support them once. Afterwards, the other party will sell part of the mainland business to us.

Old Li waved his hand and said: "No, we don't participate.

You know, their opponent is a tiger that has grown fangs.

Last year, I met him once. At that time, he hadn't been exposed, and he could only be regarded as a milk tiger.

It's different now, young man, bloody, just offended once, and the next thing is to endlessly. "

"But Zhaofeng ..."

"That's their business, not to mention ..." Old Li paused, slowly said: "What's more, they support Li Dong, offended the Huang family, you think, now Huang family and Li Dong, who is more Tough? "

These words instantly made his eldest son understand.

Yes, the Huang family is struggling to die now. Such a person will offend if they offend. There is no need to be afraid.

What's more, this time the Huang family lost, except for money, it really was nothing.

Li Dong is different, even if he loses, there is a huge distance.

Such a person is not easy to resolve if he offends.

Bullying is afraid of being hard, or persimmon picking up soft pinch is almost a theorem.

It doesn't matter if Fang Keng made good friends with Li Dong and offended the Huang family.

If they participated, it would be an offense to offend Li Dong and make good friends with the Huang family.

As for the so-called Chaoshang sentiment, it also depends on the situation. It can help. It is okay to help. Now, pay and return are not proportional. Lao Li is also a well-known entrepreneur.

Thinking of this, Lao Li's eldest son whispered: "Then I refused over there?"

"Thanks a little." Lao Li nodded.

"Yes, got it."



Once again, a lot of money is admitted!

Everyone in the outside world instantly knew that Li Dong was in!

1 billion, 2 billion, 3 billion, 4 billion ...

By the end of the application time in the morning, a distance of 5 billion Hong Kong dollars was smashed into the distance!

In an instant, the outside world made a sensation.

The Jiangbei business community once again smashed in 3 billion Hong Kong dollars, and a group of people from Xiangjiang Fangkeng also entered 2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

In the morning, Li Dong alone had no less than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars to enter the market.

On the other hand, the Huang family, besides starting to smash into 2 billion, there are not many tide merchants who enter the market in the later period, and when they are added together, it is about 1 billion.

From 3 billion to 10 billion, in terms of funds alone, the Huang family lost the first battle.


Capital city.

Huang Guangyu's face is gloomy, 10 billion Hong Kong dollars!

This is not the biggest blow to him. The biggest blow is that Chaoshang gave up on him!

The people he sent out for help were extremely disappointed.

The local Chaoshang representative in Xiangjiang, the Yangtze River who rejected him, did not even show his face.

There are not many people who have shot this time on the mainland.

On the contrary, on the retail side, various companies have provided a lot of support. Otherwise, he may not even be able to take out 2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Hanging up the call with his sister, Lao Huang looked tired, and Du Juan next to him said with a worried face: "It's okay, it's still in the subscription stage.

Supporting Li Dong now does not mean that he will support him next.

And this time the purchase capital is too much, he can not get much equity, the real contest is still in the secondary market.

Li Dong now has only 11.7 billion shares, even if he adds the placement capital. We have already placed 13.5 billion shares, which exceeds his 1.8 billion shares ... "

Lao Huang shook his head, and said a little somberly: "I suspect that JP Morgan has turned to Li Dong!"

"How can it be!"

Du Juan was shocked. Once this was the case, the two sides were tied.

And Li Dong has the advantage in the purchase, and then wins in the secondary market, they really lost!

Huang Guangyu gritted his teeth and said, "I talked to someone at JPMorgan Chase several times, but the result was not smooth. Their attitude was wrong and I could feel it.

On the side of Da Mo, Li Dong replaced Gome with Weibo shares. Isn't it possible for JP Morgan?

There is no certainty of winning. Li Dong dares to challenge me to win in the secondary market!

1.8 billion shares, not a small number, he wanted to overtake me, how could it be so easy.

Therefore, there is a high probability that JP Morgan will turn to him. "

Du Juan's face was dull, and he was desperate for a while: "What should I do?"

Lao Huang took a deep breath and said after a while: "Raise money, raise money, or raise money!

I guess Li Dong ’s purpose, he wants to complete the absolute holding, without giving us any chance!

As long as we don't give him the opportunity to complete the absolute holding, we still have the possibility of a comeback.

For a long time, his opponent will not sit back and watch, and then, it will be his death!

This is our only chance, dragging on, dragging him to take the lead, otherwise, we have a high probability of failure.

Let me subscribe first and let him think that we are exhausted, and confuse him. I will talk to Zhang Jindong and they will lose. No matter what, I lose. They are no better than me. "

Du Juan nodded quickly, and then said: "Then I will talk to the people of JP Morgan Chase and the CRMC side. In any case, I can't let Li Dong take the remaining share capital anymore."

Lao Huang responded, got up and left, thinking for a while, Lao Huang suddenly said: "It's really about to reach the last moment, we secretly sold a lot!"


Du Juan was startled, Lao Huang narrowed his eyes and said: "I don't want to lose, but the situation can't help but I don't worry.

Once it is really lost, the funds we have now smashed into are likely to collapse.

Since Li Dong wanted to, OK, I gave him, I sold part of the capital, and used up his capital chain at a high price. I lost the capital but got the capital.

Wait until he can't hold it, maybe the stock market will crash, maybe this is my chance to defeat! "

Du Juan thought carefully and realized what her husband meant.

The sale of shares allowed Li Dong to buy at a high price. Looking back, Li Dong was out of money. Gome ’s shares may be in a large state of decline. They can take the opportunity to buy back.

Of course, this is a last resort.

Once Li Dong held it, Gome was really lost.

Taking a deep breath, Du Juan said: "I hope you don't have to get to this point, and you are not sure about JP Morgan's side. I don't think it's necessary to be so pessimistic, there is a chance.

Lao Huang sighed again, and said in a long while: "I will not completely repel him this time. I won't be able to stay outside long, you ..."

After a pause, Lao Huang said slightly: "Can you hold it?"


Du Juan would like to say, I can hold it!

However, thinking of the terrible man, Du Juan's eyes changed, and it took a long time to say: "No matter what, until the last minute, I will never admit defeat!

Money, you can earn it again!

But Gome will not lose it!

Even if it is lost, it is not at this time, once Gome is gone, you are on the side ... "

Du Juan's eyes were filled with tears. This was the foundation of Lao Huang, the foundation he had been in before and could still enjoy different treatments.

When he only has money left, will there be such special treatment?

Will not!

Lao Huang shook his head and said: "The same result, without Gome, I am still me. After this time, I am afraid that it is the biggest joke in the business world and will win the sympathy of many people.

At this time, maybe the public opinion will completely fall back to me, and the result is better than before. "

Du Juan woke up suddenly and interrupted suddenly: "Don't talk!

You all feel that you are going to fail, this is not what you should do!

We haven't lost yet, have you surrendered?

Even if I lose, I do n’t want you to lose so badly, to die, to kill the net, I will not let Li Dong feel better! "

Lao Huang was refreshed and rubbed his cheek vigorously.

Frightened before the war, and has not officially started the war ~ ~ He actually determined he was going to lose, this is not the mentality he should have.

Thinking of this, Huang Guangyu shook his head hard, restoring calmly: "You are right, we have not lost, at least for now, we still have an advantage.

I'm gone, be careful on your side, don't give Wang Yue a chance to kick you out. "

"Well, I know."



The Peninsula Hotel.

Li Dong looked calm and said slowly: "We will let go of the application, and the remaining 2 billion Hong Kong dollars will no longer enter the market.

On the Huangs' side, I heard that they were rejected by Chaoshang. In this way, we didn't have to hit all the cards. "

Chen Lang responded, and then said: "This morning broke out once, and the amount of subscription reached 20 billion.

In the afternoon, the entry should be less, now I doubt myself, 60 billion may just be the amount that ended today, and tomorrow, it will reach 72 billion, a 30-fold excess, probably stable. "

"It's enough for us to win 200 million shares, and it's unrealistic to count on it.

There is also the Jiangbei Chamber of Commerce in the Mainland and Xiangjiang. Their subscription is their business, and it is impossible for us to look back and get it directly.

But in any case, this time the relationship is getting bigger and bigger, and later it may pay a bigger price.

Human debts are hard to pay, and I do n’t know if it ’s good or bad. "

Li Dong sighed softly, in order to win Gome, this time the far price paid is not small.

Now, it can only be won but not lost. If you lose, you will lose a lot.

After thinking for a while, Li Dong said: "No matter how much, try to establish a victory on the 5th, and then directly make trouble with the Huang family, so that they can retreat with difficulty, so as not to increase the stock price too much, forming a tug of war.") !!