The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1332: I'm more ruthless than you think (big

"... The manager of the third store in Shimen, Bei'an is absent ... The manager of the Chengnan branch of Lujiang is absent ..."

The Chief Executive's voice was a little hoarse, and he didn't insist on it halfway, allowing Bai Su to replace him for a while.

At 2:15, the situation was fully reported at the meeting.

At this time, the entire conference room was extremely quiet.

Du Juan's absence from the board of directors is excusable.

The absence of the directors of the seven major centers and the three major centers is also excusable, because the Huang family took away two of them, and the remaining one is still unclear.

In the seven districts, the two presidents are absent. This depends on the situation.

High-level, absentee rate is not high.

After all, they are eye-catching, and it ’s inappropriate to come, Li Dong will also notice.

But under the city manager, more than 30 people did not arrive and did not participate in the video conference.

The manager, it is terrifying, more than 300 people did not arrive!

People didn't show up, some did not even ask for leave.

Anyway, he is a store manager. Does Li Dong still pay attention to this layer?

Not to mention Li Dong, even the person in charge of the meeting may not be able to pay attention.

At this time, the statistics are still being reported while making statistics.


At the front desk, for more than an hour, Li Dong did not sit down and stood at the forefront, looking directly at the entire venue.

After the report ended, Li Dong slowly said: "The year is approaching, everyone is busy, I can understand.

The road is far away, I can't come, I can understand.

Gome entered the distance at first, and was at a loss for a while. I understand the same.

However, understanding does not mean indulgence.

One-fifth absentee rate!

This is Gome's efficiency, Gome's execution? "

Speaking of the last sentence, Li Dong said with a cold face, scolding: "In the distance, the absentee rate will not exceed 5% for every meeting!

Whether it is a small meeting or a thousand people meeting, this has never happened!

I said the meeting two days in advance, no one would take it seriously!

Now that we have joined the distant place, we must adapt to the rhythm of the distant place and the rhythm of my Li Dong!

At the store manager level, I can understand them. Some store managers may not receive the news!

But for city managers and above, did anyone receive the news?

Who did n’t receive it, tell me now, I ’m all fired for the administrative part! "

The audience was extremely quiet.

The executive director was helpless, if someone trapped himself now, it would not be a loss.

I really want to fire all the squid.

Just when she was upset, Cheng Xiao coughed and said, "Mr. Li, the administrative side should be notified in place."

Li Dong said with a smile: "Since this is the case, I would like to ask, where is Director Zheng of the Monitoring Center now? What are you busy with?"

"This one……"

Cheng Xiao was speechless for a moment, and Li Dong looked around and said, "Is the deputy director of the Supervision Center here?"


Li Dong's voice fell, and someone immediately got up and looked at Li Dong with a look of embarrassment.

Li Dong glanced at him, and said lightly: "How about your director?"

"This ... I ... I'm not too clear ..."

Li Dong sneered: "Why? During working hours, as the deputy director, you don't even know where the supervisor is?"

The cold sweat permeated from the deputy director's head and said dryly: "Director Zheng's affairs are generally not told to us, so ..."

"Director Zhou, you said that the other party has asked for leave. What is the reason for the leave?"

The Chief Executive Officer said hoarsely: "Director Zheng said that his body is not very comfortable ..."

"How is his attendance rate? Is the leave frequent?" Li Dong asked again.

The administrative director hesitated for a while before saying: "Director Zheng is a little older and his body is not too good, so the frequency of leave requests is also somewhat high ..."

"Now that you are older, you can rest and recuperate.

Let the other party take the initiative to resign and compensate three months' salary.

If you do not voluntarily leave your job, you will be dismissed as a result of dereliction of duty and you will be dismissed directly. The reason does not need to be explained by you.

Let the other party come to handover early next year, and the notice is in place. If no one arrives, the compensation will be cancelled. "

Li Dong left this statement, regardless of the face of the others, and continued: "The two directors of the Finance Center and the Home Appliances Business Center have already offered to leave, and these three departments are temporarily handed over to the deputy director for custody.

For specific personnel issues, President Wang Yue went to the board of directors for discussion afterwards, and redefined the position of department director.

Presidents of the two Northwest and Southwest regions, President Zhang of the Northwest District has a task, and explained in advance to President Wang, the situation in the Southwest is unclear.

Since it is unclear where even the president of the region will go to our headquarters, what kind of CEO should he be!

Let him roll it out!

The general manager at the provincial level, who did not arrive, will consider it afterwards, and the board of directors will discuss it. If the reason is nonsense, all will be expelled and the vice president will take over!

At the city manager level, the same applies.

As for the store manager, it happened that the new batch of store managers in the distance had just finished training, and there were about 100 people.

For the 300 shopkeepers who did not arrive, you have to find a way to free up 100 vacancies and let the store manager in the distance take over.

This is the personnel issue before the meeting. "

Li Dong said, sitting down and saying, "Now, start a formal meeting."

He said it was officially finished, but the following people were already ignorant.

They knew that Li Dong was going to get someone to do the surgery, but they never thought it would be like this!

Three directors, a regional president, plus provincial managers, city managers, and 100 store managers who do n’t know how many!

This ratio is too scary.

For many years, Gome has n’t had so many managements who left their jobs.

Hundreds of people were directly dismissed in a meeting, just because a meeting did not arrive. Li Dong's coldness and ruthlessness have refreshed their bottom line.

The people of Gome suddenly became noisy.

this is too scary!

Everyone is in danger!

They are noisy, and people in the distance have a natural expression.

Including Cheng Xiao, they said nothing.

The meeting was just a guise. Li Dong wanted to be cleaned up. They actually guessed it long ago.

But the New Year does not give people a good life, it is indeed somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

Including Sun Tao, this special attendee was a little surprised.

Before, Li Dong said that he didn't do it a year ago, but now he has expelled hundreds of people. This is the rhythm that makes people have a good new year.

Even, he began to wonder if this was just an aura.

Later, Li Dong may have greater movement.

Today's 100 people may be just the beginning. The turnover rate of the 2,000-person management team is about 10%, and Gome can still afford it.

In other words, maybe hundreds of people will be kicked out of this team next.


Regardless of what other people think, Li Dong said loudly: "2008 has passed. At the end of 2008, everyone knows what happened.

Some people are gone, some people are coming.

In the distance, Gome officially took over, holding 100% of the shares, that is to say, Gome has become a private company from a listed group.

Some people may be uncomfortable, while others may not accept it.

However, whether you adapt or not, accept or not, this is a fact.

Acceptable, the best, and unacceptable. You do n’t care how you scold and miss your back after finishing your job!

But you haven't finished your job, and the slacking emotions are revealed during the working hours, and the emotions of the employees are incited. That's sorry, either get yourself off, or I will let you off!

I will only say these things once, and I won't repeat them.

In addition, Gome is about to introduce a new welfare policy. I wo n’t say more details. During the official work next year, the board of directors will announce the implementation.

Not to mention specifically, it is generally beneficial to everyone. On one topic, wages have risen and benefits have risen. "

The audience heard a low voice of discussion.

Li Dong coughed and said: "Discuss after the meeting, keep quiet now!"

As soon as these words came out, the meeting room became quiet again.

"Next, I will talk about the issue of Gome's structure.

At present, Gome entered the remote system at the beginning, and there are too many changes. I will not do it for now.

However, there are a few points that I want to make clear.

First, Gome's logistics system is merged into distant logistics, and all logistics operations are taken over by distant logistics.

Some distribution centers, storage centers, the cancellation of the cancellation, the sale of the shot.

The distant logistics and warehousing systems are all over the country, more developed and more efficient than Gome, and can effectively save a lot of costs and expenses.

Second, Gome's supply chain channels.

I said before at the press conference that Gome and Far East will get through the background data as soon as possible.

Once the data is connected, some problems are much easier to deal with. In terms of channels, some overlapping with the remote are also taken over by the remote channel department.

Third, change cards.

I have said this before, but some people do not understand it. I will say it again. At the beginning of the year, Gome will exchange cards for a distant country.

In fact, according to my original intention, Gome merged into the Far End Retail Group.

But after all, it's new, and there are some things that everyone is not comfortable with.

Then I ’m not in a hurry. I ’ll give you time to adapt slowly and slowly integrate into the distance. In the next year, Gome will fully integrate into the remote system and become a formal member of the distance.

The merger of retail business will save us countless expenses and increase our competitiveness.

A Gome delisting is nothing, some people will feel sorry, but in my opinion, there is nothing to regret!

Gome went public, and at its peak, it only had a market value of 50 billion Hong Kong dollars!

This is not my style of Li Dong. Are you satisfied with 50 billion Hong Kong dollars?

After Gome integrated into the distant place, Yuanyuan Retail Group, the scale expanded again and became a super retail group with annual revenue close to 300 billion!

By the time we absorb and digest all the fruits, is 400 billion still far away?

Is it 500 billion?

Will such a distant retail, if it is listed again, be 50 billion?

500 billion is almost!

Therefore, I feel sorry for my heart, and I can take it away. I have a better eye. I never think that a group with a value of less than 100 billion has the value of being listed. "

In saying this, Cheng Xiao and Wang Yue all have some tongues and blushes.

What a big tone!

It's really big!

At this stage, how many groups have China's 100 billion market value?

Really not much!

But according to Li Dong's intention, the value of less than 100 billion yuan, even the listing value, is too shocking.

A lot of management, at this time can be considered vaguely understand Li Dong.

It is said that Li Dong in the distance is scary, and his name is indeed well-deserved.

Of course, Li Dong's tone was greatly improved, however, he has to say that he is qualified to speak in such a big tone.

Distant retail, coupled with the mall, will have no difficulty in exceeding 300 billion in annual revenue next year.

With 400 billion yuan, physical stores are difficult, unless it is scaled up again, it has to be large.

But the mall is hard to say, maybe 400 billion is really promising.

Once the revenue scale of 400 billion is reached, it is really terrible.

Different industries are different. Listed companies have different price-earnings ratios and naturally different market values.

Needless to say for Internet companies, a price-earnings ratio of several hundred times is common.

In terms of industry, it is much lower.

There are not many retail companies listed in China, but from a global perspective, the price-earnings ratio is generally more than 10 times.

The so-called price-earnings ratio is basically the ratio of market value to annual profit.

For example, the annual profit is 20 billion yuan, and the market value is about 200 billion yuan based on a 10 times earnings ratio.

Of course, 10 times is only a rough picture.

Different companies are different, and it is not that there is a price-earnings ratio of more than 10 times for physical companies.

Once the revenue of Distant Retail really reaches 400 billion yuan, the annual profit can reach 7%, which is close to 30 billion yuan in profit.

Even if the price-earnings ratio is 10 times, that is about 300 billion market value.

At present, domestic companies with this market value are really rare, most of them are monopolistic companies, such as banks, such as telecommunications, such as the energy industry.

And Yuanfang Retail is only a subgroup of Yuanfang.

The distant Internet industry, once listed, may explode with greater potential.

I don't know if I knew it, everyone shuddered.

Perhaps, the Trillion Group that Li Dong previously advertised to the outside world could be realized in a few years.

All industries under Yuanfang are listed, and the market is better. Trillions are not a dream.

Of course, this is not enough at present, but according to this trend, three or two years may be enough.

Li Dong said a few words and continued: "Of course, dreaming alone is useless, you have to sink your mind to do it!

Last year, at the far-end annual meeting, I talked about a lot of goals. As a result, all the distances were achieved.

Do you think that this realization came out of thin air?

That was the result of our hard work!

For a whole year, no one from the senior management in the distance had more than 10 days off, no one had more than 10 days off!

Can Gome do it here?

Of course, you may say, why should I be so tired, and change a company, I can still live easily.

This kind of person, I don't say much.

Let me simply talk about a statistic. Last year, it did n’t count the stock option rewards, nor the future prospects. It only talked about salary bonuses.

Last year, there were a total of 11 people in the management with a salary of more than 10 million yuan.

There are a total of 187 people with more than one million plus some commission staff.

If there are more than 500,000, there will be more, probably more than 300 people. I haven't counted in detail, maybe more.

Taken together, it's 500 people.

I would like to ask, how many of you present have an annual salary of more than RMB 500,000? "

The audience looked at each other face-to-face, and this question was really hard to answer.

Not counting some messy rebates, nor some gray income. Those who can really get more than 500,000 annual salary, there are few store managers and few city managers.

This is also the level of the provincial company president.

At this time, the money was still very valuable. When Lin Lin added up, Gome would probably look like 100 people.

Although the scale of the distance is about three times that of Gome, the number of senior management is not much more than that of Gome. Gome has a store manager of about 2,000 people.

In the distance, there are about 2,500 to 3,000 people.

That is to say, the proportion of management with a salary of 500,000 yuan in the distance is between 20%, and Gome has only 5%.

Of course, the general store manager is not a management, and many companies will eliminate it.

But we really want to get rid of it. Maybe the distance is higher.

Everyone lost their voice.

Far-off treatment is nothing to say, the basic salary is actually only a small head, the key lies in bonuses and other benefits.

The newly-rising distant place is willing to pay this cost.

In addition, Li Dong alone has the sole authority and does not need to distribute dividends to shareholders. Corporate income is much higher than Gome, and management's treatment is naturally much better.

Seeing them not speaking, Li Dong said in a deep voice: "Efforts and rewards are proportional!

In the distance, as long as you work hard, then Li Dong will not treat you badly, the money I should give, I never feel distressed!

Every year, we simply send out hundreds of millions or even billions of bonuses!

At the end of each year, we will have a large-scale cash reward plan, ordinary employees, excellent, one year, just a bonus, it is not uncommon to get 400,000,500,000!

And all this, they have fought for themselves!

In the distant store managers, almost everyone who buys a house or a car has this ability.

All of this laid the foundation for the first private enterprise in the distance in 2008!

It has taken more than 200 billion yuan in revenue for five years!

What about Gome?

22 years!

The more you do the more you go back, to be honest, I am very disappointed.

Especially in 2008, it is even worse than in 2007. Everyone is making progress. You are regressing. It is shameful!

Don't hold the first retail, the first home appliances mind to do things.

You are not the first!

Not only is it not the first, not even the top three!

Although the data was not yet available in 2008, I know that the distance is the first to be determined.

Suning and Bailian, who are second and third are not easy to say, but both have exceeded 100 billion in revenue.

Fourth, it may be Hualian. Of course, it may be Gome.

But not only depends on revenue, but also on profit. Simply talking about profit, you may not be able to enter the top ten, shameless or not?

Others can tolerate it, and can pass it by and by. Li Dong ca n’t!

In 2009, in my Li Dong, Gome's revenue must exceed 100 billion yuan, and its profits exceed 5 billion yuan, for example!

I ca n’t do it. I would rather auction Gome ’s fixed assets, dissolve the entire Gome Group, and not raise any more worms!

Don't think I can't do it. I have always said that I can do it.

I rarely give tasks to others, but if you do, you have to do it for me!

I ca n’t finish it. I wo n’t stay alone for everyone who participated in the meeting today!

You are confident that you can find a better job, then you can do it. The big Gome is tossed away by you. I would like to see, how many companies are willing to ask you? "

Silence, or death silence.

The whole meeting room, I couldn't even hear my wheezing.

Li Dong said too much, but also said too cruel.

Once the task is not completed, one will not stay!

This is really no different from the dissolution of Gome.

In this way, the bottom-level personnel are okay, and the top-level personnel, as he said, may be stinky in the industry.

Gome has been tossed over, and because of performance problems, and other problems, all have been expelled, which can have a good reputation.

Does Li Dong dare?

He spent more than 40 billion yuan on Gome, is he willing?

The auction of Gome's fixed assets, it is good to get half the cost, a loss of 20 billion a year, is this price Li Dong willing to pay?

This is really hard to say.

Li Dong was quiet for a while, and when no one spoke, he continued: "In addition, I have to explain in advance that Gome's assessment system and supervision system will have a big change next.

Those who are capable, those who are mediocre, this is the unchanging truth.

Want to take money, take my Li Dong's money, then you have to have this ability.

The attrition rate is so high that I ca n’t believe it, and the profit is so low that I almost thought I was wrong. You are really capable!

Or do you think that Li Dong really does not understand this at all?

I have been operating in a distant place for five years. I dare not say that every position is well-known, but generally I still know.

This kind of abnormal data deceives and confuses others.

Others have feelings for you, and I have no feelings for more than 20 years!

Play this set with me, don't blame me!

In the past five years, not one or two have been sent to prison. After that, Gome will conduct a major investigation!

1080 stores, all the inventory, I will not go back too long in the inventory time, just all the data in 2008!

I don't care about the past. Before 2008, I don't care about you. From 2008 to after, there are some things that you consider for yourself.

The remote monitoring team has hundreds of personnel and a little check. I don't think there is anything to hide from the past.

Don't think I'm harsh and cold-blooded ... "

Li Dong said with a pause: "Because, I am stricter and colder than you think!

In times of trouble, I have used a heavy code. I said this to the remote supervision minister, and I will give it to you as well!

If you feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable with Gome, you can leave your job.

Although I am short of people, I would rather paralyze part of the system, and it would not be cheaper for some worms. Maybe some people are gone, and I can create the previous profit with one third of Gome!

At this point, I'm pretty sure, don't think it's impossible, you are just right.

In addition, there is no shortage of people in this world, really there is no shortage of senior elites at the helm, difficult to find, middle management, I can find a lot of them casually.

Some people just happened to go ~ ~ Even the compensation is saved, leaving room for promotion for others.

The future Gome will only be better and only more promising.

This meeting was a warning and reminder, and it was also an opportunity.

People with vision and ability can seize this opportunity.

Those who have no vision and no ability, give up this opportunity, I can't ask for it!

That's it, let's talk about it. Next, Mr. Wang will preside over the meeting. Everyone will go back and think about it. If you want to leave, you will take advantage of the year and leave now. "

Li Dong made a long discussion, patting his **** and turning to leave.

As soon as he left the meeting room, there was a burst of gasping in the room.

This guy really rumors that it is not fake, scary with confidence, and scary with coldness, and finally is scary with dictatorship, even more so than Lao Huang.