The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1340: Farewell for eight years

Women's thoughts, Li Dong is actually not understand at all.

In the distance, a large group of women, for Li Dong single, this is not a joke.

He said that if he got married, he could solve a group of leftover fighters. Although it was a joke, it was a fact.

Li Dong's thoughts of these secretaries are also clearer.

But Li Dong didn't really bother to trouble himself any more. He was not Xu Shengzhe. He was not so free and easy. He slept as he wanted, and divided as he didn't.

If he really wants to, then he is not Li Dong.

Therefore, Li Dong has never given any hope to people like Bai Su.

With such thoughts in mind, Li Dong can attract a lot of waves.

As for Qin Yuhan and Yuan Xue, there are some things that Li Dong can't give up.

If he is born again, he will stand in the present position. With the current thinking, he will probably not provoke other women.

But he was not. When he was reborn, the situation was completely different from now.

Therefore, Li Dong was reluctant to let go.

Three women are enough for him to drink a pot. At this time, Li Dongna dare to continue to leave some romantic debts. He is afraid that he will not be exhausted in his career, but will be tossed to death by emotional matters.


After coming out of the cafeteria, Li Dong took people and started to tour the store.

In New Year's Eve, Yuanyuan Supermarket is not closed.

Fortunately, supermarkets and hypermarkets are closed at 4 pm, but convenience stores are open 24 hours, even on New Year's Eve.

In the entire retail system, although convenience stores are insignificant, they feel dispensable.

But in fact, the importance of convenience stores matters.

24-hour convenience store, not to mention the benefits, but it has the function of signs and publicity.

It only operates hypermarkets, its reputation is great, and its radiation range is very small.

Convenience stores, and convenience stores everywhere, are the real tools for publicity.

In Pingchuan, where the base camp is far away, there are convenience stores far away almost every distance.

All afternoon, Li Dong kept rushing to the scene.

Thousands of red envelopes were sent by Li Dong alone.

When Li Dong finished his tour of downtown stores and some suburban stores, it was already dark.

Outside, the lights were brilliant.

At this time, there were no regulations prohibiting fireworks. The sound of firecrackers outside the car roared, and the fireworks went bad.

Li Dong opened the window and let the cold wind blow through, his tired spirit cheered up and said softly: "Lao Tan, find a substitute next year.

After following me for several years, you are also tired, no longer have to watch me for 24 hours.

Take care of the family more. In the past few years, the days have been better, but the family is less accompanied. "

Tan Yong smiled while driving the car: "I am not tired, President Li.

Compared with you, I can relax a lot, just drive a car, without using my brain.

These years have been the most fulfilling time in my life, and they have been more fulfilling than in the army.

If you are not afraid to laugh at you, you will come out of the prison. You will bring someone to pick me up, let me drive you, let me be your bodyguard ...

At that time, I made up my mind to go with you in my life.

After a few years, I know that I chose right.

It's probably my wisest choice to walk with you in this life. "

Li Dong laughed and said: "It's still sensational, you big brothers, follow me, I don't want to follow you yet.

I will soon be a wife-in-law, and I will go with my wife in the future. "

Tan Yong grinned and did not continue to speak.

Some words, just know it in your heart.

He didn't tell lies. When he was in prison, he thought that Li Dong had given up on him.

The money deal was over, Li Dong gave him money, and he helped Li Dong work.

And Li Dong is also righteous enough to help everyone, Li Dong does not owe him.

But when he came out of the prison, Li Dong took someone outside to wait for him in person, let him go to work in the distance, and even let him as a person with the most personal background.

At that moment, Tan Yong was moved.

He can work for Li Dong's money, but is Li Dong not afraid, someone will pay a higher price to make him betray?

This is possible.

But Li Dong didn't consider this. In these years, almost all of them came and went with him.

Tan Yong was really going to betray, and it was easy to cause trouble for Li Dong.

In the past few years, no one has contacted Tan Yong secretly, nor has anyone bought him, and sometimes the price given is even palpable.

But Tan Yong never hesitated, every time there was such a thing, he could handle it secretly, and if he couldn't handle it, he could find Li Dong.

Perhaps this is the case, so that Li Dong will trust him more and more.

Bodyguards are sometimes more important than their wives. It is not Shen Qian, Qin Yuhan, parents, or secretary, but Tan Yong who spends most of his time with Li Dong.

Apart from the rebirth, all secrets of Li Dong are not unknown to Tan Yong.

At this time, Tan Yong became more and more uneasy, and he was not assured of others to protect Li Dong.

The boss is too young, and sometimes very impulsive. Can I really protect him if I change someone?

Therefore, despite his tiredness, Tan Yong would not casually find someone to take his place, which is Li Dong ’s biggest blame.

In the car, neither of them spoke again.

Until the car arrived at the door of the building, Li Dong got out of the car and smiled and said: "Go back in advance today and have a reunion dinner with my wife and children. Later, I will drive back by myself."

Tan Yong grinned, but refused to move.

Li Dong also laughed, patted his shoulder hard, and said with emotion: "I know I said it in vain, then wait for a while, I will go back with a few drinks with everyone.

By next year, I will probably be with my parents and daughter-in-law at home, and I won't be out during the Chinese New Year.

I have struggled all these years, not just for this time. "

Li Dong's speaking time, he walked towards the cafeteria.

Tan Yong waited for him to leave, took a phone call and went out. Once the phone was connected, Tan Yong happily said: "I will send Mr. Li back home later, and I will be able to go back to dinner.

You and the children do not have to wait for me, this year is probably the last year.

By next year, the boss will not be so busy.

In addition, the red envelopes that Mr. Li didn't send out just now have been squeezed into me. There are tens of thousands of them, which are regarded as New Year's red envelopes.

Did n’t the boss say who traveled abroad in her class last time?

Looking back on the New Year, you take the kids out to play together, do n’t save me money ... "

Tan Yong has been chattering for a long time, always with a strong smile on his face.

This day, I am getting more and more comfortable, I really hope that this life can go on smoothly.

And for the man who gave him all this, Tan Yong also sincerely hoped that he could go on smoothly for a lifetime.


It was nearly eight o'clock in the evening before Li Dong returned to Wanyuan.

New Year's Eve dinner is ready.

As soon as he returned, the whole family showed heartfelt joy, Cao Fangxi smiled and said: "It's dinner!"

On New Year's Eve, Li Dong had a big appetite.

Waiting for the little stone to carry the juice, blessing with a milky voice: "Uncle Zhu is getting more and more handsome, handsome ..."

She was so handsome that she forgot to say something. She did n’t know what to say in the back. When she started crying, the atmosphere reached its climax, and joy laughter spread from the whole room.

Holding a small stone in one hand, Li Dong toasted his parents in one hand and said with a lot of emotion: "Dad, Mom, my biggest achievement in my life is not how much money I have earned, nor how big my career is.

I am most happy that our family can get together and get together peacefully.

A few years ago, I was so busy that I ignored you.

After waiting, I will definitely spend more time with you to take care of you ... "

When Li Dong said this, the scenes of the previous life flashed in his mind.

Parents passed away and were alone.

Every big year is the most difficult time for him.

Others have a home, he does not.

Reunion of others, and only the portrait of his parents accompanied him.

This kind of day lasted for many years. In his last life, he did not meet a woman who could give his family the warmth, so his loneliness lasted longer.

In this life, everything is different.

The parents are still alive, and they have met a woman who can bring warmth to themselves. This may be his greatest achievement in rebirth.

Li Dong said, Cao Fang couldn't help laughing: "Hunxiao is now talking nicely. When he marries his daughter-in-law, I'm afraid I will forget my mother.

But Mom doesn't care, you can live well and live your life, Mom will be relieved.

In the past few years, what mom worried most about was that my dad and I were old and who would take care of you.

Well now, someone will take care of you in the future, even if Mom is gone ... "

"Mom, New Year's Eve, what nonsense!"

Li Dong scolded and hurriedly said: "Spit out quickly, the gods and Buddhas are not surprised."

Cao Fang laughed suddenly, followed his son's wishes, and pouted a few times before he picked up a glass of wine and had a drink with his son.

At the next moment, the laughter in the house was more cheerful.


After eating, the women set up the Great Wall, and the two family members, Lao Li and Cao Feng, had to serve alongside.

Li Dong, the bachelor, has nothing to do, but is responsible for bringing up the child.

Accompanying several children, a burst of fireworks was set downstairs.

Li Dong reached Shen Qian's phone, and Li Dong laughed and said, "Happy New Year, wife!"

Shen Qian over the phone couldn't help laughing: "My mouth is so sweet, and you are happy new year."

Li Dong immediately dissatisfied said: "I have called my wife, you have nothing to say?"

"Someone in the family ..."

"What's wrong with someone? Someone you are my wife, hurry up, or I'll go to the capital and knock on your home window!"


Shen Qian Jiao laughed, twitched for a while, then whispered: "Her husband, Happy New Year."

"That's right."

Li Dong laughed suddenly, and there were other people's laughter over the phone.

Obviously, Shen Qian's words did not hide others' ears.

Li Dong didn't care too, chatting with Shen Qian for a while, and then chatting with Du and Shen Xuehua, and then hung up.

Hanging up the phone and looking at the address book in the phone, Li Dong hesitated for a while, and finally did not call again, just sent a few blessing text messages.


This night, Li Dong received countless text messages, countless calls, and countless red envelopes.

Wait for the zero o'clock to ring ~ ~ The whole China is plunged into a sea of ​​joy.

In 2008, it passed completely.

But at zero o'clock, Li Dong, who has always been stingy, has an atmosphere, and all groups send red envelopes.

It did n’t take long for Ma Yun and Liu Chuanzhi to post a screenshot of Li Dong ’s red envelope on Weibo.

Li Dong, who stumbled upon one dollar and could distribute ten bags at the corporate club, was willing to give up the blood. It was not easy.

Of course, this rare event must be shared with everyone.

The iron **** Li Dong plucked hair once, which also counts as a joyous element for the New Year.

As everyone knows, the wool is still in the sheep after all.

On this day, there were millions of more users in the distance, and OL mobile phones were sold in short supply. The stingy Li Dong was no good. It would be cheaper for others.