The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1343: Bottom line

Outside the community.

In the car.

Li Dong opened the car window and smoked several cigarettes in succession.

Brows were tightly closed, and Li Dong looked back from time to time, with a little doubt in his heart.

Before he came, he felt that even if Lao Zhou really betrayed himself, someone must have given the corresponding price.

But as a result, 1.4 million, Zhou Haidong fell.

This result was beyond Li Dong's expectations.

He didn't think Zhou Haidong would lie to himself. At this time, he wouldn't say it at all, since he said it, that is, 1.4 million should be true.

When Li Dong was not in a happy mood, not far away, Tan Yong hurried over.

Seeing that Li Dong had n’t left yet, Tan Yong let out a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, come home? Let me drive, this winter is a bit slippery ..."

Before his words fell, Li Dong frowned and said, "Why are you here!"

"Xiao Chen, they said that you drove out by yourself, it hasn't been driving for several years ..."

"Who made you come!"

Li Dong scolded: "Co-authors are in your eyes, I'm a waste person, what happens when I drive a car?"

Tan Yong scratched his head a bit. New Year's Eve, have you come to Great Aunt?

I said that, what are you doing with such a fire?

With a little helplessness on his face, Tan Yong had no choice but to say: "Isn't this a new year, I just went to your New Year's New Year, the way to go ..."

Li Dong grunted and didn't speak again.

Tan Yong opened the car door with a smile and smiled and said, "Mr. Li, you can sit back and let me drive."

The next time you use the car, you can call me, it's not enough, let Xiao Chen drive them.

I do n’t doubt your technology, but it ’s freezing this day, the road is not easy ... "

"Okay, so much nonsense, more and more words in recent years. Wasn't it a reticent before, who did you learn so badly from!"

Tan Yong's cheeks were a little stiff.

When I do n’t speak, you say I ’m bored, I ’m bored, and I have to talk more often.

Let me talk, you say I talk too much nonsense, why is it so hard to serve?

With some frustration, Tan Yong did not answer the call. When Li Dong gave up the driving seat, Tan Yong got on the train skillfully.

As soon as he got on the bus, Tan Yong said: "Lao Zhou is too ridiculous to talk about delivery.

Knowing that you are driving alone, you have to send you back.

But don't really say, he drove you, I'm not at ease.

This guy doesn't drive much anymore. The tanks can be opened before. Now that the days are better. People are lazy. Looking back at an opportunity, let the predators on the side of the Provincial Party Committee let him try. "

Tan Yong made a joke when he saw the bad atmosphere.

He has a good relationship with Zhou Haidong.

He, Zhou Haidong, Cao Hongbing and Zheng Long entered the distance together.

Before coming, a few people knew that although he and Zhou Haidong were not in a unit, they had dealt with them in the unit.

After working in the distance for so long, he took over the position of Lao Zhou and served as a bodyguard and driver for Li Dong. Among the four people, he and Zhou Haidong had a closer relationship.

Although Zhou Haidong is now a distant director, Tan Yong is still shouting, and nobody cares.

Li Dong came to New Year's party on New Year's Day, but Tan Yong was actually a bit puzzled.

After all, regardless of status or close relationship, or whatever, even if it is a New Year's greeting, not to mention waiting for them to come, even if Li Dong is going to go, the first object is not Lao Zhou, Mr. Sun is about the same.

However, Tan Yong didn't think much about it, the boss had this temper.

When the brain is hot, it's understandable to take a look at Lao Zhou, but it's no big deal.

As a result, there was such a joke. Just after he finished speaking, Li Dong suddenly blaze the road: "Open a fart, I am afraid that he will drive me to death!"

Mad, don't mention him to me! "

Tan Yong was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned around and said, "Mr. Li, can't you say that?

Lao Zhou's **** didn't come to see you, but he didn't look, and I turned back and scolded him.

But you said that Lao Zhou he ... President Li, this matter came out, my heart collapsed at once, uncomfortable tight ... "

Tan Yong is really uncomfortable, even if Li Dong scolds people, he doesn't care.

It can be said that Lao Zhou drove him to death in a car, which is really a stern word.

Anyone who hears such words will feel chills.

Even if Tan Yong was used to Li Dong's poisonous tongue, he was also used to catering to Li Dong.

But at this time, when I heard this, I couldn't help but refute a few words.

Li Dong said coldly: "You're uncomfortable, do I say you?

Lao Tan, I ask you, is there anything I can't do with Lao Zhou! "

"Mr. Li, what's wrong with you?"

Tan Yong's face was eager. This was so good-looking, and the Chinese New Year, everyone was in a good mood, but it is obviously not the case now.

Following Li Dong for a few years, Tan Yong didn't learn anything else, and it would still be possible to observe and observe.

Li Dong is now obviously irritated, and there is a tendency that cannot be suppressed.

Otherwise, he would not be in this tone.

Li Dong took a deep breath and said in a while: "If you don't come, I didn't plan to mention these to you.

But since you came by yourself and don't want to have a good year, then I will fulfill you.

Go, let me stare at Old Zhou!

Also, check with me about his movements in the past year!

I don't believe it, people will change so quickly!

When he was with me, he had never experienced any temptation and wanted to betrayal.

But now, the life is better, but it has changed. Even if it is another three or five years, even if I leave, I can accept it.

not now!

How long does it take to change?

Is it so hard to understand?

I've failed at this point in my life as a Li Dong?

I do n’t believe this evil! "

Li Dong said, smashing the seat hard, this time he was really annoyed.

While angry, Li Dong was also full of doubts.

People's hearts are volatile, he has long understood this principle.

He did not expect anyone to be loyal to him all his life, including Sun Tao and Li Dong.

With different status, different experiences, some things will change sooner or later.

After three or five years, Zhou Haidong has experienced more in this position, and his relationship with Li Dong is gradually getting farther away. Li Dong can understand, really understand.

But it has only been two years now, and Li Dong is at his peak now, and it is not time to go downhill.

At this time, such a change occurred, he could not understand.

A few words from Li Dong, Tan Yong said a little dazed.

But he knew that something went wrong!

If something went wrong, Li Dong wouldn't let him stare at Old Zhou, nor would he utter the stern words before, let alone the words behind.

Tan Yong was a little dry, and swallowed the waterway: "Mr. Li, what's wrong with Lao Zhou?"

Li Dong rubbed his temples and said after a while: "He collected 1.4 million others and deliberately released water while monitoring."


Lao Tan snapped his eyes firmly and said: "Mr. Li, you must have misunderstood. Lao Zhou is not such a person.

Not to mention 1.4 million, which is 140 million. I believe in him and will not do such a thing!

Really, you believe me, there must be something wrong.

I went up and asked him, he was never such a person, you give him another chance, I let him explain to you in person.

President Li, please, give him a chance, Lao Zhou ... Lao Zhou will never! "

Tan Yong's face was firm, with a longing in his eyes.

He did not believe that Lao Zhou would betray Li Dong, yes, it was betrayal.

As the Minister of Supervision, he has collected more than one million people and let go of the black sheep. The damage to the distant place is by no means more than one million. Tens or even hundreds of millions of losses are normal.

And there are two with one, dare to collect 1.4 million this time, and dare to collect more next time.

This situation, Tan Yong did not believe that Lao Zhou was unclear.

Since it was clear, Tan Yong felt that Zhou Haidong would not do this, and someone must be slandering.

Reminiscent of the previous security team's itinerary report, Tan Yong secretly scolded in his heart that Wang Jie falsely accused of it!

That guy definitely doesn't want to go to the capital and wants to get rid of Lao Zhou's own superiority!

Zhou Haidong is an honest person and certainly did not explain clearly, so he was misunderstood by President Li.

The more he wanted to go on, Tan Yong felt that the possibility was very great.

While he was thinking about how to help Lao Zhou explain clearly, Li Dong said in a low voice: "Lao Tan, I didn't believe it before coming.

So, I came in person, without checking, I personally asked him!

It was he who told me personally that he collected money from others, destroyed evidence, and let go of those people! "

"Will not……"

Tan Yong's face was dull, he thought Li Dong had definitely not found it out, and he didn't even give Zhou Haidong the opportunity to explain.

But Li Dong told him that Lao Zhou admitted himself!

Zhou Haidong, really betrayed!

In an instant, Lao Tan's eyes were red. When he opened the door, he got out of the car and rushed upstairs to question the guy.

As a result, before he got off the train, Li Dong scolded, "What do you do, come back!"

"Mr. Li, I ... I will ask him ..."

Lao Tan gritted his teeth, outraged: "I'll ask him if he did it!

To be true, I killed him as a bastard!

I can accept everyone's money, but he can't!

You do n’t understand, in our eyes, no one is more disgusting and hateful than these black money beasts!

Others can collect black money and can do this. We can't. We are from the army. We still have our perseverance!

Even if I go black, I can forgive him, I can understand him, but I can be embezzled and bribed ... I will never forgive him! "

Tan Yong clenched his fists and burst into blue.

He can accept homicide and arson, however, there are some things that for the group of them, that is the bottom line that must not be touched.

Especially corruption and drug involvement, these two are taboo.

This group of comrades-in-arms, after retiring from the army, has people who take any path, but no one will ever move those thoughts.

Volunteers don't care about him, they are soldiers and elites!

The time spent in the army, long for several decades, and short for at least five years.

After so many years, although their culture is not deep, some people still lack the concept of right and wrong and the concept of law.

But some perseverance in the past is unshakable.

Tan Yong at this moment, the anger and disappointment in his heart, heavier than Li Dong.

He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it.

But Li Dong could not help but believe it.

Since Li Dong said that Zhou Haidong personally admitted, it would not be fake.

No matter what the reason is, no matter what the inside story, he Tan Yong can't accept Zhou Haidong to collect other people's money to do betrayal!

Seeing Tan Yong's rage, Li Dong was awake a lot, frowning and said: "What anxious!

Don't go up now, ask in vain.

To find out clearly, I would like to see, what is it because of him, Zhou Haidong is willing to give up many years of perseverance, give up your comrades and brothers.

Check it out, tell me first, your own account, and then you will count. "

"Mr. Li, I ..."

Tan Yong gasped for a while and then calmed down, breathing out: "Okay, I'll ask someone to check it immediately.

It ’s best to have misunderstandings on this bastard, otherwise, I promise, I will smash his head! "

"piss off!"

Li Dong scolded, exasperated: "Whose head did you smash?

Come, you smashed me first?

After a few years with Lao Tzu, I will bring out your **** stuff!

What about him, I do n’t have any merits worth learning?

In addition to beating people and being rude, what have you learned?

Believe it or not, I now kick you to death! "

Tan Yong scorned and said dryly, "I'm so angry, that's not what I meant.

Mr. Li, don't take it seriously. I will discount him at most, and I will definitely not do anything else. "

Li Dong covered his face with black lines and glared at him without speaking.

Tan Yong pulled his head, not knowing what to say.

After a while, Li Dongcai said: "Drive and go home."

"Good, drive right away ..."

Tan Yong was relieved and hurriedly started the vehicle.

As for the matter of Lao Zhou, Li Dong did not say that he had to check it as soon as possible.


Wanyuan Community.

When Li Dong came back, it was still early.

The others were busy, but his mother Cao Fang was answering the phone, and the smile on her face could not be blocked.

Seeing that Li Dong was back, Cao Fangxi smiled and smiled at the phone: "Si Qian, Dong Zi is back.

You will come over when you are busy. There is no need to bring us anything. There is nothing missing in the house.

Let me tell Dongzi to talk to you. The weather in Beijing is cold. Remember to dress more and do n’t freeze ... "

Cao Fang's concern, Li Dong listened a little stunned. When did the relationship between the two become so good?

Just when he was in a daze ~ ~ Cao Fang handed the phone and smiled and said: "This girl, Qianxi, also called us specifically to ask us what we like to eat, and we must bring us something delicious. come.

There is everything in the family, far away, so why bother.

Dongzi, don't worry about her. My dad and I don't lack anything ... "

Li Dong couldn't help crying, and took the phone and said with a laugh: "I said, you don't call me or please me. I'll please my grandparents before I even enter the door. Don't forget, I will live with you in the future All jealous! "

Cao Fang stared at him aside and reprimanded: "Speak well, your daughter is filial, you think it's like you!"

Li Dong was helpless and quickly raised his hand to surrender. Then he stopped answering the phone next to his mother and took the phone to the balcony.

Cao Fang wanted to keep up with it, but after seeing so many people at home, he still didn't follow it.

But there was always a smile on his face, and obviously he was quite satisfied.