The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1374: Hongmen Banquet

Time gradually passed.

When it was dark, cars stopped slowly in front of the park in the distance.

In the car, an elite in the retail industry stepped off the car.

Those who can come far away today, without exception, are all elites.

Regardless of whether the company is large or small, it is a leading local enterprise.

Otherwise, Li Dong will not be invited.

Being able to grow bigger in the place represents their strength.

Especially among them, there are many top 100 retail enterprises.

These enterprises are not small in scale. Enterprises like Meitehao and Intime have annual revenues of nearly 10 billion yuan.

Of course, the strength is relatively speaking, at least relative to the distance, these companies add up, the annual revenue is not much in the distance.

Distant plus Gome, revenue exceeded the 300 billion mark last year.

However, the total number of these companies on the site can not reach as much as 300 billion.

Locally, they can be called overlords. On the far side, whether it is a company with tens of billions of revenue or a company with hundreds of millions of revenue, it is actually a horizontal line.

When Shen Guojun got off the bus, someone next to him smiled and greeted, "Mr. Shen, you are here."

Shen Guojun turned his head and looked at it, seeing that Chu Teh-chun, a good-looking CEO, couldn't help but laugh: "Mr. Chu, I didn't expect you to be here too, something that was unexpected.

Fortunately, Meite is a generation of Jin province. Its scale is not small and its competitiveness is not too big.

Unlike places like Jiangsu and Zhejiang, where dragons are mixed, Yintai is under great pressure, and they have no choice but to choose one side to take refuge.

However, the province of Jinte where Metwell is located, no matter whether it is a distant place or other giant enterprises, has not invested on a large scale.

After listening to Shen Guojun's words, Chu Dequn couldn't help laughing: "There is no way, don't feel uneasy.

Although Shanxi Province is not in East China, but in the North China region, the distance is now growing. It is better than listening to what Mr. Li said anyway. "

Shen Guojun lost his smile and said, "No, you are much safer than me."

Chu Dequn smiled and didn't answer. The safety was safe, but outside of Shanxi Province, he was now occupied by distant places and several large overlords.

Mei Tehao can't come out now, sooner or later is the turtle in the urn.

If he became a bully, he also recognized, but now China's retail industry is like crazy.

Far away is expanding, Bailian is expanding, China Resources is expanding, and several giants are expanding wildly.

Formerly live together in harmony, now does not exist.

Before, everyone could coexist, but now it is rarely seen.

It's normal for you to fight to death.

Too dangerous!

This is the common idea of ​​all small and medium-sized retail enterprises!

Since the rise in the distance, China's retail companies have become more and more difficult to mix, this is the so-called catfish effect.

There were suddenly a lot of distant places like troubles in the originally calm fish. Who else can sit still?

The retail giant once fell down one after another in recent years.

Su Guoqiang, right?

Has been in the top ten retail, now?

Some far away annexed, China Resources completely swallowed, and even changed the signboard.


Still can't escape, the death is neat.

Gome, Agribusiness, Yonghui, Haoyouduo, Hongkelong, Times, Meilianmei, Jiashijie, Eurasia, Supermarket Development, Yongle, Jingkelong ...

One giant after another fell.

Zhongbai, Zhongshang and Ewushang are three-in-one with a long and lasting breath, Xinyijia has completely disappeared from the top ten, RT-Mart also merged with Auchan ...

Other foreign capitals such as Tesco and Metro are now able to do business and retreat if they cannot.

The retail industry in China has changed a lot in recent years.

Many people are at a loss.

Companies such as Intime and Meitehao are not the big ones, but the small ones are actually the most sad days.

The first-line giants now rarely compete, and their eyes are on their heads.

Obviously, everyone wants to quickly increase their strength, and the fastest way is to merge and acquisition.

There is no way faster than mergers and acquisitions.

Although mergers and acquisitions are also full of various problems, who can still take care of this at this time, first grab the market and talk about it.

These medium-sized enterprises are the luncheons of the giants.

Everyone wants to share a cup of soup. This is polite, not polite, even your old man wants to copy it.

Li Dong used to like bargain-hunting, but now giants like it.

Bailian, which has been silent for a while, has recently become an obvious offensive. China Resources, which has been hailed as the first attacker of China Retail, has become even more aggressive.

The big business group that used to be divided in An'an is now operating the three eastern provinces as iron buckets.

It is precisely because of this situation that everyone is in crisis.

As soon as Li Dong said to treat guests, no matter what he thought in his heart, he would come and talk again.

Here comes, at least no sinners.

If you don't come, you will offend people, especially a cautious guy.

Everyone was chatting, and not far away, Li Dong came over with a group of executives.

After a long distance, Li Dong laughed and said: "Welcome to welcome, welcome to be far away, please forgive me.

There are too many things these days and there is really no way to get tangled. "

After all, Li Dong stepped forward and shook hands with everyone. While shaking hands, he said with emotion: "I always wanted to gather with you, but this opportunity is really rare.

I wanted to get together before, I was afraid everyone would see me spray me.

Fortunately, I am thick-skinned, and I'm not afraid of spraying, so this time I was thick-skinned and invited everyone to have a meal and talk. "

Everyone could not help laughing. Shen Guojun and Li Dong were acquaintances. At this time, they took the initiative to say: "We dare not spray you. If it sprays, we will not be able to tell who is far away."

Li Dong laughed and said: "Don't you seduce President Shen, am I the kind of person?"

Everyone laughed loudly again, but in my heart was defamation, you really are such a person.

Li Dong accompanied them for a few words, and there were some top 100 companies gathered around him.

Sun Tao and Chen Lang also gathered a lot of people around them. These two are not strange here, but when they see Wang Yue also, many people are still a bit strange.

Wang Yue should be still rectifying at Gome now, how come he is back now?

The far-away annual meeting is the day after tomorrow, there is no need to hurry like this?

They were suspicious, and nobody asked to export.

Instead, Shen Guojun smiled and said: "Mr. Wang is back now. It seems that Gome is included in the distance, just around the corner."

Wang Yue smiled, and Li Dong on the side said directly: "It's not just around the corner, it's an immediate matter!"

Everyone's heart was condensed. Li Dong also said before that he wanted to be included in Gome by the end of this year, and now he suddenly changes his mind, something unexpected.

Although Chu Dequn was not familiar with Li Dong, he laughed actively at this time: "President Li, Gome is included in the distance, Mr. Suning Zhang may be anxious."

Li Dong laughed and said: "He is anxious to him, and I am not prepared to deal with him.

Not mentioning him, it's not too early, everyone hasn't eaten yet, let's go, let's talk while eating.

Today there are many people, I will not entertain them one by one.

I didn't go to any good place. I was a little neglected, but the dishes in the distant cafeteria tasted okay. Others dare not say that it tastes better than a big hotel! "

Everyone laughed and followed Li Dong towards the cafeteria.

At this time, Li Dong's face suddenly changed slightly, and he turned to smile and said, "You guys, go ahead and I'll be here soon."

The others didn't say anything, they followed Sun Tao and walked in.

Waiting for the last few people, Li Dong suddenly hummed: "What the **** are you doing!"

After a few people froze for a moment, they saw a person next to them and said with a smile: "Come and see, anyway, it is also a major shareholder in the distance, you are invited, I still have to accompany."

Li Dong stared at Xu Shengzhe for a while, and after a while said: "What has nothing to do with you, what do you mix in!"

Xu Shengzhe frowned and said, "I'm really curious, I can't hold it back, Li Dong, as far as we are concerned, I'll go in and see it, don't make trouble, is this not enough?"

Li Dong was annoyed, glared at him, and slowly said: "If you mess with me tonight, I will cut you!"

"Guarantee, rest assured!"

Leaving this, Xu Shengzhe slipped into the canteen.

Li Dong frowned slightly, but said nothing, and went into the cafeteria together.


Although it is said to be in the cafeteria, Li Dong will not really cook big pot rice.

Today, the distant cafeteria is not open to employees. The large cafeteria is Li Dong and their group, with a little over 100 people.

Compared to a canteen that can accommodate two thousand people, not more than one hundred people.

The crowd entered without disturbance.

From afar, according to the invitation letter, seats have been arranged long ago, and every company has a nameplate.

This is also a lot of people, and part of Li Dong doesn't know it and has to do so.

As soon as Li Dong entered, the waiter of the cafeteria suddenly carried out the food.

Seeing a lot of people standing, Li Dong greeted with a smile: "Everyone sits, sits down and chats while eating and chatting. It's really impossible. Tonight's candlelight night talk, let's chat until dawn!

These words made many people feel a little trembling, and it seemed that something really happened.

Otherwise, who will talk until dawn just by eating.

Everyone was seated, Li Dong also sat down, waited for the waiter to help fill the wine, Li Dong stood up holding the glass and said: "Everyone don't have to stand, today I would like to salute everyone.

Later, I might not be able to speak properly, which made some friends unhappy.

However, I am a straightforward man. I apologize first, and then I have to say what I should say. "

"Mr. Li's words."

"You're welcome, we're done, President Li is at will."


Everyone responded one after another, but his face was a little serious.

Say hello in advance as soon as I arrive. It ’s a bit of a bad taste.

Li Dong didn't care what they thought, he drank with a glass of wine.

After drinking the first cup, Li Dong did not talk about things next, but greeted everyone to eat, drink, and talk about trivia.

About half an hour later, Shen Guojun got up and smiled at the beckoning of everyone: "Mr. Li, everyone is here today. Just tell us if you have something.

Not to mention, we can't eat any more. "

Upon seeing this, Li Dong couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Shen is quick to speak quickly and openly!

That line, everyone's time is also precious, I will not play with you.

Everyone sees the retail situation in China today.

On the physical side, several major groups are getting bigger and bigger, and they are beginning to shrink everyone's space.

With the emergence of e-commerce, the online shopping market is gradually rising, seizing everyone's market share.

It can be said that the lives of you are not so good.

Of course, some people may think that it has nothing to do with me. What I have to do with the rise of giants and the rise of other e-commerce companies is that I am particularly moisturized in our local days.

This kind of psychology, I think some people should have. "

Li Dong said, looking around and said: "With this kind of psychology, I can only say that I don't even have the most basic sense of crisis!

Everyone who comes today is at least one hegemon of the third- and fourth-tier cities.

You are not a small store in the rural market. At the very least, you also operate several hypermarkets.

Do you think that the impact of physical giants and e-commerce has nothing to do with you?

If now, who else has such a fool-like dream, then I don't need to talk to you about this matter today.

Those who have this idea can leave now.

Rest assured, I'm not as terrible as everyone thinks, you leave now, I have nothing to say.

But if I still have this kind of thinking afterwards, I think Li Dong forced you to stay, it would be wrong! "

As soon as these words came out, many people were quiet.

Li Dong waited for a while and smiled: "Why, no one has this thought?

Still afraid that I will settle the bill? "

Chu Dequn said with a smile: "Mr. Li is joking. Everyone knows people. We all agree with Mr. Li's words.

Without a sense of crisis, we will not come here today.

It is precisely because of the sense of crisis that we have traveled thousands of miles, even thousands of miles, to Pingchuan and to a distance.

Now that we are here, we just want President Li to show us a clear way out.

No one in the retail industry, China Retail, will question Mr. Li's vision. "

Li Dong immediately smiled and said: "President Chu has been praised.

Okay, then listen to me.

Let me talk first. At the same time as I said, whoever feels boring can leave at any time.

I really want to hear it in the end, but it is playing haha ​​with me, then I will get angry. "

All the people condensed their hearts and the scene was quiet.

Li Dong continued: "I said before that the current China retail industry is in a period of chaos.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp.

Everyone has a sense of crisis, including me, so we are all expanding, expanding, and continuing to expand!

Whatever is within our ability, we can swallow it, we cannot swallow it, at least we don't give the other party an opportunity to expand.

This point, I think everyone should see it.

Not to mention you, how many giant foreign-funded companies want to enter Huaxia, it used to be okay, now?

World giants as strong as Tesco and Metro have returned home in China!

If you go on like this, I would say you're welcome, at least 70% of you will be annexed!

For the remaining 30%, I dare not say that all are dead, but most of them are in a state of lingering panic!

This is my judgment, whether you agree or not, this is reality!

Reality is so cruel! "

It was not until this moment that some people hesitated a little and questioned a little: "President Li, it's not that I doubt your judgment.

But major companies have limits, and you cannot expand without limits.

You say this now, but I think it is a bit alarmist.

Also, between companies, I do n’t think it ’s just that you ’re going to die.

Before the rise of the distance, the retail industry was not so volatile.

As long as President Li is now slowing down, giving himself breathing time, and giving other companies breathing time, I think we can jointly operate the entire retail market. "

Li Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "If you say this, you don't know me enough!

I will not slow down, the weak are not worthy of sympathy!

I am strong, so I will keep going!

I am weak and defeated by you, that is what I deserve.

In my Li Dong ’s dictionary, the strong are qualified to tell me to live in peace, the weak are not qualified!

You ca n’t even see through weak meat and strong food, and you ca n’t see the basic rules of survival in the business world.

The reality is cruel, I repeat it again.

Expect others to wait for you, expect others to stop, why dare you say this! "

The person who spoke before turned a little bit red, but still refuted: "I don't agree with President Li!

Weak meat and strong food are true, but the market is so big that no one or a few can eat it!

Learning to share is the choice that an enterprise should make when it gets bigger!

Today, China's retail industry is somewhat deformed, and the source of all this, I think lies in Mr. Li's stubborn use!

President Li, the good words are harsh. Today I know that you will not be happy, but I still want to say.

If you go on like this, the distance is self-defeating! "

Li Dong took a deep look at him, and said after a while: "It's very good, but sorry, I don't need to question my voice, you can leave!"

The speaker didn't say anything, got up and walked away, the ways were different and they didn't make any plans!

Even a basic agreement cannot be reached, and it is useless to say more.

Li Dong's stunnedness for his own use made him extremely disappointed.

Originally, came full of anticipation.

But now, Li Dong is still in this attitude ~ ~ which is unacceptable to him.

When he left, Li Dong said slowly: "Who else wants to leave, can leave at any time.

The manager just said that it's actually very good, but I don't want to be like this. Today or later, I can dominate my voice! "

Many people frowned at the remark.

Even today, do you want to do this in the future?

Many people have already speculated vaguely that Li Dong is going to proclaim himself an allied leader!

Today ’s dinner, whether it ’s a martial arts meeting or a Hongmen banquet, is a banquet.

Not everyone is willing to take the lead, even if the other party is Li Dong.

If Li Dong is not as strong as they are now, they can wait any longer, at least until Li Dong opens the conditions, then it is not too late to decide.

But at this moment, Li Dong's strength made them resist from the bottom of his heart.

After a moment of silence, another three or five people got up, nodded slightly to Li Dong, and turned to leave the cafeteria.

Beside Li Dong, Chen Lang and Sun Tao all squeezed their sweats.

There are a few of these people who are companies they hope to stay.

But now, people are gone, and it's too late to say anything.

Sun Tao was a little nervous and lowered his voice: "It is soft first and then hard. This is more appropriate. Will President Li be too anxious?"

Wang Yue glanced at him and hummed in a low voice: "The alliance only needs one core. This is unacceptable. If you leave, you will leave!"


Sun Tao wanted to say more, but when Li Dong turned to look at him, Sun Tao stopped.

After being heard by Li Dong, he had to scold him for his benevolence.

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