The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1380: pressure

February 13th.

Early in the morning, online media made headlines!

"Li Dongmi will meet a hundred retail managers, what do you want to do?"

"Shocking mystery, the giant strikes again!"

"The retail industry is changing!"

"Hundreds of billions of distant retail has become a reality!"

"Retail major league? Or distant major league?"


Pieces of news related to distant places are constantly spread on the Internet.

Since February 7th, the distant place announced the closure of its stores in Beijing, and it was finally stopped for two days. The distant place made a big move again.

Originally everyone was still waiting for the super annual conference in the distance. This year's remote conference will be broadcast live on the PP video.

Many people are waiting for the live broadcast of the annual meeting on the evening of the 14th. Unexpectedly, before reaching the annual meeting, the distance is unwilling to be lonely, and stirs up the situation again.

In the media, some are entirely speculations, and they are made up.

But there are also a lot of media news channels, and too many people participated last night, and also got a lot of inside information.

Far away is about to establish a new retail group, focusing on offline retail, to build a 100 billion-level net asset group, which has attracted many people's attention.

The more important point is that a Li Dong who is used to loneliness suddenly becomes personal.

According to media reports, Far East New Retail Group will transfer part of its equity to replace the shares of other retail groups to form a new interest alliance system.

When the news came out, it was a sensation both inside and outside the industry!

Retail alliance system!

Taking profits as the link, forming a retail alliance system with the core at a distance, which is beyond the expectations of many people!


Capital city.

Jia family.

When Jia Wenhao saw the report, he was amazed by his face, and some dare not set the channel: "Is this news true?"

Jia Wenhao's father glanced at him and said in a deep voice, "What do you think?"

Jia Wenhao took a deep breath and said after a while: "It may not be a fake. After all, with such a multimedia report, no one came out to refute the rumor. I will know if I turn around and ask.

Unexpectedly, it was too unexpected for me!

In Jiangbei these years, I know him. He is used to eating alone, and whoever grabs his plate of food will immediately turn his face.

No matter who the opponent is, he is like this.

Unexpectedly, this time he took the initiative to start sharing. Was it too much pressure, or did he really figure it out? "

Jia Wenhao's father shook his head slightly: "No matter what he thinks, this time he really wants to be done by him, and the influence of Yuanfang Group will be further expanded.

Originally it didn't matter, the key is that the influence of the distance continues to expand, but now it is a constraint on us.

The larger the distance, the harder it is for Du Anmin.

If we knew this already, we should n’t push Du Anmin right. Now we all ride a tiger.

Although Li Dong conceded in the Beijing area, there were hundreds of stores in the distance and nearly 10 billion investment in Beijing, and it is impossible to cover everything.

It doesn't matter at ordinary times, now is the critical time.

Once it was unclear before June, Du Anmin wanted to go up again, it was difficult. "

It's okay not to get married now. Li Dong got married in June, and by then, he was really a relative.

If it can't be decided in June, there will be someone to help, and for all considerations, Du Anmin may not be hopeful.

Wenwen Jia was frowning when he heard the words and thought, "I don't have much relationship with the distance now. The key is that some people don't want Mayor Du to go further.

Even if there is no distance, they will attack elsewhere.

The existence of the distance can only be said to give them a better excuse.

It may also be a good thing for Li Dong to set up a retail alliance. After all, there are more interests involved, and others will also measure whether or not to continue to use the distance as the starting point. "

"Say that, but ..."

Jia Wenhao's father sighed and shook his head: "Do your best, now their attention is focused on Du Anmin, which can be regarded as our original intention.

After waiting for June, it was confirmed, and we were relieved. "

The time when the old man just left was actually the most difficult time for the Jia family.

So at that time, the Jia family was going to push the old Du and let him stand upright.

Although it is not as they expected, others have focused their attention on Du Anmin, and many people have overlooked Jia's family. Not really intimate.

Seeing his father say this, Jia Wenhao frowned slightly, but did not refute.

In fact, he still hopes that Du Anmin can go up.

During that time in Jiangbei, Du Anmin took care of him and voted for Li. If he did not consider Li Dong's bastard, it would be good for him to push Du Anmin.

But considering that Li Dong's guy didn't deal with his wife too much, Jia Wenhao was too lazy to say anything.

As my father said, it ’s just a matter of time to blame everything if you do your best. If the two are not engaged, everyone knows it, and there are not so many things at this time.


While the Jia family was discussing, many people were also discussing one after another.

Li Dong is a big deal this time!

Although we don't know the situation yet, how many companies are willing to join, but even if there are fewer, this is a trend and a sign.

Today, Li Dong is willing to share with the retail group. Is tomorrow's turn to Yuanyuan Technology?

In the distance five years after the rise, the network of relationships in various circles was not too deep.

But as soon as a large number of allies of interest are drawn, there will be a solid foundation in the distance.

In this regard, some people want to see, and some people do not want to see it.

It is really going to be done by Li Dong. With his age and influence, the Chinese business community really wants to be the first to look forward to Li Dong.


There is a lot of talk outside, and the Far Group is also noisy.

Early in the morning, many corporate CEOs came to visit.

All of them were invited from afar, and this time arrived early, Li Dong was not unwilling to accept.

Er Ma came here, not to mention, Bailian, China Resources, Suning ... Most of the CEOs of these enterprises came over.

When Li Dong came forward to entertain, Zhang Jindong sighed as soon as he saw him: "I already knew you were unwilling to be lonely, I didn't expect you to shoot so soon."

Li Dongtan smiled and said: "It's hard to talk about loneliness, just normal business cooperation.

Suning's shareholders are also in the minority, and I haven't seen a few people say anything.

Yuanyuan now adds some shareholders to prepare for future listings, and it's no big deal. "

"I don't agree with you."

Zhang Jindong shook his head and didn't say anything to Li Dong, but looked at the executives of Bailian and China Resources: "When I do home appliance retailing, it doesn't really affect me much.

There are not many domestic appliance retail enterprises, and there are not many household appliance chain enterprises participating this time.

Mainly in the department store, what do you think? "

China Resources' Hongji did not speak, but He Ming, the president who came to represent Bailian, laughed: "Some small and medium-sized enterprises, since President Li is willing to be around, that is also President Li's freedom.

I did not come here for this. I heard that the distant place is planning to increase its investment in the Shanghai stock market, and even relocate the Gome headquarters to the Shanghai stock market. I do n’t know if it is true or not. If Mr. Li does n’t mind, can I reveal a little news? "

Li Dong glanced at him and smiled lightly: "Look at the situation, who is right?"

"Li always has to think carefully. After all, the Shanghai market is no better than Beijing, and its competitiveness is extremely strong."

Li Dong smiled, took a cup of tea and took a sip. Then he said, "I really like being more competitive, which is interesting.

Last year, Distant won a market share of 9 billion in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. There is no such result without competition.

President He, we will probably become neighbors in the future, so please take care of them. "

He Ming's face changed slightly, and he nodded reluctantly.

Everyone looked at Li Dong suspiciously. Really?

Is far away going to continue to enter the southern market, or even relocate Gome?

This matter is really hard to guess, but in their view, it is unlikely.

Gome has been taking root in the capital for so many years.

There is still a distance to continue to enter the southern market, but in the face of the siege of Bailian and even China Resources, will Li Dong not be afraid of the final collapse?

Guessing back to speculation, Li Dong fight haha, they are not easy to ask.

Today everyone came here, in fact, not for this matter.

After a brief chat, Zhang Jindong said: "Mr. Li, in the past few years, the retail industry in China has been constantly changing and everyone is in danger.

This time you advocate the establishment of a retail association, and we all agree.

But the words of a family are inevitably biased.

I discussed it with President Hong and President He. If you don't want to do it, you need to do it bigger.

After the establishment of the retail association, we are willing to contribute and join together, so that the retail industry in China will enter a period of benign development. Do you think this is more appropriate? "

As soon as these words came out, Hong Ji finally spoke out and nodded, "It is indeed the case, since it is a retail association, then I think that the organization that everyone participates in and recognizes is right.

Mr. Li, we still have cooperation in East China. The association was established. China Resources could not help, but it made us look down upon. "

"Yes, President Li, there are many people.

We all hope that the future of the retail industry in China will have a brighter future. Everyone will do their best. That would be better. "

Aside from the door, there was no voice, and the low-key Liu Qiangdong also said: "The online shopping is actually an extension of the retail industry.

Mr. Li, if we really set up a retail association, we,, will not let us down. Although our strength is weak, we are willing to contribute to the future of China Retail. "

Li Dong had been drinking tea in a tea cup, and after they had spoken for a while, Li Dong looked up and smiled at everyone: "What retail association, how can I not know this?"

Do n’t you already have a chain association? What else do you set up a retail association? "

Everyone could not help frowning, many people turned their attention to several headed CEOs.

Zhang Jindong took a breath and slowly said: "Mr. Li, so, last night's meeting, it was just a rumor?"

"Meeting? There is no meeting, are you talking about dinner?"

Li Dong smiled and said, "It's just a dinner together, why are you all so in love.

Also, there is no so-called retail association, just a product of our own entertainment.

I think about it, it is not illegal to set up a remote retail association to play with it.

Don't be so upset with the big guys, some small and medium-sized enterprises get together and get together.

As for me, I have no intention of fighting everyone, really, boring.

The market is so big, can Li Dong eat it alone?

I do n’t have this idea, you always misunderstand me, always shouting that the wolf is coming, I move a little, you are all staring at me, why not?

Look, who have I messed with over the years?

Gome is about to go bankrupt. I go to take the hand. Carrefour is also attacked. I can't see it and go to take the hand.

Su Guo did not take the initiative to attack us, and we would not fight with them.

I can endure, but I actually prefer sharing and cooperation.

You asked Mr. Hong, I cooperate with China Resources, I do n’t have much contact with China Resources, right?

On the Bailian side, in the Shanghai stock market, we also retreat from time to time, that is, we do n’t want us to be infighted and cheaper foreign capital.

But now, you guys are better, always feel like I want to do something?

I have no choice but to force a small organization to share benefits out of it. I did n’t encroach on the interests of anyone?

Ask yourself, if someone keeps persecuting me, can I use it like this?

As for who forced me, everyone should have the right number.

In the past few years, there have been too many things in the distance. At the beginning, they were constantly attacked in the mountain city, and the same was true in the capital city. In southern Jiangsu, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang, we were forced to move forward.

I do n’t want these things. I do my business. You do your business.

Fair competition is good!

As a result, my business is doing well. Some people have to be jealous. What can I do?

My company was also struck down step by step. I walked out. Did n’t I break the law?

All understand people ~ ~ I don't know some things.

Inviting everyone to Pingchuan this time to participate in the annual meeting in the distance, in fact, is to let everyone bear a witness.

If you can tolerate me, I can tolerate you. "

Speaking of this, Li Dong suddenly changed his face and sneered: "If you can't hold me, then I'm not muddy!

Over the years, I feel that Li Dong is young, and I feel young in the distance, and I should n’t have such an achievement!

By what!

You have the ability, do it yourself, kill me, I admit!

I want to play with me off-site, so I am so easy to talk?

It's not good to say something, don't be convinced, just come here!

The companies present are the backbone of the retail industry. If you feel that singles are not enough, then jointly suppress me, leaving me no room for survival, I have no opinion.

But I want to compromise with some small movements, and I am alive! "

As soon as these words came out, many people's faces changed, and Zhang Jindong frowned slightly: "Dongzi, the words are a bit heavy.

This is not what we mean, everyone is concerned about the development of the entire industry.

But since you misunderstood, we will not say more, do not need to get angry about this little thing, it is not necessary. "

Li Dong smiled and said: "I'm sorry, but my tone is a little heavy. Your predecessors forgive me, don't mention these, let's talk about other things, saying that this is boring."

Li Dong uttered a haha, but in his heart was secretly cursed, these guys, even actually united to force the palace himself.

It seems that these people feel pressured by the establishment of the alliance.

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