The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1390: Brother is a legend

The performance of the annual meeting continues.

However, many people are not thinking about watching the show.

Some Internet industry tycoons are talking in a low voice, and some retail logistics industry tycoons are also talking.

Including Yan Chuanzhi and their terminal manufacturers, they all have solemn faces.

As the host said before, the technological revolution and brainstorming seem to be no longer bragging.

Far away, it is really moving in this direction.

A retail-based company is revolutionizing Internet technology, which is the face of many people.

Although the distance did not go deep, or they did not know whether the distance went deep.

Judging from the series of new technologies currently displayed, this is a guide for future industries.

Liu Chuanzhi and several people wanted to talk to Li Dong in depth, but now there is no chance.

As the performance continued, the annual must-have program for the Far-away Annual Meeting came.

Li Dong's song!

Li Dong's singing is just so-so, but in his capacity, it is enough to sing a song on stage.

At least compared to those stars, employees from afar, including audiences outside the stadium, hope that Li Dong can come to power.


Tonight, Li Dong took the stage for the second time.

Without the tension for the first time, Li Dong laughed as soon as he came to power: "Before, singing was always singing old songs, it was meaningless.

This year, Dongxing Entertainment signed a talented singer.

People compose their own songs, write their own lyrics, and get a new song out.

President Hu found it very interesting. It was written specifically for me. When I saw it, it turned out that this was not the song written for me!

It just so happened that I took the opportunity tonight to sing it to everyone.

Say well in advance. I do n’t have much practice time. The singing is n’t very good. It ’s enough to listen to music. "

After he finished speaking, everyone in the audience shouted, "Mr. Li is coming!"

"Always support Dongge!"


Li Dong pressed his hand and smiled: "Since everyone is so enthusiastic, then I will ugly.

Tonight I will bring you a "Brother is just a legend", everyone applause to one! "


A warm applause rose, and many people shouted excitedly: "Brother Dong is a legend, it's too apt!"

Li Dong laughed suddenly, and the entrepreneurs on the stage were helpless.

Thanks to the export that the kid also said, did he write a song specifically for him?

Such narcissism, don't you really care about your skin?

This is a live broadcast, live broadcast!

Li Dong didn't care about them either. As the music sounded, Li Dong immediately hummed with the rhythm.

After a while, Li Dong's not-so-sounding singing sounded throughout the sports center.

"Please don't be obsessed with brother anymore. Brother is just a legend.

Although I am reluctant, I still have to say.

Don't be obsessed with me anymore, I am just a legend.

... "

As the lyrics flashed on the big screen, the audience completely fell into a frenzy!

Yes, Li Dong is a legend, a living legend!

No matter what outsiders think, no matter how others praise, in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of employees in the distance, their boss is a living myth.

In five years, five years, he has built a huge business empire!

Although it hasn't reached the top in China yet, among private enterprises, Yuanyuan has become a well-deserved brother!

Li Dong, who was just 24 years old this year, and Li Dong, who has just entered his natal year, surpassed all his contemporaries.

Even far away abroad, Zuckerberg, known as the business leader of the younger generation, was also covered by the glory of Li Dong at this time.

In fact, Li Dong did not bring about earth-shaking changes to the society. However, his rise as if mythical still made countless people remember the name Li Dong.

In this era, we need a grassroots legend!

Don't be old guys, they need the rise of young people.

Li Dong's experience made them see this hope.

In China, Li Dong was regarded as a leader after 80 and 90, a successful leader!

Not only China, but a group of young people all over the world are paying attention to Li Dong and the rising business giant in the East.

A Weibo, although it has not reached the point where it is well known in the world, can also open up Li Dong's popularity in the world.

In 2008, during the selection of Time Weekly's characters, Li Dong even entered the candidate list with high votes.

Of course, in the end it still fell out.

Despite this, Li Dong has also entered the ranks of the most influential people in the world.

Prior to this, Huaxia entrepreneurs entered this list. Only the CEO of Huawei in 2005, Gome Huang in 2006, Pony in 2007, and Li Dong in 2008.

Of course, this is the list of entrepreneurs.

Every year, the most influential person in the world, there are not many entrepreneurs in China, two as many as one and as few as one.

Li Dongneng was selected at the age of 23, and has made the world see his achievements.

At this moment, even Lao Ma did not qualify for this list.

It is not surprising that Pony is on the list. Before 10 years ago, Pony was the most influential person in the China Internet industry, including Li Yanhong and others.

Although Baidu's influence is not small, Baidu is not Tencent's opponent in terms of its influence on users and user viscosity.

All of this proves that Li Dong has stepped onto the international stage.

Even if he has been abroad once in recent years, it does not prevent his reputation and influence from expanding.

The singing continued, Li Dong seemed intoxicated.

Obviously, this guy is narcissistic and feels that this song is particularly suitable for his mood and sings very pleasantly.

When singing to the fullest, I always like to give a provocative look to some entrepreneurs under the stage.

The lighting engineer obviously also cooperated. Whoever he provokes, the light will immediately gather on whom.


When Ma Yun was photographed for the third time, he couldn't help it, and he said angrily: "This guy caught someone bullying, right?

There are hundreds of entrepreneurs present, and he has watched me a dozen times for a song! "

Liu Chuanzhi comforted: "Don't care about him in general, according to his words, bullying anyone who has a good relationship with us, we have no chance to be bullied yet."

"You take this opportunity, I am not rare!"

Ma Yun was choking, and then he grinned angrily, "This bastard, shameless, no one is as good as him!"

Can you sing this song? "

Several people nearby shook their heads in a hurry, they really couldn't sing this song.

Liu Qinzhi's daughter Liu Qin whispered: "Uncle Ma, I always thought that you should be used to it."

Seeing Ma Yun looking at her, Liu Qin smiled bitterly: "I haven't met him a few times, and I know he has this character. You haven't understood it since you have been in contact for so long?

I don't dare to appear in front of him now. I always feel that the entrepreneurs who can communicate with him are the best entrepreneurs in China. "

A few of Ma Yun suddenly laughed, and at this time they were too lazy to care about Li Dong.

But after thinking about it, Ma Yun still said: "I think about it, Ali's tenth anniversary celebration, I must invite him!

Didn't he bully people by taking advantage of home court?

I want to see if he is still rampant in Ali's site! "

Ma Huateng shocked: "Are you serious?"

Xu Shengzhe, who was sitting behind several people, couldn't help but interject: "Ma, it's better to think twice.

With his character, people are crazy.

The more you are, the more trouble he will have.

The 10th anniversary celebration is not easy. Don't be mad at it. It's not good to ruin the celebration. "

Liu Chuanzhi also persuaded: "Lao Ma, let's take it easy. It's too late to hide. Do you still invite him?"

Look at our annual meeting, who invited him to go?

Even if you grab the limelight, even if you are afraid of chaos, even if it is not subjective consciousness, you can often add big chaos to you in a few words.

We dare not invite him even at a formal banquet. Your tenth anniversary celebration can be once, so we must consider it. "

Ma Yun said dryly: "Not at all?"

I can't say anything about it, but I can think about it carefully, and I really have this risk.

Thinking of this, Ma Yun did not mention the matter of inviting Li Dong.

For the tenth anniversary celebration, Ali has already started preparations for this celebration, and the manpower and material resources used are countless.

If this is in Li Dong's hands, or he invited him, he will not be laughed to death.


There was a lot of discussion among the audience. After Li Dong sang several times, the audience hummed.

This song is very magical.

Humming, even the audience watching the live broadcast couldn't help but hum.

At this moment, the original singers of the songs are almost crazy.

Originally, the song was only randomly edited according to the online language, but the result was favored by Dongxing Entertainment. Then Dongxing ’s boss felt that the song was too consistent with Li Dong.

Then ~ ~ That's it now!

Li Dong personally sang the song himself, and he knew from the reaction on the spot that the influence will certainly not be small.

And it is still live broadcast today, and the song will definitely be in flames!

It is not easy for an original singer who is in a trough to have a big song.

Even if it's not his first song, Li Dong's richness obviously doesn't care about being famous by a song.

Next, he can make a second use, using Li Dong as a publicity gimmick, and if he releases the album, he will definitely get a hit.


No matter how everyone talks and thinks.

The song gradually came to an end.

On the stage, Li Dong also wiped his forehead and smiled and said: "Singing something into the drama, this song really suits me, it is very good."

"Cough cough ..."

Many people coughed in a whisper, and when they saw the fart of employees far away, they were extremely touted, and the audience inside and outside the venue were a little tired.

Really enough!

Outsiders tout you, you just have to steal music.

Is it okay to tout yourself?

Regardless of what they thought, Li Dongke turned and asked, "Is there any other program next?"

The host said quickly: "Your show is the last one."

"That's good, I won't step down. I just took the opportunity of the annual meeting to chat with everyone."

Li Dong said with a smile: "Don't be intoxicated by the singing, go home and sing slowly, or listen to me tonight to say a few words, when I'm finished, you can go for a carnival."

As soon as these words came out, the scene that had just been noisy was completely quiet after a while.

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