The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1395: Life can't pass

This night on the 14th is destined to be a lively night.

The annual meeting is one point, as is Li Dong's post on Weibo.

This guy now seems to be getting thicker and thicker. Netizens use the phrase of an unknown person to say that the more wealth, the thicker the skin.

And when seeing this sentence, a certain nameless person was also exhausted.

I am a billionaire!

I'm the top real estate tycoon in China!

But at this time, he's like, I am an unknown!

Have you seen an unknown person like me?

Xu Shengzhe didn't sleep very comfortably this night. He always felt that Li Dong was not in harmony with himself. With him in, his future was bleak, and even his name could not be heard from Pingchuan. What a sad thing.


The grievances of the unnamed people obviously don't care.

The people who eat melons can just watch the excitement, but some people are destined not to be excused.

February 15th.

The news that the stores in the distant Beijing area continued to close down was thoroughly circulated.

Some people think it's nothing, but some people like to analyze a few sentences.

Capital city.

City Hall.

Early in the morning, the meeting room had a dignified atmosphere.

Mayor Wang, who looked pale last time, looked very ugly at this time.

Fu Wushuang's misfortune is not alone!

These days, it is simply his disaster day.

Just a few days ago, on February 9, the day of the Lantern Festival, CCTV set off fireworks due to violations of regulations, causing a major fire.

Just before that, Du Anmin handed him the task of investigating hidden dangers in Beijing.

The CCTV fire caused a firefighter to die and the new office building of CCTV suffered heavy losses.

In the past few days, I am busy to investigate the responsibilities. I am still investigating within CCTV for the time being, and have not yet reached his level.

Originally, this man-made factor, he can still find ways to reduce the responsibility.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, the distance is really about to evacuate!

Before, he vowed to say that the distance would not go, and it would be fine to go away, anyway, it didn't matter.

As a result, I really knew that the distance was about to evacuate, but Mayor Wang had a terrible headache.

You can't choose another time for him?

The previous responsibilities have not been clarified yet. Now comes again. With the evacuation of 5 billion fixed assets, tens of thousands of employees have no arrangements.

This is the most fundamental impact, and other things may be more involved.

Who will bear this responsibility?

Especially when the Shanghai market is selected from afar, Beijing and Shanghai are already competing, and they have been losing to each other economically in recent years.

Even if you lose, the loss is not too glorious this time.

The entire Beijing city government is embarrassed from top to bottom.

The silence in the conference room did not last long. Du Anmin said calmly: "What happened to CCTV?"

Mayor Wang hurriedly said: "The wounded have been properly settled and the responsible persons have all been controlled. Next, we will pursue the responsibilities according to law.

The sacrificed soldiers are also well arranged behind.

As for the social impact, CCTV also publicly apologized.

Next, we will increase the investigation of hidden safety hazards, and the regulations prohibiting the display of fireworks will be fully implemented ... "

Before he finished speaking, Du Anmin said lightly: "When a fire broke out, the fireworks were banned.

Fireworks are completely banned because of fire, which undoubtedly gives the public an impression that everything is the responsibility of fireworks!

But actually?

The nature of all accidents is man-made!

The omission of supervision, the lack of security awareness, and the problems in the production of enterprises are the root of the matter!

All of this lies in government supervision and publicity and guidance.

Don't just blame the fireworks, can the elevator hurt the people to blame the elevator?

Should we ban the elevator? "

As soon as these words came out, many people condensed, and the old Du really found it difficult.

Who is not clear about the elevator accident?

Mayor Wang said nothing in silence.

Originally, this time he was very passive, but now he is more passive.

Old Du is in trouble, he has no way to justify it, the more trouble he gets.

Du Anmin did not chase this, and continued with a click: "Another issue is the remote self-check.

The government is also assisting in the inspection. What is the specific situation?

Why do remote problems occur frequently, and until now, we have to continue to suspend business for rectification?

Is it a family problem, or does it all exist?

If it is a family problem, we must be strict and severe from the root cause of these hidden dangers!

If there are such problems, it means that our supervision is still not in place, and some departments have neglected their duties and have no sense of security at all!

No matter what the problem is, it is a problem that we all need to solve urgently.

The cessation of business from afar has caused difficulties in the lives of residents in some areas. This issue must be paid attention to and resolved.

Two days ago, there was a complaint to me from the mayor ’s hotline. Because the store in the far place was closed, they had to take a bus to go to the supermarket five or six kilometers away to purchase.

This is not a trivial matter. There is no trivial matter for the masses.

The closure of distant stores has resulted in a huge increase in the pressure on the bus system. In some areas, the number of bus shuttle operations has increased, which has increased our social costs.

If the distant place really decides to formally close its business, it is ready to take over immediately.

The supermarket department store industry may seem irrelevant, but it is closely related to the lives of residents.

Nowadays, a group of foreign-funded retail enterprises have evacuated from Beijing, and some domestic enterprises have also withdrawn from Beijing one after another.

Far away is very important in the department store industry.

The problem of short time is not big. Over time, various problems occur frequently.

Therefore, it is imperative to implement things from afar.

If we continue to suspend business for rectification, we need to give us an accurate time, when will the business resume?

If we officially close our business and evacuate, then we will start to attract investment and fill the market gap ... "

Just after Du Anmin finished speaking, someone couldn't help saying: "Mayor, let's continue to fight for it.

The problem of hidden safety hazards in the distant place has already been checked, and the official results will soon be available.

How to place tens of thousands of employees in this evacuation from afar?

In addition, it is not an overnight matter for department stores to re-invite investment. The market fills up and preparations take at least a few months.

During this period of time, it will cause great difficulties to people's livelihood in some areas.

As a company with a sense of social responsibility, I think the distance should consider these practical difficulties. "

Du Anmin heard the words slightly and said for a moment: "So then, Mayor Wang is responsible for contacting with the distance.

Whether it is evacuated or not, we must do a good job in the aftermath.

The aftercare work of tens of thousands of employees must be put in place!

We ca n’t decide on the investment direction of the enterprise, but if the distant place left a mess this time, I suggest that the distant place be included in the enterprise blacklist!

In addition, I will advise financial institutions to lower the credit rating of distant places.

An enterprise known as the backbone of the nation must bear some responsibilities! "

Everyone in the meeting room has some cheeks twitching. How to understand this sentence depends on how you listen.

Listening to the literal meaning, there is no problem.

Du Anmin even showed irresponsible dissatisfaction with the distance, which is the normal reaction of his mayor.

But listen carefully, babble, the meaning is a bit much.

National backbone, is it appropriate to propose at this time?

In addition, the contact work was handed over to the person, who really would choose the person.

This is still a guilty conspiracy, a fire, shaking the whole country.

Just a few days before the fire, Du Anmin also held a security meeting before handing over the task of investigating potential safety hazards to Pharaoh.

As a result, this matter happened within a few days of the meeting. Who is responsible?

From a legal point of view, Lao Du is not responsible.

He has already held a security meeting and even assigned the responsibility to the individual. As the economic chief, he cannot possibly go down and inspect each house in person.

And this responsibility is naturally someone else's.

Of course, because there is a problem in the Beijing area, it is necessary to bear some responsibility if it is not implemented in the individual.

But mainly lies in the actual person in charge, Lao Wang.

But now, the distance began to evacuate again, and the Pharaoh took over the task again passively.

If the distant place is finally withdrawn and the aftermath is done, the problem is not too serious, and it is not done well, then continue to wait for the food.

Even if the aftermath is done well, it will embarrass Pharaoh.

The better you do from a distance, the greater your reputation, and the responsibility of the enterprise to evacuate is not the responsibility of the enterprise.

Whoever causes the trouble, who is responsible.

Pharaoh, can you not take this task?

No, things are not under control. If the aftermath is messed up, it will be more troublesome.

Thinking of this, Pharaoh's head hurt more and more.

I really stabbed Ma Honeycomb this time, offended Du Anmin without saying anything, and indirectly offended many people.

On the business side, if things spread, the impact will be even worse.

Coupled with the previous fire problem, Pharaoh sighed in his heart.

Even if it was handled properly in the end, he would wait for the cold bench for the next few years.


Li Dong is not involved in matters on the officialdom.

What to do, Lao Du will find a way.

If Old Du had no choice, then Li Dong despised it except for contempt. If the old man was so weak, how could he continue to fight and simply retire?

Anyway, his role is to open a mouth, and leave the rest to the person in charge.

On February 15, Lao Du was in a meeting, and Li Dong was also in a meeting.

The evacuation of the capital was not completed by him in one sentence, and there was a lot of follow-up work.

Waiting for a while, when Li Dong announced that the meeting was over, Qi Yunna did not leave.

Li Dong knew her thoughts, and when someone left, he sighed: "This time there is no way to do it, but I said, we will soon go back to Beijing.

On your side, go back and appease the employees first.

When the evacuation of Beijing is over, you return to the retail group as the deputy general manager ... "

Qi Yunna was silent for a moment, and said for a long time: "President Li, I still want to stay there. The capital has been withdrawn, but North China has not.

Beijing does not represent North China. I am also the president of North China.

Big deal, then I shift my focus to Jinmen.

For the retail industry in the north, we have been laid out for several years. If I leave, the employees will be completely disappointed.

It doesn't matter if the capital is lost, we will manage the North China into iron buckets, and they are just turtles in the urn! "

Li Dong frowned slightly: "You think about it!

After Gome was incorporated into the retail group, there were many opportunities. At present, Chen Lang is the chairman of the group. After the merger, Wang Yue temporarily assumed the role of president and continued to be responsible for Gome.

However, she was already a group director before, and when Gome settled down, she would return to the headquarters.

And you, hopefully succeed, become the president of the retail group.

And next, our core will shift to the south, and investment in North China will decrease.

You continue to serve as the president of the department store division and want to go further, at least after three or five years.

At that time, can you succeed Wang Yue? That's a problem.

After many years, some of your subordinates, some of the same level, will likely become your supervisor.

I have great hope for you, you don't have to give up your future for the sake of Beijing. "

Qi Yunna bit her lip and said, "Thank you Mr. Li for your care and love. I know my own ability.

I still do n’t have the qualifications and ability to manage the entire retail group, a regional president, which has exhausted me.

Moreover, in North China, I stayed for two years, and I do n’t want to leave now.

Mr. Li, I hope to stay! "

Li Dong tapped on the table lightly, and then waved his hand after a while: "Got it, you go out first, I will consider it."

"Thank you President Li."

Qi Yunna walked out of the meeting room lightly, and Li Dong sighed: "There are still those who don't want to be promoted. This year, there are many wonderful things."

That being said, Li Dong can also understand Qi Yunna's mood.

The core of an industrial system that has been hard-working is suddenly hollowed out.

At this time, Qi Yunna's loss and unwillingness are inevitable.

Continue to stay in North China, maybe to prove yourself, maybe to defend the retail industry in the far north, there may be other possibilities.

Li Dong didn't want to think about it any more, but Qi Yunna didn't leave. Some things had to be rearranged.

Thinking of this, Li Dong also had a headache.

Things have been increasing recently ~ ~ WeChat has not yet been resolved, and the acquisition of fund companies has not officially started.

At the hotel, Erma was still waiting for him to discuss with them.

In addition, the retail alliance has to continue preparations, but it is not the case that several strategic memoranda have been signed.

In addition, I have to get married in a few months, and Far East Airlines is about to make the first flight ...

The more he wanted to go on, the more Li Dong was as big as a cow.

On this day, when will it be?

Before, it was passion.

Now, Li Dong really hopes that someone can take his place, making his own personal stamping machine is enough.

On Sun Tao's side, it is not yet possible. The old Sun has not yet demonstrated his leadership skills and cannot rush to hand over power.

Others, Li Dong was not relieved to hand over all the power of the group.

While thinking about these things, Bai Su knocked on the door and said: "Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang are here and want to see you."

"boss Zhang?"

"Miss Zhang Lanyu."

"She has come back?"

Li Dong was slightly surprised, but still got up and said: "Some days I haven't seen you. Let's talk, I don't know if this woman is still in a state of self-sublimation."

For Zhang Lanyu, Li Dong didn't have that thought, and he didn't need to avoid anything.

What's more, this woman is not the kind of person who is lingering, and is more open than Li Dong. Li Dong doesn't feel that she will miss her, and there is no need to twist it.

PS: Okay, I admit that one chapter has been written and divided into two chapters. Anyway, four is more interesting. Please ask for monthly ticket support ...

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