The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1440: Internet industry goals

When Liu Hong arrived, Li Dong was studying the door plaque with the decoration supervisor.

"You said, what's the name?"

"Dongqian Manor? No, it's too mouthful."

"Dong Shen?"

"Shen Dong?"

"Li Qian ... this will definitely not work ..."

Li Dong is a well-known household with difficulty in naming names, although people in the distance slap on the farts, that can't change the fact.

See from a distance.

Naming by name is probably the only way Li Dong thought of it.

But this time, it's really not possible to use a person's name.

A few people on the side of Liu Hong heard his name, and they all twitched their faces, could they be a little creative!

Such a big garden, really worthy of Li Dong's name, I am afraid it will make people laugh to death.

Li Dong probably knew his weaknesses too. When they saw them, he coughed and said, "Go ahead and get back. I'll think about the name and tell you. If you can't, you can call Li's Manor!"

"Cough cough ..."

Liu Hong coughed and did not dare to intervene at this time.

The boss used to be angry with him about the emoticon. At this time, it's better to keep a low profile.

But he coughed, it means not low-key.

As soon as Li Dong heard his cough, he was immediately dissatisfied and said, "Is there a problem with my throat? If you have a problem, go to the hospital and see. Is it enough to give you a month off?

Still think that my name is not good, then you give me one? "

"No, I think Li's Manor is just fine, but Mr. Li still asks Mr. Shen's opinion, Mr. Shen may not like it ..." Liu Hong smiled dryly.

"This is also true."

Li Dong was too lazy to care about these things with him and said a few words: "It is not a big deal to come to you.

First, it is still about Weibo financing.

Second, regarding the integration of, Haiying just came back. During this period of time, he was affected. He ran more on both sides and integrated the as soon as possible.

The third is the issue of group buying websites.

Have you noticed the Groupon group buying network on Laomei?

E-commerce needs continuous advancement and integration. It is no longer a single XX model, but the Internet + era.

B2B, B2C, and C2C are now single existences, and tend to be more integrated.

Group buying is also a supplement to e-commerce. Looking back at your own research and research, find a way to make a supplement to our own group buying network.

I won't say more about it, it's probably using SNS social network to promote.

However, there is a premise that not only do online products, this will not have the desired effect, the focus is still on offline life services.

Catering, accommodation, travel, eating, drinking, housing, travel, everything you can do, how to do it, I do n’t know, you can do it yourself.

All in all, we have what others have.

We have what others do n’t have.

Anything that can supplement our industry must be done to form a complete ecological industrial chain. "

The three people across from Li Dong are experts in this area.

They have paid attention to the Groupon group buying model.

Groupon's group buying model has been popular as soon as it went online. At home and abroad, there have been dozens or hundreds of group buying websites in less than half a year.

The domestic market is still better, and many group-buying websites have appeared in Europe and America.

People like Wang Xin usually pay attention to every move abroad.

Whether it's Fanfou, the school intranet, or eBay, they all follow suit.

As the founders of these websites, they have been influenced by many foreign countries.

As soon as Li Dong said Groupon, they immediately understood.

The two looked at Liu Hong, and Liu Hong pondered for a moment: "Mr. Li, the group buying model is feasible but it is feasible. The key is that you focus on offline services. In this way, will it involve too many fields?

At present, we have a heavy task on our side, and then spread to other offline areas, I am afraid ... "

Li Dong said without words: "I didn't let you accomplish your goal in one day, and I did it slowly.

Just to remind you, you do it slowly, but it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. "

Liu Hong accuses you, but you are impatient. We really have to do it for three to five years. You must not curse every day.

Li Dong was much lazy and said, "The other is this year's mall event, and now we can start preparing.

The 7 · 18 activity can continue to play, but the intensity should not be too great, and it is enough to shorten to one day.

This year will not be the main event of 7.18, the main double eleven.

On November 11, the date is easy to remember.

And my purpose is to create a real shopping festival. In the future, when someone mentions Double Eleven, it will be the shopping festival in the distance, without any other ideas!

After waiting for Wanjia online, unite Wanjia to create an unprecedented online shopping festival this year!

The intensity of sales promotion has reached the maximum level in history.

Regardless of whether the third-party merchants agree to cooperate or not, we can make profits or subsidize them. In short, we must make the biggest sensation and effect.

Six months in advance, you can do promotion.

The Internet, outdoor, TV, and these media platforms are all promoted on a large scale.

Including offline, our stores can also work together to cooperate, this time to create a festival out of thin air!

No matter if it ’s 1 billion or 2 billion, it ’s okay to pay more.

Let the far-distance courier be prepared here, and the far-away place will start to create gods! "

Long ago, Li Dong said this and created his own god.

Before, there was Taobao in front. Even if it was promoted on a large scale, he didn't know who was cheaper.

Now don't need to think about it. By November, the scale of online shopping in the distance is definitely the largest!

"Also, immediately prepare for the launch of the remote mall app and start trial operation.

Of course, at present, it is difficult for the mobile terminal to support the operation of the mall, but soon, the early card will be stuck, and half a year later, the hardware will definitely follow.

This time let the world know how terrifying China's national consumption power is after the outbreak of the mobile market!

Let everyone know that the China Market is the world's largest e-commerce market.

On Double Eleven, the goal is 100 billion! "


Tan Haiying was choked in an instant, Liu Hong also choked his eyes, Wang Xin looked left and right, diverted his attention.

Just kidding!

Li Dong has now completely released the bottom line, bragging is no longer drafted?

Last year, the size of the entire online shopping market was about 320 billion.

Yuanfang and Taobao account for about 85% of the market share.

Throughout the year, Distant is the first in the online shopping market, with a total turnover of more than 130 billion points, although Li Dong announced that it is 140 billion.

This year, even if the online shopping market expands again, or even after the 10,000 online stores in the distance, the turnover will increase again.

However, in Tan Haiying's estimation, they can reach 250 billion this year, which has already exceeded their imagination.

As for the 400 billion yuan Li Dong said at the press conference, which has tripled in size, they dare not imagine.

As a result, Li Dong now says that his goal is 100 billion yuan a day!

Even if the promotion efforts are even greater, is this possible?

It is completely impossible, it is complete, not necessarily.

Not to mention anything, even if 100 per person per 100 million, per billion, it is 1 billion.

This magnitude of calculation cannot be supported from a distance.

That is to say, even if there are so many customers, this cannot be done in the distance.

The only possibility is that the entire remote mall network collapsed.

And the payment system, Wan cartoon will completely collapse.

The current network hardware and software can not keep up with this rhythm, unless the world's infrastructure is now upgraded to more than three years level is enough to cope.

Of course, the order of 100 billion is impossible.

However, it has been scaled down by 5 times, and 20 billion-scale operations have been developed for a few more months. With some IDC centers put into use, the distance can still be barely completed.

The premise is that so many people can participate in shopping.

20 billion, which has exceeded one-seventh of last year. One day, it is really going to be done. Afar will create a myth in the world of e-commerce.

In the previous life, Taobao did not approach this value until 12 years.

If Yuanfang can do this step three years in advance, it will completely get rid of Taobao.

But for this goal, Tan Haiying did not have much hope.

Even if the mobile terminal breaks out, in their view, there will not be such a situation.

In 2008, the second year of the July 18th event, a climax broke out on the first day, with a daily turnover of 1.5 billion.

Such achievements are already incredible.

In 2009, can we change the date and add a bit of mobile market share to more than ten times?

For 5 billion, there is still hope for vigorous promotion.

Ten billion won't dare to imagine.

With 100 billion yuan, Li Dong is really opening his mouth now. Did he even consider the truth?

While several people slander, they also have some concerns.

The boss seems to be really addicted now. It used to be reliable, but now it is totally unreliable.

Even if it is 10 billion, everyone has a goal.

Speaking of 100 billion, out of despair, there is no motivation to stimulate people.

Seeing this expression from several people, Li Dong smiled and said: "What's wrong with 100 billion?

Not this year, will it not next year?

To set a goal for yourself, one still needs to have a goal.

Even if it is less than 100 billion this year, I think 50 billion is still a drama ... "

Yes, in a moment, half of it was cut off.

Tan Haiying was a little helpless and said softly; "Mr. Li, I think it's more than 20 billion, which is also our pinnacle.

If we really exceed this turnover, our logistics and data operations can't keep up. "

"Can't you keep up with 20 billion?"

Li Dong raised an eyebrow and said: "The network construction in the distance is so bad now?"

A few people are silent, you dare to say.

Even Ali, at this time, dare not say that he can be stronger than a distance.

Internet companies in the industry, in fact, Baidu and Tencent infrastructure are stronger than Ali, mainly due to the number of users.

Ali has not yet reached that point, it is still not as good as several other giants.

Even far away, in fact, now barely surpassed Ali a little bit.

However, there are many businesses that need to be supported in the distance, and they really need to be calculated at the same level. The remote mall may be more than Taobao cards.

When they didn't look back, Li Dong sighed: "Then it's set at 20 billion. I'm thinking about 100 billion this time, and it's not difficult to get more than 400 billion throughout the year.

Now that I have been hit by you, looking back, can I really reach 400 billion in the year? "

Several people are still silent. You can't blow this cow yourself.

With an increase of more than 300%, they really dare not say this.

According to Li Dong's goal, the average daily turnover will exceed 1 billion, and at this time, it is almost impossible to achieve.

At present, the average price of 500 million yuan per day is barely on the far side of the mall.

Throughout the year, plus some activities, 200 billion is not difficult.

After the merger of and, some may explode, but 300 billion is already the peak of the estimated peak.

The extra 100 billion target is still up to Li Dong to blow up.

Anyway, when it is not listed, when the data is published, can someone else come to you for a lump sum audit?

Seeing them still silent, Li Dong impatiently said: "I haven't pursued anything at all. Come on, you can figure it out for yourself.

You can't do it back. When killing chickens and monkeys, pick one of you and kill it. "

Before Liu Hong and Tan Haiying said anything, Wang Xin said innocently: "Mr. Li, this is not my business?"

Isn't this a problem with online shopping?

I am the boss of Weibo!

Why choose one of us to kill the chicken and monkey?

Are they right?

Tan Haiying sighed with a smile and then said: "Mr. Wang, the talented person can work hard. Weibo is now the world's largest social platform. Group buying online, I'm afraid I have to watch Weibo for social area drainage.

Whether it can be 400 billion, Weibo is very important.

In addition, Ali launched the global purchase business in the previous year, and has contacted the foreign market. After we launch the C2C platform, we will also open the global purchase market business.

This is overseas products entering the country, the domestic market is open to overseas, Ali is also doing it, I heard that they are preparing to launch AliExpress soon.

Even if we slow them down one step, we should not be too slow.

Opening up the world e-commerce market is also the next big goal of distant e-commerce.

And these all need Weibo to contribute ... "

Tan Haiying is still joking.

Later, Tan Haiying is quite serious.

Ali's online shopping business is actually relatively fast, even if it is surpassed by a distant place, it is only a simple transaction amount.

For domestic users, Taobao Global Purchase went online in 2007 and can purchase foreign products at home.

In foreign markets, Ali is now preparing to launch AliExpress. Ali recently recruited marketing specialists on a large scale.

With some foreign merchants and small and medium-sized enterprises, they began to discuss the issue of cooperation and settlement, and are ready to open direct market channels for domestic and small businesses to foreign consumers.

Unlike B2B business, that is business-to-business business, which can be said to be wholesale trade.

The AliExpress that is going to be launched this time is the international version of Taobao or the C2C platform.

Ma Yun even planned to rely on this point to encircle and encircle the country from afar.

It can be seen that he still has great expectations for AliExpress.

Although Ali now has constant problems, Li Dong often laughs at Ma Yun, but it does not mean that Ali is really standing still and is allowed to attack from afar.

They have actions in domestic and foreign markets, and they are not small.

Li Dong also boasted a few words in the country, really want to get international, the influence of the remote mall is far less than Ali, which is also impossible.

The key lies in the fact that the start from a distance is indeed one step slower.

In recent years, the speed of development is relatively fast, but some businesses have been unable to keep up, and the required manpower and material resources cannot be solved in a few words.

Tan Haiying said this, Wang Xin did not care about the previous thing, and nodded slightly: "It is true that if you want to open the foreign market, Weibo is still very important.

In this way, I really can't achieve my goal. It seems that it has something to do with me. "

Everyone suddenly laughed.

Li Dong didn't make any jokes any more and whispered: "All in all, our task is very difficult.

An Ali just made us exhausted.

Coupled with Tencent, the task of Far Technology is very heavy, you can only be more attentive.

Ten years ago, we must lay all the foundations in the country and start preparing to enter the international market.

Otherwise, it will be late. "

At this time, domestic e-commerce and Internet payment actually stood at the top level of the world.

If we could open the overseas market 10 years ago, we would still be very competitive in the distance.

But two years later, it won't work.

Of course, e-commerce is easy to enter, and Internet payment is not difficult. This matter has to be discussed again.

Foreigners are not so good, and when it comes to the financial field, foreigners' governments are also very cautious.

Just like PayPal wants to enter the domestic market, it has been applying for eligibility, and the Chinese government has not agreed to it and is still under review.

It seems that no one or two years, the audit may not be completed.

From afar ~ ~ It's easy to go out in the mall, but it's hard for Wan Wantong to go out

Of course, if it is limited to mall transactions, the difficulty is much smaller.

Several people continued to communicate for a while. Everyone was busy. Li Dong didn't hold them talking for too long. After talking about the business, they let them go back.

As soon as they left, Li Dong rubbed his cheek vigorously, expressing emotion to Tan Yong: "It's really a bit overwhelming. I think I'm going to retire now.

I knew it was better than retailing alone. "

Tan Yong didn't know how to comfort him, so he responded, and then shifted the topic and said: "Mr. Li, didn't you say let Wang Cheng take the evening shift for you?

This guy was quite grumpy. I said it several times before the guy agreed.

You said where to look for such a good opportunity, he still has a reluctant look, and it's not forcing me to beat him, he is honest ... "

Li Dong glanced at him, and after a while said: "Who did you learn from?"

Tan Yong is beating people now and then, which makes Li Dong feel innocent.

Outsiders must feel that this guy is influenced by himself.

But the point is, I haven't fought in years, okay!

Tan Yong was accused by Li Dong and said a little bit: "I just played around and didn't really beat ..."

"Forty people are gone, don't talk about beating anyone.

Turn back and let Wang Cheng take over. You will arrange your own morning and evening shifts, and you will have a break. "

In the past two years, Tan Yong has been on call 24 hours a day, even if he returns home at night, he can't sleep peacefully.

Li Dong sometimes has to go out at night, and he has to come over at any time.

This time Li Dong let Wang Cheng and he work in shifts, Tan Yong did not have much opinion, otherwise, as he gets older, if he goes on like this, he may drive and fall asleep one day.

PS: Push the book, the masterpiece of the old boutique author, the brothers trouble to collect a wave ...