The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1454: Fight against water, live or die

meeting room.

Li Dong didn't keep his tongue out, and he made a few jokes when he was nervous, letting everyone relax.

At the end of the joke, Li Dong slowly said: "What are our goals this year, do you still know what you are?"

Everyone's expressions are slightly condensed, and today's meeting is a high-level meeting.

Except for some people who attended the meeting, others are group directors or directors of the headquarters.

Hearing Li Dong's goal, many people fell silent, obviously thinking about how to answer.

Without them answering, Li Dong laughed: "Our goals are actually many, many, I can't finish.

Since the beginning of the year, or five years ago, we have always had unsurpassed opponents, and they are our goals.

But this year is different. This year, I want to completely surpass the opponents and completely defeat them in some areas, so that they have no chance to turn over.

The business community can coexist peacefully.

Harmony makes money, I understand this truth.

As you all know, this is aimed at weaker opponents than you.

When they cannot pose a threat to you, we can live with them peacefully, cooperate with them, and even carry them.

But when you stand in front of or behind you, with a few opponents of your strength, is there peace at all? "

Everyone listened to each other without answering.

And Li Dong didn't need them to answer the phone, and suddenly the tone was excited: "This possibility does not exist!

Everyone is no longer a child, so we should know this truth.

Whether it is us or our opponents of similar strength, they will not choose peace!

There are too many examples of this!

Let's not talk about it, let's talk about the industry that is closely related to us, let's talk about the Internet industry first.

When the three BATs rose, how did they do it?

When Baidu emerged, the first goal was to embezzle Google's market in China, and all kinds of measures, including some administrative measures, were to prevent Google from turning over!


Because Google poses a great threat to them, they may be threatened by overturn anytime, anywhere.

Similarly, when Taobao appeared, the battle with eBay was also an endless war.

The battles between QQ and MSN in the instant messaging market are also slayed.

Either one side completely disappears from the market, or the other side that suppresses has no power to fight back, and no longer has a sense of presence, then they will choose to strike.

This is true of the three BAT companies. Conversely, isn't their opponent the same idea?

Of course, foreign capital is competing with our local companies in the country, and ultimately it is in a contrarian situation, so the ultimate winner is BAT.

Nowadays, all our industries have reached a peak, but they are not absolutely invincible.

At this time, it is actually the most dangerous.

Everyone is staring at you, looking at you, trying to pull you off, trying to kill you!

Ali is watching us, Tencent is watching us, and Sina is watching us.

They are looking for opportunities and checking our vulnerabilities, which may give us a fatal blow at any time.

In addition to them, so are their peers in the retail industry.

What is the overlord?

In all walks of life, there is only one true overlord!

Only when a supreme family exists, he is called the overlord.

When there are two of the three, unless their areas do not coincide, at this time, they are not overlords, and the so-called overlord status is nothing more than self-styled.

In the industry, only the distance between the first and the second will make people feel safe.

Now, our opponents are sleeping and sleeping, staring at us every day, trying to beat us, trying to kill us, why?

Because we are not strong enough, not strong enough!

In their view, they still have a chance, they can make a comeback, and they can climb to the top again!

So at this moment, we are under a lot of pressure and there are a lot of opponents, and we are constantly being challenged.

To break this situation, only strong, only stronger, strong enough to suffocate them!

The emergence of new overlords represents the fall of the old overlords.

This year, I want to see some overlords fall. Can you do it? "


The excitement of everyone's face

----- This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Whenever Li Dong made a long speech and started to boost morale, it meant that the war was coming.

Before this time, when Li Dong spoke in this tone, the giant fell.

In these years, the hardest thing to fight is not another company, but a battle with Su Guo when the distance is not strong enough.

That battle was not as good as the later acquisition of Carrefour, and it was shocking to win Gome.

In fact, it was precisely that battle, which established the distant position of the retail giant in East China.

If Su Guo was not defeated first, there would be no way out of East China to develop and grow.

At that time, Li Dong was also passionate and wanted to fight a war.

At that time, all the resources in the distance were invested, and all human and material resources were invested in the southern Jiangsu area, and even a part of the foreign market was abandoned, in order to defeat the Su Guo of southern Jiangsu.

On the side of the couch, how can you let others sleep soundly!

Sunan was under Jiangbei's eyelids. Li Dong wanted to defeat Su Guo, and Su Guo also did the same. Therefore, Ma Jialiang took the lead in starting the war.

In fact, sometimes, Li Dong is forced to fight.

Because his strength is not enough, he took the initiative to attack and his win rate was not high.

But now, although the strength of the distance has not reached the peak, it can be enough to support the distance to initiate some wars.

The crowd was very popular, and Li Dong also laughed with a big smile: "If you have faith, it's good!"

Beginning this year, our early actions have always been in the retail industry.

Whether it is a retail alliance or e-commerce, it is actually retail, including our logistics. The combination of these three is our new retail industry!

Therefore, for a long time, peers in the retail industry, including those in the e-commerce field, feel that our next main goal is the online and offline retail industry.

This guess is actually true!

My goal is new retail, always!

But now, we are not strong enough to support such a battle.

Therefore, I am provocative, admit defeat, strong or weak. In fact, I have no intention of starting a large-scale battle.

I let Weibo financing go public, on the one hand, to expand our influence, on the one hand, I also want to raise some funds.

Putting Yu'ebao online is also raising funds to prepare us for the later battle.

Abandoning the real estate industry to continue to expand is also to save money.

Everything is actually preparing for the ultimate new retail dominance.

Before that, we must prepare enough guns and ammunition, enough for us to fight a large-scale battle sweeping China, that is our ultimate goal.

Before that, we were actually preparing.

What else is valuable in our industry and has little to do with retail?

Weibo is, so is PP! "

Everyone looked together, they knew that the point was now!

Sure enough, Li Dong said in a deep voice: "Weibo is the first to be listed, and PP is the second industry to be listed!

The emergence of PP is actually beyond my expectations. This is not my plan.

But since it appeared, since it has grown, there is no reason to give up.

Today, our PP industry is not just about instant messaging.

Our game industry is constantly growing.

In terms of games alone, we are second only to Shanda and NetEase, and they are better than Tencent.

Besides, in the field of online vertical video, we are second to Youku and Tudou, and our strength is not weak.

As for the browser, IE is the leader, but their era is about to pass. The mobile terminals are all non-IE eras.

The market share of domestic browsers is the first in the distance!

Faraway surpassed the three of Aoyou, Tencent TT, 360, and became the browser with the largest market share of P-end domestic browsers!

The mobile phone market is also fast. Our mobile phones are constantly being promoted and developed, occupying absolute opportunities, and the first will only be ours.

Besides the portal, although our portal is not as good as the four major portals, at least there is no crane tail.

Our distribution platform is currently the number one platform.

All of this shows a little ... "

Li Dong did not continue, but looked at Liu Hong.

Liu Hong said in a deep voice: "Explain that we have become the second Tencent and even surpassed Tencent in some areas!

--- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----- This is a gorgeous dividing line-

The market does not require the existence of two dominant companies.

The only gap between us and Tencent lies in the number of users, but today, this gap is not as big as expected!

Tencent's oldest group of users is their biggest foundation and foundation, and they are very viscous.

In recent years, many netizens who have contacted the Internet and users who have contacted with instant messaging use PP and QQ at the same time.

The impact of PP can be traced back three years.

In other words, users who registered for Tencent after 2002, in fact, in their view, PP and QQ, there is no problem with greater viscosity.

In 2002, QQ announced 100 million registered users, and the total number of Chinese netizens counted at the end of the year was only more than 50 million.

Even if everyone has QQ, that is to say, a group of old users with the largest QQ viscosity are among these 50 million.

In fact, this data will only be less. How many **** users are there on QQ? In fact, it has not affected PP at present.

There are two social softwares with small market share gaps in the market, both of which are diversified and most of the functions are duplicated.

In fact, such a software is enough.

In fact, Tencent has long been thinking and acting against us. In the past two years, we have actually experienced small-scale conflicts in many fields.

Game industry, portals, browsers, distribution platforms ...

It can be said that we have all fought and scolded.

The final result, everyone may be a little surprised, seven or three! "

When Liu Hong said about the opening of the July 3rd, his eyes brightened and said, "It's our seven, three of them!

I don't know if Tencent has done statistics, but in our statistics, our winning rate is higher than them!

In addition, although our PP users are less than Tencent, there are even hundreds of millions of registered users!

Actually, there are not that many, registered users do not represent real users.

We have initiated several events, large-scale sign-in activities, and found that our PP users are highly active, higher than QQ.

Some of their old users may have high viscosity, but the time is too long and they are not active.

These users are their enthusiasm. However, these users are no longer active, but they cannot bring new popularity.

New users, more still poured into PP.

A large number of young people, because of the influence of President Li, when they first contact the Internet, the first choice is the products from afar!

From 2005 to 2009, the number of Internet users has increased significantly. From 2007, the number of registered users is higher than that of Tencent.

Since 2007, President Li has been a myth and legend in the eyes of the younger generation.

It was at this time that it was also the peak period for the development of our domestic Internet industry. At the same time as the number of Internet users increased significantly, it also meant that they were more likely to choose our distance. "

Liu Hong said, Zhao Ting, then president of Yuanfang Communications, then said: "It is true. We have done special statistics. For users over the age of 30, more of them choose Tencent's business.

For people under 30, the first choice is far away!

When it comes to spending power and social influence, Tencent ’s users are naturally more powerful.

In terms of potential, the post-80s and post-90s have actually started to erupt.

The future belongs to them.

Those old users of Tencent will soon be surpassed, which also means that Tencent can withdraw from the stage of history! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was completely awake.

Even if they are stupid at this time, they all know who Li Dong's goal is!

It ’s not Taobao, Bailian, Suning, or these express companies, but Tencent!

Yuan Chengdao, who has remained silent, said suddenly: "Is it because of WeChat?"

Li Dong answered: "Yes, neither!

WeChat is not the determining factor.

The key is that our strength is not much weaker than Tencent.

And only a single PP related industry.

In terms of overall strength, we are not very different from the other party. We have done several large-scale drainage activities. I think we are not insurmountable.

QQ, their little penguin, has not become the memory of a generation!

Now that the mobile phone is breaking out, the mobile phone of QQ and the mobile phone of PP are no longer the mainstream in this market. I believe WeChat will be.

We seize the opportunity on the mobile phone side, and completely make the QQ mobile terminal a thing of the past!

While in other industries

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

--- This is a gorgeous split--

As we continue to exert our strength, Tencent is unable to look up.

In the end, they only have instant messaging on the P side.

Can a single instant messaging software continue to live?

With the updating of the market and the increasing number of young Internet users, Li Dong is the myth and legend of this era. When they were young, they only heard my name!

The choice will only be a distant product!

And I will not give Tencent a chance to struggle. As long as it has an absolute advantage on the mobile phone side, we will immediately launch a P-end battle.

I have always said that Taobao is good to surpass, and QQ is not good to surpass.

Because Taobao is dead, Ali still has a retreat.

But QQ is dead, Tencent has no way out!

In the war with Tencent, there is no other possibility except life and death.

As long as the war is started, it will fight until the end, until one side is destroyed!

This is my purpose this time!

Win this time, then PP industry integration is ready to go public, lose ... "

Li Dong paused and said lightly: "If you lose, completely abandon this business, choose to cooperate with Tencent and sell its industry to Tencent. We concentrate on other areas.

The meeting room vibrated in an instant!

You live and die!

Win the listing, lose and give up.

They did not expect that Li Dong was actually playing such an idea.

Liu Hong did not expect this to happen, and could not help saying: "Even if the instant messaging loses, the single development of other industries is still promising ..."

Before his words fell, Li Dong stared at him sharply and said, "I have no prospects!"

A single industry is not what I need!

It's our slogan to break the cauldron and fight against the water!

Winners take all, I want to be a winner, I do n’t want to lose!

Now, all I need is whether you can win or lose, and the management in the related field can find a way out! "

Liu Hong's face stiffened, and he didn't speak again.

Li Dong did not continue to look at him, Shen said: "According to current statistics, there are now 25 million 3G smartphones on the market!

Moreover, the daily growth rate has continued to grow on a large scale with shipments of approximately 500,000 units.

Not surprisingly, by the end of this month, before entering April, the shipment of Huaxia smart phones will reach more than 30 million.

Although there are very few mobile phone users compared to 700 million, these smart phone users are actually the main consumer ~ ~ It is mainly based on young people that they have a stronger ability to accept.

30 million users are enough.

If the 30 million people can be covered, the spark can catch the fire, and as long as we do not have problems and do not seek death, then no one can replace us.

So I decided to officially launch WeChat on April 1st.

Keep silent for a month first, and on May 1 Yuyuebao went online to start the Internet financial battle.

At that time, regardless of whether Tencent noticed or not, we started to promote WeChat vigorously while starting the battle of Internet finance.

In a month, Tencent cannot develop such software, at least it takes more than 40 days.

In May, we launched version 20 of WeChat. They developed to midway, and suddenly found that our functions are different. It is a waste of time to update and develop again.

We launch a new version a little bit, and Tencent will only be tired of coping.

Want to plagiarize, want to improve, I let them have no time at all!

By the time their products come online, our products have long become mainstream products.

This time, I will do it once and for all. After winning on the mobile phone, I will officially start the P battle and completely eliminate Tencent! "

Seeing the silence, Li Dong shouted, "Do you understand?"


Everyone responded immediately, and it was still difficult to calm down.

It turned out that Li Dong had really decided that he would start a life-and-death battle with Tencent.

Either you died or I died, it seems that you have made up your mind.

If it succeeds, then they are all happy.

Failure, give up this part of the business, concentrate on e-commerce, or new retail business.

This year's first battle was not Taobao, offline retail, logistics, but Tencent. In fact, it was really unexpected by some people.