The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1464: Who cares?

The disturbances in the capital city ended with Du Anmin detonating a gunpowder barrel.

As for where Zhou Haidong is now, whether it is life or death, fleeing in the country, or going abroad, these Li Dong did not pay attention.

Although, the capital has entered a dormant period.

Wei Jian's father no longer dared to use special power to track.

The murderous feud is not so easy to end.

Even if Wei Jian's father is ignored, no one else will let Zhou Haidong pass.

Rules, bottom line, this is something that Li Dong and many people have been talking about.

Any industry, any circle, has rules and bottom line.

Zhou Haidong broke this rule, even if he is not a person in the circle, he will have to pay for it.

Li Dong didn't care, not because he didn't care.

But he cannot!

He is too high-profile, high-profile to watch him all over the world.

At this time, his every move may be in the sight of others. If he asks someone to find Zhou Haidong and let someone help Zhou Haidong, it will only cause Zhou Haidong more trouble.


March 21.

Yuanfang Building.

It has been 34 hours since Tencent launched the 3G version of QQ.

Zhao Ting, the president of the communications company, looked slightly dignified and continued to report: "In the early hours of the 20th, Tencent launched the 3G version, including the three major system versions of ian.

The new version adds the red envelope function.

Optimized some old bugs. Compared with the previous AP version, the interface is clearer and the interaction is easier.

There are nearly 30 million 3G users, but not every user who uses a smartphone will have 3G enabled.

3G consumes a lot of traffic. Even in the standby state, background programs are running, it also consumes a lot of traffic.

Therefore, what restricts users from using 3G functions is actually not the cost of purchasing mobile phones.

Compared with traditional mobile phones, current smartphones have a price difference, but they are not too many. This is not an absolute factor.

The key is the loss of flow! "

Speaking of which, Zhao Ting couldn't help but say: "Before the issuance of 3G licenses, several operators, when the highest, the out-of-package traffic was as high as 100 yuan / M.

The traffic fee in the 2G era is astonishingly high!

Of course, at that time, there was not much mobile phone software, and less traffic was consumed.

When 3G began to be promoted, several major operators began to cut prices drastically. At present, the average outside the package is in the area of ​​10 yuan / M.

Although the drop is as high as 10 times, it is still unbearable.

There is not much traffic in each data package, and some people have no habit of opening a data package.

Sometimes sending a few pictures, it is often an increase of dozens of yuan in phone bills!

Therefore, what really hinders the promotion of various apps in the 3G era is actually the major operators themselves.

In order to recover the investment in the 3G infrastructure network, the cost of traffic remains high, which is the main reason why we are unable to launch various mobile apps.

Even if the mobile phone can support the shopping platform like Yuanfang Mall, there is no problem with the hardware. If you open it without ife, all kinds of pictures can make users yell. "

Zhao Ting sighed for a while, Liu Hong glanced at him, and directly interrupted: "Zhao, you don't have to sigh these. Operators will go back and talk about the key points first!"

Zhao Ting was slightly embarrassed and had to return to the theme: "I said so much because Tencent, Telecom, and Unicom reached a cooperation agreement this time, and started a traffic-free mode for these two users.

As for the specific content of the agreement, it is temporarily unknown.

The 3G version of QQ is free of traffic, which will attract a large number of users to join.

In contrast, our PP3G version, although updated one step in advance, can actually have far fewer users than the other party.

Although President Li said that the mobile terminal would stop with Zhao Ting, in fact, he wanted to say, how do you know that WeChat can really be applied to mobile customers?

Like Tencent in the past, there is actually competition in the distance.

The communication company has been perfecting the functions of PP, and has been researching and improving the 3G version of PP, hoping to transition to the mobile terminal.

The result is that Li Dong is not too concerned about this, but pays great attention to the ones that are not yet online. This makes many people dissatisfied!

Not yet online, WeChat with 0 users, without market test, why do you want to be better than PP?

In Zhao Ting's view, instead of pinning hope on the unknown future, it is better to continue to increase investment in the inherent PP, so it may be difficult to quickly defeat QQ, but at least the camp is still there, and there is a chance to counterattack.

Invest heavily to promote> straw?

Zhao Ting actually has doubts about this.

Not to mention him, in fact, even the developer Zhang Xiaolong is not so confident, it is no wonder that Zhao Ting has a little dissatisfaction in his heart.

After Zhao Ting finished speaking, Li Dongtan, who was sitting at the head, smiled and said: "Ma Huateng started to fight back. It seems that this guy really has a strong sense of crisis.

Free traffic is indeed a big trick.

But it ’s just now that it wo n’t take long for the traffic costs to drop, and these tricks are all false. "

"Falling traffic costs?"

Liu Hong couldn't help but say: "Mr. Li, this has just dropped, and will it drop again?"

"What do you say? 10 yuan / M, grab money!"

Li Dong rolled his eyes, not to mention in the 2G era. The 3G era still has such an expensive traffic fee. How to promote 3G?

Several major operators are not stupid, just think that there are too few early 3G users, so in order to recover costs earlier, they refuse to continue to reduce traffic charges.

As long as there are more users, they will fall sooner or later.

Liu Hong listened to him and frowned slightly, "Mr. Li, is there any exact news?"

"No, I said whatever I want."

"Cough cough ..."

Everyone was speechless, and Liu Hong said helplessly: "Mr. Li, let's talk to a few major operators. We can't fall behind in this respect.

As for the overall decline in traffic costs, I do n’t know what year or month. "

Li Dong looked around and looked at everyone and said, "Nothing!

What is his Ma Huateng going online, and Li Dong will go online with him?

A few years ago, we were imitating, now we do n’t need it!

Now, it was him who followed me, and led me by the nose!

If the traffic cost does not decrease, we will let him reduce it! "

Everyone watched him not talking, you are the grandfather, you have the final say.

The three major operators are all your grandchildren. If you let them lower, they will lower. This is the head office!

Li Dong snorted and got up: "3G is the general trend. Sooner or later, 3G users will surpass 2G users. This is beyond doubt!

In the world, in developed countries, in Asia, as long as the country using 3G, 3G has developed rapidly.

Let's say Japan, which is the earliest to promote 3G services in the world, had more than 90 million 3G users by the end of last year!

How many people are there in their country?

Huaxia users are 10 times their users, so the future is expected.

The three major operators are now reluctant to drop in tariffs, but only to recover costs early, and to make a beautiful financial report at the end of the year.

Do you think they do not want to promote 3G business?

Do you think they do not know that 3G users will grow substantially in the future?

The key is that they feel that the time has not yet come, and now there are not many users, and the demand is not so large.

But as long as we can meet their conditions and give them some steps, they will be willing to reduce their costs.

If I do n’t do it, I have to thank Li Dong for the whole industry, and all users have to thank me for Li Dong! "

Everyone seemed to understand a little, and Liu Hong hesitated, "You mean ..."

"I have taken the time to look at the annual financial reports of several major operators in recent days. In 2008, like mobile, the total revenue was as high as 410 billion.

How much is the AP traffic fee for mobile Internet?

12 billion! "

Li Dong laughed and said: "It's trivial!

At least relatively speaking, for several major operators, at present, their main source of income is still voice calls and other value-added services.

The income of traffic is not their main body, let alone the main body. Even the income of color ring is higher than the cost of traffic.

So a few users do not care too much about this, even now think so.

Therefore, the cost of traffic remains high, because they feel that the high and low incomes are actually the same, it doesn't matter.

However, I tell them now that if the traffic cost is greatly reduced, this income can increase by more than 5 times throughout the year?

Three years later, does it even exceed their current pillar industry voice call?

In 2009, 3G users exceeded 100 million?

... "

He continued to say that the others looked at each other.

Until he finished speaking, Liu Hong frowned, "Mr. Li, why do they believe us?

We say that the sky is gone, even if we say that their value-added services in traffic this year can reach 100 billion, then they have to believe it. "

Li Dong said with a smile: "Yes, that is to make them believe that if they believe it, then there are reasons and reasons for lowering the cost of traffic.

The reduction in fees and the increase in packages will bring them a large number of 3G users.

Now, the 3G market is not saturated, let alone not saturated, in fact it is still in the initial stage.

No effort at this time, when will it work?

Whoever lowers the price first, and who has the largest drop, is likely to attract more users. This is inevitable.

The 3G market is so big, who doesn't want to take the lead?

Telecom continues to exert efforts in this area this year, want to impact the position of mobile boss, mobile willingness?

China Unicom and Apple are also working hard, are they willing to move?

Actually not reconciled!

The key is that for state-owned enterprises, everyone has some concerns and some embarrassments.

If the policy is good or not, it is credit.

But if the policy is promoted, it is finally found that no one is using it, the traffic cost is greatly reduced, and the people who use it are almost the same. In the end, the income is actually less than in 2008, which is embarrassing.

One more thing is worse than one less, then it will not be reduced, do you say that?

If we solve their worries, you said, will they continue to insist on high traffic fees? "

With a confident face, Li Dong smiled and said: "So, some things have to be solved fundamentally.

That's Ma Huateng's trail. What's the use of free QQ traffic?

If you spend the money, you wo n’t buy it!

We have to solve the problem at the source, and the overall environment will improve before this market can prosper.

Is a single piece of software free of traffic fees, is the overall size of users the same, is it useful?

Do I want these existing users?

Even if these users are not free, would n’t he use them?

I said a long time ago, standing far away, now I stand taller than them, so I look farther than them. What I see is not the eyes, but the future, but the whole environment! "

Everyone has no choice but to analyze it. You have to boast a few words!

Pony is not here, who do you praise?

Liu Hong was too lazy to take this remark, and thought: "Mr. Li, we all understand what you mean. According to your statement, as long as we give a few major operators the steps to solve their concerns, they will Reduce the cost of data traffic, which will greatly increase the number of 3G users, and finally win by volume, is this true? "

"Not bad."

"Then the concerns you said, how can we solve them?"

Li Dong took it for granted: "Gambling!"

"Agreement on gambling!"

Liu Hong's pupils shrank, and Li Dong's agreement on gambling could only be formulated every time he took big losses from afar!

So as soon as he said this, Liu Hong was a little scared.

Sure enough, Li Dong said with a smile: "For example, mobile, last year's traffic revenue was about 12 billion. According to the current forecast this year, it should reach about 20 billion, or higher. After all, 3G users are still growing.

But if we bet against them, if the traffic cost is reduced by 10 times this year, the value-added income at the end of the year can reach 40 billion!

If you can't reach it, you can fill the hole from afar!

When it is reached, the requirements from afar are not high. In the future, it would be good if we have some policy bias towards us.

We are different from Tencent!

Tencent makes money, Ma Huateng can't get in and out, and takes up a lot of mobile information channels. As a result, the revenue of value-added services is all from Tencent. Except for a little traffic income, it is really scratchy.

I heard that mobile has almost worked with Tencent several times.

I'm not a person like Ma Huateng, I like sharing.

Occupying the data channels and information channels of mobile and other operators, I make money, and I will not swallow it alone.

What is a little traffic cost?

In the future, if they can directly block Tencent's business, I will divide their 50% value-added fees.

Even if there is no distinction, we will bring more traffic revenue than Tencent. They do n’t support me, Li Dong. Do they really want to support Tencent?

So, everything can be discussed, there is no need to be an enemy.

Everyone has money to make together, I am bigger, they also have benefits.

At least stronger than following Tencent!

Telecom and Unicom actually cooperated with Tencent, obviously not giving face.

Turning back to talking with mobile, we help them customize the machine, help them promote their business, sign agreements with them, make money on them, and lose money is mine!

The traffic cost reduced me by 10 times. How much did I lose? Li Dong came to pay for them! "

At this time, everyone else was stunned.

Are you sure you want to do this?

How much money does mobile give you, and you work so hard for them?

Or is it that the current mobile boss is your father?

They also understand Li Dong's intentions, but this kind of agreement for the sake of others, you really want to sign with each other?

If Li Dong is really willing to sign, they dare to guarantee, let alone reduce the traffic fee by 10 times, 100 times!

Anyway, it was 12 billion in revenue last year, and this year is about 20 billion. They are all free. Li Dong is willing to make up 40 billion, and it is idiots who do not do it!

As for Li Dong's dare to pay the bill, he tried to pay the bill!

Du Anmin hurled back and forth, normal business dealings, the contract is here, can Du Anmin still help Li Dong fail to pay?

I'm not afraid that Li Dong has no money to give, no money to give, and take his property!

Liu Hong's face was slightly pale and his throat was dry, saying: "Mr. Li, reduce the cost by 10 times. Can the value-added traffic increase reach 40 billion in revenue?

This is equivalent to the entire market. It is possible to expand the demand by 20 times. "

"Why not?"

Li Dong said with a smile: "There is nothing impossible, reduce it by 10 times, and get 1 yuan / M outside the package, which is not cheap anymore.

And as traffic costs drop sharply, user demand will increase.

In the past, everyone had to think about it for a long time before posting a picture.

Well now, compared to 2008, a 100-fold reduction!

I sent one before, now I send 100, and it ’s the same anyway.

Do you think it is necessary to increase the user scale by 20 times?

Big mistake!

As long as the 3G users can really reach 100 million, per capita consumption of 400 yuan per year on the traffic business, the monthly consumption of 33 yuan is enough.

Of course, there are actually a large number of 2G users who are also using mobile phones to access the Internet. According to last year's scale, even if the traffic cost has dropped, I think they will contribute 10 billion.

In other words, if the number of 3G users reaches 100 million, a monthly contribution of 25 yuan will be enough.

Even if it is not enough, the gap will not be too big, billions, I will make up!

Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to sign a 40 billion contract. You can talk about 100 million.

Mobile knows that we can help them get along and attract customers, not to mention that they are happy!

Therefore, in the end, we will not let us pay for it.

Reducing an enemy is also good for our next promotion of WeChat. After all, I am going to grab the income of their voice?

We cooperate with each other, and the other side gives some face.

My little brother doesn't cooperate, he doesn't talk about it, will he try it online?

I promise, several major operators trouble him every day, do you believe it?

So, this is two birds with one stone.

It seems that I have suffered, but actually I have suffered?

There is also ~ ~ this contract, so I dare to sign it. Does Tencent dare to sign it?

Ma Huateng agreed that none of Tencent ’s shareholders would agree!

This year, talents who have the right to speak are eligible to do this. Who can give me Li Dong? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone accepted, and the big boss seemed to have started to complain again recently.

However, if you think about it, what Li Dong does is still a bit of a play.

It was the 40 billion pocket that I said before that Liu Hong and they all felt a little unreliable.

Can 3G users really reach 100 million this year?

Don't look at the rapid growth now, but now it is a blank period in the market, and the growth rate will definitely decrease later.

Also, smartphone users are not equal to 3G users, there are some differences between the two.

Everyone began to meditate. The key to this plan is that the calculation of some data is not enough for Li Dong to talk about.