The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1470: Must do it!

Li Dong did not know what happened in the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

You can take Shen Qian back to her hometown. The news of Shen Qian ’s pregnancy will be exposed. Li Dong still knows a lot.

The reason for choosing exposure at this time, Li Dong actually has his own ideas.

First, it was revealed to the outside world that he had descendants of Li Dong.

The distance now is like the feudal dynasty in the past.

Li Dong made a lot of talks in the distance and decided to act arbitrarily.

Shen Qian is pregnant, and Li Dong has it. This seems to Li Dong as a means to appease people.

Although the enterprise is still an enterprise after all, it can still be hoped that the enterprise will grow into a distant place.

Maybe twenty years later, the successor in the distance is the child in Shen Qian's belly at the moment?

Although this is still a very distant thing, but we have fought hard for more than five years. At this time, we were really tired, especially when we faced a difficult battle. Everyone will be tired and tired.

At this time, Shen Qian's pregnancy is good news and will arouse the fighting spirit of some people again.

Another point is to determine this fact.

He has Li Dong!

Once he had something unpredictable, even if the distant place was entrusted and taken over by outsiders, from a legal point of view, the remote ownership right also belongs to Li Dong's family.

His parents, his wife, and his children are all eligible to receive.

At this point, it seems that the probability of occurrence is not too large, unless an accident occurs, or the time comes when Li Dong has been avoiding the point of rebirth.

No matter what, it's always better to play back.

The last point, Li Dong is to advance in advance.

His wedding with Shen Qian was fast approaching. In June, the news of Shen Qian's pregnancy could not be concealed.

Rather than appearing at the wedding scene with a belly up, it is better to announce the news in advance so that everyone can be prepared.

As for Qin Yuhan and Yuan Xue, Li Dong also thought about it.

But he and Shen Qian were going to get married, and there was already a conclusion. At this time, there is no need to cover up.

As Qi Fangfang thought, he could not have been a lifetime, there will always be such a day.

As for Qi Fangfang complaining that he came out to show off, Li Dong didn't mean to show off. This is not what Qi Fangfang can understand.


Without staying in Chenjiawan, Li Dong rushed back to Pingchuan that afternoon.

On April 5, he just went to the company and congratulations continued along the way.

Many people did not know that Shen Qian was pregnant. Until the news appeared yesterday, these talents knew that the boss lady had.

As Li Dong had expected, Shen Qian's pregnancy was indeed good news for afar.

Several distant executives, when they saw Li Dong, had less fatigue on their faces and more joy.

Sun Tao actually knew that Shen Qian was pregnant before, but at this time, he also congratulated with a smile on his face: "Li, congratulations, time passed so quickly.

In a blink of an eye, five years have passed. "

While no one was around, Sun Tao did not shy away and felt slightly: "Five years ago, when I first saw you, you were still a child.

Now that you have it all, the years are like a shuttle! "

He and Li Dong knew that it was almost exactly five full years now.

That year, he was 34 years old and Li Dong was 19 years old.

That year, he was the vice president of Carrefour Pingchuan, and Li Dong was a high school student.

Today, he is 39 years old, and according to the virtual age, he is all 40 people, and he has completely entered the middle-aged class.

Of course, five years later, he also made great achievements.

The vice president of Yuanfang Holding Group, a wealthy person with a net worth of nearly 3 billion yuan, is not the vice president of the provincial capital city, which had risen and was hopeless and was also heavily in debt.

All this was brought by the former child in front of me.

At the age of 19, Li Dong, who was not worth millions, spent five years building a huge commercial aircraft carrier.

Involving retail, Internet, real estate, logistics, finance ... multiple industries.

It is also a leader in multiple industries!

Even in the world, it is a business giant that cannot be ignored.

In the past five years, Sun Tao has witnessed everything about Li Dong in the past five years. When he is about to enter his sixth year, he suddenly feels a lot more touched.

The little boy used to get married and have children, and his career has achieved great success.

Looking back at all of this, I feel a bit dreamy.

Seeing Sun Tao's face sighed, Li Dong couldn't help laughing: "Yeah, the years are like a shuttle. When you were young, you are now an old man.

Having said that, haven't you always said you want to get married?

These are 40 people, I am planning to prepare 40 birthdays for you, or even a wedding party? "

Sun Tao laughed: "Don't irritate me, you should get married soon. Let's see what the woman said.

Maybe, on my birthday, I'm not necessarily married. "

"Then I have to congratulate in advance, I hope everything goes well, or get married before the age of 40, otherwise, if you hear that you are 40, you must not scare away."

Li Dong made a joke, and then resumed his right way: "Yesterday's news, did you receive it?"

"Sanlian's bankruptcy?"

"Not bad."

Li Dong nodded and said: "Sanlian would not have gone bankrupt so quickly, and it was still a drama to barely last a few years.

However, with the acceleration of the expansion of our companies, especially the establishment of our retail alliances, small and medium-sized retail companies everywhere have formed a fighting force, and the offensive situation is stronger than before.

Sanlian will not be able to support it, and I don't want to support it any longer, so I will choose bankruptcy and liquidation at this time.

Sanlian is not the first, nor will it be the last.

In 2009, some retail enterprises were destined to withdraw from the stage of history. Before that, many companies chose to close their business, including some foreign giants.

In addition to the last Best Buy, I heard some news that Tesco, Lotte, Metro ...

These enterprises may be evacuated from China.

Among foreign capital, Wal-Mart and Gaoxin still have fighting power. Gaoxin is not a pure foreign capital, so now the only foreign retail giant is Wal-Mart.

And Wal-Mart's first store in China was launched in Shenzhen in 1996.

Over the years, they have also been operating markets in coastal areas.

As for the northern market, Wal-Mart actually has some layouts in large cities such as Beijing, and its strength in other places is not worth mentioning.

Hua Run is also the same, the headquarters is located in Shenzhen City, also operating there for many years, they are very strong in coastal areas.

Bailian, Gaoxin, almost all of them!

Even Surin, although rising in the central part, has been spreading to the southern coastal areas in recent years.

The five of them are also our biggest offline opponents.

Other companies such as the Wushang Federation, Wumei, and Dashang are dominated by local areas.

Since we integrated some of the small and medium-sized retail enterprises, the goal of these small and medium-sized retail enterprises is actually them, to surround them and prepare to nibble their market.

Several giants, these members of the alliance are not biting, are hard bones.

The hard bones can only be given to us from afar ... "

When Li Dong said this, Sun Tao actually understood it, and he pondered for a moment: "You mean, our previous plan to go south will be officially launched?"

"Actually, it started long ago. Guomei's headquarters moved to the Shanghai market. Isn't it the trend of going south?

Carrefour headquarters, I have not revoked staffing, and still maintain the previous system, is it really not enough manpower?

You should know that the previous Carrefour, but the layout of the country, all rely on these people to support.

In the later period, we still packed in a lot of people. The manpower on the Shanghai market is almost no less than that on our headquarters.

All of this is actually preparing for going south.

The South is the core region of China and the core of the economy.

To be an enterprise, there is no need to consider other things. All we need is the market and economic strength.

Therefore, we must go in the south, and we must continue to grow bigger and stronger.

But several major retail giants, Lao Chao are all over there. Now our strength in the South is not weak. Guomei plus Yongle plus Carrefour, as well as our own layout ...

Once these resources and power have been integrated, they hardly lose to any one.

But with such a large volume and so many systems, it is very difficult to integrate!

Carrefour, Yongle, Guomei, Yuanyuan ... Everyone used to operate independently, but now, I want to integrate the power together.

Don't look at the fact that I have established so many subsidiaries before, and home appliances and department stores have been separated, but you must remember that home appliances and department stores are actually all in one!

After-sales service, customer service, logistics, warehousing ... These channels are not divided. By this point, you should understand what I mean.

Internally, we can compete.

Externally, we need to be consistent. Now these forces are dispersed, so I need a person who can hold the overall picture, a person who is independent of the retail group, and personally go to the town and integrate!

On the retail side, Chen Lang is promoting his boutique supermarket plan, and several vice presidents are unable to hold back the situation.

Plus Wang Yue is still in Guomei, they have no qualifications to suppress Wang Yue.

Although Wang Yue's ability is good, she is now in Guomei. She only considers the home appliance business, not the department store business. Even because of her presence, it will make the home appliance and department store more divided ... "

Sun Tao couldn't help saying: "Then she was transferred from Guomei ..."

Li Dong shook his head and said: "This is not possible. Guomei also needs people to sit in the town. The strength of Guomei is not limited to the south, the northern market, Guomei is stronger.

Therefore, Wang Yue can also be based on Guomei.

Ordinary people can't hold back. If you go to the south and get involved in Guomei Southern's business, she won't say anything, others won't.

So, as I said before, you have to go to the south.

Of course, I ’m not forcing you to consider for yourself ... "

Sun Tao immediately said: "No need to think about it. If it hadn't happened a lot before, I had decided long ago that I would go to the south to make a break.

I thought about this for a long time, not that you said it now, I agreed.

I really want to go for a career!

You have always said about my benevolence of women, in fact, I am also uncomfortable.

Before, I wasn't of this nature.

Before you can, you are not too mature and impulsive. I consider that I am so much older than you. If you are impulsive, then I have to calm down.

Well now, you are about to get married and have children, I am not married yet.

I used to think that I would do the logistics for you, but as a result, I found that you are actually more calm than I thought.

Therefore, this time I should let me go out and have something to do. Something happened. You are in the bottom of your pocket. Do you think this is the reason? "

When Sun Tao said this, it was a bit of a joke, but it was not completely a joke.

He used to think so!

Li Dong is very impulsive, very impulsive, and dare to do it.

He looked in his eyes and was anxious, so he had to act as a logistical service.

But in the end he found out that Li Dong looked impulsive, in fact he generally did not fight unsure battles and rarely made his **** wipe.

Plus last time Li Dong also said that he wanted to train a successor. Isn't Sun Tao really tempted?

In this world, for men, few people can really see the rights, money, and beauty.

To become the head of a trillion-level group, this kind of temptation can't be really indifferent as long as there is dedication.

The expansion plan in the South is difficult!

The five giants all have a layout in the south, and many people regard the south as a base camp.

Although the distant place has a foundation in the south and can enter on a large scale, it will certainly be opposed.

This is more difficult than Qi Yunna's entry into the northern market, it is more difficult than Wang Yue to expand its business in the Southwest, and it is much more difficult than he himself was in Sunan!

But Sun Tao still wants to try it!

Li Dong gave him the opportunity. If he was afraid this time, he was afraid. He had no doubt that Li Dong would remove him from the waiting list.

Sun Tao knows well, don't look at Li Dong saying that he is the only person he can trust.

But actually, is this really the case?

Li Dong is not a fool, he will really desperately want to give the group to his Sun Tao?

Even if Li Dong really wants to retire early and enjoy life, his successor list will be no less.

Yuan Chengdao, Chen Lang, Wang Yue ... these people may be in his sight.

Some well-known professional managers in the business community may also enter Li Dong's sight.

Sun Tao was not confident enough that Li Dong had to choose him.

Li Dong, who has mastered almost all of the group's equity, can completely let it go and try to let the superiors take charge of the distance.

He is still young anyway. At the critical moment, he can continue to stand up and lead the distance, so Li Dong sometimes cannot be taken seriously.

Li Dong didn't care about these, he didn't know that Sun Tao wanted so much.

When Sun Tao agreed, Li Dong immediately smiled and said, "This is the best way."

After all, Li Dong said rightly: "But I said well in advance, you will pass in the early stage, I will not give you a penny for support!

Your early purpose was to integrate resources and unify power.

As for how other companies view and attack, I don't care.

In May, you went to the southern inspection business in the name of the group's vice president. I will give you three months to integrate resources.

In August, I raised a sum of money to allow you to expand in the South.

10 years ago, you have to complete the layout in the South.

After 10 years, I should have freed my hands here, and I can let go.

Before this, your task was very difficult, not only to integrate resources but also to expand the territory, but it could not cause other retail giants to take the initiative to attack.

I can't give you any suggestions on how to balance your trade-offs.

I will give you all the retail market in the south, and even the necessary moment, including the resources in East China, is also at your disposal.

However, you have to do what I said earlier!

Can't do it ... "

Li Dong paused and did not continue.

At this time, Sun Tao's face was heavy. He went to the south in May and completed the layout 10 years ago. It could not cause too much change and blow. This task is not an ordinary difficulty!

Can he really do it for 8 months?

It is too difficult to roam between the five giants, to expand, and to make them unable to attack the distance.

Sun Tao took a deep breath and settled on Shen Tao: "I will go all out!"

Li Dong corrected: "It is not necessary to go all out, it must be done!

Once you get caught in the south ~ ~ caused the hostility of several major retail giants, collectively besieging the distance, it may cause a fatal blow to the group!

In 2009, I was not ready to fight against them.

This year, my goal is the Internet, and online.

But once the offline is defeated and the online is stronger, we also suffer heavy losses.

And it may also cause a chain reaction. If we are defeated offline, our foundation will no longer be stable, and it is very likely that we will be defeated online.

So your task seems to be only related to the southern retail market, but it is actually related to the survival of the entire group. "

Sun Tao smiled bitterly: "Don't put any more pressure on me. You said that, I am ten times more nervous than before."

That being said, Sun Tao did not say anything to give up, nodded and said: "I must complete the task!"

After talking, the two looked at each other and could not help laughing.