The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1481: World 's richest man

12 o'clock noon.

Because in April, the United States has started daylight saving time, and the time difference between China and Laomei has returned to 12 hours.

At this moment, it happened to be 0:00 on April 12 in the United States.

Perhaps it is known that in the far east, countless people are paying attention to their list release, Forbes Group chose to release the real-time rich list in the early morning hours.

At this time, it is still daytime in the East, and there must be more people paying attention.

Whether it can open the Eastern market, this real-time list may be the best opportunity.

This shows that the Eastern market is gaining more and more attention.

This is by far the first authoritative statistical agency to publish a real-time wealth statistics list on the network.

Forbes released a real-time list, which is also a proof of its strength.

Fortunately, the heads of companies in listed companies say that some unlisted companies have great difficulty in real-time statistics of their wealth.

Although there is no need to be too specific, the gap should not be too large.

This time, in order to count the wealth of some rich people, Forbes contributed money and sent a large number of employees to do intelligence gathering work around the world.

Even on the far side, although Li Dong did not accept the interview, some executives did.

When 12 o'clock arrived, a computer interface appeared on the large screen of the conference room.

While expertly entering Forbes ’station address, Bai Su explained:" The other party will announce the list on their own station before updating on the network ... "

Everyone saw a smirk when she saw her self-explanatory look.

Why does Bai Su care about this?

If Li Dong doesn't care, can she, Li Dong's secretary, understand this?

No one interrupted, and everyone stared at the big screen.

Although Li Dong said, how much wealth is the first, it does not matter, others will not give him a dime.

Is fame really worthless?

Once Li Dong becomes the richest man in the world, his reputation is money!

The industry owned by the richest man in the world may be partly at a premium because of this reputation.

For a large group such as Yuan, a slight premium may be a gap of several billions to tens of billions.

This is related to financing, listing, including loan issues!

It will even affect the problem of distant march into the world!

Once Li Dong becomes the richest man in the world, his industry will enter the world again and he will definitely be treated differently.

Only once, even if only this time, this day, everything is enough!

Even if Li Dong was the only richest man in the world on this day, it would be an effect that could not be bought by a billion dollars in advertising from afar.

Even if he becomes the richest man in the world before, he can be remembered by the world as an entrepreneur who once reached the summit.

Now that Weibo is listed in the distance, some t industries in the distance are also facing financing or listing. Everyone is extremely eager. At this moment, Li Dongneng can climb to the top!

As long as one day, one day is enough!

As Bai Su refreshed the page, Yuan Chengdao swallowed his throat, slightly nervous: "Microsoft's stock price plunged because of the layoffs announced in January, and it has not recovered so far. Mr. Bill Gates' wealth should not increase.

"The global economy has not yet recovered, stock markets around the world are still depressed, and Buffett's wealth will not grow."

"Mexico's telecommunications giant Carlos Slim Elu, because of the further monopoly of the telecommunications business, may see wealth growth ..."

A few executives have spoken to me and are concerned about these world business giants.

Last month, according to the statistics of the wealth in 2008, Li Dong ranked fifth in the world with a wealth of 22 billion US dollars.

From the fourth place, the gap is not large, and the gap between hundreds of millions of dollars.

And from the top 3, the gap is relatively large.

At the time, the No. 3 Carlos Slim Elu family had a fortune of $ 35 billion!

With such a big gap, can Li Dong really overtake in a few months?

This time, the real-time list was released, that is to say, in April 2009, it took more than 3 months. Can Li Dong's personal wealth see the growth of 10 billion US dollars online?

Although, in the past few months, there have been many actions in the distance.

After the acquisition of Guomei, Weibo has completed financing, and even from the data point of view, Weibo has become the social station with the largest number of users in the world.

In addition, the mall has also achieved a leap, Wankato ’s market share has once again increased, Far East Airlines was established, and China Real Estate Industry has recovered ...

This series of changes all happened within these 3 months.

However, all this cannot be represented, and Li Dongfu's wealth will increase by hundreds of billions of renminbi.

The key lies in the valuation of the distant t industry, especially some professional institutions.

Once the valuation in this area is too low, then Li Dong is very unlikely to reach the summit.

Before other businesses have chosen to raise funds, these things are actually difficult to value. At most, on Weibo, they will be recognized by other institutions.

After the financing industry, the valuation is generally clear, otherwise, Zuckerberg could not be on the Forbes list before.

As everyone's words fell, suddenly, there was a burst of exhalation in the meeting room.

Li Dong, on the other hand, stared at the computer screen for a while, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said: "ttnap; nbp; what is it? Is he all officially called in half!"

After all, Li Dong stood up, no longer looking at the screen, and walked and said: "Continue to sue Forbes, what broke the station, the name is wrong!"

Leaving this, Li Dong left the meeting room.

As soon as he left, everyone else smiled. Yuan Chengdao took a few deep breaths, and after a while he was excited: "Large-scale propaganda immediately and began to build momentum!"

On Weibo, I started to talk about entry issues with other countries and regions that did not enter.

World 's richest man!

What is the reason why the richest company in the world refuses! "

As soon as the "richest man in the world" came out, everyone else was excited, and Liu Hong immediately answered: "Now the domestic station should have been reprinted. I will immediately make people expand this topic. Five years, we spent five years, Created a miracle! "

"Yes, miracle!"

"He was a legend!"

"41 billion U.S. dollars, more than 270 billion yuan, how exactly did it come from, which organization does Forbes' statistics come from?"

"We don't need to know these institutions, no matter what they are. At the moment, as President Li said, these have nothing to do with us!

The only thing related to us is the richest man in the world, from afar! "

Yuan Chengdao said excitedly: "Remember, it is far away!

This is not Mr. Li's personal achievement, but a distant one. When propagating, focusing on the far-off group propaganda, I think Mr. Li will not mind.

Personal achievements are far from replacing the achievements of the group.

For the benefit of the group, you need to make a perfect plan and do it quickly. Weibo is about to go public. Other industries are also facing breakthroughs in financing or other aspects. Now we need to expand our reputation and expand our popularity!

Especially in May, we may face a strong competitor. At this time, any breakthrough means we are one step closer to victory! "

Everyone nodded their heads, and everyone's face was full of joy!

No matter how this data comes from, Li Dong's summit is the biggest victory!


at the same time.

The list was also announced on some domestic stations and platforms.

When everyone saw the list, even if they had expectations, they could really see ttnap; nbp; this name was at the top of the list, many people were still shocked to add!

First, ttnap; nbp ;, 41 billion US dollars!

Second, Bill Gates, $ 40.9 billion!

Third, Carlos Slim Helu, $ 39 billion.

Fourth, Buffett, $ 38.8 billion.


Compared with the previous 2008 rankings, this time the wealthy people have slightly increased their wealth.

The third largest telecommunications giant in Mexico, the increase is not low, compared with the previous, personal wealth increased by 4 billion US dollars.

However, that also has to be compared with who!

Li Dong, in 3 months, personal wealth has increased by 19 billion US dollars!

Even at the lowest exchange rate of 6.6 recently, that represents Li Dong's personal wealth, which has increased by more than 125 billion yuan!

For a time, all silenced!

It took a long time before someone posted a crazy post and said: "Fake, it is definitely a fake!

Forbes, confess to Gun Brother! "

"Sure, how could it be so coincident, it just happened to be more than $ 100 million more than Gates, the data is not fake, I chopped my head!"

"In 3 months, even if these 12 days were added, it would only be 100 days, 100 days, an increase of 125 billion, 1.25 billion every day, God, crazy, is the world worthless?"

"How does this wealth statistics come from? Is it how much Brother Pao said? He said that more than 40 billion, Forbes will give him more than 40 billion US dollars, or shame?"

"Yeah, there is no listing in the distance, Forbes is in chaos!"


There were countless interrogations for a while, not that they would never see Li Dong ascending the throne of the world's richest man.

But the richest man in the world is too abrupt!

Everyone was not prepared. Although everyone was looking forward to it, Li Dong could hit his face and climb to the top.

However, it is just expectation, most people actually think that Li Dong is impossible to reach the summit, even the first three are difficult.

But now, Li Dong has really reached the summit!

This is a bit subversive and incredible for everyone.

And it just happened to be more than $ 100 million more than Gates, which has to make people wonder whether Li Dong and Forbes reached an agreement, and both parties have insider trading.

In the eyes of outsiders, this possibility is not without.

Of course, not everyone is questioning.

Some people were happy for Li Dong and cheered with joy: "Paper brother mighty, really become the richest man in the world.

"41 billion US dollars, not listed yet, if it is listed ..."

Many people dare not count down, if this breaks out after going public, it will be fine!

Of course, there are still some people with stunned faces, who post and ask: "Which one is ttnap; nbp ;?"

For these questions, everyone is disdain to answer, there must be a ridicule.

You do n’t even know the famous Li Titan, you have been in a mess for so long!

What's more, it is said that Brother Pao has become the richest man in the world, and he still asks this question, doesn't he seem to be ignorant!


Ordinary people do not question, or just join in a lively talk.

However, for others, when they saw that Li Dong had become the richest man in the world, he felt a little thoughtful at the same time with emotion. He always felt that Li Dong was not just the position of the richest man in the world.

Being the richest person in the world is sometimes not a good thing.


Capital city.


Liu Chuanzhi sighed on the phone: "It is the richest man in the world, but it won't last long.

In fact, this time, on the one hand, Forbes compromised, on the one hand, it overdrawn the potential of the distant place.

I have overestimated the various industries in the distance. In this way, although the distance has reached the peak in a short time, in fact, it has advantages and disadvantages.

In the later period, due to the high valuation of some industries in the distant place, it is very likely that no one will pay attention, or the valuation will be lower than expected.

This is the potential behind the overdraft, creating momentum for him to reach the top.

I think Li Dong himself understands this truth.

But he acquiesced, and judging from his actions, it may even be possible to reach a tacit agreement with Forbes, maybe, then he has some actions.

Is the goal to dig treasure? "

Liu Chuanzhi's last words, with a little doubt.

This time the list was announced, Li Dong's reputation in China and around the world has reached its peak.

According to his thoughts, although Li Dong cares a little about this, it can't be said that he really cares.

Everything he does must be in his favor.

According to Li Dong ’s current achievements, it is a matter of time before and after reaching the top of the world ’s richest man. In fact, there is no need to be so anxious.

Especially this time, it has really overdrawn some potential in the distance.

Sometimes, it is not true that the higher the industry valuation, the better.

If the height is too high, it will be like a bubble, and it will break after a poke.

When Li Dong walks to the present, he will understand this truth. He has settled down for a year and a half and reached the summit in 10 years. At present, it seems that it is the best choice.

However, Li Dong chose now!

If the suing of Forbes was for publicity, but when Forbes really listed Li Dong as the richest man in the world, it was not so simple for publicity.

It is very likely that Li Dong wants to take the opportunity to achieve what purpose, and it is not necessary to pass through with Forbes in private.

And Forbes may also want to use this controversy to push Forbes magazine's fame to its peak and affect the Eastern world.

Li Dong reached the top, only 100 million US dollars higher than Gates, this data is debatable.

If Forbes does not want to create controversy, adding hundreds of millions of dollars of statistics to these rich and powerful heads, there is almost no problem.

Liu Qin across the phone was somewhat curious: "Does he really want to take the opportunity to build momentum and suppress the living space for digging up treasures? So, there must be a war between the two parties?"

However, there is still a long way to go since the distant Wanjia family is still online. If it is evenly matched, it makes sense for him to do so, but there is obviously a gap. It is not the real strength of the distance, but the strength of the far distance The gaps are not those that can affect. "

Liuqin is not a rookie who knows nothing, if the strength of Wanjia in the distance is comparable to that of digging treasure.

That Li Dong became the richest man in the world, may become the last straw overwhelming.

After all, Li Dong ’s fame is too great, which will cause users to have a psychological tendency to choose a distant place with greater fame and give up the treasure. This is all possible.

But the strength of the two parties is here, even if Wanjia is on the line, it is far from being an opponent of the treasure.

At this time, Li Dong wanted to regain the situation by this point, there is almost no such possibility.

So Liu Qin has some doubts about his father's words. If Li Dong does this, the benefits may not outweigh the disadvantages, and there may be some disadvantages later.

For a long time, the growth of wealth stopped. For young entrepreneurs like Li Dong, who are in a period of rapid growth, once the wealth stops growing, or even declines, it may cause a chain effect.

Some investors, including some people, may question Li Dong ’s ability and strength, thinking that he is only exhausted. This is the fact that there is a big concept.

To her daughter, Liu Chuanzhi also agreed: "You said it well, so I'm actually a bit puzzled.

Li Dong is not stupid, and no one will treat him as a fool.

Otherwise, this time it was pitted by Forbes and retaliated.

Otherwise ... he has another goal! "

Speaking of other goals, Liu Chuanzhi frowned slightly. Is it true that Li Dong's goal is not to dig out treasures?

Evenly matched, unmatched ... Such an enterprise or industry may be Li Dong's goal.

Otherwise, Li Dong will not do these meaningless things, it is likely to use this opportunity to expand his influence again.

When the two companies are similar in size and strength, Li Dong's reputation will bring him unexpected gains.

"Bai Lian ... Su Lin ... Ali ... Shunfeng ... Teng Xun!"

Yanagawa whispered a few words softly, his eyes flashing constantly, evenly matched, unmatched, relying on fame to expand his advantages.

Who is it?

Industrial or Internet?

For a time, Liu Chuanzhi was distracted.


After all, Liu Chuanzhi is one of the giants in the business community. What he feels faintly does not mean that everyone can feel ~ ~ Most people are still immersed in the shock of Li Dong summiting.

On the network, in reality, Li Dong is almost always talking about becoming the richest man in the world.

Very few people will analyze, why did Li Dong reach the top?

He became the richest man in the world. In the eyes of most people, it was good for Li Dong. No one would think that being the richest man in the world would also have disadvantages.

However, some business giants standing at the pinnacle of the world, when they see this list, either smile, or they are thoughtful.

It seems that this Eastern business giant seems to have acted again.

This time it has created such a big trend, but it is not necessarily a good thing.

I did not look at some investment banks, but now I have lowered my expectations for distant industries.

From the current data, it seems that the investment is far away, although it is nice, but in fact, if Li Dongzhen pulls them in according to the valuation of these industries, the return rate in the later period may not be satisfactory.

Rather than doing so, it is better to invest in some lesser-known companies.

The investment bank lowered the expected value, which is not a good thing for Li Dong, who has been in a hot state. From this point of view, his reputation as the richest man in the world may not be more cost-effective than these things.

It is impossible for a distant place to keep refraining from financing, nor to keep going public.

At this time, the investment institutions have lost interest in investing. If the valuation is high, I am afraid that it will only be a valuation.



Ma Huateng lightly knocked on the table, and after a while his pupils shrank, slowly saying: "WeChat, is it really your killer?"

For a time, Ma Huateng was in deep thought. What did Li Dong want to do for so long?

Last time he sued Forbes at the press conference, telling himself that it was for publicity, but his purpose had been achieved!

The richest man in the world, do you really value that?