The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1482: Are not good

The Forbes real-time rich list came out, the world is talking about Li Dong, about the legendary man who has just turned 24 years old.

At the moment, Li Dong was not ecstatic as outsiders imagined.

Back in the office, Li Dong was talking with Shen Qian.

On the phone, Li Dong said indifferently: "The richest man in Asia and the richest man in the world are actually the same.

The reason for negotiating privately with the other party, and even promised to help Forbes to open the China market, is only to increase the win rate.

pp plus WeChat against qq, in the end, there must be a choice of two.

Who to choose?

Whether it is a distant product or Teng Xun's product will also make users tangled.

But I am the richest person in the world, the first person in the global business, and the first person in the wealth alone. This is the trend, the trend!

My things are good things, which is inevitable.

If my stuff is not good, can I become the richest man in the world?

Will my industry valuation be so high?

This is a kind of psychological suggestion, maybe it will help us a bit, maybe we can't use this and be prepared.

As for the overdraft potential ... "

Li Donghui laughed: "Then it is better to continue the upward trend, the world economy is recovering, and the China economy is also repeating.

After a while, I may lose my position as the richest man in the world, but it will be the precipitation period.

When I kill it again, there will be a topic, or else it will keep pressing others. For a long time, everyone will not care about these. "

Shen Qian on the other end of the phone smiled: "You don't need to explain so much to me, just follow your own ideas.

But now we should end the call, according to your temper, it is time to show off.

Call your group of boyfriends to send messages, don't worry about me.

Without showing off, others should guess your nerves. "

With a black line on his face, Li Dong didn't have a good air: "What boyfriend, don't talk about it."

"Xing Xing Xing, I was wrong, I hung up first, and I have something to do."

Li Dong mumbled: "I found it. Since you are pregnant, you don't care about me at all.

Before switching to this, I might have come to the company in person at this time to celebrate my becoming the richest man.

It ’s better now, I take the initiative to call, you are still impatient, women, really like the new and the old, with a small one and forget the old ... "

He was chattering here, but Shen Qian couldn't help crying: "Isn't it celebrated? Didn't you say yesterday that the richest man in the world is definitely you? I should have been excited already, how can I be excited?"

"Forget it, don't keep running to the new house. The decoration is not over yet. Be careful.

Hang up, I called those guys and said a few words. "


Hanging up the phone, Li Dong flipped through the address book and began to make phone calls one by one.


Li Dong called, and the people who received the call were relieved.

When Ma Yun received the call, he accompanied Li Dong and hung up the phone with a few words. Then, while eating, he laughed with a few people at the same table: "This guy, I know he can't stop.

But the tone is not agitated, it is a bit hypocritical.

I can see it and play with the routine.

We do what we do, and we will not have too many disputes with us in the short term.

President Cheng ... "

Ma Yun glanced at Cheng Ping, who didn't talk much, put down the chopsticks, and said with a straight face: "If it is three months, it will be as long as one year.

This is not the first time that Li Dong has dug into the wall. We have suffered many times in the field of express delivery.

I know that at such a short time, it is difficult to complete the express delivery layout.

No matter how difficult, we have to do it!

On the side of Best, we can almost dominate now, and Best is talking about the acquisition with Huitong. Once the merger is completed, Best will join forces with Huitong, and it has a place in the express delivery field.

But this is not enough!

With the development of e-commerce, the express delivery industry is now in a booming period.

Distant Express is expanding, the tailwind is expanding, and the three links are also expanding ...

Before, I hoped for them, and hoped to join hands with them to build a rookie alliance, make progress together, and make the industry bigger together.

It's a pity that they have limited vision and actually cooperate with distant places and seek for skin with tigers!

Cooperation with Ali, Ali does not do courier, and they are interdependent.

But cooperating with the distant place, it is really necessary to push Ali to a dead end, and finally Ali falls, will the distant place give them living space?

Li Dong talked about sharing, in fact, he was anxious to enjoy the victory alone!

I always thought that Wang Wei would not be so short-sighted, but I did not expect that he would eventually give up the bright future for the benefit of his eyes.

Including several other express companies, they are now forcing us to express prices, express rejection of our merchant business, efficiency drag ...

All of this strengthens our determination to be our own express delivery!

The purpose of establishing Xingchen Express this time is to improve our own express delivery system. "

Time and space's error correction ability is always so powerful.

In the previous life, after Cheng Ping left the home delivery service, he also established Xingchen Express in 2009, and Ma Yun also invested.

However, at that time, the start was late, and Ma Yun was only an investment, and not much investment. At that time, there was no such pressure at the time, and Xingchenjig did not get much development.

Now, I feel the pressure from afar.

As well as other courier companies, constantly pushing Ali, Ma Yun finally made up her mind, and she would do it once and do it!

Li Dong can complete the layout of the national express delivery business within a few years, and Ali has no problems!

In particular, the plan to raise US $ 1 billion this time was very smooth. The funds for the financing will also arrive in succession next month. Ma Yun made up his mind to take at least half of the funds to develop the express delivery business.

With more than 3 billion funds to lay express channels, it is definitely a big deal!

As for Li Dong ’s far-end logistics, which cost so much, it ’s different.

Distant Logistics does more than express delivery, but also logistics services, supermarket distribution services, including warehouse storage, as well as Distant Logistics Park, Distant Aviation ...

Therefore, distant logistics is not just a courier company.

Ma Yunke didn't have as much demand as Li Dong, all he wanted was to meet the needs of the treasure.

As for warehousing, the lack of money in the early stage can be leased, and it is not necessary to be consistent with the goal of creating a rookie before.

At that time, because there were many participating companies, including those of Fosun, all of them were involved, and hoarding land was also a purpose, so there would be tens of billions of plans.

Now that the rookie plan is almost bankrupt, Ma Yun has no intention of hoarding the land with those companies. He only needs courier services.

Ma Yun said, Cheng Ping said in a deep voice: "The chairman is assured that I have made a detailed plan.

This time, Xingchenjiu was established. We will gather the express delivery system of Best and Huitong, and add some small and medium-sized express delivery companies to complete the integration quickly.

Within three months, 50 transit stations and 1,000 outlets were laid to create a nationwide express delivery system without any problems. "

Ma Yun glanced at him, and the old man teased himself!

With 50 transfer stations, 1,000 outlets spread all over the country?

You should know that for some of the current express delivery giants, the transfer stations are calculated in units of 100, and the outlets are calculated in tens of thousands!

Even on the far side, over 1,000 outlets were laid alone in the first year.

In the second year, nearly 1,000 outlets were laid again!

At the same time, far away has also acquired a lot of express companies, and currently has more than 3,000 outlets.

Don't forget, there is still a place that is not counted in the distant express outlets!

That is their supermarket store!

These stores are actually far-distance express outlets, and some convenience stores are deep in the community and streets, and are the most suitable express outlets.

In the past few years, the number of stores in distant supermarkets has also increased day by day. Together, the delivery outlets of distant places may reach 5,000!

However, as far as 5,000 outlets are concerned, Li Dong said that it covers the whole country, does it really cover the whole country?


According to national statistics, there are more than 40,000 institutions at the township level throughout the country.

A township and an outlet, it must be at least 40,000.

It is almost impossible to build a courier network covering the whole country.

Haven't you watched Yunda's companies continue to join stores?

They have a large number of outlets, but 90 of them are not self-built, but franchisees, even if the number of outlets exceeds 10,000, these companies dare not say they can cover the whole country.

Best and Huitong, together with Xingchenjiu, will also acquire some small and medium-sized express delivery companies. Cheng Ping said that it will build 1,000 outlets in three months, and there will be little development.

Cheng Ping was looked at by Ma Yun, but also somewhat helpless, said softly: "Chairman, the first three months will focus on integrating resources.

Too many franchisees is not a good thing.

I have a deep understanding of this, including Shunfeng. Otherwise, Wang Wei would not have regained power.

At the beginning, there were too many franchisees, and the reputation of the "Mouse Club" I think the chairman should have heard of it.

Now that the chairman does not want Xingchenjiu to become the second rookie and wants to compete with a distant place, then the franchise store cannot take up too much of the share, otherwise, it may in turn drag us down.

At the beginning, it may have strengthened our momentum, and in the later stage there will definitely be a situation where the tail is not big.

The far-distance express can have the current combat strength, not because of the number of their outlets, but also because their outlets are all self-operated outlets.

This is also the case with Shunfeng. Their number of outlets is actually not large, but they still have a strong fighting power.

On the other hand, when the three links are reached, the number of outlets is over 10,000. Where is the efficiency and combat effectiveness?

If the 1000 self-operated outlets can be integrated, the fighting power that erupts will not be much weaker than them. At least it can withstand the efficiency of the 3,000 outlets of three links and one ...

After listening to Cheng Ping's explanation, Ma Yun nodded slightly. He was not the one who could not hear other people's opinions.

Cheng Ping, as one of the once giants in the express delivery industry, has now experienced ups and downs and said there should be no fakes.

Thinking of this, Ma Yun said: "No matter what, before the end of the year, at least 2,000 outlets must be completed!

The country's county-level institutions are close to 3,000. In addition to some remote areas and all local courier companies that currently have cooperation with us, more than 2,000 outlets can only undertake our business delivery.

At least such a large scale, in order to be able to complete the operation independently in the case of other express companies forced palaces! "

"2000 ..."

Cheng Ping was a little hesitant, and then nodded: "Okay, I will set the task when I go back!"

Since joining Ali, he also hopes that Ali can be competitive here.

Although this task is very arduous, Cheng Ping has been in the industry for so many years, and has an understanding of the situation in various places. As long as the money is enough, it is not impossible to lay out 2,000 outlets although it is hard.

Seeing that Cheng Ping responded, Ma Yun smiled: "I knew that Cheng would never let me down.

In 2009, the task of laying express delivery outlets was completed, and Li Dong wanted to make an article from this, it was not that simple! "

Everyone smiled, but didn't say much.

Is it really too late?

It is only now that I started laying my own express delivery system, and I do n’t know if Li Dong will give them enough time.

But Ma Yun didn't explain it when he saw it. Li Dong's guy, maybe he didn't want to deal with it this time, anyway, it seems that it is unlikely to directly target the treasure., it also takes time to develop.

It is not easy to say that he will not give him time to develop. Who can be certain that Li Dong will win?


The topic of the world's richest man is still hot.

However, there is a lot of discussion, and it is nothing to discuss these every day, that is, those who eat melons.

The big coffees have their own things to be busy, anyway, the richest man is not himself, who has time to say this every day.

On April 13, Tianhong Fund came the news that Yu'ebao was approved for going online!

The two parties, Teng Xun and Ali, and Yi Fangda, who cooperated with Teng Xun, have also been approved. Only Ali has not yet received approval.

Li Dong, who received this news, did not call Ma Yun, but called Ma Huateng and said: "If Ali cannot launch the virtual currency fund in May, then we two will go!

But when it comes to propaganda, you have to help Ma Yun and bring him! "

When Ma Huateng heard this, he immediately squinted and smiled, "Okay, since we talked about it together, the propaganda naturally brought him together.

It ’s okay for him to go online a little bit slower. Let ’s go online and give it a try. Show him the effect. Maybe it ’s better. Do you mean it? "

Regardless of whether Ali can go online here, Li Dong and Ma Huateng have a tacit understanding, and the propaganda brings him, and everyone fights the pressure together.

But whether Ali can catch up or not, it does n’t matter. Anyway, this is a matter of time. A little later. The same is true. Anyway, all three are promoters, and this reputation cannot be run away.

As for Ali going online afterwards, it's none of their business. It's Ali's own problem, who blames him.

The pressure and risk are the same, but there are some things. One day in advance, there may be two situations. The two are now eager to Ali go online for ten days and a half months later.

Just a few words, Ma Huateng suddenly said: "Your WeChat users, have you exceeded one million?"

Li Dong smiled and said: "You said WeChat, right. After you said it last time, I went back and asked, there is this product.

However, it is a handy work of a designer. There are now millions of users, which is not bad, but it is not worth mentioning.

I also used it myself, there are more slots, and continue to improve it later ~ ~ Say, you always ask this, do you have any ideas?

Tell me about it, let ’s communicate, we do n’t need to hide about this little problem, I often share my ideas and ideas with you, and do n’t confiscate your money, right? "

Ma Huateng said lightly: "I don't need to say that, a technician on Teng Xun's side has also developed a software, and it will be online on the 15th. Then you can download and try it."

"That's really a coincidence. You won't follow our products. Be careful. I will continue to sue you."

"Sorry, this really isn't there. If you want to trouble, you've got it.

And the fact is as you said, your WeChat slots are indeed many, I think there is no need to follow suit. "

Li Dong said with a smile: "Really? Then wait and see, forget to ask, what is your product called, don't forget it when the time comes."


Ma Huateng said casually, but didn't want Li Dong to be disgusted, and immediately spit out: "What the hell's name, I follow the trend, I don't like it. Who gets this name is really bad, this named guy should be dragged out and killed That's right ... "

"Toot toot ..."

There was a busy tone on the phone, and Ma Huateng was too lazy to ignore this guy.

How nice do you think you are named after Li Dong?

What's more, the name was obtained by Ma Huateng himself, and Li Dong deliberately accused Sang of cursing Huai.

Li Dong was not annoyed when the phone was hung up.

Li Dong tapped his thigh lightly, Li Dong murmured: "This speed is really not slow. In 15 days, the on-line product is faster than I expected."

Teng Xun's strength can be seen from this.

15 days, even copying a piece of software, this speed is not slow.

What's more, with Teng Xun's style, he certainly will not give Li Dong a chance to find fault, and many improvements should be made.