The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1504: Kill it! (Thanks to the "passerby 957" b

In the early morning of May 2.

Distant released data externally. On the 1st day, the total sales of Distant Mall exceeded the 3 billion mark, reaching 3.2 billion, once again creating the miracle of single-day sales in the online shopping market!

No one came forward this time to dismantle and wear it. Soon after the data was released from afar, Treasures followed and released 2.5 billion revenue data.

Similarly, no one said anything.

After that, released extraordinary data, with 300 million single-day sales, which did not cause much disturbance.

In fact, for Jingdong, 300 million is almost astronomical.

In 2008,'s annual transaction volume soared.

Driven by distant parties, the entire online shopping market was exceptionally active in 2008, and ’s transaction volume in 2008 far exceeded that of its predecessors.

In the previous life, the transaction volume of in 2008 just exceeded 1 billion.

In this life, the transaction volume of Jingdong reached 3 billion in 2008, which almost doubled its growth.

However, under the cover of the distant and digging treasure, almost no one noticed Jingdong.

3 billion, even the fractions of both sides are not reached.

In 2009, according to data released by, the transaction volume in the first quarter reached 2 billion, which exceeded the expected value.

Now with a performance of 300 million in a single day, regardless of whether the data is water or not, in fact, the data should be satisfactory to Jingdong.

It's a pity that the data released here is more than ten times that of the other side, and the treasure is more than eight times that of Jingdong. The outside world is discussing these two, and few people really pay attention to Jingdong.

Teng Xun merged into the distance because of patting. This time it was very quiet, and there was almost no movement.

Even in the previous mall activities, according to the original agreement between the two parties, Teng Xun wanted to promote it. This time, he chose calm access and did not do much publicity.

Of course, almost everyone can understand this.

At this juncture, Teng Xun also helped far-distance promotion, then others would not say that he was generous, and would only call Teng Xun silly.

This is not an ordinary business competition. In the past, Yuanyuan and Teng Xun had competition in many fields. The scolding was not once or twice, and it was not the first time for the two companies to turn their heads together.

However, this time is different, this is the moment of life and death of Teng Xun.

At this juncture, Ma Huateng didn't talk about him in the accident world at all, and he didn't care what attitude he had in the distance.

At this moment, talking about style and manners is all an idiot's job.



Ma Huateng did not fall asleep before Ma Yun.

When the distant place announced the mall data, but did not mention the Yubao, Ma Huateng suddenly said: "Tomorrow will start the large-scale promotion of financial management!

Remember, do n’t forget to mention Yu'ebao when you promote Lietong, the other party's funds are 100 times ours!

On the 1st, we have absorbed 12 million in funds, and the balance is at least 1.2 billion!

This is the first day, Yuan Yubao, in a month, at least absorbs more than 30 billion yuan of funds, Li Dong claimed to create a virtual currency fund product, to achieve the goal within six months, I believe Li Dong has this strength! "

In the last sentence, Ma Huateng was extremely determined.

Not really believe that Li Dong can accomplish this goal, but whether he believes it or not, he wants everyone to believe it!

Especially financial institutions!

What is the concept of trillions of funds?

According to the 2008 data released by some institutions at the beginning of 2009, the total deposit balance of Huaxia was less than 48 trillion yuan, of which the balance of household savings deposits was 22 trillion yuan.

This does not mean that the deposit of residents in 2008 was 22 trillion, and this 22 trillion is the total deposit of financial institutions over the years!

In fact, the new resident deposit in 2008 was 4.5 trillion.

This is the resident deposits that all financial institutions in China absorb in one year!

Financial institutions are not just banks, but also trust, insurance, fund and securities companies.

Of course, except for banks, there are not many savings businesses in other financial institutions.

However, even if it is just a bank, how many banks does China have?

So many banks are added together, plus local banks, according to statistics, there are thousands of large and small!

Thousands of banks have absorbed 4 trillion resident deposits a year.

And far away?

A private enterprise, together with a small fund company, must absorb trillions of capital within half a year.

Although nominally, it is fund management, not deposits.

Actually, is Yu'ebao in T + 0 mode really a deposit?

And it is still a savings account!

If it is really done by a distant place, it is equivalent to stealing 20% ​​of the deposit business of financial institutions in the country at a time!

Not two families, but the whole country!

The funds absorbed by his fund even exceed the total amount of savings saved by several major state-owned banks in one year. Does it really affect financial institutions?

Trillions of funds have flowed into the fund's wealth management products, and they have not flowed into the banking system. Could this money come out of thin air?

Or maybe, these trillions of funds are really the money that the residents are hiding at home and are unwilling to save the bank?

However, the settlement channel of Manwantou has not failed the bank.

This money doesn't flow into Wanhuatuan, or stay in the bank!

Now, because there are so many banking institutions that Wankao cooperates with, customers are not uniformly transferring money from one bank, and their feelings are not obvious.

However, when this scale is expanded to tens of billions, it is obvious!

There is no much publicity on the far side, MCA Teng suddenly realized the other party's purpose, and low-key development!

The high-profile publicity in the early stage really waited for the achievements, but it was low-key, which is actually in line with Li Dong's style.

Making a lot of money in a muffled voice is also something many people are doing.

When the high-profile is high-profile, and the low-profile is low-profile, isn't Li Dong afraid of being resisted by financial institutions?

At the time, a "blacklist" of financial institutions was released, resulting in the bankruptcy and liquidation of many enterprises.

Sanlian just closed down before. In fact, Sanlian was not the only company that entered the blacklist that year. Many entered that year, but the ending was very miserable.

Can Li Dong stand up?

Li Dong said that the strength of the distance is strong, which is not false, and that industry is more basic than the Internet, which is not false.

However, Internet companies are a bit different from industries. Industry likes to burn money from banks, and Internet institutions generally burn money from capital institutions.

The debt ratio of Internet companies is generally not too high, because they are more difficult to borrow, and they mainly choose financing and dilute their shares.

And industry, in fact, is financing, but the financing goal is mainly bank.

The strength of the remote real industry is not weak, and at the same time, there are many loans.

From a distance of 400 billion yuan in total assets, the net assets are only about 300 billion yuan, of which 100 billion yuan is debt.

These liabilities are also money.

Where did the money come from?

Mainly bank loans!

Yuanfang Group's loans from major banks are at least 80 billion yuan.

Unlike Ali and Teng Xun, these Internet companies really don't have many loans and offended the bank. Even if they are blocked, the difficulty is not far away.

The real industry which is proud of from afar is a drawback at this time.

Once the financial institutions were angered, the distant place was blocked and drew money.

Even if there is government support to make peace, the distant place must compromise and admit defeat. It is necessary to pay back a sum of money. In addition, similar to Yu'ebao and even Wan Wantong, the distant place may choose to reduce the scale of its own to appease financial institutions.

Therefore, from a low-key perspective, Teng Xun couldn't let him go down!

The more low-key it is, the more it shows that Yuan Yubao is doing well.

Although Ma Huateng didn't know how much money he had absorbed from afar on the first day, it wouldn't be too little anyway.

No matter how much, even if there is only one million, Li Dong does not blow, Ma Huateng does not mind blowing for him this time!

Teng Xun, an executive who had been working for several consecutive days, heard Ma Huateng's words, first thought about it for a while, and then someone said seriously: "It is necessary to promote it!

With Li Dong's ability and fame, and the public's trust in him.

Absorb trillions of funds, a piece of cake!

More than trillions, I think that by the end of the year, two trillions are possible!

Of course, it is only the first day now, we can slowly brew, and now the funds absorbed are not much, we help to promote free for a few days.

When the holiday is over, we can publicize it. Yu'ebao has already absorbed tens of billions of funds on a Labor Day, created history, created miracles, and surpassed financial institutions ... "

Everyone began to suggest that Wei Wei save Zhao, perhaps also the vitality of Teng Xun.

Once a financial institution is in trouble, it is more of a headache than major companies. It is a big problem whether there is any energy in the distance to expand and whether it has the ability to expand.

Seeing other people talking about it, Ma Huateng lit a cigarette and smoked it, looking a bit sullen.

Zhang Zidong sat beside him and did not participate in the discussion.

Zhang Zidong actually understands Ma Huateng's mind better than others.

Seeing that other people are still discussing, Zhang Zidong said softly: "The matter has come to this point, we can't blame us for any means, nor can we blame us for destroying the future of the entire IT industry.

Internet finance may be stillborn this time, but this is not all our fault. "

Only by standing in their perspective, can you feel Ma Huateng's mood.

In fact, neither Ma Huateng nor other IT giants want to use this trick.

Introduce financial institutions to sanction distant places, sanctions are not only far away!

The Internet financial system is now just starting, except for the gradually mature payment system.

Everyone actually hopes that this market can grow bigger!

Are you unwilling to seize the market of financial institutions?


Ma Yun is willing, Ma Huateng is willing, including Li Yanhong, who is not very good at Internet finance, he is also willing.

Everyone is pushing forward, hoping that this market will expand to make Internet companies more influential and socially influential.

Therefore, in the early stage, everyone is working hard for this goal.

Including Teng Xun, I have also worked hard for this point before.

But at the moment, Ma Huateng gave up on this. Perhaps, because of his move, the concept of Internet finance may completely disappear, leaving only Internet payment.

Is this what he wants to see?


But he had no other choice, just like he said before, no matter whether it was a long-lost or a legend, he didn't want to die silently.

Seize all opportunities, even if it will hit the IT industry hard, he will not hesitate!

Now that Internet finance is dead, it does not mean that it will always die. Three years later, five years later, when the whole environment has changed, Teng Xun can continue to promote it if he is alive.

If Teng Xun is gone after three or five years, can he still take into account the prospects of the entire industry?

Zhang Zidong also understood this, and only after reading this, would he comfort him.

As for the others, it may be that they have seen it through, or maybe it hasn't. It doesn't matter.

In their eyes, Teng Xun was unable to protect himself, and there was still time to think about the future.

Before this level is passed, they have to face the offense from afar and squeeze from afar. Such pressure has long been enough for everyone.

As long as it can cause big troubles in the distance, we do n’t mind carrying some infamy.

Moreover, who knows that it is really a bad thing?

The expansion of the Internet financial market and scale is really a good thing?

Ordinary people, really care about this?

Even the giants in the IT industry really care about the minority.

At least for the time being, even if Teng Xun destroyed the promotion plan in the distance, at most, Ma Yun and Li Dong would swear.

So no one would mention these, they would just scold them.

If Li Dong wasn't too bully, why don't you all work together to promote this market?

But Li Dongfei wants to force them, then don't blame Teng Xun for any means, regardless of the consequences.


This night ~ ~ spent in the calm.

When it was dawn, Li Dong took the whole family on board his private jet, and Teng Xun also started to promote his financial management.

Ordinary people don't think much, some people in the industry feel a little strange.

At this time, Teng Xun still has time to promote these?

No. 2 and No. 3 happened to be Saturday and weekend, and connected with Labor Day, so this time the Hong Kong stock market was closed for three days before No. 4 opened.

In fact, Teng Xun should not do anything else at present, but to appease the people. In these few days, the shareholders holding Teng Xun can rest assured that it is right to regain confidence, and it will not fall again on the 4th opening.

But can financial management be a means to appease the people?

Moreover, when Teng Xun promoted financial management, there was another voice on the Internet, which was contempt and disdain.

There are some contemptuous posts everywhere in major forums.

"Why did Teng Xun still engage in these gimmicks, how bad the money management is, and Yu Yuanbao from a distance is not a level!"

"That is, Teng Xun is proud to boast, don't want to face?"

"I deposited 100,000 in Yu'ebao yesterday, and today I received interest only for settlement on Monday. I don't know how much money I have.

As for Liantong, whoever saves money is stupid. "

"That's right upstairs. I also saved 50,000 in Yu'ebao. Brother Xinbao made a lot of money!

As for Teng Xun, forget it! "


On the Internet, almost one-sided, and few who spoke to Teng Xun, praised Yu Bao very much.

Some things Li Dong and Ma Yun said at the Internet Conference, including Ma Yun's "change bank", were also put on Li Dong's head.

The people who eat melons don't have too many ideas, and the trend is better, anyway, it's not the first time that the bragging brothers are bragging.

However, some people see this scene, but their face is uncertain.