The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1504: Li Dong came to Shanghai


When Ma Yun saw Teng Xun's move and saw the voice on the Internet, Ma Yun looked a little ugly.

A product, especially one that involves money, is normal to have doubts.

Even if Li Dong, no one questioned his product?

There are doubts, that is the normal market response.

Now it is not without, but very rarely!

Almost a piece of praise, in Ma Yun's view, is not a good thing.

It was contacted that Teng Xun had not promoted wealth management on a large scale before. At this time, it was suddenly promoted, and Ma Yun had already guessed the purpose of Ma Huateng.

"Kill it!"

This is Ma Yun's conclusion after reading a while of online speech.


at the same time.

Li Dong, who had just arrived in Shanghai, also got news.

Even if he was away, someone was always with him.

After Bai Su got off the plane, he received some intelligence and quickly reported Li Dong.

When Li Dong knew the news, he couldn't help shaking his head and said, "It's a fate, don't blame him. If you change to me, maybe you will do even better.

It's strange to blame. In order to transfer the target, I chose to launch Yu'ebao at this time.

But at that time, I did not expect that he would be forced to this point. "

The success of WeChat is actually a fluke.

On the one hand, the development speed of 3G smart machines has reached Li Dong's expectations, and even exceeded.

On the other hand, the cooperation with mobile has also achieved Li Dong's goal.

The last point is that before the incident, Li Dong's reputation reached its peak and took the throne of the world's richest man.

With this opportunity, Li Dong's live broadcast will have a Dingding effect.

All this did not exist when we were planning to promote Yu'ebao.

And Li Dong, although there are some layouts, but he is not a god, and he cannot control the changes in the whole situation. Some situations happen randomly and with accidents.

Therefore, before Labor Day, he pushed Teng Xun to this point.

According to the original plan, it would be launched from afar in May, and Teng Xun would not be forced to retreat until June. Even Li Dong had made a plan to push Teng Xun to the present level after three or five months.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes. Teng Xun's micro-chat came online too quickly. Ma Huateng also realized the crisis and launched himself in advance. The distance was considered a passive engagement.

At this time, in fact, some things are not under Li Dong's control.

It just happened that Yu'ebao was just launched in May, and the foundation is still not stable. It was indeed a bit troublesome at this time.

However, if there are disadvantages, it is advantageous. At this time, the balance of the balance treasure is shallow, which is also a good thing.

After all, the prying market is not big.

A financial institution does not necessarily care if it absorbs 600 million yuan a day. After all, this amount of money is really not too much.

Ma Huateng's killing tactics and surrounding Wei to save Zhao are not necessarily good.

And Li Dong is also ready, it is not possible, then give up Yu'ebao!

Don't do it now, wait for the big picture, he will do it again, it's not too late.

After the extinction of Teng Xun, the retail business continued to grow, some industries went public, and maybe it would be faster and stronger than it is now.

Of course, this takes time.

Time is sometimes very valuable, and sometimes it is really impossible to wait.

If you really think that he will only hurry and make quick decisions, only take advantage of the benefits and not lose money, then look down upon him.

If you lose money, it depends on how to eat.

If he can not suffer, then Li Dong is definitely not willing.

But the situation decided that this loss must be eaten, would Li Dong go foolishly and go on with his scalp.


Li Dong's coming to the Shanghai market is not a secret in the eyes of some people.

The private jets are coming, ordinary people don't know, and the elite in the Shanghai market almost all know that Li Cannon is here.

Compared to Beijing, Li Dong is actually more popular in Shanghai.

In the city of Shanghai, the economy is greater than politics.

In the capital, even rough car drivers can talk to politicians and pay close attention.

However, in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the most discussed is not actually these people, but more about wealth-related topics.

And relatively speaking, the atmosphere of the Shanghai market is more active than that of the capital, and there will not be a brick that will kill several chiefs without the so many deep houses in the capital.

So Li Dong, the world's richest man, arrived in the Shanghai market. Actually, everyone didn't really talk about some things behind him, including network resources and the like.

Here, what you prefer to hear is how much wealth Li Dong has created. The real-time rich list seems to have the tendency to drop the richest man. Will coming to the Shanghai market make some major commercial moves ...

The Shanghai market likes this, and Li Dong actually likes it.

The capital city in the north may be due to the weather, perhaps the atmosphere of the imperial capital is a little depressed, maybe there are more of the second generation ...

For other reasons, Li Dong doesn't really like it.

He has been to the capital more frequently than the Shanghai market in recent years, not because he likes it, but because he needs it.

In the early stage, because Qin Yuhan was there, he sometimes went to the capital although he didn't have to work.

In the later period, almost all of them passed away for work needs.

However, every time I go, it is almost not flat.

Li Dong doesn't really like this either. Every time he goes to Beijing, he fights for that fight. Many times he dances on the blade.

Time after time, Li Dong has almost reached the point where he has to go to barely go to the capital.

In the Shanghai market, there is not that much pressure.

So, when someone came to pick up the plane, Li Dong did not say anything about Teng Xun, but took a deep breath and said with emotion: "I smell the freedom, this city is more suitable for me."

After he finished speaking, Shen Qian aside whispered, "I think it smells of copper."

Li Dong scorned: "Vulgar!

At this moment, how can it be said that copper smells?

Moreover, money and wealth are always aspired by everyone.

Only when there is money, there is freedom. Without money, even freedom is not worth talking about.

Did the beggar on the street see it?

Are they free?

Yes, it seems to be at ease, clothes come to reach out to open their mouths, do not even do work.

But this kind of freedom is a false freedom. As long as there is a need and a need, these people will be driven to the corner of no one at any time.

Therefore, sometimes the amount of money matches the degree of freedom equally.

Here, my freedom will also grow larger and larger with the increase of wealth, so I said, I smell the freedom ... "

Shen Qian smiled, and this guy's lip service was not weak.

Even a stranger, the more acquaintances, the more he can speak, and it is boring to argue with him.

Without taking care of Li Dong, Shen Qian looked at Wang Jie who came forward to pick up: "May Mei and Xiaobao are all right?"

With the relocation of Guomei's headquarters, Wang Jie also moved from Beijing to Shanghai, and now it is running on both sides of Beijing.

When asked by Shen Qian, Wang Jie immediately smiled and said, "It's all okay. I was in Beijing before, and I was still a little bit uncomfortable, probably because I was unsatisfied.

Now that the Shanghai market is here, don't mention the spirit.

I originally said that I came back to play for a few days and then I went back. Now I am not willing to leave. I say that I will leave after May.

I was going to pick up the plane with me before, but when I went out, the child was a little troubled, so she didn't let her come. "

On the Shanghai market, there are many executives in the distance.

Both Sun Tao and Wang Yue are here, but Li Dong did not let them pick them up. This time it was said that they came from a tourist, and the two are also busy. There is no need to talk about this show.

Wang Jie recently relocated due to the relocation of the headquarters, and the Ministry of Supervision should not continue to be harsh. These days, there is not much to be busy, and there is time to accompany his wife and children.

When Li Dong arrived in the Shanghai market, he did not come to pick up the plane as a subordinate, but as a friend.

These days he is on vacation, and by the way can also be a tour guide.

After answering Shen Qian, Wang Jie and Li Chengyuan and his wife greeted each other, and by the way teased the two curious children.

He is familiar with the Li Dong family, including Tian Xiaoyu and Little Stone.

The two girls had lived in Lanshan Villa for a long time before. At that time, Wang Jie took Wu Mei to settle in Lanshan Villa, helping to stare at the stock market.

Li Dong was busy during that time and didn't pass by often.

These two couples are almost helping to pick up and drop children.

Perhaps it was early recognition, or at the time when they were the most vigilant at that time, it was the Wang Jie couple who was accompanying them. Do n’t look at what you usually see, and the little stone is not very young.

But I met again in another country, even if I was dozing the little stones before, I was very happy to see Wang Jie.

The little girl even pretended to be mature, and the appearance of a little adult greeted Wang Jie with a cold face: "Is the younger brother gaining weight?

It ’s time to go to kindergarten. I ’m going to elementary school soon. I ’m an older child.

After my brother goes to kindergarten, I can take care of my younger brother ... "

Wang Jie suddenly smiled and echoed: "It's an older child, his brother hasn't gained weight, but you girl, how come you got fat again ..."

When Wang Jie said that he was fat, Little Stone suddenly bulged his mouth, and his face was unwilling to say: "I didn't gain weight, I was still so fat, don't allow me to be fat!"

Before, the little girl didn't care about this.

But now, the little stones that the self-proclaimed child has begun to care about, even though it is time to eat, drink and drink, it is indeed a lot fatter, but this girl does not make people say she is fat.

The words of children always make people happy.

Everyone chatted a few words on the spot, and then got on Wang Jie's car.

Wang Jie drove a seven-seater SUV. Li Dong ’s four adults and two children, plus Wang Jie, could just sit down.

As for Tan Yong and Wang Cheng, there is no need for Li Dong to manage it. Even if Wang Jie does not pick up the plane, he is not afraid of not driving.

Li Dong's itinerary is arranged in advance, they have already arranged.

Li Dong just got on the bus, and three or four cars followed him.


Just as Li Dong and his party drove towards the hotel.

Qin Hai happens to be entertaining a customer. Qin Hai rarely does customer reception on the ordering network. He is currently only responsible for express delivery.

However, this time, customers have many restaurant chain stores on the Shanghai market, and the ordering network is initially built. They need the support of these small and medium-sized chain restaurant companies.

Qin Yuhan, after all, they were not very young, and the other party wanted to talk to Qin Hai by name, and the attitude was polite. Qin Hai came forward to receive him.

The two chatted for a while, and the boss opposite was very polite.

Although the other party has more than 20 stores in the Shanghai market, and there are other industries with assets of more than 100 million, when chatting with Qin Hai, it is quite gentle.

Qin Hai mentioned the cooperation a little bit, but the other party didn't think about it, and almost didn't talk about the conditions, he agreed.

Qin Hai didn't really think much at first.

But at the end of the conversation, the fat old man across from him was slightly embarrassed and smiled: "Qin, I heard that Mr. Li has come to the Shanghai market this time. You had a relationship with Mr. Li before. We all know you. Leaving afar is not for other reasons, but I want to rest for a while.

You see, it is not convenient for you to introduce me to you ...

Of course, if President Qin feels inconvenient, it doesn't matter. I just admired Mr. Li for a long time. I want to see the previous side. If President Qin is really embarrassed, then forget it. "

It ’s okay to talk about it, it does n’t matter, the fat old man continued to add with a smile: "In addition, I forgot to tell General Qin. On my side, although the scale of the work is average, the main business is not the restaurant industry.

However, I personally like to make friends, and I have a vacant job in the Shanghai Food and Beverage Association. I don't know many friends.

Large hotels and restaurants are hard to say. Some small and medium-sized catering companies, including some chain companies, are familiar with me.

The platform to join the ordering network is also to lay an additional channel for ourselves. An acquaintance introduces me, I think everyone will not care.

There are many ways for many friends. Qin Qin, is that the reason? "

Qin Hai frowned slightly ~ ~ The meaning of fat is obvious. If Qin Hai is willing to help introduce him, he will help the ordering network to open up the relationship network of the cooperative merchant.

For the newly established catering O2O platform, finding a partner merchant is actually a big difficulty.

At this time, some catering companies, including some small stores, were actually not very familiar with this, plus many people were troublesome, and it was still difficult to discuss cooperation.

Even though Qin Hai is a little famous in the industry, not everyone knows him.

He is not Li Dong and does not have that popularity.

Some small shop owners simply don't know which green onion he is.

But once someone in the industry comes forward, it's a good talk. You don't know Qin Hai, the boss of a certain restaurant chain, should you know?

It's not about robbing you of business, but also giving you business. What a good thing, no loss of cooperation.

General businessmen, in the face of bosses or celebrities in the same industry, will give a little face anyway, which is definitely more useful than those of Qin Hai.

This is the case when talking about business. There is no unreasonable effort, and the requirements of the fat old man are not deliberately difficult.

If the fat old man asked Qin Hai to introduce other people, then in order to order the net, Qin Hai would not shy away.

Visible Li Dong ...

Not to mention that he has left the distance, let's talk about the relationship between his daughter and Li Dong, and Li Dong's current status. .

Taking these into consideration, Qin Haiwan politely refused.

Waiting for the fat old man to leave unwillingly, Qin Hai frowned again. Did Li Dong's guy come to Shanghai?

He didn't know about it before, but now he knows. Do you want to tell Yuhan?

After thinking for a while, Qin Hai still dismissed the idea. At this time, it was boring to say that it was boring, and it was just annoying.