The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1522: Active and passive

At 6 pm on the 8th, Teng Xun released the first letter to the user.

Walk with you!

11 years of companionship, 11 years of silent perseverance, when habits become a kind of nature, can you really forget all this?

Do you have a first love that you still cannot forget?

Are you still watching her silently, accompanying her, and always remembering the past times and good times?

QQ brings you more than just chat, she is no longer a simple chat software, but is given life.

QQ is a kind of life, a circle, a past that cannot be let go.

Without qq, do you feel that something is missing in life?

Accompany qq, accompany Teng Xun, go on together, through the next 11 years, the next 11 years.

You are here, qq is here, you are here, Teng Xun is here, you are here, we are with you!


Teng Xun's user letter is not too sad, although a little sensational, but worse than last time.

Some ignore it, some pass by, some read it carefully, but there is always some sadness from the heart.

Who has no past?

How many people, while using pp, now return to qq from time to time to see if she or he has updated the dynamics?

Have you ever been married or have children after your crush, first love?

Is she or him okay?

Is the other half of him (her) good to him (her)?

There is too much to give up, too much to forget, this is the meaning of qq.

pp is a new circle, some people and things in the past, they have stayed in qq and have no choice to take away.

Just leaving in silence, it doesn't mean that you really let go.

There is always some concern in my heart, not about qq, but the people and things above.

Refresh the space, see the dynamics of the space that has been left for many days, from the beginning to the end, this is what many people are doing.

If one day, qq really disappeared from your life, not just this software, but also your youth, your good times, all traces you have left.

This is the charm of time.

In 11 years, qq left too much good!


When Teng Xun's first user letter was released, Li Dong also received a call from Ma Huateng.

Pony brother smiled happily, and the sound of chewing mouth, Li Dong could hear clearly.

Maybe it was eating, Xiao Ma brother was eating while smiling: "Li Dong, haven't you logged in to QQ in a few years?"


Li Dong was a little surprised, and then really figured it out. After a while, he said: "On May 1, 2006, the mall and pp went online at the same time. During this period, I used qq from time to time. Later, to promote pp, it has been useless.

Counting it, I really didn't log in again, it's been more than two years. "

"Have you ever had a first love? Are there any crushes? Have you ever had youthful hormones? Who do you miss? With friends, you only dare to watch her, but you dare not chat?

there must be!

This time, my brother, I did a good job. I searched for a long time over the database, and finally helped you turn your qq out.

In the past few years, you have stepped up, but have you really thought about going back?

Maybe, what did you miss if you did n’t log in for a few years? "

Li Dong laughed and said, "At this time, do you still play emotional cards with me?"

"It doesn't mean that." Ma Huateng smiled while drinking and eating, "I don't play emotional cards with you, it's boring."

I just wanted to see, did Li Dong regret it?

Since I met you, you have always been so strong and so arrogant, I really want to see how you lose your soul.

Uncertainly, your first love, your crush, did you confess to you just after you left?

When I think of you seeing these late news, the other party has already married and had a child, and I have an urge to wait.

If, if you can return to the original, how would you choose?

If you saw these messages, would you still be Li Dong now?

Although there is no life in life, it is more interesting because of this, isn't it?

Li Dong, are you interested in trying it out? "

Li Dong laughed again: "I'm sorry, I really don't have these. In addition, you can't bear it. It seems that QQ did not register with a real name at that time? Also, haven't you abandoned your account for a while and canceled your account?

This can also be turned out, don't you stare at me long ago? "

"That's not true. You have money. You tyrant, who had made a fortune and had money, renewed our various value-added services for many years, and it hasn't expired yet.

Such a big client, how dare we cancel your account, do you say that?

No, just look for it and find it.

But rest assured, we didn't look at you, we still have this kind of conduct.

How about it, I will send you the account number and password later, do you want to log in and see? "

Seeing that he was eager to try, Li Dong said a little speechlessly: "You seem to be in a good mood right now, do you admit your fate, or do you really want to see my jokes?

If you want to read jokes, you can only say that you think too much. "

"Then you are free, anyway, I will send it to you, whether you log in or not, anyway, you Li Dong is a loyal user of Teng Xun, which is enough.

Regardless of victory or defeat, we count as our own fight, do you say that? "

Li Dong sneered: "If you think so, you'll be happy.

I have also used digging treasures, I have also bought things in Suguo, I have also bought things in Guomei, and Carrefour has also ...

Now, they can also think that their own people defeated them, I don't care.

If this can make you feel calmer and make you lose without thinking too much, I admit that I am your most loyal user, no problem, how? "

Ma Huateng was a little amused, and after a while, said: "It's all this time, what are you still doing so badly?

Maybe you admit it, as soon as I am happy, I will not fight you. "

"Are you sure? If you are sure, I will release the message to the other party now, do you want to?" Li Dongxing rushed.

"Uh ... hang up first!"

Ma Huateng hung up the phone directly, and then for a while, Li Dong's mobile phone rang again, and Ma Huateng sent a text message.

I glanced at it, it was the QQ account and password he said.

Li Dong stared at it for a while and then shook his head slightly for a long time before throwing the phone aside.

Who hasn't passed?

He has, and some are more than others.

But in this life, Li Dong thought that he should have caught everything, and there was no need to see these again.

If something really is forgotten, let him forget it.

There are some things that you do n’t know better than knowing, knowing, as Ma Huateng said, it may make you more painful.

Thinking like that, Li Dong couldn't help thinking when he was sitting in a chair, did he forget anything?

First love, secret love, Qin Yuhan should be considered.

But I saw Qin Yuhan two days ago, and I should have missed nothing.

Do you still have other crushes?

Li Dong groaned while touching his chin, did he? Doesn't it seem?

A girl in a previous university had met a girl, but it was a matter of a lifetime, and now I do n’t even remember the name, and I never knew each other in this life, so it should be gone.

There is no problem with the relationship. In terms of family relationship, the parents are all around, they will not use qq, and there is no problem.

That is to say, it doesn't matter if you look at it, it's no big deal.

Thinking about it, Li Dong suddenly smiled and said: "It's a little interesting, I'm thinking about these, will other people think about it?"

There are still many old QQ users, after all, it takes a long time.

pp only appeared for three years. New users in the past three years may not care about what happened in the past, but will the old users really do n’t care?

Now, while many people use pp, they also check qq from time to time.

Some people, who could add friends back then, now switch to pp, but it is no longer convenient.

QQ still retains a number of old relationship chains, which many people may not forget for ten or twenty years.

How many of these users are currently unclear.

At that time, the netizens were actually not too many, but they really could not afford to give up. This time, facing the choice between two, Li Dong was also curious.

Abandoning pp means giving up many current relationship chains and giving up the current social circle.

Abandon qq, some dusty memories may also come to an end with qq abandonment.

Of course, this is not absolute.

It ’s okay to be incompatible now. It ’s a big deal to log in with one mobile phone and one computer.

But in a short period of time, some people have to make a choice. Li Dong is also very interested now. P-end, do you choose pp or qq?

If p and mobile are not compatible, how to choose?

A small software choice may also represent some people's choice of life.

Perhaps this time the decision is also not necessarily for some people to let go of the past.

The more he thought about it, the more Li Dong felt that the next choice was more interesting.


At 7 pm, Teng Xun's second user letter was released.

On the 8th, it was Friday. I chose to send a user letter on Friday night. Teng Xun was actually choosing the time.

At this time, there are more online users than usual.

Many users see Teng Xun's second user letter, and more of them are actually impatient.

The window popped up just an hour ago, and now comes again, Teng Xun is crazy!

Some people are playing games, even because of a pop-up in the QQ pop-up window, and seeing the pop-up window must be a bit of abuse, no wonder Teng Xun is getting worse and worse, this broken advertisement is really annoying!

No one read the two letters, and more of them were still scolding.

When the third letter came out at 8 o'clock, some people couldn't help but glanced at it, some even screamed louder, and even closed qq.

However, Teng Xun kept on keeping a whole letter in his act.

At 11 pm, the number of people online was much lower.

At this time, Teng Xun once again sent a user letter.

"Sometimes life is always faced with choices. Once something is lost, it cannot be recovered.

Give yourself a chance, give Teng Xun a chance, and give someone you love a chance ... "

At this time, many people scolded, but couldn't help thinking deeply, what happened to Teng Xun?

Although there have been pop-ups in the past, Teng Xun's user experience is okay, and not so often.

Tonight, Teng Xun's advertisements were exceptional, and letters were sent one after another.

Recalling Teng Xun's recent situation, some people on the Internet could not help doubting: "Wouldn't Teng Xun be going to close its doors and shut down? The last goodbye?"

"Why not, the stock price just fell, and it closed down?

What should we do if Teng Xun fails?

I just played this game to this level ... "

"Don't talk about games first, I have a lot of data on qq that I want to use. Don't suddenly say that if you don't operate, you won't operate, then I will lose a lot.

No, I will transfer the information first. "

"Are you all? Teng Xun is still making money anyway, and there are so many users, how can you say that you will fail ..."

"What kind of money are you making? Upstairs knows a fart, the game business has no money to make, and the value-added business is free to learn from afar. Now Teng Xun can't even pay his employees' salaries, and the server maintenance has no money. may."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true! Didn't you read the news? No investors invested, no bank loans, Teng Xun's money was smashed into the stock market last time, and he owed a large amount of foreign debt to the distant place. Now all activities are free. We don't charge money, where is Teng Xun's money.

Do you think the website is operating without money?

Last year, Teng Xun's revenue was 7 billion, profit was 2 billion, and 5 billion was not all cost?

There are hundreds of millions of expenditures in a month, and if they do n’t have the money, will they drink the northwest wind?

I see, failure may be really possible.

Today, Teng Xun also went crazy like a pop-up window, maybe it was a sign. "


Many people have started to speculate on the subject.

There are countless people in the industry who are watching, what exactly does Teng Xun mean?

Bo sympathy?

Playing emotional cards?

Or do you really have any ideas to gain attention through this form?

Some people read several user letters, and finally concluded, "Teng Xun seems to be saying goodbye, don't he be guessed, really want to stop operating?"

"I don't know, wait and see. Anyway, it is such a big company. Anyone who says there is a failure will fail."


With the speculation of netizens and users, the time is approaching 12 o'clock.

At the moment, Li Dong did not leave the company.

In the office.

Li Dong said lightly: "It's kind of interesting. I thought Teng Xun would choose a slightly low-key approach. I didn't expect them to do so. I just told everyone that this action was initiated by them.

Is this self-confidence or broken?

Or, tell everyone that they have reached a dead end, do their last stroke? "

Liu Hong pondered for a moment and slowly said: "They are now in a weak position. Maybe they want to make it clear, so that users can understand their determination.

Otherwise, even if we do it on our own initiative, everyone will not care too much.

At this time, I clearly told everyone that if I did n’t choose Teng Xun, Teng Xun was about to finish, and someone would support them after all.

As for verbal abuse, if Teng Xun is in a strong position, he will definitely be scolded. At this time, there will not be much verbal abuse, and more of it will come from the inner recognition and sympathy.

Let everyone understand the necessity and importance of choices in order to achieve the best results.

Maybe users will have a kind of psychology, Teng Xun is not supported now, Teng Xun is about to finish, and qq can't be used in the future.

I uninstalled the remote products first. Anyway, there are so many remote users. I do n’t care about them alone, and I ’m not afraid of missing them. I ’m going to install them afterwards. Let ’s help Teng Xun pass this level first.

This possibility still exists. "

After Liu Hong finished, Zhang Xiaolong added: "Once we have too many uninstall users, it will be troublesome.

It shows that there is a problem with market bias, and capital institutions will also see the potential of hope and Teng Xun, and maybe they will continue to support them in two days.

After all, there are so many loyal users, and the viscosity is high.

With sufficient funds for development, it may not be as far away as possible.

Now is the critical moment. Entering the market at this time, the cost is small, and Teng Xun can be grateful, maybe it is more cost-effective than financing pp ... "

Li Dongwen nodded and said, "This is also true, think about it differently.

At this time, two people are fighting, one is dying, no matter whether he is a good or a bad person, the first choice of ordinary people is to save the dying person first.

The other was strong and could not die anyway. He was slightly injured. It was a big deal to wait to save the dying person, and then ask the situation again. This is normal.

After all, pp's time is still a little shorter, and Teng Xun is not so sensational. Don't really be defeated by their Jedi survival. "

Speaking of which, Li Dong looked at the time and suddenly said, "I am a little bit confused. By this time, either you are dead or I am alive. I still care so much!

For the obvious, we just want to kill Teng Xun, and Teng Xun is the same, as everyone can see.

At this time, there is still hiding, giving the other party the opportunity to play emotional cards, this is not asking for trouble! "

At the moment, Li Dong understands why Teng Xun took the initiative to do this during the 3q war.

Scolding scolding ~ ~ How important is life and death.

After scolding a lot of meat, if he didn't take the initiative to do it, he might be killed by the other party.

At first, everyone scolded that, but in the end it was not whoever should uninstall it. According to 360, 60 million users were lost at once.

The importance of Teng Xun's social software is one point, and the other point is that Teng Xun is active and strong, taking the lead in taking the lead.

Of course, it was difficult for Teng Xun to find substitutes at that time, 360 is okay, which is also an important reason.

But sometimes, initiative is indeed dominant.

Passive acceptance, the pressure is actually greater.

At least everyone's subjective consciousness will produce an idea. This was initiated by Teng Xun. Then I should uninstall the products from afar. The psychology is also reversed. However, Chinese netizens are accustomed to perseverance.

Thinking about this, Li Dong looked at the time again and immediately said: "If I guess correctly, Teng Xun should showdown in another 20 minutes.

They cannot be attacked by the family, which is really the case. We passively bear it, we may suffer even greater losses!

You go back immediately to prepare and write a letter to the user, who will not look like it.

Tell all remote users that it is time to live or die!

There is no need for two of the same social software on the market. Is it not a hassle to change the software login?

As for the so-called old friends and old relationships, this is not a matter. Teng Xun is finished, taking over from a distance, and qq has been operating forever! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone thought for a while, and then no one refuted, and they went on busy.

Anyway, Teng Xun did it first, and they responded passively. In the end, even if they scolded, Teng Xun was in the front.

Just thinking about picking up the bargain, you can't afford any losses. How can there be so many good things in the world.