The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1533: Four hundred billion!

After Yuanyuan merged the pp industry into Teng Xun, the industry became clearer.

Yuanfang Technology mainly consists of four major blocks: Teng Xun, Wanhuatong, Weibo and Yuanfang Mall.

In addition, Far East Logistics, Far East Retail, and Dongyu Real Estate, these industries also have actual value, rather than overestimation.

The key lies in the valuation of the Internet industry, and in the Internet industry, Teng Xun is about to raise funds. The valuation after financing is fixed. The Weibo financing will soon be available, and even if it rises, the increase can be budgeted.

The two major blocks of malls and million cartoons can also make a detailed budget based on the valuations given by some professional institutions.

Compared to the previous fragmented industry, many people can now calculate Li Dong's wealth.


Others are calculating, Li Dong is also calculating.

In fact, he has not counted his personal wealth for a long time, because it is boring to a certain extent.

But this time, I really want to lose my position as the richest man in the world.

As soon as Teng Xun was won, when the outside world speculated that he was going to distance himself from Bill Gates, his net worth shrank, and he would lose face.

The fixed industry is easy to calculate. Before the remote retail, it said that the net assets were 100 billion yuan. Until now, the gap is not large.

In the distance, that is, Li Dong ’s 72% shareholding is 72 billion yuan.

Yuanfang Holdings also holds a 20% stake in Longhua, as well as a large number of retail companies, including some manufacturing companies. These industries are not small numbers after statistics.

Liu Hongmei came to Shenzhen this time with him. At this time, he also acted as Li Dong's personal accountant, helping to calculate the accounts.

"According to the current market conditions and the recovery of the real estate market, the value of 20% of Longhua's shares has seen a significant increase in value.

The data previously released by Longhua was that its total assets exceeded 60 billion yuan and its net assets reached 30 billion yuan ... "

Liu Hongmei said with a glance at Li Dongdao: "The actual value should not be much different, and Longhua is preparing to go public this year and some big plans are being implemented. With 20% of the shares, the value of 6 billion is still there.

And far-field investment companies, those retail and production companies that control, involve too many companies, I will not list them one by one.

The accounts of these enterprises are also relatively clear. We have done statistics before, and the total value exceeds 25 billion yuan. "

Li Dong leaned back in his chair and calculated: "This is 103 billion. What about Dongyu Real Estate and Yuanfang Logistics?"

"The price of some of the land we have hoarded in Dongyu Real Estate has increased, including the land hoarded in our distant cities, and the price has not risen much.

In fact, the total assets of Dongyu Real Estate are a little higher than that of Longhua.

We have not disclosed specific data, but the debt ratio is also high. According to recent statistics, Dongyu Real Estate has a total asset of up to 70 billion and a debt of 40 billion ... "

Li Dong did not say anything. He knew this debt long ago. At the beginning, the land owed a lot of money. Although a part of it was paid back later, it was not too much.

"That means that Dongyu's 30 billion is still worth it? It's not lower than Longhua's net worth, it's okay."

"The remote logistics side has a low debt ratio, with total assets of 40 billion and liabilities of 20 billion."

"In this way, I said that the net assets of the two groups of 50 billion were really in my mind. It seems that my current ability to predict has increased."

Li Dong made a joke and summed it up: "153 billion, the remaining big head is far away technology."

Liu Hongmei nodded and said: "Ten Xun first, after this reorganization, we removed the 300 million shares we raised and held a total of 3.7 billion shares.

Of which 100 million share capital, you said that it is used as an incentive plan, then your personal shareholding ratio is 3.6 billion shares. According to the plan of financing 2 billion US dollars according to 300 million shares, if the plan can be successfully implemented ... "

"It must have gone smoothly, no need to consider this!" Li Dong interrupted her, and now everyone thinks that it may not be successful.

Regardless of whether it can be successful, Li Dong does not finance below this price.

Liu Hongmei nodded and said: "According to this ratio, the value of your shareholding will reach 24 billion US dollars. At the exchange rate of RMB, the value will reach 163 billion yuan."

"so much?"

This time even Li Dong was surprised, he really didn't calculate the account carefully.

Seeing his expression on his face, Liu Hongmei said a little helplessly: "After all, it is the last time to go public. In fact, the gap between the market value and the market value is not big. In the future, there is limited room for increase, and almost all of you are personally held.

If the former Teng Xun was wholly owned by President Ma, the value would not be low.

The key lies in your personal shareholding ratio. "

Li Dong smiled and said, "Why, I think I have too much? Did n’t I take out 100 million shares and stolen it? Is anyone not too satisfied?"

Liu Hongmei hurriedly said: "This is not the case, in fact everyone is looking forward to it and is very satisfied.

This year, you have given a lot of reward programs.

There is also a 2% share award scheme on the far side of retail, plus Teng Xun ’s 100 million share capital, and Weibo ’s share capital award. In fact, everyone is very satisfied.

The key is that we feel that we are not at ease, after all, we haven't been in the distance for a long time, and the longest is only five years ... "

Li Dong waved his hand and said, "I don't need to say these words anymore. I am satisfied or unsatisfied.

But as you said, the longest employment is only five years, and the only one who has reached five years is Sun.

Others, mostly in two or three years.

In the past two or three years, although everyone paid a lot, it is impossible to get too much at once.

Let's go back to these, a Teng Xun is so valuable, there is almost no need to count down, the first is stable.

163 billion, plus the previous 153 billion, this is 316 billion yuan.

After the previous Weibo financing, the valuation was as high as 7.5 billion US dollars. I hold 34.67% of the shares. This time when Teng Xun Weibo is merged, my shareholding ratio will rise slightly, and the total value of Weibo will also be higher.

In total, 20 billion yuan is not counted as an increase in these days.

336 billion! "

Li Dong then touched his chin and said: "There is still one million cartoons and distant malls, these two have not been financed, especially million cartoons, in fact, it is difficult to estimate.

In the case of a distant mall, it is okay to add some in comparison.

Of course, the outside world will definitely not count this way, but according to the value when Teng Xun entered the mall. It is about 50 billion yuan. I hold 90% of the shares, which is 45 billion.

So calculated, 381 billion.

The words of Wanhuan ... "

Wanhuantong is really not good for valuation. This kind of internet payment industry had no other precedents to see when internet finance just started.

Alipay has no financing, and now they are separated by Ma Yun.

Tenpay is listed here as Teng Xun as a whole, and Tenpay is far less than ten thousand cartoons.

Li Dong thought for a while, and said casually: "No matter how low it is, it will not be less than 3 billion US dollars. Counting him as 19 billion, it is just 400 billion."

After all, Li Dong was a little surprised himself: "Is this 400 billion?"

This time he really didn't make any false claims. Wanhuan is worth 3 billion US dollars, and the remote mall is about 7 billion US dollars. The two together add 10 billion US dollars, which is definitely worth it.

Wan Wantong does not say, the distance mall is definitely worth this price!

At present, the revenue of Faraway Mall is about to surpass Amazon. Although it is not listed, the outside world is extremely optimistic about Faraway Mall.

So, Li Dong's personal wealth has really reached the 400 billion yuan mark this time!

How long is this?

I said 270 billion people did not believe it, but now it is so high?

How many days is this?

Increased more than 100 billion wealth!

Seeing Li Dong in shock, Liu Hongmei chuckled lightly: "Mr. Li, in fact, is normal. The key lies in Teng Xun.

Didn't I just say that this reorganization is actually close to listing value.

In fact, it's just taking the room for future gains and counting now. "

A Teng Xun, if Li Dong successfully raised 2 billion US dollars, he personally occupied 163 billion of wealth. If it is listed now, in fact, the increase should not be too large.

In the past, it was calculated based on the value of the unlisted, but now calculated based on this value, and the defeat of Teng Xun's dividend, in fact, proved that Li Dong's previous wealth actually had moisture.

Almost all of the increased 130 billion wealth this time was on Teng Xun.

But in fact, other industries have not increased at all?

Not to mention, it is still profitable in the distance, and the real estate market is picking up, how could it not increase.

These increases, hardly seen this time, are to fill the previous moisture.

"400 billion, according to the current exchange rate, there are about 59 billion US dollars ..."

Li Dongnian said a few words, and then smiled: "It seems that my position as the richest man in the world cannot fall in a short time.

Hey, still thinking about low-key points, low-key points.

I didn't count how much money I usually did. Now that you count it, you said, why don't they work harder, Bill?

Keep going beyond them, I am embarrassed not ... "

Liu Hongmei turned a deaf ear, packed up a piece, and got up and said, "Mr. Li, I'll go back first.

In addition, I remind you that your personal wealth is only personal wealth, and most of them are figures on paper.

In fact, the group really has no funds now.

The money left last time, in addition to the previous various activities, the remaining hundreds of millions are also used for this share repurchase.

So now, the headquarters is not a penny.

Because of the last debt repayment, Far Retail also kept a balance of expenditure in front of it and did not have any surplus funds.

Not to mention the fact that other groups lack money to expand, and they are able to maintain the current situation.

It is difficult for such a large group to come up with one billion cash. If you think this is appropriate, then you will be treated as if I have n’t said it. "

After the annexation of Teng Xun, the total assets of distant places have already exceeded the 500 billion mark, in fact, more than 500 billion.

But with such a huge group, do you believe that it is difficult to get 100 million funds from afar?

No one believes!

Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say that 100 million yuan, the money raised by Weibo, the daily turnover of remote retail, and the turnover of the mall are actually money.

The key to this money is currently not the money available at the headquarters.

Moreover, a large part of the purchase price has been used by Far Retail, and then the group has no book funds, so there is a big risk at any time.

Calculated from the headquarters, the group is really empty, Liu Hongmei said that there is no money, it should be considered correct.

This time, it was a reorganization of Teng Xun, and it really required mergers and acquisitions. Far away can't afford this money for mergers and acquisitions, but let outsiders see the weakness of far away.

What if there is more personal wealth?

Can Li Dong cash Teng Xun now?

Things that don't exist!

The same is true of other industries. If you can really get some money, you will probably sell a few pieces of land.

The boss is so narcissistic and so rich, Liu Hongmei doesn't mind attacking him. Li Dong's method of getting money is still quite powerful. Liu Hongmei really hopes that Li Dong will get some money back.

Liu Hongmei really overestimated Li Dong. Li Dong knew long ago that the group had no money.

But Yu'ebao is being stared at now, and he can't help it. He heard Yan Dong impatiently saying: "Don't Faraway Retail issue 10 billion bonds?

With far-reaching credibility now, even if Yubao is not used and 10 billion bonds are issued, the market effect should be good.

10 billion, enough for the retail group to develop there. "

"Mr. Li, if the development you mentioned does not include M & A, it is indeed enough.

But once you add Baijia ... "

With the value of Baijia, even if He Huang didn't kill Li Dong, he wouldn't even think about it without billions of dollars.

The distribution of tens of billions of bonds in China is almost enough.

But if you want to win Baijia again, that is definitely not enough.

"Let's say this later, it's not that fast."

Li Dong said that he was a little abandoned and said, "You are busy with you, don't talk to me about money all day.

From the first day of your employment, you have been making money all day long.

Talking about money and customs can't be tolerated. After that, Yuan Chengdao shouldn't be told to me. "

Liu Hongmei smirked and didn't answer, was that uncomfortable?

It is not okay to fight against Li Dong. In fact, Liu Hongmei still has deeper thoughts. She hopes that Li Dong will stay and continue to lead the distance.

With him there, even if there is no penny on the group's book!

Even if you are worried, you will not despair.

But once Li Dong left, if the group broke out, everyone would really despair.

Now, there is already this trend.

After Li Dong defeated Teng Xun, he was about to get married. Sun Tao went south, Yuan Chengdao presided over the overall situation, and the executive committee was established ...

This combination of things, plus Li Dongzheng's eight classics, took the throne of the world's richest man.

Does Li Dong still have motivation at this time?

Is there any fighting spirit?

Even if the next moment, Li Dong said he was leaving, some senior executives in the distance would not be too surprised.

Liu Hongmei didn't want to be like this. They were different from Yuan Chengdao. They had the idea of ​​reaching the summit, but Liu Hongmei didn't.

So she hoped that Li Dong would stay and lead them to continue to go through the next five years.

After she came to Pingchuan from Li Dong to go to school, she has been working hard with Li Dong to the elders now. There are really few in the distance than her seniority.

Having experienced ups and downs ~ ~ For five years, Li Dong has been sheltering them from the wind and rain.

Now, Li Dong wants to leave, Liu Hongmei is really reluctant, and does not want to see this scene.

Li Dong is strong externally and internally, but this kind of Li Dong makes people feel more secure.

At the moment when Li Dong left, Liu Hongmei even had the urge to cry.

Li Dong said that after seeing Liu Hongmei's eyes red, he thought for a while and probably understood what she meant, and then laughed: "I said Aunt Liu, you are about the same age as my mother, and you need to be sensational with me. ?

Don't cry, if you cry, I can't tell ten mouths.

It's okay to change a little girl, don't you, I can't stand this ... "


Liu Hongmei had not yet brewed a good mood, and was interrupted by him instantly.

With some helpless glance at Li Dong, Liu Hongmei whispered: "Mr. Li, no matter what, I still hope you can continue to walk with us.

Without your distance, I think many people will be uncomfortable. "

Li Dong smiled and waved his hand: "When I say that, some things will just happen.

What's more, things are still going on, and in the distance, only the surname will be Li. Where can I go?

You go back first, the account is clear when you raise money tomorrow, you do n’t have to worry about the rest. "

Liu Hongmei said nothing, nodded, and turned away quickly.

ps: Thank you lyu 'stuffy dear 60,000 rewards, thank you, the general manager, the book and the book, the no book to see the recommendation, the offender I will blame, Xuan Xuanli dying several big rewards, thank you for all the subscription brothers and sisters.

I ’m sorry to fail to list the names of all the brothers and sisters who are rewarding subscriptions. If you regret it, you can use the monthly ticket to kill me. The monthly ticket is so heavy that you can definitely kill the eagle. The brothers are ravaging me!