The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1574: Go north!

No matter how confused Yuan Chengdao is, since he is still in position, even if he is a professional manager, he doesn't want any problems with his company.

In the context of the increasingly active anti-inequality alliances of the outside world.

On June 30th, in order to prevent and prevent large-scale demonstrations from happening, the distance began to take action.

On the 30th, almost all senior executives above level 10 went to various places to convene employees and supervisors for meetings.

Senior executives with bad tempers yelled at the employee meeting: "The employees of other companies seek their own interests. I can understand this, and even support it!

But the employees in the distance, while preparing for the demonstration, did not touch their conscience and ask whether it should be?

Compared with peers, even if it is a foreign-funded enterprise, where are our various welfare benefits less than others and lower than others?

In China, the far-off employees, the treatment is definitely the best in the industry!

In addition, in order to bring greater benefits to everyone, various welfare policies continue.

In the past few years, the bonuses distributed in various activities alone exceeded one billion yuan!

Since this year, in order to seek greater benefits for ordinary employees, Mr. Li has been generous, and various policies are being implemented.

Speaking of employee dormitory, Dongyu Real Estate Group, now almost all the tasks are placed on this.

Ask yourself, if you go to another company, can you get these benefits?

In this way, there are still people who are dissatisfied, and there are still people who are going to demonstrate in series, tell me, is it because the group is too good for you, you will be so, you will feel that President Li and we are weak and can be bullied!

When we are seeking the best interests for you, you are against it!

I want to know, whose idea is this?

Who is it that makes you confident that you can compete with the world's top talents and enjoy the treatment of these people?

In the past few years, Yuanyuan's profit rate is actually relatively low in the same industry. Where did the money go?

All spent on yourself!

As a distant employee, you have honor, pride, benefits, and wages and bonuses that exceed those of your peers ...

You said, what else do you want?

Or simply sell the group, and look again, will the successor give you the same treatment?

The company does not ask you how, you pay for labor, we pay salaries and benefits, this is equivalent exchange.

And a group of you are now hoping to get something for nothing, do you think it is possible?

President Li just got married and was extremely disappointed when he heard the news. You told me, is it appropriate at this time?

Group, have you treated you badly, don't you know anything?

At this time, what kind of purpose do you want to achieve?

At this moment, I convey President Li's instructions at the conference!

Some people, since they are unwilling to stay, they are not forced to stay in the distance. Who wants to go, say it, no one will stop!

However, once these people break through the bottom line of the group, the distant place will inevitably be held accountable. For the first time, a distant group has been established for more than five years. For the first time, employees are dissatisfied because of welfare treatment.

Since you feel that other companies are better, then you will not be kept in the distance, I hope you can go higher and higher, but I hope you can abide by the law and discipline, and do not make irrational actions because of the impulse and desire to make a heart! "

The voice of this executive also spread to other places on the same day.


Compared with this, Qi Yunna, who is now stationed in the Jinmen area, is even sharper.

At a management meeting in North China.

Qi Yunna shouted angrily: "No matter who is dissatisfied, no matter who is in series, I don't care about other places, North China can't!

Since the withdrawal of the Beijing Department Store business, in order to relocate your group of management, the group has almost spent money to feed you!

Try another company?

As early as the first time to evacuate, you will get out!

Do n’t think that the group is good to you, it is taken for granted.

You tell me, is the performance in North China really good?

Does the market share of North China really reach the average level of the Group?

They are all talking about the evacuation of the capital and why the department store business in the capital area is evacuated. It is not because we have a problem and we were caught.

Now, many people take it for granted that the evacuation of the Beijing area was only due to President Li.

For those who think so, all I can say is that your head is flooded!

If you really want to be able to do well in Beijing, you can do it impeccably. Why should others attack us?

You think that Mr. Li doesn't want Beijing to be able to expand the market. In the case of huge investment, the most popular is forced to give up. The reason is that there is a problem with the management and operation of North China!

In East China, in the Southwest, and in Central China, our distant groups are all victorious in every battle and strong in every victory!

However, in North China, our old rival Wumei is growing, and big business groups in the Northeast are watching, ready to rush out of the Northeast and invade our market.

Retail companies such as Wal-Mart and Gaoxin are all in the northern region, and they are all getting stronger and stronger under our eyes!

At this time, there are still people who have a face and demand to increase their welfare treatment, you shameless, I Qi Yunna also have a face!

Today, I ’ll leave it here. I do n’t care if I participate in other regions. I only know that once someone in North China participates, no matter who it is, I Qi Yunna will be held accountable!

The people involved, no matter how high your accomplishments and abilities, and no matter what connections you have at the headquarters, are useless to me!

Although Qi Yunna's position is not high, I was one of the group elders who worked hard with President Li until now.

Even Mr. Sun, who came to North China and the department store business, had to listen to me Qi Yunna!

The management who hopes to be outsiders is irritating, unless President Li Baobao, otherwise, no matter who, I found one expelled one, serious I sent you to the cell, don't think I can't do it! "

At the moment, Qi Yunna's face was cold, and her words were extremely irritating.

In such a conference, it is extremely rampant to openly say that no one's face is sold.

After all, in the new system in the distance, the regional president of the subsidiary is now only a 9-level rank.

Level 9, for the average person, is considered a senior executive.

But for the entire distance, Sun Tao and others are at level 12, and Yuan Chengdao is at level 13. The gap is too large.

Under such a gap, Qi Yunna can't tell who is coming. On the one hand, she can see her strength, on the one hand, it also shows that in the entire distant group, she only listens to Li Dong. As for others, she does not even Qi Yunna What can I do!

After warning these people for a while, Qi Yunna said coldly again: "In addition, I received the headquarters notice in the morning!

From today on, all business in North China, except for the department store business, will continue to be managed by me Qi Yunna!

Just now, it is not just for the department store system, but also for people in other systems.

As long as you want to work in the far north of China, you should be less involved in these messes.

Finally, I announce another message.

Starting today, Yuanfang Retail Group has entered into a state of expansionary readiness!

In the northern region, some people previously thought that they had abandoned the business of Beijing City. It was the group that abandoned the retail business and the department store business. That was the result of your own delusions!

Starting today, we are preparing for the M & A negotiation team. This time the main negotiation goals are big business and Wumart!

In the northern region, big businessmen and Wumart are regional giants. In the future, including the expansion of the northeast region, I am also responsible for Qi Yunna.

Therefore, winning big business and Wumart is our most important goal.

Before making concessions in the distance, it was just for greater strides now.

It is our core goal to win Wumart and Dashang, open up the territory of the North, enter the international market from the North, and compete in the Russian retail market!

Russia has a large number of people, but Russia's retail industry is dying. In the world's top 100 retail list released in 2009, no company in Russia has entered the list.

Conversely, on the China side, a total of five companies in the distance, Bailian, Guomei, Surin, and Watsons have entered the ranks of the world's top 100.

Especially at the beginning of 2009, Guomei was included in our pockets. At this time, the strength of the distance has already had the ability to impact the world's top ten retail.

Russia ’s local retail giants are not our opponents, and even the ones we defeated are not as good.

Opening up the retail channels of the two countries from the north, making Russia our main transportation route across the Eurasian continent, and allowing distant places to fully enter the international market and enter the European market require our efforts!

Many people think that the North China region is not important and that the northern market is optional. It is a fallacy!

Qi Yunna, I dare not say that it is the oldest veteran of the group, nor can I say that I can shoulder several directors and deputy general managers, but Mr. Li let me Qi Yunna come to the north, not to watch your series of small actions.

The north is a great place, and the group has never given up on the northern market.

This time, Wumei and Dashang were our first targets. Taking these two and completely making the North a distant world, then by that time, the department store group in Beijing was only our turtle.

Whether it is Wal-Mart or Gaoxin, we will eventually be trapped in the Beijing area. "

Qi Yunna said a lot, and the management who came to the meeting was a little shocked at this time.

Going north in the distance?

At the beginning of the year, far away gave up the northern core market of Beijing, and evacuated all department stores.

But now, Qi Yunna told them that the distance will now start to go north, win the Wumart and reward, march from Russia, cross the Eurasian continent, and officially enter the global market. Is this the group's new strategic goal?

Under normal circumstances, the first step for enterprises to go out of the world is from the southern coastal areas, or directly into the European and American markets.

There are very few businesses that will cross from the north.

Could it be that this is what the distant place intends to do?

Russia's local retail group is indeed not very powerful. In terms of foreign investment, the well-known world retail giants have almost all layouts there, but it is difficult to grow.

Wal-Mart established an expansion office in Russia in 2008, hoping to enter the Russian retail market through mergers and acquisitions.

Unfortunately, their merger and acquisition program has not been achieved. The target of the merger and acquisition is kpeyka. Because of the problem of merger and acquisition funds, there is now a trend to invest in x5, the first Russian retail giant.

On the Russian market, the biggest problem is nothing but the attitude of the local government.

For companies in Europe and the United States, the Russian government actually has some resistance, including the local people.

This is mainly due to the blockade of the European and American regions on the Russian economy, which makes the local government less willing to accept these European and American companies.

But for Chinese companies, there are very few problems in this respect. In recent years, with the increasing number of people working in Russia and working in China, more and more people are traveling, including Russians.

The two countries have launched a series of cooperation plans in various fields.

At this time, if a distant place chooses to enter the Russian market, it still has a great advantage over other companies, and it can borrow official channels to carry out business cooperation programs with the reputation of strengthening business cooperation.

Once Russia is used as a springboard, the distance can reach Europe directly.

Sometimes, the expansion of enterprises still needs local support. Overseas enclaves sometimes have trouble supporting them.

Enterprises such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour have expanded overseas. However, because of the unsuccessful communication with the headquarters, the headquarters' support is limited, and it is difficult for the government to connect with the network. It often fails in overseas markets.

If a distant place can win the Russian market, especially the big business group in the northeast region, and strengthen the retail strength of the northeast region, it can completely support from the local China.

By that time, overseas expansion is no longer overseas expansion, but land expansion.

Across the ocean, after all, there will be all kinds of troubles, but you can enter from the land, and some troubles will be much less.

The crowd under the stage, at this time, could not care about the cascading things, and someone immediately asked: "Mr. Qi, what you said is true?

Does the group really want to enter the international market from the north? "

"Mr. Qi, this can't be a joke, it's related to the layout and response of the entire northern market.

In addition, between us and Russia, we are still separated by Wumart and Dashang, which are not so easy to solve.

Once we can't win them, we expand across the territory, but we still lack competitiveness. "

"Chief Qi, does the Group really have such a plan? I heard that I was not planning to enter the international market from the southern coastal area before?

In addition, the 10 billion bonds issued by the group are now used to purchase their own properties.

Where is the money to continue to expand ... "

Among the crowd, doubts continued.

The management of the North China region, who now meets people from other regions, actually feels that they are weak and somewhat shameful.

After all, the capital market is lost, even if there are many reasons, it is lost.

Qi Yunna said that Bai Yuan kept them from afar, although she didn't dare to say that it was all true, but everyone did have this kind of psychology.

But once the center of gravity of the group changes and it is ready to enter the world from the north, it will be completely different!

Those of them will once again become the vanguard army.

But it is no longer like the present, the tasteless existence, the group keeps them in vain, which is too hurt for some people.

Qi Yunna heard everyone's doubts and the expectations in their eyes, and loudly said: "Whether the group will enter the international market from the north, it is not the group's attitude, but our attitude and ability!

Money, the headquarters fully supports!

Resources, contacts, talents, logistics and distribution ...

All these things, the headquarters will support us.

However, the premise is that we come up with the strength that the group trusts and let the headquarters believe that we have this strength and ability to win the northern market!

But now, you say, are you worthy?

Do you have this qualification to let the group spend and hundreds of billions of funds for us to squander?

I haven't done a few serious business, and now I'm fighting for power and gaining more profits. In this case, even if the headquarters wants to enter the international market from the north, we won't spend money for us to enjoy!

I do n’t know what you think, maybe, you are all willing to be ordinary now, and willing to get something for nothing.

I ca n’t do it!

I walked step by step to the present. Once, I hoped to rely on my achievements to get everyone's attention and dumbfounded to let them know that I Qi Yunna is also capable.

But now, what I hear most is ‘Look, that ’s Qi Yunna. Without President Li, I ’m nothing, nothing, nothing! ’

I am not reconciled and do not want me to bear these reputations one day in the distance.

So, no matter what you think, I hope I can build a vanguard of siege!

If you can't do it, let those who do it go!

You are so immersed in the eyes of the little head, I do n’t want Qi Yunna to ask for these things, nor food for you!

I have to rely on my own strength and the strength of the team to get things that belong to us. Such things will be at ease and glorious!

Therefore, big business and beautiful things are my first goal.

The Russian market is my second goal.

Opening up the Asia-Europe continent and letting the distant place shine brightly is my third goal!

What others can do, I can do Qi Yunna, and they will do better than them!

If you are willing to go with me, then show your strength and ability. If you are unwilling or incapable, you will get out as soon as possible.

Do n’t follow me for those useless actions, it does n’t make any sense. There is nothing in this world, but there is no shortage of people.

If you are geniuses, legends, myths like President Li, then I can give you privileges and special treatment, if not, see yourself clearly.

This time, I can also give you the opportunity to prove myself.

In North China, two business negotiation teams will be formed, each targeting big business and Wumart.

Anyone who is capable and confident can lead a team to negotiate.

If anyone can win a family in the end, it is his credit. Anyone who has won one of them, money, status, fame, you can all get it.

If you want to get benefits, then let people see your strength, rely on strength to make money, rely on strength to make people value, this is what we should do. "

Qi Yunna encouraged morale for a while, and finally said in a deep voice: "Also, I remind everyone that this time, not only us, but also the East China, Southwest, and South China regions have also received tasks and orders.

Whoever has the first results, the group will put the main direction of the next step on that side.

We also have a group of strong competitors.

We want the group to tilt all its resources to the north and look at ourselves.

If you do n’t want to sit on the cold bench anymore, if you do n’t want to be famous, you have to fight for it yourself.

At this time, if anyone still feels that they can win more benefits with a little action, that is contempt for me, the group, and President Li.

The group's money, equity, and shares can give those heroes, but they will never compromise and give concessions to the rat **** that tries to subvert the distance!

Mr. Li's character is right for everyone. It is better to break the jade than to destroy it. Don't force Mr. Li to abolish the entire North China region or even abandon the entire distant retail! "


With Qi Yunna's words falling, the meeting room was silent for a moment, and then suddenly someone's eyes lit up and shouted: "Go north!"

"Let the group go north!"

"The first step in moving northward and backing southward and out of the world is the glory of our north!"

"Mr. Qi, do it! Fight once, I don't want to be told again, we are all rice bugs of the group, we have also struggled, worked hard, worked hard!

How much effort did we put in North China at first, and finally we were said to be rice bugs, are we willing?

The evacuation of the capital destroyed all our fighting spirit and destroyed all our confidence.

Are we willing to make small moves for this little bit of profit?

We still do n’t want the group to pay more attention to us and know what we want, rather than throwing us aside.

Now, since the headquarters still gives us the opportunity, then we can prove ourselves again, we are not rice bugs! "

"Yes, President Qi, who really cares about that little profit, can we keep us idle? Must we force us to leave our job?

I do n’t want to leave ~ ~ I followed you from Jiangbei to Beijing and came to the north. I just hope to make a career and then go back, let everyone look at it, let everyone know that we can also be alone and play the world alone!

But now, everyone is laughing at us, ridiculing us, we have become a shame in the distance!

We are the leader of the first major defeat in these years, and we are burdened by mountainous pressure and endless sense of shame.

I do n’t want to leave the distance, but I ca n’t stand it anymore. Now, if the group gives us another chance, we can definitely prove ourselves that we are not weaker than anyone! "

"We only need one chance to prove ourselves!"

"Mr. Qi, I led the team to talk with Dashang. I know Dashang very well. I used to work in Dashang for 6 years. I know everything about Dashang ..."

"Wu Mei I go!"

"I go to Russia to investigate the market, and I will definitely bring back messages and plans that satisfy the group!"


Everyone clamoured, and the meeting room boiled for a while.

Seeing this scene, Qi Yunna couldn't help but reveal a touch of comfort. It seems that the fighting spirit of these people has not been wiped out.

At the beginning, she took these people and came to the north alone. Everyone hoped to return with glory.

Many of these people are from Jiangbei. They are in Jiangbei, either they are excluded, or they are suppressed, or they hope to have a career.

As a result, it was desperate in the end.

Now, everyone sees the opportunity again, how can they not be excited, not excited, compared to that welfare treatment, if they can open the northern market and open the Asia-Europe channel, that is the real big credit!

By that time, is it possible to compare a stock and a bonus! 8)