The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1614: Return home


At the close of the Nasdaq, China had actually reached more than four in the morning on the 26th.

Despite this moment, there are still countless people who have not fallen asleep.

When the Forbes Global Rich List was updated, countless night owls popped up instantly.

"Brother Cannon is too good!"

"Sit firmly on the first throne. Can Brother Brother have any hope of surpassing him in his lifetime?"

"Sympathetic to these people, Brother Pao is still young, and he suddenly cut off hope, which is too pitiful."

"What are they? Even if the richest man in the world can't get it, it's good to get the richest man in his own country.

Look at Huaxia. Who else can surpass Cannon in the future? "

"This is also true, but the most pitiful thing is Xu Shengzhe of Longhua. Haven't you got it? "

"Really? That's too bad. Longhua is going to be listed this time. I heard that after the listing, Xu Shengzhe's net worth might exceed RMB 30 billion. Even the richest man in the street didn't get it?

"Almost, it's not enough to change to US dollars, let alone RMB."

"The others are a bit comforting. I want to say that Xu Shengzhe should still move, which is also a bit miserable."


On the Internet, from the beginning to discuss Weibo, to discuss Li Dong sitting firmly on the throne of the richest man, and finally to the point where the whole network sympathizes with Xu Shengzhe.

This real estate tycoon is really terrible.

Even if others are miserable, Xu Shengzhe is still well known locally. Anyone who mentions Xu Shengzhe in Pingchuan will have nothing but Li Dong.


Xu Shengzhe saw the discussion on the Internet.

At this time, he had not fallen asleep.

Longhua is listed soon, Xu Shengzhe has a lot of things, and with Weibo listing, he has been paying attention, and he was busy and arrived in the early morning.

As a result, before going to sleep, he casually browsed the Internet, and Xu Shengzhe could not sleep for a moment.

What's going on recently?

It is not enough for Li Dong to crack down on him. When did his real estate tycoon fall to the point of sympathizing with the people across the country?

What happened to the richest man?

My Xu family has been the richest man in Jiangbei for decades.

Xu Shengzhe, while watching the Internet discussion, retorted indignantly: "I and that **** are not in the same district, that guy is Qingyang Hukou, I am the richest man in Pingchuan!"

It is a pity that such a statement can also comfort myself for a while.

The outside world doesn't care about it at all. Anyway, they only know that Li Dong is rising in Pingchuan, and the remote headquarters is also in Pingchuan, which is enough.

Xu Shengzhe sighed for a while. In fact, the richest man is not the richest man.

But in this life, it seemed destined to be lifted by Li Dong. This is the place of despair.

He was still young, just a few years older than Li Dong. Li Dong pressed those old men, and they might die in a few years.

But his time is still early, from his youth to the suppression of the old man ...

If it's far away, forget it, but the guy is familiar with it, and it's on the doorstep.

This feeling may be difficult for others to feel.

"$ 110 billion!"

This is Forbes' revaluation of Li Dongfu's wealth.

Weibo and Teng Xun created more than $ 51 billion in wealth for Li Dong.

Similarly, with the outbreak of these two, the valuation of other industries in the distance has also risen again.

Weibo and Teng Xun exploded at the same time, the performance of Faraway Mall surpassed Amazon, and Li Dong took the sole ownership of 90% of the shares. Even if Faraway Mall was not listed, the valuation was not low at this time. .

This is still not listed, just pre-listing valuation.

The combination of Yuanfang Mall and Yuanfang Finance together, this alone can create at least 25 billion U.S. dollars worth of wealth for Li Dong.

The remaining three, Far East Retail, Dongyu Real Estate, Far East Logistics, are all worth more than US $ 30 billion.

In the end, Forbes gave an estimated wealth value that was not too accurate, $ 110 billion!

And this is the world's first wealthy person whose personal wealth has exceeded the $ 100 billion mark.

Carlos Carlos, the second-ranked Mexican telecommunications tycoon, ranked second with a fortune of $ 48 billion.

The third Bill Gates has risen in value to 46 billion US dollars.

But the wealth of the two people added together, now there is no more Li Dongduo, which also makes countless people fall through the glasses.

You know, these years, Bill Gates has been synonymous with the world's richest man.

But even if it is surpassed by others, even if it is thrown to the point where it can't be followed by the doubling of wealth, it has to be said that it is indeed a desperate thing.

Even if they really don't care about money, they don't care about the name, but suddenly, being so wide open is a frustration for the confident big coffee.


Xu Shengzhe is not the only one who is frustrated. Li Dong, who has more than 100 billion US dollars of wealth, makes all entrepreneurs feel frustrated.

Fame and fortune, many people can't get around this thing.

Moreover, this is not just a matter of fame and fortune!

Li Dong's personal net worth exceeds 100 billion US dollars, and he is firmly seated in the world's richest man's throne. This also means that the reputation in the distance will continue to expand, and Li Dong's personal prestige will continue to grow.

Can you really compete against such an opponent?

Once Li Dong cashes in Teng Xun and Weibo, he may cash out billions of dollars at any time.

There is much cash out, and companies are at risk.

According to the current situation, Li Dong cashes out about one-tenth, and the risk is not too large. That is to say, if Li Dong wants to cash out, it should be no problem to cash out more than 5 billion US dollars in six months.

With more than 30 billion yuan, Li Dong can take it out almost at any time.

Moreover, even if the shares of Teng Xun and Weibo are not cashed out, Li Dong is used for collateral, not limited to domestic, but can be used as collateral in international collateral.

At that time, more money was available.

A company with hundreds of billions of RMB in cash flow, how else to fight this?

People can kill you with just money!

For enterprises, money is not a panacea, but it can do 9999!


On the 26th of China Time, the morning CCTV news channel did a short report on Weibo listing.

Among them, it also talked about the resumption of Teng Xun.

These two listing plans have created too many firsts in the distance.

For the first time, Huaxia's enterprises have caused such a sensational effect internationally.

Another point is that the listing of the two subsidiaries in the distance has indeed stimulated the financial market, and now the financial markets everywhere have signs of recovery.

This is also difficult for enterprises before Huaxia to do.

A company is driving the recovery of the entire economic market. Although the distance only slightly swayed, even if there is no distance, the economy will recover, but at this critical moment, the role of the distance is still elevated indefinitely.

Global Internet companies, the top four in terms of market value, occupy two in the distance.

Once the Yuanfang Mall is listed, it may surpass Google as a whole and occupy more rankings. It is also interpreted by CCTV that Huaxia's Internet development has reached a world-class level and is surpassing Europe and the United States.

This August, Li Dong was promoted to the altar not only in Europe and America, but also in China and the world.

24 years old, Fenghua Zhengmao's age.

At 24, many younger generations have not yet walked out of the ivory tower.

But Li Dong, when he was 24 years old, had achieved achievements that made the latecomers dare not say beyond.


China is hotly debated among the people, and the world is hotly debated.

But in New York, Li Dong, who attended the celebration party, returned to the room with a case in mind.

The success of Weibo and Teng Xun's success are actually based on others, based on the previous life.

In this life, what really belongs to Li Dong's own business is actually retail.

The retail business is not high-tech, not even industrial.

But it was indeed created by Li Dong.

From scratch, from strength to strength, he has done a lot of things that other companies in the past cannot do.

He defeated Carrefour and forced foreign retail to fail to survive in China. He let the whole country spread all over China. Li Dong did not dare to say how much he contributed to society, but the user experience, environment, price, including true and false of the supermarket in the distance ...

These are all related to the daily life of ordinary people. In any case, Li Dong believes that he still contributes a little.

When personal wealth is the richest in the world, and when the it industry is about to become the absolute overlord, at this time, Li Dong thinks more of the remote retail.

What else can this industry do from the beginning of rebirth?

Li Dong threw away the glory he had just gained, looked at the information over and over, and perfected his plan over and over again.


On August 28th, China Time, Li Dong and his party returned to China.

This time, it can be described as returning home with full load, returning with countless honors.

The news of Li Dong ’s return to China spread that outside Pingchuan Airport, there were almost everywhere long guns and short guns. The media from all over China were not even fewer than tourists.

This August is August of Li Dong.

Outside Pingchuan Airport, countless media are eagerly anticipating, and countless people are looking forward to it. What will Li Dong say in his first sentence when he returns home?



Still indifferent?

When these media were hotly debated, news soon came that Li Dong had left early through a special channel, and the rest was only the top management of Yuanfang Technology and Weibo.

This time, it instantly disappointed countless people.

At this juncture, Li Dahou's richest man actually didn't show up, which is too disappointing, is there anything else that can be stronger than here?

When Liu Hong came out, the first sentence of the reporters asked nothing else, but looked forward with a look: "Mr. Liu, is Mr. Li there?"

Seeing everyone was looking forward to it, Liu Hong sighed in his heart, but smiled on his face: "There is something else to be busy for President Li. Next, if you have any questions, you can ask us about this Weibo listing in the US ... … "

Liu Hong changed the subject. Others had no choice but to think about Li Dong, and asked about the specific situation of Weibo listing one by one.

Even if CCTV had interviews before, CCTV didn't say much. Everyone cares about the details of these executives who participated in person.


Outsiders are wondering where Li Dong is?

Li Dong actually came back a long time ago. He actually came back one step ahead. Liu Hong and they did not come with him, but came back on a charter flight.

At the time of Liu Hong ’s interview, Li Dong had taken off his suit and changed into casual clothes, holding a girl in one hand, and with a smile on his face, took Tian Xiaoyu and Little Stone to the school ahead.

Of course, at this time, Tian Xiaoyu had just changed his name and became Li Xiaoyu.

Having been busy for so many years, he has experienced a series of successes and attention. Until this time, Li Dong suddenly felt that sometimes, not standing on the top of the world can make people happy and excited.

Compared with being interviewed by the media, he brought two children to the school to report, but he was more pleasant.

Walking on the bustling campus road, few people cared about who this sunshine boy was.

No one would think that Li Dong, who had just caused a sensation in the world, would appear here at this time.

When Li Dong took off his suit, it seemed that all glory went with the wind.

This feeling makes Li Dong extremely relaxed and enjoyable.

The two girls around them also had contented smiles. They would not consider how much glory Li Dong took on in a second. Accompanying them at this moment will not delay things.

They only know that they are very happy at this time.

Check in everywhere.

Because of the unified registration today, the school did not receive it in the office, but chose to set up an outdoor registration location.

The teacher who applied for registration didn't care at first, and when asked about Li Dong's identity, Li Dong's mouth was "I'm Li Xiaoyu's father ..."

The teacher dumbfounded at the words.

Here is the registration of junior high school students, and some records of the students are also recorded. 13-year-old Li Xiaoyu said that it was not too big, and that it was not too small.

Even her father ’s 18-year-old child had to be in his early thirties.

Li Dong, who took off his suit, did not pretend to be mature, even if he was a little more mature than his peers, but at a glance, he knew that he would not be over thirty.

In fact, although Li Dong has changed a lot in the past few years, he has not reached the point of old age.

People in their twenties are in their twenties, and those who have no problem with their eyes will not be mistaken.

The teacher who accepts the registration of freshmen is not too old. In fact, the other party has just graduated from school.

Hearing Li Dong's words, the other party couldn't help but look at Li Dong for a while.

The more she looked, the younger the female teacher felt that the person seemed familiar.

But real people, after all, are still somewhat different from Li Dong in the media.

For a long while, the female teacher slightly hesitated and said: "I'm taking the liberty to ask, how old are you this year?"

"twenty four……"

"24, Li Xiaoyu ..." The female teacher murmured again. Then her pupils shrank and opened her mouth to say something.

Li Dong smiled with his fingers straight and smiled, and said with a smile: "Yes, you are right, but shocked, surprised, shocked ... these are not needed.

I ’m just an ordinary person too. I brought my two daughters to the school to report today ... "


The female teacher did not care about anything else, but looked at the two girls next to her again and again.

Li Dong laughed: "Why? Question my ability to have children at ten years old?"


The female teacher almost choked to death. At this time, she also reacted. It has long been heard that Li Dong adopted two children. This is actually not a secret in Pingchuan.

It was just too shocking, she forgot.

At this time, although she knew that Li Dong was joking, she quickly said, "No, no ..."

However, Li Dong laughed again: "Of course, when I was ten years old, there was only one little fart boy. How can I do that kind of thing, or don't take the bad boy."


The female teacher is nervous and helpless, is this what I said?

You said it yourself!

It took a while for the female teacher to force down the tension in her heart and hurriedly said: "Mr. Li ... Mr. Li, Li Xiaoyu, are they really going to school in our school?"

This is something she didn't expect at all.

And before that, there was no wind. There must be wind. At this time, they were still used to report. The principal had already brought the teacher to visit.

Li Dong nodded and said with a smile: "Just here, the school is very close to home, no car pick-up, just ten minutes walk, two children as a companion, go to school after school, do not worry about family ...

The female teacher is full of grief, I am not asking this!

I just want to ask, how can your children go to civilian schools to go to school!

Besides, is there a shortage of cars in your family?

Return the child to go to school by himself, do n’t he not born, do n’t you care?

But if you really don't care, why should you report it yourself?

Just when she was thinking wildly, Li Dong seemed to see her thoughts and smiled: "Don't be stressed, in fact, I just want them to live a low-key, ordinary.

Today is the first time, so I accompany them.

In the future, I am afraid I will come a little less.

Although I hope they can live a normal life, but if you have any questions, you can call me at any time, and my phone has just been left.

You also know that people like us, who live in the spotlight, are actually under a lot of pressure.

And I do n’t want my next generation to live in this environment from an early age.

Your principal and director don't know the situation of these two children. You can say it or not. I hope they won't give them too special treatment.

Of course, with proper care, I will not object to it. You can go to my home and talk together if you have time.

School, I think it still focuses on educating people, what do you think about Teacher Zhang? "

"Yes, yes, Mr. Li is right ..."

The female teacher responded quickly, and she couldn't remember what she had talked with Li Dong ~ ~ Until Li Dong left with two children, the female teacher pinched herself and felt After a pain, I realized that it was really not a dream.

It's really Li Dong!


Returning to Dongyuan's Li Dong, he and Shen Qian repeated the scene when they left.

Shen Qian laughed and quipped: "It's a little unreal for you to go. I'm right. If I say this is my daughter, no one will question it."

Li Dong smiled and said: "You go? You look like eighteen, does anyone believe it?"

"Go to you, you know comfort me."

Shen Qian scolded, chatted a few words, and asked again: "This time Weibo and Teng Xun have achieved success in listing. Next, are you going to develop your plan?"

Li Dong shook his head and said: "Not in a hurry, let's talk about it for a while, not to mention that your due date is approaching and you are not busy with these things these days.

I will start when the child is born.

Don't worry about this month. The next step is mainly family-based and career-assisted. "

Shen Qian nodded, not knowing what she thought of, and said after a while: "In fact, I don't have to keep guarding me all the time. When I got married, I said ..."

Li Dong shook his head and said: "You don't have to worry about these things, I will arrange it myself.

In addition, you do n’t have to do this, to create pressure on yourself.

Some things, I have long thought through.

Your task now is to be happy every day and wait for the moment of production. "

Shen Qian nodded her head and didn't really mention it again this time. Some things are better than they are.

ps: I have changed two times in the next few days. The heart hurts badly. The common problem of the writer. It lasts more than one year. The update of 4D or more is still a bit hurt. .