The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1618: Longhua listed

At the beginning of the banquet, whether Li Dong was the host or not, no matter how many tycoons came tonight.

Li Dong is still the focus of the banquet.

At the Country Garden Cocktail Party, Pan Disheng, the president of Disheng, said, "The guy is very arrogant."

Today, Pan Disheng is also on the scene.

As a tycoon of Xiangjiang, Pan Disheng was qualified to say Li Dong.

But today and now, his sentence is circulated among many people. Of course, it is not a positive image.

More still, Pan Disheng's vision is not good.

Sometimes, if you say the wrong thing, it is easy to get enemies.

Last time, the far side here forcibly forced the Yangtze River to sell the Best 100. It has become an established fact that the distant place entered Xiangjiang, and with the strength of the far place, I am afraid it will soon take root in Xiangjiang.

At this time, Dickson, who is also involved in the retail industry, although doing high-end retail, in the eyes of outsiders, I am afraid that it will be impacted from afar.

For some people who have a strange vision, Pan Disheng didn't care too much, but he still felt a little sighed.

At first, who could have expected that the lesser-minded young man from the mainland had reached this point in just a few years.

At that time, the second lady of Country Garden was the celebrity in everyone's eyes.

Although Li Kai's Chen Kaixuan said many times, Li Dong should not be underestimated. He has developed rapidly in the Mainland.

But at that time, few people took it seriously.

And that time, it was also the platform for Country Garden.

At that time, many people came.

This time, a lot of people also came, but the others were not for the Longhua platform, only Li Dong.

But he alone is enough!

In the center of the banquet hall, Li Dong introduced with a smile: "This is Mr. Xu Shengzhe of Longhua. The Longhua Group will be listed on Xiangjiang tomorrow. At that time, we hope that all of you present will be able to hold a show.

Longhua Group has a lot of cooperation with distant places, and Mr. Xu Shengzhe is also a well-known young talent in China.

Longhua Group, during the years under his command, all performances have increased by more than 100%.

This time when Longhua went public, it was also under my strong recommendation that Mr. Xu chose to go public in Xiangjiang.

... "

Li Dong briefly introduced a few words, but it attracted countless people.

The chairman of the Jockey Club was extremely face-saving this time and said with a smile: "It is an honor for Longhua to choose to be listed in Xiangjiang.

Everyone must support ... "

Politeness for a while, of course, just politeness.

Those who did not participate in the subscription in the early stage, unless trading in the secondary market, otherwise at this time it would be empty talk.

But empty talk also has the advantage of empty talk. These people sell their faces. If these words are passed on, the confidence of the stockholders will rise sharply, which is enough.

As for money, Longhua doesn't really care how much money these people enter.

At this time, Xu Shengzhe also hurriedly came forward to greet him, very polite.


The banquet did not last long. Li Dong accompanied the crowd to watch several Marseilles on the giant screen, and left early at 9 o'clock.

Everyone does not mind, after all, Longhua is going to be listed, and they are different.

After waiting for the stand, Xu Shengzhe took a long sigh of relief and smiled: "It's done!

Li Dong, thank you so much this time! "

Li Dong laughed and said, "What kind of politeness is there to me?

Of course, I really want to thank you, take some actual things out ... "

Xu Shengzhe rolled his eyes, skipped the topic directly, and said: "The shadow of a person's famous tree, I have felt this before.

Today, I feel deeper.

If I were to come alone, I am afraid that few people would care.

When you come forward to say something, the effect is very different.

The strong man is respected, the weak meat is strong, and it is really a famous saying. "

"Did you understand it until now?" Li Dong chuckled: "I thought you had a deep feeling, whether it is business or other, it is the same.

This is not a special case. Nature is a chain of weak meat and strong food.

I am strong, so I have a greater say than them. "

Li Dong said one more time and said, "I will not mention these words. You will be listed tomorrow, so you should prepare as soon as possible.

I still have to talk to Shen Qian about the video, that is you, and replace it with someone else, my wife is about to produce, and I take it for granted! "

Xu Shengzhe smiled and said, "Which one of us is with whom? Rest assured, Shen Qian's side is more nervous than you, but don't be born at this time, otherwise you will not have to trouble me everyday.

"I am very sure of that……"

Li Dong said something, then looked at the time and said, "Will you go back to the hotel with me or go back by yourself?"

"I don't want to go to the hotel, I have to talk to the underwriter. You go back first."

"That line, I will go first."


When returning to the hotel, Li Dong opened a video call with Shen Qian.

In the video, seeing Shen Qian's face relaxed, Li Dong relaxed.

It ’s not too long to talk, after all, it ’s not too early.

Hanging up the video call, Li Dong hesitated and dialed Hu Xiaorui's phone again.



Hu Xiaorui did not fall asleep at this time. Recently, Dongxing expanded with the distance in the south. She also has a lot of things and has been dealing with official duties.

Waiting for the next phone to ring, Hu Xiaorui glanced at the caller ID and hurriedly connected to it with a smile: "Why, the busy man actually has time to call me?"

Li Dongqing laughed: "I don't have to stab me every time, right?

I have something to tell you, is it convenient for you? "

"Convenient, you say it."

"In this way, when I came to Xiangjiang today, I heard that Shao was planning to sell the equity of tvb including the base land in the New Territories.

Although Dongxing has developed rapidly in recent years, it is known as the entertainment empire.

But in the end, we know.

After all, it's too late, there are some things, the details are not enough.

TVB is different. When the Xiangjiang TV drama film market boomed, it affected the whole of Asia, including at home and abroad, and even shouted beyond Hollywood.

Nowadays, although the entertainment market of Xiangjiang has been withered, there was no prosperity.

But the entertainment market on the Xiangjiang River has a solid foundation and is much deeper than domestic ones.

Although tvb does not include Shaw, Shaw movies can actually be completely ended many years ago. Instead, tvb is more valuable.

The five free TV channels of tvb accounted for more than 80% of the ratings in the prime time of Xiangjiang.

Not only Xiangjiang, including Baodao, Aomen and even all over the world, tvb has a lot of influence, and it is very popular among Chinese people at home and abroad.

... "

Hu Xiaorui knew everything about what Li Dong said. At this time, Hu Xiaorui didn't interrupt, and he queried for a while with an ignorant attitude.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Hu Xiaorui smiled and said: "So, do you want Dongxing to acquire tvb?"

"If Dongxing wants to take the pace of global expansion, in fact, I think Xiangjiang is a good place to start.

Xiangjiang already has a foundation and is simpler than the mainland.

And with the acquisition of tvb, some of Dongxing ’s foundations can be improved, and it is no longer limited to the theater line.

Simply controlling the theater line, although it can be said that the entertainment empire, but the empire territory is not perfect.

Like retail, it is now an era of online and offline.

The cinema line is one of them, but it is not the whole. The online one should also be arranged correctly.

In the Mainland, which TV station you want to buy is a delusion, at most it is a shareholding, but tvb is different. This is a resource that can really be held in your hands ... "

Hu Xiaorui was distressed and said: "It's a little troublesome."

"What's the trouble?"

"First, I'm going to talk by myself. There must be no drama. After all, I'm not as famous as you.

Second, there is no money.

Even if my parents support me, tvb is very valuable, and there is still a base. Even lower, it is still about 8 billion yuan.

Where can I raise so much money? "

Li Dong said nothing, and Hu Xiaorui smiled again: "Since you mentioned it, you have to be responsible.

You're paying 3 billion, and I'm looking for ways to raise about 5 billion.

At that time, if you count your shares and give you 30% of the shares, what do you think?

It's Dongxing, not tvb. "

Li Dong thought for a moment and said, "Well, I will come forward as a guarantor and make a loan ..."

Hu Xiaorui's face changed, he hummed: "Then don't buy it!"

Li Dong sighed: "Since doing a business, then thinking about the business, thinking about the group's prospects, acquisition of tvb ......"

Hu Xiaorui interrupted: "Who said I had to think about my career?

Dong Xing was the product of an accident. I never thought how good it was.

Money, name, these things, do you think I care so much?

Queen of Entertainment, this title, do you think my Hu Xiaorui will care?

At the beginning, it was you who said you want to do this. You said that you did it with me and I did it.

Okay, you're half done and ran away!

Yes, my dad went to you, but have you asked me?

You say retreat, retreat, so simple, have you considered my feelings?

It's still the same now. If you say acquisition, you buy, and when you say expansion, you expand. Why!

What if Dongxing went bankrupt? Without your Dongxing, I didn't care so much. Now it's just a spare time.

Why do I keep myself so busy, why do I have to get myself into the footsteps of expansion.

You do it with me, then I will do it.

If you do not participate, then I will not do it.

You can even participate in Longhua, why can't you participate in Dongxing, or do you and Da Dachen have real secrets? "

"Cough cough ..."

Li Dong was almost choked to death, not very angry: "How to speak!"

"Just talk like that! Or why don't you get a shareholder star?

If you don't participate, I will go back and promote it, saying that you must have a deep relationship with Xu Dacheng. "

"Then others have to believe ..."

"I don't care whether others believe it or not, anyway, I said I saw it with my own eyes." Hu Xiaorui's face was proud, and then he smiled and said: "Well, I didn't let you do anything.

You didn't buy shares at the beginning, did I trouble you?

I really want to find you, whether it is a share or not, it's the same.

Your inclusion in the shareholder star will only make Dongxing go better and be more stable.

Lest your iceberg always say how much I take advantage of you, let's say, you help me secure the loan for no reason, your iceberg is not jealous?

You have a share, and she has nothing to say.

3 billion, accounting for 30% of the shares, Shen Bingshan stealing music. "

The 30 billion 30% Dongxing shares are indeed many, many.

Especially after Hu's acquisition of tvb, tvb alone may be worth 10 billion yuan, offsetting this 3 billion yuan.

In other words, Hu Xiaorui almost gave 30% of Dongxing's shares to Li Dong.

The opposite Li Dong was silent for a while, and said for a long time: "Wait until you talk about an acquisition."

"Well, I can talk, and you will not participate at that time, even if the talk is finished, I will give up!"


Hanging up the phone with Li Dong, Hu Xiaorui snickered.

Then Hu Xiaorui suddenly got up, rushed to the door, and quickly opened the door.

Outside the door.

Sun Yuehua almost fell off the door, and Hu Ming pulled her aside.

Seeing her daughter looking at herself vigorously, Sun Yuehua was a little embarrassed, and then she smiled and said, "Xiao Rui, are you hungry?

Your dad just cooked something for you and is about to call you to go down for supper ... "

"Eavesdrop on me!"

Unhappy with Hu Xiaorui's face, he looked at his parents with a bulging mouth, then hummed again: "You have to compensate me!"

Hu Ming hurriedly smiled and said: "Good girl, how do you compensate ..."

"5 billion!"


Hu Ming thought he had heard it wrong, but he heard his daughter squint and smiled and said, "Let me 5 billion, Dad, you sell all your shares in other companies. Let's stay in Nanrui and Tengxiang.

It ’s all sold, can it be almost 5 billion? "

Hu Ming was stunned, and Sun Yuehua was wary: "Our family's account, you are quite clear.

Sooner or later, the money will be yours.

But it's only yours, you girl, suddenly need so much money, Li Dong asked you to borrow money? "

Hu Xiaorui quickly said: "How is it possible, Mom, why do you always think of him so much?"

I am ready to buy tvb and I have no money. "

"Acquisition of tvb ..."

The couple froze again, the name of tvb, if they don't know, that's a joke.

But so good, why did you think of acquiring tvb?

Let's think about my daughter talking on the phone just now, and tvb in Xiangjiang ...

Sun Yuehua frowned slightly and asked, "Li Dong's idea?"

"That's right, he proposed, Dongxing acquisition."

Before Sun Yuehua made a sound, Hu Ming muttered: "This bastard, don't you want to hollow out my old man?"

Hu Xiaorui reluctantly said: "Dad, look at your careful eyes, you only have a few dollars. Does Li Dong lack your three fruits and two dates?"

"I only have a few dollars ..."

Hu Ming was lost in confusion. For the first time in his life, someone said "you only have a few dollars".

His wealth on the bright side is not much, but in these years, he has invested in many companies and many of them are holding companies.

After so many years of development, Li Dong knows that his net worth is about ten billion yuan.

Such a net worth is no less than the Xu's.

In China, Hu Mingzhen really wants to reveal all his net worth, plus Sun Yuehua's, the couple's wealth is not much said, it is no problem to enter the top 30 of the rich list.

This is even for the wealth of the big business eyes.

As a result, it became "three melons and two dates" in the mouth of her daughter.

Hu Ming was a little bit tired at this time. Why was he said that his daughter was very poor?

Sun Yuehua on the side was also crying and laughing. Does this smelly girl really know, what does this huge wealth mean?

The Sun family is also considered to be a big family, and has secretly accumulated for many years for a flying.

Nowadays, some big families, really speaking of wealth, how many have more than 10 billion?

Can count with one hand!

The Hu family can have such a large family business, which they have managed for a long time, accumulated over the past few decades, and also took advantage of the Sun family.

It's better now, despised by her daughter.

Sun Yuehua couldn't help but knock on his daughter's head, without a good air: "Smelly girl, really don't take money as money!"

Do you really think that money is so good?

Others do n’t say that Shen Xuehua ’s woman, carrying a reputation that her six relatives do n’t recognize, almost evacuated the Shen family and did n’t see much money ... ”


Hu Ming reminded me, don't say this, my wife is similar.

These women had their husbands and children and forgot their natal families.

Although the mother's family is not necessarily very authentic, Sun Yuehua and Shen Xuehua actually gathered a lot of wealth from their mother's side and passed it on to their next generation.

Now it is good to mention others, and I am not afraid of scolding myself.

Sun Yuehua probably just thought about this, and was a little embarrassed. He shifted the topic and said: "Girl, 5 billion is not a small amount, it is not that your parents do not support you, so you can withdraw so much money, let alone those industries outside, Nari and Tengxiang It is difficult to continue.

Also, Li Dong is an outsider after all ... "

With that said, Sun Yuehua didn't know what to say, and after a while he said: "Wait, wait, my dad and I will consider it.

You are going all the way to black now, and you take everything he says seriously.

You girl, your mother is feeding you in vain. "

Sun Yuehua sighed with emotion, who said that the daughter is intimate little cotton-padded jacket?


September 3.


Longhua is listed today!

The issue price of Longhua was not fixed at 7 Hong Kong dollars in the end. Instead, it chose a compromise and was listed at 6.6 Hong Kong dollars.

This issuance price is not low. Based on the issue price, Longhua's market value has reached 66 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is much weaker than Vanke. However, it is not far behind Poly, and its market value ranks among the top three in mainland real estate stocks.

When ringing the bell, Li Dong, as an important guest, cut the ribbon with Xu Shengzhe.

It is no secret that Li Dong held shares in Longhua. Some investors who had missed Teng Xun recently could not buy them recently.

Now Longhua is listed, although it is not a direct industry in the distance, but Li Dong's reputation is here, and there are still countless people who are like Longhua.

On the opening of the 3rd, Longhua's stock price rose a lot.

Open at 7.2 HKD!

The opening rose 10.9%.

The opening rose more than 10%, which is extremely rare and rare for real estate stocks, especially mainland real estate stocks.

In 2007, Country Garden created a series of miracles, and driven by countless people, the day's closing increase reached 30%. At that time, countless people shouted bubbles.

Still in 2007, sh went public and closed up 15%, which is still a legend.

The miracles created by these companies were in 2007, and when was the real estate fire, the last prosperous stage before the financial crisis.

Now, the crisis has not completely out of the impact, Longhua opened up more than 10%, it is the biggest miracle of real estate stocks from 2008 to the present!

And soon, Longhua's stock price reached 8 Hong Kong dollars when it was closed in the morning!

So far, Longhua's market value has reached 80 billion Hong Kong dollars, surpassing Poly and becoming the second largest real estate stock market in the mainland!

And Xu Shengzhe, who holds 55% of the shares, has also soared to 44 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Li Dong, who holds 20% of the shares, has earned HK $ 16 billion in revenue this time.

The 16 billion Hong Kong dollar has little impact on Li Dong.

But Xu Shengzhe, whose net worth soared to 44 billion Hong Kong dollars, has created a big name.

With a wealth of more than RMB 40 billion, this is Xu Shengzhe's new wealth value.

Except for the evildoer Li Dong, at this moment, it is not anyone else who is ranked second in the China Rich List, but Wang Chuanfu of BYD.

Since Buffett bought shares in BYD, Li Dong went to the Shenzhen market last time and also bought some BYD shares. In the past few months, BYD's share price has skyrocketed.

On the real-time rankings, Pharaoh Wealth has reached 39.6 billion yuan.

If Li Dong is not counted, this is also the only time Wang Chuanfu has reached the top richest man.

But this time, Longhua went public on the market, and Xu Shengzhe surpassed each other in one fell swoop, ranking about 30 from the China Rich List, and instantly became the second!

In other words, not counting Li Dong, Xu Shengzhe was the richest man in China at this time.

As soon as the news came out, mainland netizens shook again.

After the shock, many people still regretted the extreme: "The second richest man in China has never been the richest man in the street, and this day is too bleak."

"Who said no? The original richest man in China can take it down ~ ~ Now it's fine, the second or second, ten thousand second.

For 40 billion U.S. dollars, it ’s a two-year-old second son, Xu Shengzhe, which is too miserable. "

"You do n’t forget the key, Xu Shengzhe is not very old. For decades, I ca n’t imagine how miserable these days are when I think of being crushed underneath."


There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, and the ridicule is very serious.

Of course, aside from ridicule, many people are extremely envious.

This year, young people are crazy. In recent years, it has become the norm for young people to enter the rich list.

Yang Huiyan was the richest man in 2007. By 2008, Li Dong had occupied this position.

In 2009, Li Dong simply became the richest man in the world, and the richest man in China did not have to think about it.

Xu Shengzhe, who is now less than thirty years old, was suddenly listed when he went public, and he reached the second throne. Is this a sign that the older generation was eliminated?

For three consecutive years, or even longer, the position of China's richest man was these people.

This makes those old-time entrepreneurs feel good!


Hot discussions on the Internet, Li Dong and Xu Shengzhe have no intention of paying attention at this moment.

Li Dong was ready to return to Pingchuan after ringing the bell, and Xu Shengzhe had a celebration feast here, at least he would not leave until after the close.

But shortly after the listing of Longhua, news came from Pingchuan that Xu Jianghua was about to die.

Xu Shengzhe's excited mood instantly dimmed and followed Li Dong to Pingchuan.

On the plane, Xu Shengzhe sat motionless on the sofa. At this moment, except for himself, I am afraid that no one can know the true thoughts of his heart.

Li Dong didn't bother him either, at this moment, he didn't know what to say.

The relationship between the father and son of the Xu family is very complicated. Li Dong is actually more fortunate than Xu Shengzhe. 8)