The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1624: So risky!

Yuanfang Building.

When Li Dong arrived, he greeted with congratulations again.

This year is Li Dong's harvest year.

Marry a wife and have children, the industry goes public, and the world is famous ...

This piece by piece is a big deal.

Switching to ordinary people and trying to do it all within a year is almost a fantasy.

But Li Dong did it!

Now, who doesn't think that Li Dong is the biggest winner in the world, not to mention that he is still so young, and he is also the big winner among the big winners.

The employees encountered all congratulated Li Dong with a smile with a glorious smile.

Because Li Dong's success is actually their success.

At least, these people at the headquarters have almost all been assigned to Teng Xun stocks, and some people have also got Weibo stocks. Now everyone is so rich, who is not happy.


With a smile on his face, Li Dong nodded to the employees he met.

It wasn't until he entered the elevator that Li Dong calmed his smile.

At this time, the assistant of Bai Suban quickly reported: "President Li and President Yuan are waiting for you in the conference room.

In addition, Mr. Sun from the Shanghai market is back.

In addition, President Qi of North China District rushed back today ... "

"Why didn't Qi Yunna notify me when she came back?"

Li Dong asked, and the new assistant suddenly felt like being asked. Did n’t you say you did n’t need to call you if you were not serious?

Is Qi Yunna's return a big deal?

At least in the eyes of assistants, this is not a big deal. Qi Yunna is only the regional president of the retail group. There are several floors away from Li Dong.

Li Dong didn't say Sun Tao, but asked Qi Yunna why he didn't notify him when he came back, which made the assistant not know what to say.

Li Dong glanced at her and frowned slightly: "Did you read all the documents when handing over?"

The assistant quickly said: "I have read it."

"Since I have read it, Qi Yunna is responsible for developing the northern market and wants to open up the pace of international retail expansion from the north, don't you know?

Or, what is the core of Yuanfang Group, you still don't know? "


The female assistant was a little nervous at first, but Li Dong didn't talk anymore when she saw it. She looked at the time and said, "When will she come back?"

"Just arrived soon."

"Suddenly came back, I didn't even notice, how is his face?"

"Very happy ..."


Li Dong responded, and when the elevator reached the floor, Li Dong walked straight towards the meeting room.


meeting room.

Qi Yunna arrived late. It stands to reason that at this time, Qi Yunna did not actually have a position. After all, she was not a high level, and she did not have the qualification to directly participate in the highest level meeting.

However, Qi Yunna came back and didn't see Li Dong, and reported a few words with Yuan Chengdao. Yuan Chengdao specially asked her to attend the meeting specially, to report to Li Dong in person later.

However, the assistant told Li Dong that Qi Yunna was in a good mood when she came back.

But Qi Yunna's face at this time was a bit gloomy.

Before Li Dong entered the door, Qi Yunna's face was slightly ugly. She looked at Chen Lang and said: "Mr. Chen, open the northern market, enter Russia from the north, and then enter the European market from Russia. This is also Li's approval ..."

Chen Lang knew that Qi Yunna was an old man in the distance, even Li Dong's heir.

But at this time, Chen Lang said seriously: "General Qi, I am not vetoing your proposal.

The key is that, at this time, the distance has already won Baijia!

Now, in the southern market, we are surrounded by all sides, and all retail enterprises regard us as their targets and opponents.

On the south side, the situation is now tense.

We are being suppressed!

Mr. Sun's return this time is actually to allow the headquarters to support the South, increase investment in the South, and expand market share. Next, not only the department store business, but also the Guomei Home Appliances business that has moved its headquarters to the Shanghai market, will also be in the South Increase investment.

Also, our boutique supermarket is online and Southern Commercial Plaza is settled in ...

These things are all top priorities!

At this time, spent 2 billion US dollars, won the Park, and even turned away from the distance and the Yangtze River.

Is it time to turn around and march north?

Yes, Li always said that attacking from all sides, but there is a premise, then Baijia has not won, whoever wins the opponent first, from which side to expand!

It was originally in July, and now it is already September. We spent a lot of manpower and material resources in the southern market. Mr. Sun and Mr. Wang integrated there for half a year.

Also, it is a fact that the economy of the North is not as good as that of the South.

Even if your plan is successful and you successfully enter the Russian market, but the Russian retail industry is not well-developed. After making a lot of investment in Russia, can you finally recover the cost?

In this case, why bother to do so and simply enter the international directly from the South, I think it is more appropriate!

In this way, a lot of cost is also saved. Using this money to invest in Europe and the United States, I think the rate of return will only be higher. "

Qi Yunna was silent, and said after a moment: "I admit that you are telling the truth.

But do n’t forget Mr. Chen, Mr. Li said that at this stage, we are not aiming for profit.

The key lies in the well-developed system and complete layout.

In the north, our system is being compressed, and the scale is also compressing. At this time, what we have to do is not to continue to strengthen the strength of local areas.

It is to balance the strength so that there is no top-heavy situation.

The South is now fiercely fighting, but the North is a big one!

Big businessmen are ready to step out of the three eastern provinces, expand their advantages, and establish the status of northern hegemony.

At this time, even if you are not trying to enter the international market, you should reduce the living space of the big business, rather than let it dominate.

Otherwise, once the big businessmen stepped out of the Northeast and entered the North China and Northwest regions, we would be killed and killed in the South. I am afraid that eventually a new overlord will appear in the North.

Now, Hua Run, Bailian, Wal-Mart, and Gaoxin are all mobilizing a lot of resources to enter the south.

Their attitude is obvious, even if they abandon the northern market, they will not lose the southern market, after all, that is where their gateway lies.

As for the north, big business dominates, and they will not care.

Now, the positioning of these companies is regional hegemony, and it can even be said that they have abandoned the national layout.

We are different from their positioning, they can give up, we can't! "

Sun Tao frowned a little, and slowly said after she finished: "Yunna, I can understand your mood.

North China has always been your business. You do n’t want the northern market to be lost, nor do we want to.

However, things are prioritized, and no matter how big the big business is, the strength is there.

The most terrible consequence is that the big merchants control the retail market in the northern region at most.

However, several giants in the South are different. Hua Run, Bailian, Gaoxin, and Wal-Mart are all powerful enterprises, and they have much deeper background than big businessmen.

Once the South fails, these companies are likely to sweep the entire China market and embezzle the entire distant retail.

At that time, the loss will be extremely heavy!

Yuna, you said, do you want to see this happen? "

Qi Yunna bit her lip and did not speak for a while.

Liu Qi, aside, whispered a few words of comfort. At this time, a footstep came from the door of the conference room.

Yuan Chengdao, who has not spoken, said: "Mr. Li is here. Any comments will be discussed later."

Everyone nodded together, and after a while, Li Dong entered the door.


Li Dong entered the door, first looked around, then smiled: "Across the distance, listen to the lively discussion of you, what are you discussing?"

Yuan Chengdao waited for him to sit down and said succinctly: "Mr. Qi has made progress in the north, and Wumei has promised to talk about mergers and acquisitions, but the bid is not low.

Mr. Chen and Mr. Sun mean that although Wumei is not small in the North China market, it is actually going downhill.

Distant Retail has just won the Top 100, and the Group's human and material resources are invested in the South, and the North can actually be released first.

When the situation in the South has stabilized, we can think about the North again. "

Chen Lang then said: "Mr. Li, all I said are facts.

What's more, Wumart is not a big business. If it is a big business this time, then there is still talk. The big business controls the retail market in the three eastern provinces. As soon as we take over, it is the hegemon.

The situation in North China where Wumart is located is now in chaos.

Each family has a layout in North China, and its strength is not too weak.

Wumei is actually supporting it. Now that Wumei is included, we have to invest a lot of energy and money in the north.

We must also face the offensives of big business expansion and other companies.

By the way, we only evacuated from the capital at the beginning of the year, and then suddenly and repeatedly, since that is the case, there was no need to evacuate from the capital at that time ... "

Qi Yunna reluctantly said: "This is not the same.

At that time, the form was forced, but now, the distance has entered the world's top 500, President Li has also established the status of the world's richest man. At this time, when we return, our treatment and attitude will be completely different!

And North China is, after all, the political center. As the largest retail brand in China, Far East has such a sluggish retail business, which will make the outside world questionable ... "

Chen Lang still shook his head and said, "Chief Qi, you can't say that.

If the light is for the sake of face, then accepting beauty at this time will really add a lot to us.

But the operation of an enterprise depends on actual benefits and gains and losses.

In Wumei and North China, the cost is so high that in the end, we have to add a strong rival like Dashang to us.

With these human and material resources, whether we invest in the South or the international market, we will generate greater profits.

From the perspective of the actual interests of the company, the acquisition of Wumart is not a strong alliance. Except for the increase in some data, it may eventually drag our footsteps. "


The two said a few more words. Li Dong tapped on the table lightly and interrupted: "This is released in advance, Qi Yunna, pay attention to your attitude!"

As soon as these words came out, Qi Yunna suddenly extinguished.

Chen Lang is her current boss. In front of so many board members, she and Chen Lang have refuted until now.

She was emotional before, but did not expect that at this time, Li Dongyi said that Qi Yunna was woken up suddenly, and then apologized to Chen Lang: "Mr. Chen, sorry."

Chen Lang shook his head with a smile: "The more the rationale is, the more clear it is. It is related to the future direction of the group. Not everyone can decide it. Everyone listens to the next strategic layout."

This is quite generous, but Yuan Chengdao on the side glanced at him. Chen Lang, the guy who said earlier, agreed.

But the middle sentence "not everyone can be determined", when you say this, you don't want to think about who your boss is?

Not one person can decide, Li Dongding, what else can you do?

The matter of the retail industry layout came to an end after Li Dong said.

When the meeting room was quiet, Yuan Chengdao once again said something about the south. The current retail situation in the south is a bit complicated and the fighting is fierce.

When Sun Tao came back this time, he did indeed ask for help.

Money is one point, but it's not the only one. There are also talents, and the group's resources are lean, including a series of other support.

After listening, Li Dong slowly said: "So, these enterprises are now concentrating a lot of resources on the southern coast, and the markets in other regions are barely maintaining operations?"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Tao was a little shocked and quickly said: "Mr. Li, everyone's eyes are actually on us.

We are in the South, they will be in the South.

When we go to the north, they will also shift their focus, so the key is not north and south, but ourselves.

Everyone is thinking now, and we cannot continue to grow bigger.

And we have already carried out a lot of layout in the south, and invested a lot of resources. The integration of Baijia has not yet been completed. At this time, it is better to concentrate on operating the south and compress their market.

Once we succeed, we can clear most of the obstacles for us at once. "

Li Dong glanced at him, and he didn't have a good air: "I said I gave up the south?"

After all, Li Dong continued: "It is inevitable for the southern coast to operate and invest.

Tens of billions of dollars are spent, not for fun.

Now, these companies are adopting wolves tactics, ready to suppress me, regardless of cost and my consumption, just want me to dispel the roots in the South.

I'm the kind of person who gave up halfway, can I admit defeat casually?

In the battle of attrition, I have never been afraid of anyone.

In the southern region, there are many companies that have joined the remote retail alliance. Our family may not be able to fight them. Even if there is no problem with the funds, it can take time to open the store and renovate.

When we get it done, the daylily is cold.

In this way, let our cooperative enterprises begin to expand, they encircle and suppress us, we anti-encirclement and suppress them!

Hua Run and Bai Lian did not say that both Gaoxin and Wal-Mart were based on hypermarkets.

A hypermarket, from investment to operation, is too expensive and takes a long time.

And this is their established strategy, not to say that opening a hypermarket today will open a convenience store tomorrow.

Let's put Bailian and Huarun together first, concentrate on them, and suppress these two in the south!

It is very difficult for them to squash us, but we have to relax a lot.

Around their hypermarkets, all the communities, all streets, and even around the hypermarkets, opened dozens of his stores.

I want to see how they continue to operate.

The cost of the hypermarket was originally high. Now that the rents have risen sharply, coupled with the impact of e-commerce, the days are getting more and more sad, and then they are diverted in this way. In addition to losing money every day, there is no other end.

For a long time, Gao Xin did not say that Wal-Mart must quit the Chinese market ... "

Yuan Chengdao frowned: "But, we have also suffered heavy losses. Also, the companies that cooperate with us may not necessarily agree. After all, as a result of this, resources are repeatedly invested, and no profit returns are seen ..."

Li Dong interrupted: "Isn't every family holding about 20% of the shares? The lost money is deducted from the 20% of the profits.

I think, no matter how much loss, it should be almost enough? "


Yuan Chengdao lost his voice, but Chen Lang pondered for a moment: "If you really want to kill Wal-Mart, all this is worth it.

I am afraid that Wal-Mart is not willing to give up, or that it wants to use the Huaxia market to hold our pace, and the headquarters will provide support. At the end, it will really become a long-term battle.

This possibility ... not without it!

Also, when we were besieging the two, we had to bear the losses caused by several other attacks on us ...

In this way, the loss is too great.

I still recommend a steady and steady step-by-step layout. In the south, it is not appropriate to start a full-scale expansion. First, based on the Parknn stores and Carrefour hypermarkets, slowly extend outward along this basis.

The time may be a little longer, and the impact can be less, which is conducive to our subsequent layout. "

Li Dong smiled and said: "This method is quite secure, the key takes too long.

Too troublesome!

Still blooming everywhere, focusing on Gaoxin and Wal-Mart, killing one counts.

It doesn't matter if the losses are heavy. I'm not opening a supermarket now, I'm entering commercial real estate. Okay? "

Everyone was stunned, Li Dong continued: "Now commercial real estate has entered a golden period.

How much can be lost in retail business?

Even if it is not profitable, even if it is a war of attrition, is it a high loss of 10%?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, we will first delineate some commercial real estate, and then slowly acquire it. As long as the choice is good, the return rate will exceed 50% after two or three years. Even if we are operating at a loss for two or three years, it will be one-off at that time. Can earn it back.

Of course, we will be questioned in the early stage and will also need a lot of capital investment.

But as long as we survive this difficult period, the future in the distance is bright! "


Among the crowd, everyone except Yuan Chengdao had heard this for the first time, and everyone was a little dazed.

Co-authored, Li Dong means expanding the scale of commercial real estate in the distance by expanding retail opportunities.

But in this case, it is better to simply expand commercial real estate, what is the curve?

Seeing that they were still stunned, Li Dong said: "Of course, it is also necessary to expand the retail business by the way.

It ’s not too eye-catching and does n’t carry any infamy.


Because our retail business is operating at a loss, giving back to the public, and making some money on commercial real estate, that should be the case.

The public also understand that if we do not make money, how can we give them back?

And commercial real estate makes money, and has little to do with the general public. This is a matter between businessmen.

In the end, our retail business expanded, commercial real estate made money, and the reputation was good, what a good thing.

But still that sentence, the early loss is not small, the investment is huge.

Other companies dare not do it, or they can't do it, or they can't wait for the day, and they will be finished halfway.

At this time, Ma Yun's sentence could be used for a while. Today is cruel, tomorrow is cruel, and the day after tomorrow is bright.

Other companies will not be able to survive tomorrow night and will die halfway.

I do n’t think it ’s far away, what do you think? "

Sun Tao was a little uneasy and said: "Mr. Li, it's unpleasant to say, the strength in the distance is not weak, and the investment that can last for several years can't be supported by other companies. We may be difficult."

Li Dong laughed: "Then you come back for help, don't you just want the group to invest a lot?

Now I agree, and you start to refute, what do you think? "

"I ..." Sun Tao smiled bitterly: "I just hope that the group can focus on the south, but just want a drop of water. As a result, your whole basin of water is splashed. I am a little bit cold in my heart."

Li Dong said it was easy, while expanding retail, it also expanded the scale of commercial real estate.

The key is how much does retail expansion cost?

Also expand commercial real estate!

If it is really as Li Dong said, the return will only be seen after two or three years. In these two or three years, the investment in this area alone is an astronomical figure.

In the distance, can we afford such losses and investments?

Li Dong smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? There is not enough water in a basin. We will give them the ocean!"

They beat them with a chill, and they spit blood when they lost.

After consuming it to the end, let them all feel chills, and ask them to retreat?

Once you retire, it will be easier to handle, the retail business will no longer lose money, commercial real estate will make money, and we will make more profits.

You said, is it true? "


"No, but domestic quick battles and quick decisions are not the same thing.

It's been almost six years since this piece was offline, and I dragged them with them. They can't afford it, but I can't afford it.

As for funding ... "

Li Dong paused and looked at Cao Jinsheng, saying: "What happened to the remote financial side? Last time I asked you to raise ABS financing. I said it started in September. I haven't cared about these days. Has the financing ended?"

Cao Jinsheng hurriedly said: "The financing is over, 10 billion yuan, the three-year period, the interest rate is 5.6%, the first issue is issued, and the third is over.

10 billion is more than 1 billion US dollars, or international full-platform financing is adopted, and there are many people participating. The popularity of the distance is here, and the speed is very fast. "

"10 billion is fast, then do you think that if you raise 300 billion from a distance now, can it be done?"

Cao Jinsheng's face changed dramatically, and everyone else's face also changed.

300 billion!

Even the US dollar is more than 40 billion US dollars, which is by no means a small amount.

Even if the market value is more than 40 billion U.S. dollars, how many companies in the world have this scale?

It is better to be far away, and direct financing of 300 billion yuan may cause another global sensation.

Li Dong ignored them and smiled and said: "ABS is a little bit better ~ ~ The financing scale is not limited by the size of the net assets, and it breaks through the main credit limit.

Otherwise, like the issuance of bonds, it will have to be limited by the scale of 40% of the net assets. Even if the entire group of funds in the remote area is financed, it will not reach 300 billion yuan.

This thing actually depends on credibility.

Do you think that the credibility of a distant place can reach 300 billion? "

No one spoke, everyone was still shocked.

300 billion yuan, even if it can really be achieved, the annual interest is only. According to the previous 5.6%, the annual interest is 16.8 billion!

Together with other loans from far away, the annual interest will be as high as 30 billion yuan!

After three years, the interest is 100 billion.

Li Dong said that other companies can't afford it, can they afford it from afar?

There was a little problem halfway through, and the loss was bigger, it would be more serious, too risky!