The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1640: I dominate

There is no if in life.

Some people are also destined to be ordinary at certain times.

At the very least, Li Dong at this time, at the peak of his life, it is impossible to say that the ordinary will be ordinary.

At this time, he was destined to attract attention.

If life can come back again, will Li Dong choose this path? These are things that Li Dong used to think about, but now he does n’t think about it.

Since you have done it, since you have enjoyed it, there is no time for regret.

Moreover, he has not reached the point of regret now.

He is still young and he still has time.

His only worry is that at that point in time, there will be some accidents.

As for the rest, Li Dong today no longer thinks about what has happened.


October 10.

on Saturday.

The weather is beautiful.

Early in the morning, Li Dong and Ma Yun gathered in the hotel lobby, and each of them went mountaineering separately.

Everyone has his own circle. Since there are circles, there are levels.

Big coffee has a team of big coffee, and weak people have a team of weak people.

The group of Li Dong is destined to be dazzling.

First-line giants in the IT industry have gathered together.

In addition to the newly emerging IT giants in recent years, there are also some people who are also in this circle at the moment.

Su Lin Zhang Jindong, Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi, BYD Wang Chuanfu, Geely Li Shufu, Sanpower Group Yuan Yafei ...

These industrial giants and leaders of private entrepreneurs also appeared one after another.

There are also some new tycoon characters, Longhua Xu Shengzhe, Dongxing Hu Xiaorui, Zhuang's Zhuang Fan ...

These younger generations are also here.

From the beginning of the IT summit, to the present, the Huashan summit has almost become a paradise for private entrepreneurs.

This time, the state-owned enterprises are not without people, but they come very rarely.

Huashan's argument on the sword claims that the outside world is a meeting for hegemony, and it is the position of the hegemony of the business community.

Private entrepreneurs can compete. As a state-owned enterprise, not a one-person enterprise, it is not appropriate to participate in these competitions at this time.

Of course, the outside world says so, but it is a rare event for the business community after all.

Although many heads of enterprises did not arrive, they also sent representatives to come and listen.

And one of the crowd is special.

Niu Gang, the head of Dashang Group!

Big business was originally a state-owned enterprise, but in the past few years, the retail industry has been changing, and under various pressures, big business has to restructure.

With the retreat from the country to the people, Dashang's Niu Gang has gradually controlled the actual ownership of Dashang through a series of operations and cooperation with related parties in the past two years.

At this time, the big business was not a state-owned enterprise. Niu Gang also changed from a professional manager to become the actual controller of the big business.

Of course, he doesn't own too many shares.

However, at this time, he can be regarded as a private entrepreneur, rather than simply a professional manager.

Among today's offline retail groups, big business is also one of the undisputed giants.

This time, the retail giants are almost here.

Whether it was a department store or a home appliance, even Hua Run and Bai Lian, although the chairman did not come, he also sent a vice president to attend the meeting.

Li Dong and Ma Yun, as the representatives of online e-commerce retailing, the summit they plan to organize, offline retailing companies must come.


The crowd set off and Li Dong and their group walked behind.

In front, the hired tour guide explained to everyone with some fear.

The latter group of people, just pull one out, it is a remarkable existence.

Now they are all together, and they are all very interested in listening to the tour guide's commentary. They are staring at them, and the tour guide is naturally nervous.

I'm afraid that I'm wrong, and I'm dissatisfied.

In fact, this time, in order to fear that the young people could not bear the pressure, the local government made arrangements specially. This tour guide is not a young man, but an old man here for many years.

Ordinarily, in such an explanation, the tour guide repeated 10,000 times, and 8,000 times.

But this time, speaking of words, the tour guides in their early forties were still a little choking.

Of course, no one laughed at him, and no one cared whether he was choking.

Although everyone seems to be listening to his commentary, in fact, they all listen to all directions and listen to the whispers of the surrounding people.

Among the crowd, Li Dong is naturally the most dazzling one.

Even if he walked behind, wearing sports clothes and a young and sunny look, he didn't even know that he was a passerby.

But no one can ignore him.

At this moment, although everyone did not gather around Li Dong to listen to him regardless of their identity, they all listened to what Li Dong was saying.


In spite of that, it is said that we will not talk about work during the day and talk about scenery.

But people are talkative, and at the beginning, there was a lot of gunpowder between everyone.

The big business occupies the northeast. Niu Gang was a professional manager before. He seldom participated in the gatherings of everyone, and he was not too familiar with everyone.

But since he came this time, Niu Gang was not prepared to keep a low profile.

At this time, it was Niu Gang who was arguing with Li Dong.

At the beginning, everyone had a pleasant talk, but as Niu Gang said a few words, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

"E-commerce has developed rapidly in recent years. With the development of the times, e-commerce supplements the retail industry and enriches the entire industry chain. This cannot be denied.

But we must also admit that e-commerce, especially the online shopping market, has a lot of problems!

Here, I must say a few words.

Online shopping, especially C2C, has a lot of counterfeiting, infringement, non-tax sales and other problems!

The government should introduce policies to collect taxes on third-party merchants, instead of not only collecting taxes but also subsidizing them!

The cost of electronic malls is lower than physical retail. At this time, no taxes are paid and subsidies are given back. Who will open physical stores after that?

This is to drive physical retail to a dead end!

Some platforms have annual sales of hundreds of billions, and how much do they pay?

How many people are actually filing taxes?

In addition, online rights protection is difficult, various problems are prominent, and some brand merchants frequently complain that various fake and shoddy products flood the entire market.

Shopping in physical stores is still guaranteed.

But online, how high is the guarantee?

Nowadays, the government is constantly promoting the development of e-commerce, ignoring companies like us, this is the end of the game!

As this continues, we have closed down. How can hundreds of millions of employees manage their own lives, do they all go to open online stores?

These companies, we have paid tens of billions of taxes to the government every year, but in the end they all used to subsidize e-commerce!

This is to draw our blood to supplement the e-commerce ... "

Niu Gang was very excited, even angry.

Although Zhang Jindong on the side felt a little too aggressive, and Surin was also an e-commerce, but at this time, Niu Gang just opened the topic, Zhang Jindong also said in a deep voice: "C2C platform really needs to strengthen management, as for tax issues, this point should also be paid attention .

Some of the government's policies now appear to be somewhat biased.

Physical stores have their value in existence.

Now, as rents rise and labor costs rise, the lives of our companies are getting sad.

I said this, not for our personal profit, but for the entire industry!

I still have cooperation with Lao Ma, but there are some words that I can't vomit.

Although President Niu said some things, I do n’t agree with them all, but most of them agree ... "

Several people said that Ma Yun was not willing to be outdone: "The merchants of the C2C platform are now dominated by young people who have no background, no funds, and are hard working.

In online stores, profits are not as high as you think, and you pay no less than any entrepreneur.

For these young people with no background and no funds, this kind of entrepreneurship is more difficult.

At this time, e-commerce has just started to improve and tax them, that is, taxing the hope and future of young people.

Recently, there have been some remarks and some extremes.

Some people are saying that the owner of an online store that sells more than 100,000 annually is not as great as the value created by migrant workers ...

I did not look down on any industry, anyone means.

Why can it be said that online entrepreneurship is not doing business right?

Online entrepreneurship is not entrepreneurship?

You only think about the impact of the platform on you, but you have considered that the e-commerce platform is now feeding an industry and feeding countless people and enterprises.

Once taxation has just been raised on e-commerce, do these people still have a passion for entrepreneurship?

I have been saying that instead of not paying taxes, we have to wait for this industry to be fully on track, after the entire industry gives people hope.

At that time, we should do what we should do.

Now, not the time.

As for the so-called shock in your mouth, I haven't seen much impact for the time being.

Isn't the government supposed to subsidize and promote emerging industries?

At the beginning, the hypermarket model was rising, wasn't the government also subsidizing, promoting?

Why is it an excuse to attack when you arrive at an electronic mall ... "

"Mr. Ma, where did the attack come from? Let's talk about things!

Also, you said that it is not yet time, and now in the first three quarters, the transaction volume of the online shopping market has reached 500 billion!

At this time, online shopping, which has been around for a few years, has reached this scale. Isn't it enough for people to pay attention to it?

And physical stores have been hit, that is also true!

Paying taxes is justified, and standards can be relaxed appropriately in the early stages of the industry.

But now the online shopping market is no longer the initial stage. At this time, it is not a chill to be treated differently ... "


Several people argued fiercely whether C2C individual merchants should collect taxes.

At this time, Li Dong did not speak.

In response to C2C merchant tax collection issues, is not as large as Dibao, and Ma Yun is enough.

Besides, he does both online and offline, and he is not praised.

But soon, the fighting involved Li Dong.

Speaking of C2C for a while, almost everyone pointed at Li Dong.

Ma Yun probably felt that it was not cost-effective to refute himself, and then said: "You don't need to watch C2C all the time. C2C is after all a young man with no background and no money to start a business to create the future.

You say C2C taxation, what about B2C platforms?

On the B2C platform, companies are paying taxes.

Ali's B2C, strictly speaking, the tax payment rate is actually similar to that of physical retail.

In the far-end mall, the tax payment rate is only less than 2%, which is much less than the 3.5% or more in physical retail ... "

Today, for these large retail companies, the average annual tax is about 3.5% or more.

These include various policy measures such as tax relief, tax rebates, tax avoidance, etc.

The e-shop enjoys more policies. In fact, the tax payment rate is less than 2%, which refers to self-operated business.

Tmall's self-operation is actually not Ali's, but the manufacturer is self-operated.

But the self-employment in the distance, it really belongs to the distance.

The fact that there are fewer taxes on the far side means that the remote mall is more competitive and the profit is more substantial. It also causes the remote mall to become bigger and have a greater impact on other entities.

As soon as these words came out, the people really pointed the finger at Li Dong.

Li Dong looked at everyone's righteous indignation and said with some helplessness: "Don't the old horse say that?

You have to give young people a chance.

C2C entrepreneurs are young people, do n’t you forget that the entrepreneurs in the distance are also young people, who need care and ca n’t kill the future of young people ... "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was black.

Li Dong is also making a joke, and then righteously said: "As the largest B2C platform, and the largest offline retail system company.

Everyone's argument, I listened and thought.

From my perspective, what I say will be fairer.

After all, as a second-line leader from afar ... "

Ma Yun coughed lightly: "These boastful words come back, you just say your opinion."

Li Dong retorted: "Why is it boasting? The fact is so, is there room for debate?"

Ma Yun was speechless, and there was really no room for argument.

Seeing his rare non-refutation, Li Dong continued: "I will first talk about President Niu's impact theory.

You said that the rise of e-commerce has impacted offline stores. This is a fact. Lao Ma said no. That is nonsense.

And as time progresses, this impact will become larger and larger. This is also a fact and cannot be denied.

But this is not just a tax issue! "

Li Dong shook his head and said: "You cannot be too biased when looking at the problem.

The development of e-commerce and the prosperity of the online shopping market are the development of the times and the inevitability of the new and the old.

The impact of an industry indicates that this industry is not satisfying and cannot satisfy the greater demands of consumers.

With economic development, technological breakthroughs.

The emergence of new industries and new fields has an impact on the old industries and old things, and even the elimination of them is also the inevitability of social development.

It can't be said that because of being shocked, we will choose the best and not develop this thing.

You are not developing, others are developing, you are not making progress, others are making progress.

In the end, we will only get more and more backward, and backward, we will be beaten!

At this time, what we have to do is not set some obstacles against the opponent.

Today you said that e-commerce is blocking your way. You are suppressing it. Tomorrow you have done e-commerce yourself. By that time, did you also set up obstacles for yourself?

How physical retailing continues to develop and remain competitive.

At this point, we must break through this obstacle from ourselves.

For physical retail, at this time, we should focus on improving management levels, reducing management costs, improving supply chain channels, introducing new technologies to reduce various losses, and improving service levels ... these are the main ones!

The question of paying taxes is actually not necessary to keep arguing.

It is necessary and necessary for e-commerce to pay taxes.

But this time, it really is not suitable.

President Niu said that the online shopping market exceeded the 500 billion mark in three quarters, which is a fact.

It can be 500 billion. Compared with the entire Chinese consumer market, the low share is not visible.

At this time, it is a lie to say how big and prosperous e-commerce is.

And the main performance is concentrated on us and Treasure, we occupy more than 80% of the market share.

Paying taxes, we big platforms cannot die.

However, some small and medium-sized platforms that were not profitable at first would almost die if they were equally taxed.

Without the filling of these platforms, sooner or later this market will decline.

The government will not be able to see the suffocation of a new industry, so the government is actually considering the question of whether to levy taxes now.

As far as I am concerned, it is still not very suitable.

Three to five years later, Dangdang has occupied more than 30% market share in the social consumer goods market.

At that time, Lao Ma said that he would not pay taxes, so I had to advise the government that it was time to collect taxes. "

Li Dong played a stick on each side, a fair attitude.

But everyone listened carefully and experienced it carefully. This guy said this, in fact, in a word, he has detached himself from this field.

Now, he is standing at a higher angle and acting as an arbiter for everyone.

But the fact is that this guy is actually the biggest gainer!

He said this as if it were all someone else's business, nothing to do with him.

Some people are trying to refute a few words, just listen to Li Dong and said: "Today is still mainly leisure and entertainment, do not pay too much attention to these things.

When it's evening, let's talk in detail.

In addition, this time it is not just a matter of discussing retail business.

Let's open our eyes to some ... "

He was talking on the side, Ma Yun's phone rang.

Not only Ma Yun, many people on the phone rang.

Today, there are very few people who bring assistants, and the staff are all behind, still some distance away.

At this time, nothing serious, and the phone can't reach these people.

A few of Ma Yun heard the phone ring at about the same time, their faces changed slightly for a while.

And Li Dong is a gesture of enjoying the scenery, looking around.

Soon, these people answered the phone.

On the way to answering the phone, many people looked surprised and couldn't help looking towards Li Dong.

"Yuanyuan announced the external financing of 300 billion yuan for the development of the retail group!"

"300 billion ..."

This number is frequently mentioned in various telephones.

If it is only 10 billion units, although everyone will think about it, they will never think too much.

After all, the remote system is very large, and the development of tens of billions of funds is also necessary.

It can raise 300 billion yuan at a time, and few people have received the wind in advance. It is almost abruptly starting financing. What do you want to do from a distance?

Ma Yun held the phone, his face changing indefinitely.

Others only care about 300 billion, but Ma Yun not only cares about this, but also the Double Eleven that began to spread at the same time almost at the same time!

Remote publicity, unprecedented feedback day!

Unprecedented big sale!

An unprecedented shopping festival ...

In short, just when they went up the mountain, all China, print media, online media, traditional media ...

Almost all are promoting this new shopping festival!

The tremendous momentum, even not only online but offline stores, are also starting to promote simultaneously.

Instant work ~ ~ At least hundreds of millions of people saw these propaganda.

Just such a huge publicity and promotion, you can feel that this is not a small hand!

Li Dong, what does this guy want to do!

Ma Yun took a deep look at Li Dong. While the outside world was paying attention to Huashan's discussion of swords today, he suddenly started a big move.

Just to catch the eye?

Ma Yun is not stupid, and instantly thought of many things.

In addition, with the remote retail financing of 300 billion yuan, what does Li Dong want to do?

At this moment, everyone still wants to travel around.

Huashan talks about swords, maybe Li Dong didn't even see it from the beginning to the end, he valued practical interests more.

Or, Li Dong wanted to use this summit as a tipping point, a tipping point that established his position as the invincible hegemon!