The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1651: Counterattack

Unsatisfactory people are facts.

However, as the helm of the enterprise, it is still not lacking in courage to be in charge of a large group.

After the remote alliance system in various places joined the promotion war, on October 20, Dibao also started to fight back.

Early on the morning of the 20th, Surin first held a press conference.

Announced that during the Double Eleven promotion, Surin did not independently participate in the promotion, but cooperated with the promotion of treasure.

The storage centers and logistics systems around Surin will cooperate with Dibao for unified operations.

As an offline home appliance chain giant, Surin's store system is even better than Guomei's. Storage and logistics. Before Guomei was merged, Surin actually developed faster than Guomei.

Today, although Guomei is included in a distant place, after a distant merger and acquisition, due to financial problems and a wide range of industries, Surin has not developed specifically.

In the field of home appliances, Surin is currently more than Guomei.

Surin announced full support for digging up treasures. At this time, it was unimaginable.

Although e-commerce has developed rapidly in 2009, it is still mainly offline, and the entity is king.

Surin cooperated with digging up treasures, and at this moment, it was the strong who laid the ground for the weak.

According to the established rules, even if you start, you should match up with Surin.


At the press conference, a reporter mentioned this issue.

He even asked sharply, "Zhang Zhang, the outside world is now saying that major retail companies, including e-commerce platforms, are targeting far away.

I think that the distant place has seized everyone's market, everyone has a tacit understanding, and even reached some unified agreements to jointly exclude the distant place.

Nowadays, Surin does not hesitate to give up the right to operate independently and fully supports Ali, as if to prove this point.

What do you think of these questions? "

Zhang Jindong said with a serious face: "The two words are inappropriate for targeting and squeezing out!

Some problems are not what you think!

It's not that we are aiming at the distance and squeezing it away, but we must compete!

Our company should also give an account to shareholders, employees, and all investors and consumers.

The fact that the Yuanfang Group is becoming stronger and stronger is a fact that cannot be denied.

As we grow bigger from a distance, the retail system in China is strong. As consumers and as bystanders, we are happy to see its success.

But as a peer, ask yourself, do we companies have to sit still and wait for the entire market to be compressed from a distance, and finally be merged or closed?

Every company embodies the efforts of countless people!

Normal business competition only, I do n’t know where the so-called exclusion and targeting come from.

Surin's choice to cooperate with Ali also saw the future prospects in the field of e-commerce, and believes that Ali can bring greater development to this market ... "

"Mr. Zhang, take the liberty to ask, if you choose to cooperate, wouldn't it be more appropriate in the distance?"

Zhang Jindong said with a smile: "This question is very well asked. In fact, many people are thinking about this question.

I didn't just think about it, I did it.

At the beginning, Surin and Yuan also had a cooperation, everyone should know.

At that time, not only connected to the remote platform, but also we and the distant place entered the North China region together, and the two parties cooperated to open stores.

I should have said some high-sounding words to tell you that this is the need for strategic layout.

But now, I don't say that.

Why not cooperate with a distant place? "

Zhang Jindong asked a question, and waited for others to answer, and said to himself: "Because the distance is too strong and overbearing!

Let's say that the self-operated business of Yuanfang Mall is different from that of Tmall.

Tmall's self-operated business is not all self-operated on the platform, including manufacturer-operated and dealer-operated.

And the self-operated in the distance is all self-operated in the distance!

In other words, the distant place deprived the living space of dealers and the living space of retail chain companies including us!

Joining a distant platform means that our companies have lost their value of existence.

Once Surin joined the distance, what was left of Surin?

All products are self-operated from afar, and through the cooperation of manufacturers, they can purchase and sell from afar, so the joining of Surin is meaningless ... "

After he said it for a while, a reporter asked again: "From the perspective of President Zhang, this is indeed not conducive to the development of Surin.

From the consumer's perspective, such a model in the distance can reduce costs and expenses, and the profits of dealers and agents will not be passed on to consumers again, giving more room for profit.

Mr. Zhang, if I say something bold, if the distance continues to grow, does it mean that the market has eliminated you? "

As soon as this remark came out, some Surin executives at the scene looked a little ugly, and they looked at the reporters who were asking questions.

Zhang Jindong said with a smile: "Existence is reasonable.

Why Surin and Guomei, including other retail companies, have always existed, not just for China, but all over the world.

For manufacturers, establishing their own distribution channels and direct sales channels are costly.

Not every company has this strength to lay these channels.

For consumers, do you want to shop one-stop shopping, or do you have to run dozens of stores to buy a few things?

Therefore, we, the retail chain companies, have the space to survive and the need for existence.

Moreover, the cost of our platform-type enterprises is not higher than that of manufacturers.

You must understand that for production enterprises, the cost of producing 10,000 products and 100 products is also different. Large orders will inevitably reduce costs, so Surin ’s price system has been carried out on production costs. Jean Lee. "

Speaking of which, Zhang Jindong has not actually spoken far away, and has not answered the reporter's questions directly.

After a pause, Zhang Jindong continued: "As far as you say, there is more room for making profits in the distance, and the cost is lower. This is a fact.

But there is a premise that this market is not a single market!

The current situation is actually not in line with the law of market development.

Yuanfang is monopolizing this industry and establishing its own market.

Everyone should understand that competition is the vitality and competition is beneficial to consumers.

When there is only one distant company in this market, at that time, you have no object of comparison, how can you confirm that the distant place will still maintain the current margin of profit?

In fact, the previous situation is still very good. In the past few years, retail companies, including e-commerce platforms, have little profit margins.

It is the fierce market competition.

We are making profits for consumers and giving back to everyone. Such a market is also full of vitality.

But once the monopoly is completed by a distant place, then I believe, even surely, that large-scale profit-making activities like promotional festivals may not appear again.

Enterprises such as Surin and Ali are now fighting, not just fighting for themselves.

Also for the sake of consumers!

Maybe you think this is too false, space ...

However, this is true! "

Zhang Jindong said seriously: "This is an undeniable fact. Only with our existence can we have the current low-profit distance!

Only from afar, including ourselves, can we continuously improve our service quality and product quality.

As you can imagine, when our companies die, will the distance continue to improve their service quality, improve their after-sales system, and establish a strong regulatory system?

The same is true of ourselves, compared with the previous years, Surin's various soft powers have improved rapidly.

The existence of a distant place promoted the development of this market in the early stage.

Even before it was included, it was prospering this market.

But when the distant ambitions are big enough to complete the market monopoly, then it is no longer the promoter of the industry, the urge, but ...


As soon as these two words came out, there was a commotion on the scene.

At the press conference, Zhang Jindong bluntly said that the distant place now wants to be this tumor!

This is almost completely torn!

Moreover, Zhang Jindong frequently mentioned the word "monopoly", which also meant something, not just for them.

With regard to distant monopolies, this is not the first mention.

Before that, it was a lot of trouble. In the distance, Li Dong also personally came out to explain this matter.

Now that the word is mentioned again, does Zhang Jindong want to use this to make trouble again?

The reporters commotioned for a moment, and someone asked again: "Zhang Zhang, you said that after the monopoly from afar, the market is a cancer.

But now, the distance is just a promotional event, and it will not be elevated to the point of monopoly?

What everyone sees now is that the major retail companies are boycotting the distance ... "

"I repeat, there is no resistance and targeting!"

Zhang Jindong denied this statement and continued: "The promotion purpose in the distance is impure. One day's profit is really a reward for consumers?

The development of an enterprise is only as long as it lasts.

Yuanfang wants to use the feedback that can be seen in a short time to allow consumers to abandon other companies. This is the true purpose of Yuanyuan.

Once you abandon other companies for the benefit of the day, then you can only let the distant place take it.

Therefore, in order to prevent such a situation in the market, our companies will participate in this promotional activity together, not to resist the distance, but to enter the stage of healthy development of the market.

Of course, the original intention of the promotion festival is not bad, and it is indeed giving back to consumers.

As long as there is no one-size-fits-all situation, I think everyone can participate. This time, the feedback activities, manufacturers, merchants, and platforms have all made substantial concessions.

The same is true in the distance, I can guarantee this. "

What Zhang Jindong said in the front is very straightforward, but the atmosphere is slightly relaxed in the later period.

To put it so directly, it is to tell consumers not to go all the way to choose a distant place.

After all, some truths are very obvious, but consumers are not so rational, and they will not look so long-term.

Who does n’t know, there is competition to give back?

But they don't think about the future, they only care about what is in front of them.

Therefore, Zhang Jindong has to be thorough and make people understand these things. Although it may not be effective, some people will still think about it and measure it.

When the products, quality, and services of both parties are similar, consumers can make a two-way choice.

Instead of blindly going to the distance!

As for whether this would offend the distance, Zhang Jindong no longer cares.

Until now, still care about these, it is all blindly worried.

It was not that they offended the distant place, but that the distant place really thought and did the same.

Li Dong ’s attitude is so obvious that Zhang Jindong can make Surin bigger without losing the courage to offend others.


What Zhang Jindong said at the press conference was reported by the online media, which caused a lot of sensation.

Some people support it, others oppose it.

Some people even laughed and said: "Su Lin Lao Zhang was a dull gourd before, and now he has learned to shoot.

When Surin and Guomei were competing, did it also aim to defeat Guomei?

For this reason, he also took a distance, entered the northern market together, and compressed the living space of Guomei.

We are now in a weak position. Seeing that we are not distant opponents, we begin to vilify our opponents, instigate consumers, and get back to life. "

"That is, companies like Surin should have closed down.

The distant place does not allow the second traders to make money, they are jealous, and now these second traders join forces to run against the distant place. "

"Brother Pao rises, we all support you!"


Opponents were sharp-spoken, and supporters also said rationally: "What Zhang Jindong said is still reasonable, and everyone does not have to blindly oppose in order to oppose.

Now far away is doing very well, but if you think about the terrible monopoly, there is no chance of regret in the end.

As long as there is no difference in quality and price between other companies, whoever chooses is actually the same.

Enterprise competition is the best result for us. "

"The key is that other companies are not as good as distant places, otherwise why do we all choose distant places?

Let's just talk about digging up treasures. It's difficult to protect rights after sales, fakes are widespread, all kinds of evasion ...

Better now, not because they are forced to change from afar.

Even if the two companies have the same product and the same quality, we certainly choose a more trustworthy company. Why should we consider doing something that is against our original intention for the future of the company?

Consumers should follow their own ideas, companies really want to develop well, they have to find problems from their own.

If companies such as Dibao and Surin do better than far away, of course we will not choose far away, which has nothing to do with being irrational. "

"Yes, any monopoly is in trouble, and I should listen to the joke.

This is not a national monopoly. The real anger in the distant place will make us angry. When we all abandon the distant place, there will naturally be other companies rising.

No one goes to a distant place to consume, no one goes to a distant place to shop. At this time, as long as other companies are slightly better than the far place, everyone will naturally choose others.

Zhang Jindong was alarmist and deliberately scared people.

Far from being the only one who can do this by himself, or is it a fool to be a gun brother? "

"That is, if the distance is not good, we don't choose the distance, the customer is God, the customer has abandoned the distance, and other small businesses can also become large enterprises!"


On the Internet, each has its own reasons.

There is also a lot of rational analysis, and many people actually see it thoroughly.

Far away, it is not an irreplaceable existence.

For retail enterprises, the threshold is not high, there is no technological monopoly, and there is no threshold for entry.

Once the distant place has done well and continues to do well, monopoly does not matter.

Once it is not done well, everyone supports Yuanyuan today, and it can support the rise of other enterprises tomorrow. This is how Yuanyuan did in the early days.

Just like the previous treasure hunt, the e-commerce boss has no substitute.

But when everyone thinks that the treasure is not well done from afar, everyone abandons the treasure and still creates the current distant mall. This is proof.

Based on this, many talents felt that Zhang Jindong was alarmist and that the purpose of saying that was actually to scare people.

These views quickly gained the support of most people.


Zhang Jindong, who was far away from southern Jiangsu, saw these remarks after the conference and sighed and said nothing.

In fact, he knows some things, but to this day, for the survival of the enterprise, he must say so.

But now it seems that his remarks have not played much role.

Now, I can only look at Ali himself.


On the Ali side, they are also waiting for the social response after the Surin conference.

Seeing the doubts encountered by Surin, Ali did not continue the previous plan, but quickly changed the original plan.

On the afternoon of the 20th, Tubao released an announcement to fully support unconditional returns!

Since you can't compete far in public opinion, let's order some dry goods. This is Ali's idea.

Unconditional returns and exchanges are aimed at consumers.

But for businesses, this is not a good thing.

Ali also gave back to merchants at the same time, exempting Alipay from handling fees.

How is the payment system profitable?

The handling fee is actually a big source of profit.

Alipay, including payment software such as Wancao, whether it is on the platform or offline, merchants use these payment methods, in the end, the payee will charge a handling fee.

And this time, Ali adopted a fee-free policy on the entire platform, on the one hand to compensate merchants, and on the other hand to retain merchants.

Why keep it?

Because the wind has not been so good recently, Ma Yun already knows that some small and medium-sized merchants in the distance are secretly negotiating the platform transfer.

More than small and medium merchants, including some brands, are talking about exclusive online agency rights from afar.

Once negotiated from afar, a large number of merchants transfer platforms, and a large number of brand dealers are exclusively represented.

At the same time, Ali announced that it is not only participating in the Double Eleven promotion in China, including the international version of Alipay, that is, AliExpress, but also participating in major promotions.

This is a global promotion!

Some domestic merchants can launch their own products on AliExpress to provide services for foreign buyers.

This cannot be done from afar!

For domestic buyers who want to make overseas purchases, Tubao also has a dedicated Tubao Global Purchase section to provide services for everyone.


Lin Lin's policy ~ ~ Ali announced a lot.

At the end, Ali was more blunt, whether in terms of price or product quality, Ali would not be far behind.

Buyers can place orders on both platforms at the same time, as long as the products and prices of the treasures are not as good as the distance, they can use the unconditional return policy for returns.

This kind of commitment made the outside world clamor for a while again.

Ali, this is the capital!

And direct comparison with the distance, from the beginning of the dark war, has now become a clear declaration of war.

Just compare with the distance!

Than service, than quality, price, channel ...

During the day, Ali and Surin kept moving.

While everyone is discussing, they are also looking forward to how the distant place responds. Surin and Ali today announced and announced that almost all of them targeted the distant place as a hostile target. What is the reaction of the distant place?