The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1708: Another year

Yuanfang Building.

Li Dong turned his cell phone, and originally wanted to call Qin Yuhan. After thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

He understands Qin Yuhan. At this time, he called and it was more likely to have a counter-effect.

For some things, it is not convenient for me to speak out. Although Hu Xiaorui has ingredients in it, it may be more appropriate for her to say it.

Although I don't know what the two men specifically talked about, Li Xiaohu probably understood what she meant by the phrase "evil man".

The news of Qin Yuhan's coming to Jiangbei, Li Dong knew the first time.

In recent years, Qin Yuhan's bodyguard has not evacuated.

This ordering network to develop the Jiangbei market is not something that will happen in a hurry, so do n’t worry about passing by now.

Rubbing his forehead, Li Dong temporarily suppressed his floating thoughts.

There is still time to deal with these matters.

The annual meeting is imminent, at this time, energy should still be put on this.


February 21.

Far-away annual meeting.

The annual annual meeting of distant places has now become another festival for distant people.

Pingchuan Olympic Sports Center.

From the morning onwards, there was a stream of people near the Olympic Sports Center, and buses drove nonstop to the Olympic Sports Center.

This year's annual meeting, because of corporate mergers and acquisitions, more people participated.

Many employees who participated in the annual meeting for the first time saw the flow of people, and the first feeling was shock.

There are many people who are shocked in the distance, and the strength of the enterprise.

Many people know this from afar.

But how powerful is it, some people do not have an intuitive expression.

People are gregarious animals. Even if there are not many people now, they must be strong. For ordinary people, there are so many employees in the distance, which is a powerful manifestation.

A company with more than 10,000 employees is quite different from a company with only a few dozen people.

Not to mention, there is more than ten thousand in the distance.

It was just an annual meeting, and the continuous flow of people made foreign employees feel that it might be good to join the distance.

The sense of collective honour is often manifested only when there are many people.

It is difficult for people with a small family to feel this way.

But when there are many people, everyone unifies the clothes. In this way, a sense of belonging will be generated unconsciously, and I am also a part of it.


In the crowd.

Meng Qiping said with emotion: "I think there were only a few people when the Longhua Plaza store just opened.

No one is even engaged in a promotion.

At that time, I was still recruiting people to do promotion in school, and Dong Ge had handed out leaflets.

Well now, people from far away are everywhere. "

As soon as he talked about this topic, someone next to him joked: "Yeah, you were our boss at that time, and none of us could listen to you.

Now that Bai Su has become the boss, Cheng Nan will soon be promoted.

There are also Zhang Ping, some of them will become store managers, and some people will soon be promoted to regional managers ...

Fat brother, you have to work hard. "

Meng Qiping said with disdain: "You know what, I call it low-key.

What happened to the regional manager, the regional manager was so frightened when he saw the executives.

Did you see it, the one in front of you? "

Everyone looked up and looked forward. Although there were a lot of people, but there was more and more chaos, there was a piece of space in the front, and a group of executives from distant technology were talking about something.

In the center of the crowd, the highest-ranking leader in the venue, Liu Hong, the chairman of Yuanfang Technology.

When they saw Liu Hong, even at a distance, these people subconsciously lowered their voices.

Meng Qiping said with a look of disbelief: "Did you see it? Liu Dong.

Seeing you like this, I dare to look down on my fat brother. "

With that said, Meng Qiping shouted excitedly at a distance: "Liu is good!"

In front of him, Liu Hongzheng was talking to people, and he glanced sideways. After seeing the fat figure not far away, Liu Hong couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Meng is here."

Meng Qiping hurriedly walked over a few steps and then chatted among the crowd.

After a while, Meng Qiping ran back again and looked at everyone with a complacent face: "Did you see? Fat Brother, the management I made, did not have level 9 or below.

Still talking to me, Liu Dong said to invite me to dinner for a few days, can you do it? "

Everyone couldn't cry or laugh, but no one talked about the fat level.

They also know that Meng Qiping and Li Dong have a good relationship. This guy is under the banner of Li Dong, and everyone in the group has to make a three-pointer.

Cheng Nan was a bit embarrassed to hear them talk about the fat level.

It can be seen that the fat man Yaowu pretended to chat with the group chairman and came back to show off, and suddenly felt that level 1 seemed to be nothing.

Fat level is right, but what's the use of high level?

Even Bai Su, who met Liu Hong at this time, had to behave well.

The more you reach the level of Bai Su, the less you will act under the banner of Li Dong.

On the contrary, it is fat, without this concern, anyway, the level is low, and there is no preparation for promotion.

But looking at the fat man's appearance, it also makes people bite their teeth, this guy, the fox and the tiger are not blushing at all.


The other side of the crowd.

Wang Jie and his wife Wu Mei participated in this annual meeting together.

Along the way, some people who knew Wang Jie hurriedly greeted "General Manager Wang", and some people called "Chairman Wang".

Wang Jie responded while walking, and when the response was finished, he whispered a few words with his wife from time to time.

More, also with emotion.

"In the beginning, I was expelled from school and I felt that my life was dark, and this is how it was in my life.

When I came out of school, I sold chickens and killed ducks.

The thing I think about most is that I have the money to buy a house in Dongping, and I will spend my whole life indifferently.

Of course, at that time it was a bit unwilling.

I still remember who was here at that time. Now I have forgotten the name. I drove a car and looked proud like a peacock.

Nostrils are all over the sky, I wish I could tell everyone that he is rich.

At that time, he was young and vigorous, and felt insulted by others. His brain was hot for a while, and he didn't know how to get up and break his legs. "

Speaking of the previous events, Wang Jie's tone was calm, but he quickly smiled and said, "At that time, I might have some regrets, but now I turn my head and think, I have to thank him.

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't meet Dongzi in the vegetable market.

There will be no me now.

Of course, I won't know you, let alone Xiaobao.

Therefore, there are gains and losses in life, and sometimes the fate is changed at that moment. "

Wu Mei Wenyan said with a chuckle: "In this way, I have to thank the person who broke your leg at the beginning, otherwise it will not be me who is with you now.

Wang Jie smiled and said: "Who can say this clearly, maybe we can come together without him."

Wu Mei laughed and said no more.


Among the crowd, in addition to the fat man and Wang Jie, there are many Li Dong's acquaintances, all talking.

Some people sighed, some people sighed.

The distance nowadays is changing upside down almost every day.

There are also some veterans who have participated in the first annual meeting of the distant place. Seeing this scene today, they have a more fantastic feeling.

The first annual meeting of the year was said to be the annual meeting. In fact, a few people sat together and chattered.

On the spot, Li Dong announced that he would give out some bonuses. At that time, the tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses made those participating veterans excited.

At that time, for many people, tens of thousands of dollars was a huge number.

But now, few people attended the first annual meeting.

What is still left is the minimum management level of 9 or above, which is actually far more than that.

Sun Tao and Qi Yunna were all witnesses to the first annual meeting. Others were several store managers of the year. Only one person is still left. Now they are also a director of the group headquarters.

Not to mention tens of thousands of dollars, now hundreds of thousands are nothing to them.

And all this took less than six years.


When Li Dong took the senior executives from outside the Olympic Sports Center to the main stadium, the greetings continued along the way.

Few companies have such a scene.

Some enterprises are not necessarily smaller than the distant ones, but weaker than the distant ones.

But the head of these companies, it is difficult to obtain such prestige as Li Dong.

The time is too short. Today's people in the distance almost witnessed Li Dong's rise step by step, and witnessed Li Dong leading the far south to the North War.

The blood of these people has not cooled down yet, Li Dong's legend remains.

At this time, Li Dong's prestige just reached its peak.

In the next few years, if there is no major breakthrough in the distance, or if the company continues to grow, Li Dong's prestige will gradually decline.

But now, it is precisely when Li Dong has the most prestige in the distance.

Whether it is Yuan Chengdao or Sun Tao, they are just foils.

At this point, Yuan Chengdao and Sun Tao were also used to it.


Soon after Li Dong entered the main stadium, the annual meeting began.

And this year's annual meeting was Li Dong's speech from the beginning.

As the host shouted enthusiastically, the staff also heard a deafening call.

At the moment when the atmosphere was the warmest, Li Dong accompanied the lights and stepped onto the stage step by step.

on the stage.

Li Dong looked at the crowd under the audience, and there was no more trembling and nervousness.

Not as usual, continue to encourage morale.

Li Dong gently pressed his hands, and the cry from the audience gradually quieted down.

The huge Olympic sports center, as Li Dong signaled, would become silent in a short while. Such a scene was also shocking.

"In 2009, the distant achievements no longer need to be repeated.

Everyone knows what kind of glory has been achieved in the distance!

We have all achieved our dreams and goals, and even surpassed them.

Thank you, follow me step by step, to the present, from humble to radiant!

Thanksgiving is the theme of this year's annual meeting.

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters present, to all the distant people who are not present, and to those who have always supported us.

It's you, let me go to the **** stage.

Nowadays, the myth of Li Dong is circulating in the world.

In less than six years, half a million people from afar have created the top 30 Big Mac Group in the world's top 500!

In less than six years, Faraway Retail has become the world's second-largest retail group!

In less than six years, Distant has made major breakthroughs in various fields.

All of this came so fast, and even I felt incredible.

Six years ago, I never thought that there would be this day. Six years later, everything made me feel incredible.

This series of miracles was not created by me personally, but from everyone!

My glory, the glory in the distance, is not for me, but for everyone!


Finally, thank you again for your support, and hope that we will go all the way and continue our glory! "

Li Dong bowed his thanks, the applause from the audience shook the sky, and it did not go out for a long time.

This year's Li Dong did not say anything substantial, did not say any goals, nor did it say anything else.

But a simple thank you made countless people excited.

Glory is created by everyone!

In less than six years, it was them. This group of seemingly insignificant members, accompanied Li Dong all the way, glorious all the way, and won again and again.

People from far away now no longer need to boost morale.

A hundred battles, this is their confidence.

Applause continued, countless distant people were excited and excited, and the guests who came to watch the ceremony were a little shocked and moved.

Year after year, miracles have been born again and again. Although this young group is young, it has the courage to move forward and sweep through everything, but it is stronger than all groups.

And that young head person is also more dreadful and admirable.


As Li Dong stepped down, Yuan Chengdao re-entered the stage.

Yuan Chengdao is not like Li Dong. Li Dong is talking about nothing but what he is talking about is real.

First, the subscription of shares of Yuanfang Retail will be officially implemented tomorrow.

Second, the remote retail listing process was officially launched.

Thirdly, in 10 years, the first batch of staff quarters was completed, and the staff who meet the conditions can soon apply for their own residential houses ...

Pieces of news related to employees were announced, and the Olympic Sports Center boiled again.

These are all related to their tangible interests. Li Dong brought them spiritual satisfaction, which is material satisfaction.

When both spirit and materiality are satisfied at the same time, these people can explode into more powerful fighting power.

Cheers run through the entire Olympic Sports Center.

Even a few kilometers nearby, you can hear the carnival here.

At the scene, Li Dong didn't set a goal, Yuan Chengdao didn't set a goal, but many people shouted spontaneously.

"Beyond Wal-Mart ~ ~ Build the world's first retail group!"

"One trillion this year and ten trillion next year!"

"Build the world's first group!"


The chaotic shouts were deafening at the moment.

In the past, it was Li Dong's group of people who pushed them forward, but now, it is employees from afar who move forward spontaneously.

Looking at this scene, listening to the cry of everyone, a smile appeared on Li Dong's face.

Such a distance is what he wants.

From passive to active, never dare to think, and now full of confidence, this is his greatest success in recent years.

Only in this distance is it not a mess.

Even if there are more problems, everyone has the same goal, the same direction, and the same interests, and other problems can be solved sooner or later.