The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 189: Unwilling to be a vase

Li Dong is busy, and Qin Yuhan, who is far away from Beijing, is not idle.

Just back from noon at the military training base at noon, Qin Yuhan put down his luggage and was ready to go out.

Qi Fangfang, who was tanned for a while, quickly followed up and asked Yuhan where to go? "

Qin Yuhan said he went around. "

Qi Fangfang looked suspicious. Since the summer vacation, Qin Yuhan seems to have changed his personality, and he has been haunted all day long.

In military training before, Qin Yuhan often found opportunities to run outside, and recently did not go in and out with them.

Qi Fangfang was a little unhappy in his heart, asked or not? Are you hiding something from us? "

Qin Yuhan is a little tangled, is it Fangfang ... "

"Forget it, don't say it if you don't want to say it. But if you have difficulty ..."

Qi Fangfang stopped half of what he said, and Qin Yuhan didn't need them to help if he had difficulties. The local tyrant of Li Dong is still there.


Thinking of Li Dong, Qi Fangfang doubted that Li Dong had come to Beijing? "

Qin Yuhan shook his head and said he was busy recently. "

Qi Fangfang's mouth suddenly widened, with a shocked expression on his face, wouldn't you? Fiction Net has many words "

Qin Yuhan was confused, wouldn't he? "

Qi Fangfang glanced at the corridor where people were coming and going. No, he pulled Qin Yuhan and walked to the safe passage.

At the staircase, Qi Fangfang looked serious at Yu Han. Did you talk about men again? Li Dong said over there, did you break up or did you hide him? "

Qin Yuhan was dumbfounded, and then said angrily! You bullshit, I rip your mouth! "

"Really not?"

Qi Fangfang is still full of doubts. If it were not for falling in love, Qin Yuhan would have to run out with two ends in three days?

And still concealing them, Qin Yuhan didn't know a few people in Beijing, where else could he go.

Qin Yuhan anxiously said that you would talk nonsense, and then nonsense, we didn't even have to do it! "

Qi Fangfang was relieved when he saw this, and said with a smile, don't be angry. To be honest, Li Dong really doesn't. There is one authentic diamond king, one, don't mess up. "

Since the last time I went to Li Dong's company in Pingchuan, Qi Fangfang has admired Li Dong. The twenty-year-old billionaire is not so easy to come by.

But what admired her more was Li Dong's generosity, with more than 70 million invested in Baidu stock.

The media uploads in the previous section are uproarious. Others don't think that Li Dong is the other Li Dong, but she is very clear.

Because of Baidu stock, Qi Fangfang didn't sleep well for several days.

Young and rich, people are not ugly, and they are single-minded towards women. Such men are too scarce.

Qi Fangfang really wanted Qin Yuhan and Li Dong to have a good result, so this is a reminder.

Of course, she is not selfless.

Qin Yuhan has the best relationship with her, if Qin Yuhan and Li Dong can really become, she can also borrow one or two in the future.

The students of Beijing University don't worry about work, but Qi Fangfang doesn't want to work for others for a lifetime.

Whether you want to start a business or find a good job, there is always no harm in having a relationship with a rich person like Li Dong.

Qin Yuhan snorted, and I was really angry when he didn't have a good air next time. "

Qi Fangfang smiled and heard a few words of comfort.

The two had a conversation. Qin Yuhan told me that I had to go first. There was something else to do. "

"Yuhan, what the **** is going on? Do you still hide me?"

Qi Fangfang couldn't help but be curious and asked again.

Qin Yuhan struggled for a moment and thought about it, but he didn't hide it, nodded and said you came with me! "


Near the East Gate of Beijing University.

Looking at the small shop being renovated, Qi Fangfang was a little surprised that you said you had taken this shop down? "

Qin Yuhan nodded and was excited, right, I want to open a dessert shop, the business will definitely be hot! "

Qi Fangfang frowned and entered the store for a turn.

The store is not large, about 30 square meters, although it has not been completely renovated, and the interior is not decorated, but Qi Fangfang looked at it again and felt not yet.

No, Qi Fangfang still doesn't like it. Is this your idea or Li Dong's idea? "

"I think, Li Dong doesn't."

As soon as I heard that Li Dong was not, Qi Fangfang was even less optimistic. He frowned and said that you would not discuss with Li Dong before opening the store? "

"Opening a store is not as simple as you think. You can't just have a store. Did you find the dessert master? Sophomore is also busy with our studies. Who are you looking for to help you see the store? And, do you know the dessert production process? Have you done market research? Your competitors have disrupted you and thought about dealing with it ... "

Qi Fangfang talked about a dozen possible problems in a row. Seeing Qin Yuhan a little ignorant, Nai said goodbye, how much did you spend? "

"It's almost two hundred thousand." Qin Yuhan said timidly.

As soon as Qin Yuhan finished talking, Qi Fangfang smiled bitterly and said that you are really rich enough. For such a big store, you spent 200,000 on it before you even got it right? "

"The transfer fee and the rent for one year are almost 100,000, and there are still machinery and decoration costs, more than 200,000?" Fiction Net does not jump.

Qi Fangfang has the heart to die, is it more than 200,000?

How many things can 200,000 do this year!

200,000, you can pay a down payment to buy a suite near Beijing University!

When they were still hesitating for a dress of a few hundred dollars, did she ask her more than 200,000?

Qi Fangfang is envious of jealousy and hate!

Qi Fangfang asked if you should n’t have risen, did n’t you say Li Dong? Where does your money come from? "

Qin Yuhan was a little embarrassed to say that Li Dong gave me pocket money every month. I used to be useless before. Last time I checked, Curry was almost half a million. "

Qi Fangfang is dumbfounded, is this the world of local tyrants?

Five hundred thousand yuan, pocket money, Qin Yuhan only went to school for a year.

500,000 pocket money a year, this is to find a good result, such a good thing, but also painstakingly studying for college entrance examination, simply thinking of trying to catch a rich man.

Of course, this is just thinking.

Qi Fangfang took a deep breath, swallowed the envious saliva, and said with a bitter smile, I don't care about you, anyway, your family Li Dong is rich, and the ruin will be ruined. "

Qin Yuhan immediately scorned you and ruined it! "

"I really want to do something, Fangfang, don't you look at me favorably?"

Qin Yuhan asked this sentence is very anxious, in order to open this shop, but she made several determinations, but also put a lot of effort.

What she saw and heard throughout the summer vacation made her realize that it would be impossible to continue this way. She did not want to go further and further with Li Dong.

What she wants to do now is to be as close as possible to Li Dong, not to let Li Dong leave her far behind.

This dessert shop entrusted Qin Yuhan with great hope. Like Li Dong, she wanted to be a store first, followed by a second and third, and then opened the dessert shop all over Beijing.

By that time, she felt that she could catch up with Li Dong.

Qi Fangfang saw Qin Yuhan's face full of anxiety and anticipation, and she couldn't bear to hit her, and gently said to Yuhan, doing business is really not that simple, you are just a student, we have no social experience ... "

"But Li Dong is also a student!" Qin Yuhan was somewhat dissatisfied.

Qi Fangfang doesn't have a good airway. The one in your family is a monster, let's not compare with him. "

Seeing that Qin Yuhan is still not stubborn, and the shop has also been taken down, Qi Fangfang thought about it and if you really want to make this dessert shop, I suggest you do n’t mix it, spend money to find an experienced professional manager to help you Manage, and then find someone who can rest assured to manage the account, which is definitely better than what you do. "

Although Qin Yuhan was not reconciled, she had to admit that Qi Fangfang's previous words brought a big blow to her.

She only wanted to make it easy for Li Dong to open a shop and make money, but forgot that she really would not.

Opening this dessert shop is also a whim, and seeing the business of other people's dessert shops is very hot, she doesn't think of opening such a shop near the school.

But think about it now. She seems to know nothing about it. I'm afraid I can't even tell the type of dessert.

With some sighs, Qin Yuhan murmured that I felt really useless. "

Li Dong was originally a writer, but in just over a year, he created such a big family business.

And now she even uses Li Dong's money to open the store, and it is ridiculous to want to catch up with Li Dong and surpass Li Dong.

Qi Fangfang can actually understand Qin Yuhan's thoughts, and she is stressed.

Gently patted her on the shoulder, comforting me not to be arrogant, and do n’t listen to my nonsense, maybe you can really make the dessert shop fire. The three stooges competed against Zhuge Liang, and I will help you. Looking back at Zhou Yue and Mengmeng together, I do n’t believe that our four Beijing University senior students are not as good as one Li Dong. "

Qin Yuhan also cheered up after his loss, and waved his fist vigorously to blow the airway. I will definitely do it! "

"Me you! Come on!"

Qi Fangfang hurriedly helped cheer up ~ ~ She was really afraid that Qin Yuhan would be hit.

As for whether the dessert shop can make money, Qi Fangfang actually did not care about it, anyway, Qin Yuhan is not that bad.

If Li Dong is here, you will lose if you lose.

Of course, if Qin Yuhan could really build a dessert shop, then Li Dong would take a look at her.

The talented girl of Beijing University is not just a vase!

(To be continued.)

Chapter 189

Chapter 189 The reluctance to be a vase is played by the members of [*] [小-说-网],

() "The Money Source of Rebirth" only represents the author's point of view that the eagle eats the chicken. If it is found that its content violates the national law, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!