The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 193: Public Relations Manager

After finishing the land, Li Dong felt relaxed.

Chen Rui left, Li Dong still lazily leaning on the seat to bask in the sun.

Enjoying the rare cleanliness, a sweet female voice suddenly came to my ear: "Senior, can you ask where is the building 6 of the girls' apartment?"

Li Dong opened his eyes, yawned, and looked at the girl in front of him.

What Li Dong noticed at first glance was not the appearance of the girl, but the bulging breast.

Li Dong swallowed subconsciously, and he promised that this was only a natural reaction after sleeping.

But the **** the opposite side obviously didn't think so. Originally, Su Yu felt that Li Dongchang was safe around him, and it looked very sunny.

So she didn't ask others for directions, she specifically found Li Dong.

But who knows that the boy's first reaction turned out to be swallowing, Su Yu frowned, and the men were indeed a virtue.

The little girl opposite frowned and saw it, but Li Dong didn't care.

Glancing at the suitcase she was carrying, she said, "Newborn?"

Su Yu nodded reluctantly and smiled: "Newborn."

"Isn't the freshman reporting on the third? Coming early?"

Su Yu smiled and didn't answer, and asked again: "Senior, can you tell me how to get to building 6 of the girls' apartment?"

Li Dong saw that she did not want to talk, knew what she meant, and did not continue to ask, pointing to a dormitory corridor not far away: "That was Building 3, and the building to the right behind Building 3 was Building 6. "

Su Yu looked at the building he was pointing at, and then said: "Thank you seniors."

When I was about to leave, I heard someone shouting, "Li Dong, looking for you. If I had just seen Bai Su, I wouldn't know that you were here!"

Su Yu looked at the words and saw a beautiful girl in a black short skirt came towards her.

Fang Qingfei walked fiercely and ignored Su Yu directly. He sat next to Li Dong and said, "Have Jia Jia found it?"

"No, but these two days."

"Not found yet?"

Fang Qingfei was somewhat lost and tangled: "What should I do with surgery?"

"Let the doctor drag on for another two days, and always wait for someone to come back before surgery."

Fang Qingfei wanted to say more, but Yu Guang glanced at the girl who had just walked aside, and there was a doubt in Fang Qingfei's eyes, asking Li Dongdao: "Your girlfriend?"

Li Dong pouted, said lightly: "New student, asked for directions."

Su Yu heard a conversation between the two, her face showed a hint of shame, and hurriedly dragged the suitcase away.

After she walked away, Fang Qingfei joked: "I thought it was your girlfriend, and I got hooked as soon as I met him. It's a good skill."

Li Dong ignored her and closed her eyes to continue the sun.

Fang Qingfei didn't take it seriously, and continued: "But the girl just grew up pretty well, have you been tempted?"

"Lao Fang, would you be so gossip as a teacher?"

Li Dong asked lazily and said again: "If it looks good, I'm all tempted. Do I have to be tempted by you?"

Fang Qingfei's face was red, and she was not good-tempered: "Less nonsense, I'm serious."

Li Dong is speechless, what you just said is serious?

Too lazy to entangle with her, Li Dong got up and stretched a lazy waist, and breathed a sigh of relief: "No more, I still have something to do. I will contact you when I find Wang Jia later."

"Don't go first, I have something to say."


"Tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock, will you come?"

"Besides, come when you have nothing, and don't come when you have something."

Fang Qingfei gritted his teeth, and the guy answered that he was really a cow.

However, she also knew that she could not control Li Dong, adding: "Since you are still in school, it is better to get along with your classmates. Don't make you feel too arrogant."

Li Dong smiled and did not speak, waved his hand and turned away.

Fang Qingfei felt that he was arrogant, but he did not know that Li Dong was not arrogant at all, only that he had no common language with the students in these ivory towers.

the next day.

In the morning, Li Dong went to the company and talked about the land in Washington.

Hearing that Li Dong took the land with only 80 million yuan, Sun Tao and Shen Qian and others were a little unbelievable.

Sun Tao couldn't believe it was justifiable, but Li Dong was shocked when she saw Shen Qian also open her mouth.

Doesn't this woman know her deterrent?

Up to now, Li Dong is still a little curious about Shen Qian's identity, because Jiangbei has no surname Shen.

Even Chen Rui, the son of the provincial party committee secretary-general, was guilty. Shen Qian ’s elders would only be higher in position, but Li Dong counted several times and found no surname Shen.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. First, Shen Qian's background is beyond the scope of Jiangbei.

Second, Shen Qian did not follow her father's surname.

Anyway, Shen Qian does not have a weak background. It is enough to know this.

Li Dong didn't pick out these things, he said after saying the land: "Shen Qian, you have done a good job recently, and then you go to the public relations department as a manager."

Shen Qian is baffled. Why did you get promoted?

But promotion is a good thing, and Shen Qian is too lazy to think about how she did it well. Wen Yanxi said: "So I was promoted again? Isn't it always one step away from the deputy?"

"Yes, come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

Shen Qian likes to smile, but sees that Sun Tao has a constipated look on his face, and can't help saying: "General Sun, what's wrong?"

Sun Tao glanced at Li Dong and saw that he lowered his head and pretended to read the document. He coughed and said, "It's okay, congratulations to Manager Shen, and work hard."

Shen Qian glanced at him suspiciously and asked Liu Qi again: "Assistant Liu, what do you want to say?"

Liu Qi quickly shook her head.

Shen Qian became more suspicious when she saw that everyone was silent.

After glancing at Li Dong, Shen Qian frowned: "Master Li, are you hiding something from me?"

Li Dongqian laughed and glared at Sun Tao and Liu Qi. He smiled and said, "I have nothing to hide from you. Are you not happy about getting a promotion?"

Shen Qian wasn't a fool anymore, she felt that there must be a problem, but she didn't know where the problem was after a while.

Shen Qian didn't want to think about it, and left the office with full of doubts.

Waiting for her to leave, Sun Tao immediately said: "Mr. Li, you are really"

Said Sun Tao shook his head ~ ~ thought Li Dong was too much.

Li Dong didn't take it seriously: "Who made her not understand the company's situation at all. How many times have I said that I should first familiarize myself with the company's situation, but did she listen? With her attitude, do you think Can she be deputy general manager? "

Sun Tao smiled bitterly and blamed Shen Qian himself.

Even how many departments of the company are unclear, it is not blamed Li Dongkeng once.

Smiling back, Sun Tao still asked: "Do you really want to set up a public relations department? I don't think it's necessary. Now we don't need public relations, wasting human and financial resources."

"Have a name first, but you can't completely empty the shell, please send two people to Shen Qian."

Li Dong wanted to support Shen Qian as a big buddha, nominally he was promoted to Shen Qian. In fact, Shen Qian will be a protector in the future.

This is also a decision that Li Dong thought for a long time after he knew that Shen Qian had a background.

To be continued.