The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 205: Country hawker

Li Dong wanted to understand that he even agreed with his father to adopt this strange cousin.

But he didn't want Li Chengyuan to repent.

Seeing Li Dong's face full of doubts, Li Chengyuan sighed: "I wanted to adopt Li Lan as a girl before, but I thought about it later and felt that it was still a bit inappropriate."

"Li Lan is fifteen this year and has her own ideas. No matter what Chen Jing is, it is also her mother, and she may not be willing to live with us."

Compared with Chen Jing, Li Chengyuan and his wife are strangers in Li Lan's eyes.

No matter how bad the mother is, she is better than a stranger.

The adoptions I mentioned before are all wishful thinking, and no one has asked Li Lan's opinion.

However, Li Lan ’s age is not small after all. She could n’t think about this kind of thing. The twisted melon is not sweet. If Li Lan is unwilling, in the end, maybe a good thing is not done, but she will complain.

Li Dong Wenyan smiled bitterly, knowing that you still scolded me like this, and ended up being his own two ends.

Li Chengyuan knew what he was thinking when he saw it, and he didn't have a good air: "I am your old man, saying that you are still guilty of two sentences. I have nothing to do with beating you when you are idle!"

Li Dong didn't say anything, Cao Fang scolded: "You beat him to try, old things, the older the more problems, the more my son invites you to provoke you!"

"Is your son not my son."

Li Chengyuan murmured, seeing Cao Fang glared at him, and coughed: "I'll talk, what are you really doing!"


Cao Fang ignored him, and said to Li Dong: "Dongzi, if you are in trouble, go back to Pingchuan first, and you will come back on that day."

This "that day" Li Dong knew what it meant, and Li Chengyuan naturally understood.

Despite the facts in his heart, Li Chengyuan still felt a little uncomfortable when Cao Fang said it.

Cao Fang saw him sag his head and wanted to say a few words, but he finally said nothing.

Regarding feelings, the entire Li family is probably thinking about Li Chenghui as well as other people, even if Li Chenghui's children and children are not sad.

After all, they grew up together and were brothers of a mother's compatriots. Li Chenghui was not old, and Li Chengyuan felt uncomfortable.

Li Dong and Cao Fang didn't know how to persuade. Li Chengyuan felt uncomfortable for a moment and calmly said: "Life and death have life and wealth in the sky, and he should enjoy everything he has enjoyed in his life, and live without loss."

After saying this, Li Chengyuan said to Li Dong: "Today our grandfather talked to Chen Jing and Li Lan, and if they agreed, I would accept the matter. If they do n’t agree, we will take care of Li Lan in the future. Of course. "

Li Dong nodded and said nothing.

Cao Fang was somewhat dissatisfied and said: "Don't say if you want me to say adoption or not. I don't care if the girl is really going to live. It doesn't matter if I live in our house for a year or two. We can't miss her. What's the matter with adoption? If you don't say that your mother is still there, you can't do it if you can't do it.

Some words Cao Fang did not want to say, if the two of them were gone in the future, would it be necessary for the real estate store to be left to split this Li Lan and Li Dong?

Although Li Dong does not lack money now, Li Dong earned it himself.

The two of them have been working together for a lifetime, and they always want to leave something for their son.

But if Li Lan was adopted, then their daughter would be counted.

Li Chengyuan felt distressed about this niece, and Cao Fang didn't know who Li Lan was, so he naturally turned towards his son.

Last night, Li Chengyuan told her that she was unhappy, but Cao Fang believed in death. Li Chenghui could not live long, and Cao Fang did not want to make trouble with Li Chengyuan.

Li Chengyuan heard and said: "I know this matter well, so don't worry about it."

Cao Fang snorted without entanglement.

After all, this matter hasn't happened yet. It's too early to discuss these things. Besides, she feels that Chen Jingshi will not agree.


Thinking of this, Cao Fang said quickly: "Old things, our store opening, and Dongzi's thing, don't show your mouth."

"Got it, I know!" Li Chengyuan said impatiently.

"You have a fart!"

Li Chengyuan ignored her and pondered what he would say later.


In the afternoon, Li Dong and Li Chengyuan met Chen Jing and Li Lan together.

Li Lan was still so timid, he didn't dare to talk when he met Li Chengyuan and Li Dong, and he didn't know what to think with his head down.

Chen Jing cried to Li Chengyuan: "Her second uncle, do you say your elder brother is still a human being? Isn't Xiaolan his daughter? But he knew that Li Nanming and Li Qing were close together ..."

Li Cheng Yuanguang listened to her and said nothing.

After she finished speaking, she muttered: "It's useless to tell me about this matter. I just ask, what do you think about the matter that the sister-in-law said yesterday?"

Chen Jing suddenly stopped crying, exasperated and said: "What else can I think, I disagree! I'm not dead yet, it will take someone to adopt my daughter!"

After speaking, Chen Jing said to Li Chengyuan: "Her second uncle, I am not aiming at you. I know you are kind, but Wang Li's wicked things are not kind! I also said that the engineering team was disbanded. I inquired, everyone was there, but I changed the name of the engineering team. Did you say that her mother was blackhearted? "

Li Chengyuan was too lazy to confuse this matter, did not answer, and asked Li Lan again: "Xiao Lan, what do you think?"

Chen Jing's face was dull, and his lips flicked and he didn't speak.

Li Lan heard Li Chengyuan asking himself, his face flushed red, and he whispered for a long while: "Second ... Second Uncle, my mother and I have passed."

Li Chengyuan nodded and sighed for a long time: "Then forget, if you have something to do in the future, you can go to Dongping to find your uncle, or to Pingchuan to find your brother Dongzi."

He said that Li Chengyuan took a prepared note from his pocket and handed it to Li Lan: "This is my phone number and address, as well as your Dongzi brother's number and address. Please write it down and contact me if you have anything. Usually Come to Ershu ’s house if you ’re fine. Your second aunt has n’t seen you yet. ”

He thought about this ending before he came, so he prepared his telephone and address in advance.

This is also the limit of what he can do. His mother and daughter disagree, he can't just grab his daughter.

If not for fear that Li Lan would suffer with her mother, Li Chengyuan really didn't want to look for trouble. Now that the two mothers have rejected it, Li Chengyuan is actually relieved.

Li Lan glanced at Chen Jing and saw that her mother was silent. After thinking about it, she took the note.

Speaking of which, Li Chengyuan had nothing to say, got up and said, "Then I will go first, and I will persuade the boss to make a few words, and I will leave something for your mother and wife."

Seeing Chen Jing looking forward, Li Chengyuan said again: "But I dare not pack the ticket, it still depends on his own."

Chen Jing Wenyan quickly said: "Her second uncle, this matter is counting on you, you tell Lao Li, our mother and daughter are suffering ..."

Li Chengyuan was impatient to listen to this, and Chen Jing had nothing but complaints.

Without continuing to quarrel with her, Li Chengyuan greeted Li Dongdao: "Dongzi, let's go to the hospital to see your uncle. If you look back, you can go back to Pingchuan."

Li Dong responded, glanced at Li Lan who was peeking at him, and thought about it: "Xiao Lan, you can call me later if you have something to do."

Although Li Chengyuan said it before, Li Dong said it again.

This is what Li Dong thought for a day last night. Otherwise, Li Dong might not even keep the number like today.

Now he allows Li Lan to come to him if he has something to do. It should be regarded as a promise by Li Dong.

Li Lan cowardly "huh" slammed ~ ~ didn't dare to look at Li Dong again.

Li Dong didn't take it seriously either, and he went with Li Chengyuan after finishing this sentence.

When they left, Chen Jing glared at Li Lan and said, "Useless things! What did I tell you before I came? Let you beg them to help you talk to your dad. Why didn't you just say nothing?"

Li Lan lowered his head and did not speak. Chen Jing was even more dissatisfied when he saw this, and said angrily: "What's the use of raising you? If I had a son, I would rely on it in my next life. Strangle it, forget it! "

Chen Jing snorted again, leaving with a bag.

Looking back, Li Lan was looking at the note that Li Chengyuan had just left. Chen Jing said angrily: "Look at what! Your cheap second uncle is a country hawker, and you really think you can count on them!"

Unable to speak, Chen Jing turned around and snatched the note in Li Lan's hand and tore it to pieces.

Li Lan was dumbfounded, and Yu Guang only saw the four words on the note-Wanyuan Community. (To be continued.)