The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 362: May situation

Leaving aside personal love and hatred, Li Dong became much more rational.

He put more energy on his career and put more time into the company.

Did Yuan Xue go to the class meeting and leave Pingchuan? Li Dong didn't ask.

Does Qin Yuhan have a holiday, and how does the dessert shop operate?

He is crazy about his work. Li Dong, regardless of the size of the issues he had stayed in the early stage, asked him in person.

If the negotiating team was not in place, Li Dong was even preparing to go on a provincial tour.

There are more than one hundred stores opened in the distance plus unopened.

Coupled with the upcoming acquisition of three small and medium-sized supermarkets, the number of stores has reached 120.

Of the 120 stores, less than one-third of the stores Li Dong has actually visited, he now urgently needs to understand the distant management system.

The inspection of the whole province was not what Li Dong suddenly thought of. As early as the remote mall went online, Li Dong was ready to do so.

However, many things happened in the middle, and things have been delayed until now.


While Li Dong was busy, Pingchuan also changed little by little.

These changes have little to do with ordinary people, but in the eyes of some people, they are very earth-shattering.

On May 22nd, Chen Jikuan, secretary general of the Provincial Party Standing Committee and Provincial Party Committee, retired early. Because of physical reasons, Chen Jikuan and his family went to Beijing for training.

On May 23, the photosynthetic group changed ownership.

The Qi family's tax evasion and financial confusion, coupled with the company's high-level defection, and various other problems of the photosynthetic group, led to the break of the capital chain, and finally the insolvency was acquired by the Hu Group with 50 million cash.

Of course, capital insolvency is only nominal. In fact, most of the 50 million yuan still fell into the hands of the Qi family.

I do n’t know if I reached an agreement with Hu Wanlin, or I still feel that I ca n’t stay in Pingchuan anymore. The Qi family father and son left Jiangbei with all their belongings and went to Shanghai.

As for the issue of tax evasion, the Qi family made up for the tax payment, and then it seemed as if nothing had happened, and no one was held accountable for their tax evasion.

In fact, this is also normal. To be honest, no matter how many companies do, at least six out of ten have this problem.

If everyone caught, the prison would not be able to squat.

Coupled with Hu Wanlin in the middle, things have passed so quietly, and the photosynthetic group has also been officially incorporated into the Hu Group.

This time Hu Wanlin bought the photosynthetic group, Li Dong also picked up a small bargain.

Because Li Dong, the first batch of land plots in Longhua, didn't get any points, and 190 million yuan were all placed in the distance. Li Dong is now penniless.

However, his lack of money does not mean that he cannot borrow money. Li Dong secretly borrowed 30 million yuan from Xu Shengzhe.

Of this, 20 million was used in exchange for 15% of Hu Longlin ’s Kelong Supermarket, and 5 million was used to pay for the Lanshan Manor Villa that Chen Rui transferred to him.

These two things were secretly carried out by Li Dong, and few people knew about it.

Even Xu Shengzhe didn't know what Li Dong did to borrow money, but he didn't ask. It was only 30 million. Li Dong still had 700 million yuan left in Longhua and didn't pay, and 30 million Li Dong was impossible. Lame.

Li Dong, a shareholder of Kelong, did not rush to transfer to his own name. He is still in the hands of Hu Wanlin.

Hu Wanlin annexed the photosynthetic group and took over these shares smoothly, but it would not be too much trouble if it was transferred to Li Dong.

For such a large company, the share transfer must definitely notify other shareholders. Li Dong does not want to let Yao Hong and others know that he holds 15% of the shares in Kelong Supermarket, so he is not in a hurry to change hands.

As for whether Hu Wanlin would black his shares, Li Dong believed she was not so unwise.

Because on May 25th, the Hirakawa officialdom shook again.

Chen Hongbo, secretary of the Pingchuan Political and Legal Committee, retired to the second line due to physical reasons, three months earlier than everyone expected.

Originally, Hongbo Chen was about to retire this year, but everyone knows that it was about the end of August.

It is now only the end of May. Chen Hongbo originally had at least three months in office, and now he retires three months ahead of schedule, which is not a big deal.

Of course, compared to another leader of the surname Chen, Chen Hongbo's retirement caused much less discussion.

One fell ill ten years earlier and the other three months earlier. It felt different, so Hu Wanlin was still stable for the time being.

After all, Chen Hongbo had just stepped down, the political aftermath was still there, and few people were so anxious to find Hu Wanlin in trouble.

In May, the Jiangbei officialdom was surging, and the business community was also volatile.

All this is more or less related to Li Dongneng, but Li Dong in May seems to have disappeared in front of everyone.

In addition to the statement issued a few days ago that Liu Haoming was no longer held accountable, at other times, Li Dong seemed to be no longer in Pingchuan.

However, the company in the distance has everything going smoothly, and the malls and stores are developing in an orderly manner.

The distribution center and Yuanfang Building are also working overtime. It is expected that the Yuanfang Building will be completed by the end of August. One or two hours of post-construction decoration and accessories should be enough.

The same is true for the distribution center, where there are fewer people in the southern suburbs, the start of construction is smoother, and processing is carried out day and night.

The original distribution center with a one-year preparation period is now only three or four months old. The project has been half completed. If it goes smoothly, the distribution center should be ready for use before the winter.

Whether in the eyes of outsiders or in the eyes of distant insiders, the distance in the past six months has been leaping.

Only a few high-level executives knew that Li Dong was going to make the next big game, acquiring the Times Supermarket far away from Sunan!

This kind of thing is not only not thought by outsiders, but even other high-level executives in the distance. No one would think that Li Dong's appetite would be so big that he wanted to annex an era supermarket with more assets than in the distance.


Of course, Du Anmin is not here.

He had long heard from his daughter that Li Dong was going to do this, to be honest, when he first heard the news, Du Anmin felt that Li Dong was whimsical.

The second rising idea is that this young man is brave!

When he calmed down, he raised his third thought. The Yangtze River pushed forward, and the young man was really aggressive!

Li Dong asked Shen Qian to ask Du Anmin, who actually wanted to meet Li Dong.

But a few days ago, he was going to the prefecture-level city for research and had no time to receive Li Dong.

On the second day after the investigation, on May 28, Du Anmin invited Li Dong to the Provincial Party Committee Courtyard for a banquet.

Provincial Party Committee No. 7 House.

This is Du Anmin's residence in Jiangbei. It stands to reason that Du Anmin should stay in the No. 1 courtyard.

However, the old leader who lived in the first courtyard has not moved out yet, and Du Anmin will not take the initiative to move people away. At that time, the seventh courtyard was empty, and Du Anmin lived directly in.

Li Dong is the Provincial Party Committee compound with Shen Qian.

In Li Dong's impression, the Provincial Party Committee is dignified, serious, and indifferent. It is also the center of Jiangbei's rights.

But the moment the sentinel who passed the guard post officially entered the courtyard of the provincial party committee, Li Dong knew he was wrong.

In his impression, the mysterious and majestic Provincial Committee compound is actually no different from the ordinary residential area.

There is nothing more than a quieter environment and a bit more wooded.

For comparison, the Provincial Party Committee compound is a bit shabby because of its age. It is not as beautiful as Wanyuan and Jinhu Garden.

Moreover, the courtyard of the Provincial Party Committee is not alone, but there are old people and children hanging around.

Shen Qian greeted all the way, which was a bit inconsistent with her usual cold and arrogant appearance. Here, Shen Qian was more open and more like a child.

The old people responded enthusiastically, and the children chased with a smile.

Some old people also looked at Li Dong with an ambiguous look, and then looked at Shen Qian again, making Shen Qian stunned.

Li Dong dumbfounded, is this the legendary provincial committee compound?

This is the old man who once stood at the peak of power?

These old people seem to be affable, and they are no different from the uncles and aunts in the ordinary community, but Li Dong knows that he can live here, and he can also greet Shen Qian, and he or she must have the power.

Now, with the power falling, these old people look more real.

In fact, they are just ordinary people, but the outsiders imagine that it is too mysterious. What are the differences between these elderly people who have no rights and have grandchildren?

Along the way, at the end of the compound, there is a separate garden-style building.

In the gap between the trees, Li Dong can see an independent three-story small building, which is newer than the outer houses, and the walls should be repainted.

And the security here is also stricter, as if the courtyard of the courtyard, the place and the outside are separated into two worlds.

Li Dong sighed lightly. That's right. If Shen Qian's family lived in the place just now, then Li Dong would be suspicious.

A current Jiangbei brother lives in that kind of place, and the security is not guaranteed.

How many provinces are there in Huaxia, and how many provincial party committees and brothers are they? They are the real officials of the Xinjiang. If security is so lax, how will these bigwigs live to the present?

Just when Li Dong was thinking about something, Shen Qian led him across the last security line ~ ~ into the courtyard of the courtyard, Shen Qian said softly: "Don't be nervous, my dad actually speaks Yes, if it succeeds, you do n’t need to say more, my dad will agree. Of course, if it does n’t succeed, do n’t get angry, or else ... "

Before she finished speaking, Li Dong rolled her eyes and said: "Is my brain lacking roots? I am angry, what kind of fire do I fire? Do I dare to be angry? Your old man said, maybe I would have no way to go in the distance , Wealth does not fight officials, this is the reason that the ancestors left behind. "

Shen Qian glared at him, not very angry: "What the hell! My dad is not that kind of person, too lazy to talk to you more. Also, I will remember later, just talk about the loan and the company, other Not much to say about it. "

Li Dong knows what she means and laughs a little: "Understood."

He squeezed his eyebrows and said, "The old man in your family is also forced to marry. I thought the emperor's daughter would not worry about marrying."


"Hahaha ..."

(To be continued.)