The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 389: 8 gossip rumors

It's more than eight o'clock from the hospital to home.

Both Bai Yueqin and Chen Wanting were fine. The doctor prescribed some anti-inflammatory drugs and said that it would be fine to cultivate for a few days.

Xu Shengzhe took the initiative to send the two back home, Li Dong did not intervene, and went back to Wanyuan with a little fatigue.

Today's fight is a little bit meaningless. Li Dong feels a bit speechless in retrospect. It's not the first time to beat Yao Li. This guy can really find something.

As for Yao Li, Li Dong did not take it seriously.

Just hit it, what else can Yao Li do.

Today, Yao Li was beaten up for something. Yao Hong said nothing. He stepped on the iron plate and naturally had to be ready to be beaten.


Li Dong didn't care about the beating, and because he was tired during the day, Li Dong slept very early.

But Li Dong doesn't care, it doesn't mean it's okay.

That night, a video about the fight between Li Dong and others was posted online.

The video is a bit blurry, but I can barely see the faces of several people.

At the beginning, the communicator of the video was probably just amused. He just posted the video on a forum. The title is also very normal, "People in the Pingchuan luxury store are fighting."

But later I don't know who recognized the identity of several people in the video, this short video suddenly became hot.

There are two beaters, one is the leader of the post-80s, Pingchuan retail tycoon Li Dong.

The identity of the other person is not bad. Xu Shengzhe, the son of Jiangbei's richest man, is the largest real estate company in Jiangbei.

Then someone broke the identity of the beaten, the only heir of Jiangbei Menshen Real Estate, Yao Li.

This is not counted. Someone soon broke the news that these three fights were related to women.

The reason why the three eldest sons of Jiangbei were in a group, completely disregarding their status, just for a woman. I heard that this woman looks like a fairy, and all three were desperately chased, but in the end, the woman was thrown into Yao Li However, Li Dong and Xu Shengzhe were greatly dissatisfied, and this was the only way to beat Yao Li in public.

This news can only be regarded as lace news, although there are many people concerned, but everyone is more concerned about what the woman who caused the three people to fight.

But then some online professional conclusions appeared.

What is nonsense for women, the reason why the three men fight is not related to women. What really matters is conflict of interest.

According to sources, Menshen Real Estate has recently set foot in the retail industry, invested heavily in Kelong Supermarket, and had a lot of competition in Jiangbei and Li Dong.

The constant competition between the two parties, plus some entanglements before, this is Li Dong's motive to hit people.

The reason why Xu Shengzhe beat people is said to be the same reason.

Although Longhua Group is the only one in Jiangbei real estate industry, Kemenshen Real Estate is not a small household. The two sides have had many disputes before because of the land acquisition.

This time Xu Shengzhe beat people, probably also to resolve old complaints.

And the leaker also revealed a news that Li Dong and Xu Shengzhe have been friends for many years. This joint fight may be a sign.

The next two companies may strike Menshen Real Estate in all directions.

Regardless of the real estate or Kelong supermarkets, these two industries are defeated in either direction. Menshen may encounter Waterloo, or even have a chain reaction, and bankruptcy is possible.

In terms of real estate alone, Menshen is not an opponent of Longhua, and the retail industry, Kelong is not a distant opponent.

If Yuanyuan and Longhua really cooperate and are determined to squeeze out Menshen, the possibility of Menshen going bankrupt is as high as 90%.


This analysis sounds reasonable and has gradually been recognized by everyone.

After all, to say that for the sake of a woman, some are untenable, whether it is Li Dong, Xu Shengzhe, or even Yao Li, what kind of beautiful woman can't be found.

Will these three people be jealous for a woman at the same time?

That woman has to be much more beautiful. Dangdang's jokes are just better than everyone's belief.

And in order to confirm the above analysis, some people continue to break the news.

At the time, investing in the land far away was not Li Dong's business, but was done in cooperation with Xu Shengzhe.

The two have had a foundation for cooperation before, and now it is not difficult to understand to cooperate again.

Now let's not say that those who eat melons believe it, and many insiders in Jiangbei also believe it.

This is not enough. Even Yao Hong, who was with his son in the hospital, had some faith.

Before, he still thought that what was said on the Internet was nonsense. The matter had already been told to him by Yao Li. Although Yao Hong was annoyed, he didn't think about it before.

But after the online remarks came into his ears, Yao Hong's face suddenly changed.

It is not impossible to say something online, but it is very possible!

Once Longhua and Yuanyuan really join forces, Menshen Real Estate may be fatally hit.

Maybe his son's misfortune this time is not a bad thing. He hadn't considered the possibility of Longhua and Yuanyuan joining forces before. Now think about why Longhua and Yuanyuan can't join forces?

The two plots of the new city, Yao Hong, are clearer than anyone else, and that is the deal that Li Dong and Xu Shengzhe joined together to do.

After that, the land went to Longhua Group again, and Li Dong also bought a house at Lanshan Manor and rented a store at Longhua Square. The relationship between the two companies was not generally good.

In order to monopolize the retail market, Li Dong is likely to find Xu Shengzhe to continue cooperation.

The same applies to Longhua. The main business of Menshen Real Estate is located in Pingchuan. In other parts of the province, Menshen is not a competitor of Longhua.

But in Pingchuan, Menshen won no less than Longhua.

Under these circumstances, is it strange that the two parties have joined forces to kill their competitor?

Thinking of this, Yao Hong's face became gloomy, and he glanced at his still son, Shen said: "You are staying in the hospital, have a good rest for a while, the company has something to do, I have to deal with it."

Yao Li was powerless and said: "It's almost ten o'clock, what else does the company do?"

His mother also angrily said: "The son is almost killed, and you still have the energy to see the little vixen! Is Ali your son, you ..."


Yao Hong drank coldly, and Tie Qing said with a face: "What nonsense! I really have a good business. I've lived a lot of good times one by one, don't want to pass it, right? If he was everywhere, could he be beaten? It is still light to hit him. If this time, because of his reasons, let Longhua and Yuanyuan join forces, you will all come back to me and ask for dinner! "

Yao Hong didn't care about the mother and son, and turned around and hurried out of the hospital.

Yao Li ’s mother was a little scared by Yao Hong. After Yao Hong left, she asked Yao Li with a worried expression: “Ali, is your dad saying it true?”

Yao Li said bitterly: "I know, Mom, this time I really got beaten up."

"Yes! If our family goes bankrupt, we really have to go to bed." Yao Li's mother scolded in disgust, and then prepared to leave the ward anxiously.

At the door, Yao Li's mother suddenly turned back and said, "Your girlfriend split early! Troublemaker, broom star, if it weren't for her, how could there be so many terrible things!"

Yao Li said restlessly: "Mom, I ..."

As Yao Li drew a cool breath, his pained face turned white: "Don't worry about my business, take care of my dad!"


Yao Li's motherish face was white and green, and he turned his head out of the ward with a grunt.


Go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.

Li Dong got up before 7 o'clock, after washing, he was ready to look at the mobile phone. As a result, he found that the mobile phone had a black screen. It was probably yesterday that the fight broke down and the screens were cracked. Li Dong didn't pay attention before.

The phone was broken and Li Dong didn't care anymore. He took out the phone card and Li Dong threw the phone into the trash.

Dressed neatly and had a little breakfast prepared by her mother, Li Dong went out to the company.

Around seven thirty, Li Dong entered the company.

As a result, as soon as she entered the office, Shen Qian pushed the door and walked in. Her tone complained: "Why did you go last night? The phone kept shutting down when you called. You wouldn't really be the same as those people. "

"What's that girl? Who listens to nonsense!"

"I also deny that the Internet is going crazy, and the newspapers are coming out!"

After Shen Qian finished speaking, she threw a stack of newspapers in front of Li Dong. She did n’t feel good. "Look at it yourself, and I said you can stop for a few days! The thing you slapped before passed a while ago, and you fight again. Can you be more mature? "

Li Dong ignored her, picked up the newspaper and looked around.

Most of them were lace tabloids, and Li Dong's fights were reported.

In several newspapers, the headlines are also as eye-catching as possible. What is "Jiangbei three young men, fighting for love"

"Diao Chan reappears, causing disaster to the country and the people"

"After 80s, the leading men become problem youths?"


A group of headline parties will not say anything, and the key people have edited their appearance.

There were even a few tabloids, and the hostess came out and said that there were several pictures of beautiful women in the newspaper. I did n’t know where these guys stolen the pictures.

Of course, not all tabloids are concerned about women's issues, and others are concerned about Li Dong's own problems.

Not long ago, Li Dong slapped others, and that was also a public event, and this time he hit people in public.

It was reported in the newspaper that Li Dong's temper was very irritable, and it might be related to the sudden richness, and the spiritual level did not keep up. Then a lot of experts analyzed and discussed later. Anyway, Li Dong had a big problem ...

Li Dong simply looked around and threw the newspaper, frowning: "You also believe in the lace tabloid, it's just nonsense."

"Who knows if it really matters, or else you and Xu Shengzhe do a good job of beating people."

"He owes a fight, this reason can't do it!"

Shen Qian rolled her eyes, did not continue to struggle on this, but asked: "Are you really ready to cooperate with Longhua?"

"What cooperation?"

Shen Qian didn't speak ~ ~ stepped forward to help Li Dong open the computer, and then found the analysis article of the so-called "professional" yesterday.

Li Dong looked at it, frowned slightly, and then fell into contemplation again.

Shen Qian didn't bother either. After a few minutes, Shen Qian said again: "Is it true?"

"Fake, I went to collect the bills yesterday, which talks about cooperation. Besides, even talking, there is no need to hit people."

Li Dong explained one sentence, and then said: "But I feel that this article also seems to be a bit reasonable, or should I contact Xu Shengzhe to join hands with Menshen?"

After hearing Li Dong say this, Shen Qian shook her head and disagreed: "I don't recommend you to do this."


"not worth it!"

… (To be continued.)
