The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 43: Beat

The first day's supper was eaten together by six people in bedroom 351 in the cafeteria.

Along the way, several people from Li Dong met a lot of small groups that were dispatched at the same time. They looked like they should be freshmen. Freshmen generally like to hold groups in the bedroom as a unit.

Jiangda University campus is very large, it takes about ten minutes to walk from Li Dong's dormitory to the nearest cafeteria.

When came back, Yuan Qingfeng complained that the food in the cafeteria was unpalatable, which was not to his taste, and he would not go to the cafeteria in the future.

Several people in Li Dong felt okay, mainly because Yuan Qingfeng was from Shannan and was not used to the taste of Jiangbei.

Meng Qiping suggested, "Why don't we all buy a bicycle, or we'll be exhausted to walk every day, and the teaching building will be quite far from our dormitory."

This proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone, and everyone discussed to buy a bicycle tomorrow morning.

Xu Chen didn't know who had a call with him, and hung up and yelled: "I know a senior is a senior. He said that we can just buy second-hand bicycles. He has a way. They are all left by graduated seniors , Cheap and cost-effective. "

No one else has any opinions. Li Dong also agrees that it is just a means of transportation. It does not matter whether it is old or new.

Everyone was very excited this night, talking about a lot of messy things, until the night was late, the voice gradually weakened.


Early the next morning, several people in the 351 bedroom started to move together.

First went to the cafeteria for breakfast, and then everyone started to visit the campus together, familiar with the environment of Jiangda University.

Although Li Dong is familiar with Jiang Da, this is the first time he hangs out on campus as a Jiang University student. If his identity is different, he will naturally feel different.

Walk until about ten o'clock, Xu Chen answered the phone.

Simply said a few words and hung up the phone, Xu Chen said: "The senior brother called and asked us to go to the square below the Jiujiao building, where he is waiting for us."

There are more than ten teaching buildings at Jiangda University, and each building has its own name, but everyone is still used to calling it by one teaching and two teachings.

It has been a long time, everyone is used to it, and this tradition has been maintained from generation to generation.

Jiujiao is not far away from everyone's present position. Within ten minutes, Li Dong and several people rushed to the square before Jiujiao.

Xu Chen shouted from a distance: "Brother Tao!"

A boy not far from the crowd waved his hand, "Come here!"

A few people walked with Xu Chen, the boy was not too enthusiastic, but just nodded with everyone to say hello.

Then led Li Dong to the parking shed on the side of the square, pointing to the corner of the parking shed and said: "These cars are sold, you pick one yourself."

Li Dong glanced at it. There were about a dozen bicycles, all of which were old and not new.

Li Dongsui pointed a new 80% variable speed bicycle lane: "How much is this?"

Boy glanced and said: "200, this car has just been bought for half a year, and it will be no problem for you to graduate."

Li Dong feels okay, the price is not too cheap, but it is not too expensive, if you buy a new car, probably about four or five hundred.

Pulled out two hundred pieces from the wallet and handed it to the other party, and took the key from the other party. Li Dong unlocked the cart and tried to ride for a lap. There was no big problem. The chain was out of oil.

Others also picked up one after another, and everybody chose the car, and the price ranged from tens to hundreds.

In the end, Yuan Qingfeng remained unmoved. After seeing everyone watching, Yuan Qingfeng shook his head and said, "I don't want it anymore. I'm tall. These cars are too low to fit."

Li Dong didn't know what other people thought, but Li Dong saw that Yuan Qingfeng didn't want to buy an old car.

Looking at Yuan Qingfeng's clothes, the family environment should be good.

Buying or not buying is the freedom of others. Others didn't say much when they saw it, but Li Dong clearly saw Xu Chen's dissatisfaction.

Last night when Xu Chen said that when buying an old car, Yuan Qingfeng also nodded. When he called in the morning, he also told the senior to ask for six cars.

Now Yuan Qingfeng doesn't buy it, Xu Chen naturally feels that he has lost face.

The senior senior who sold the car didn't say anything. Seeing that everyone had chosen the car, he hurriedly left after saying a few words with Xu Chen.


The car was selected, and the time was almost half past eleven.

Everyone just bought a car and wanted to go for a walk by bicycle, so they decided to ride to the cafeteria to eat together.

Because Yuan Qingfeng did n’t have a car, Li Dong said he wanted to carry him. Yuan Qingfeng shook his head and refused, saying that the canteen could not eat enough food, and was going to find some food for himself.

Li Dong did not persuade him, because his eating habits were different, he couldn't force people to eat in the cafeteria.

After Yuan Qingfeng left, Xu Chen complained: "This guy is too uncommon, so he flew the next day."

"Old Yuan is from Shannan, and it's normal for us to eat our food. Don't complain." Meng Qiping smiled and diverted the topic, saying: "I'm going first, who will play with me?"

"I compare with you!"

Xu Chen also put down his grievances against Yuan Qingfeng and quickly chased after riding a bicycle.

Li Dong, Li Tie, and Zhang Hao were riding slowly behind. Li Tie seemed to inadvertently say, "Dong Zi, how do you think I will run for monitor in the afternoon class?"

Li Dong Yuguang glanced at him and nodded and said with a smile: "Well, if you become the monitor, we will be more convenient in the future."

"I also support!" Zhang Hao quickly echoed.

Li Tie smiled as soon as he saw it, and no longer spoke.

At lunchtime, Li Tie and Xu Chen Meng Qiping also talked about the campaign. Both of them had no opinion and expressed their support.

Especially Meng Qiping was even more excited: "If Brother Tie became the monitor, it would be much more convenient for us to skip class in the future!"

Everyone scoffed at him. This guy thought of skipping classes before school started. Sure enough, it was not a good bird!

Xu Chen also smiled and said: "Let's go early in the afternoon to help Li Tiela canvass."

Hearing how many people said this, Li Tie had a lot more smiles on his face and talked a lot more than yesterday.

Having eaten in the cafeteria, several people returned to the dormitory together.

Yuan Qingfeng was not there when they came back, and Yuan Qingfeng hurried back until about 2:30.

Li Dong did not ask him where he went, apparently it didn't take so long to eat.

Because there was a meeting at three o'clock, and there was no time to chatter, six people in bedroom 351 went to the third church together.


When Li Dong arrived in the classroom, there were already many people in the classroom.

The crowd was almost sitting in each dormitory, and the small gangs were clearly distinguished. They all met for the first time, and there was not much to say.

Several people in Li Dong found a seat and sat down. Xu Chen was very courageous. After sitting for a while, he really ran to help Li Tie.

After a while, Li Dong saw Xu Chen chatting with a few girls very high, and from time to time also pointed out what Li Dong said in this direction.

Li Tie suddenly couldn't sit still, and quickly got up and walked to Xu Chen's side.

Yuan Qingfeng has been sitting still since entering the classroom. Until he saw that Li Tie had left, Yuan Qingfeng frowned slightly: "Li Tie wants to run for class cadres? Is it the class leader or something?"

"Squad leader, we will vote for him in the dormitory later, and we will be blessed when we are the squad leader." Meng Qiping smiled, as if he saw a happy life in the future.

Yuan Qingfeng's face showed a little hesitation, struggling for a moment before saying: "I also want to run for monitor!"

Li Dong was stunned for a moment, UU reading What does this mean?

Two people in a dormitory run for monitor. Is this going to be a challenge?

It seemed that he was afraid that Li Dong would misunderstand. Yuan Qingfeng gritted his teeth and said: "I have been a class leader for three years in high school, and the class leader can still join the party in advance.

Li Dong didn't know what to say, Yuan Qingfeng meant to let 351 dormitory support him. If Yuan Qingfeng told them in advance, they would definitely not hesitate.

After all, they do n’t run, and it does n’t matter who votes.

But Li Tie had already said that before, they had already agreed to support Li Tie, and now Yuan Qingfeng suddenly inserted a stick, what can they do.

Li Dong thought about it or persuaded: "If you just want to join the party ahead of time, the same is true for other positions, class cadres are almost qualified."

Yuan Qingfeng said nothing, and Li Dong did not know whether he gave up or was ready to continue to compete with Li Tie.

About two or three minutes of silence, Yuan Qingfeng seemed to have made up his mind and got up and walked to the other classmates, it should be canvassing.

Meng Qiping squinted his small eyes habitually, lowering his voice and said, "Brother Dong, are you saying that Old Yuan is still preparing to run for monitor?"

Li Dong shook his head, he was not a god, how could he guess what Yuan Qingfeng thought.

Zhang Hao, who has always been like a transparent person, suddenly said: "Whether he does not compete or not, I will give this vote to Brother Tie."

Neither Li Dong nor Meng Qiping spoke.

However, Li Dong still hopes that Yuan Qingfeng is running for other positions. After all, he is a dormitory. If there are any contradictions, it will not be easy to get along with later.

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