The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 434: Candidate for Group President

In the era of mergers and acquisitions, it is not a task that can be completed in three or two days.

Before the distant place completely takes over the era, the era will continue to be operated by the previous management.

In the early stage, Li Dong will send some high-level officials to settle in the era. When they take over completely, these high-level officials will go or stay.

Of course, this is relative to other mergers and acquisitions.

In this era, Li Dong has made up his mind. At least 90% of the management should be removed, and at least half of the middle and low-level management should be dismissed.

This was a difficult decision, but Li Dong finally chose to do so.

When Li Dong and Sun Tao mentioned it, Sun Tao looked heavy.

After smoking two cigarettes in a row, Sun Tao was slightly tired and said: "Mr. Li, is it too much action, 90% of the management has left, and the era is almost empty, which is too bad for the future development of the era. How about slow?

Waiting for a year or two to gradually clear these people is much safer than a step in place. "

"Severe medicine requires severe medicine! Don't look at the current era is still profitable, but if you continue this way, the era will have to withdraw from the stage of history.

You know more about the competition in the retail industry over the past two years. Who is not drastically reforming and developing, and who is desperately running forward.

But times have been eating old books!

How many years have passed and how many new stores have been added to the Times store? You know better than me.

At present, there are a total of 37 hypermarkets and 8 supermarkets in the era. Last year, the era actually added only three hypermarkets, and two supermarkets. This year, there are fewer, and only two hypermarkets have been opened until now!

You say, how do I stay with such a management? "

After listening to Sun Tao, Xu Jiu sighed heavily: "Then listen to you, but how should the times be arranged?"

"If I let you come to Sunan, what is your opinion?"

Seeing Sun Tao a little surprised, Li Dong added: "Straight, whether you are willing or unwilling, or if you have any problems, you can say that there is no need to earn so much between you and me."

Sun Tao hesitated and asked, "If I came to Sunan, what would the company do next?"

Li Dong knew that he was talking about personnel issues.

However, Li Dong hasn't fully considered this yet, and he thought about it: "Have you heard about my preparation for the establishment of the group?"

"Well, I heard, you mean, with Yuanfang Supermarket, Yuanfang Mall, Dongyu Real Estate and Times Supermarket as the four major subsidiaries, the establishment of a new management organization?"

"No, I changed my mind."

Sun Tao faced his doubts and asked: "Then Mr. Li ..."

"Four subsidiaries are still four subsidiaries, but Yuanfang Supermarket and Times Supermarket merged, and I plan to pull out a logistics company separately."

"Logistics company?"

Sun Tao frowned even more, Li Dong always wanted to come out once, he was really stressed.

The supermarket hasn't done well, and then he will do the mall. If the mall hasn't done well, he has to do real estate. As a result, he hasn't sorted out his clues yet.

Although logistics and supermarkets are closely related, there are differences between supermarket logistics and specialized logistics.

Before Li Dong set up multiple express delivery points in Pingchuan, Sun Tao felt that Li Dong might have an idea, but I did not expect it to come true now.

The establishment of a specialized logistics company is to make it clear that we must vigorously develop the logistics industry, even with the same status as supermarkets.

Sun Tao thought for a while, and finally said softly: "Mr. Li, you can decide for yourself. In the future, I want to be responsible for the supermarket."

Li Dong raised an eyebrow and said: "Specially responsible for supermarkets? Do you know the difference between the group general manager and the subsidiary company general manager?"

If Li Dong set up a group company, the general manager of the group is Sun Tao.

Nothing else, because he is one of the founders of afar.

And Sun Tao is still occupying shares in the distance, the general manager is not Sun Tao, I am afraid many people are not convinced.

However, Sun Tao now says that he wants to manage the supermarket, which is at most a vice president. The group president must be in charge of the whole business.

Sun Tao nodded, handed a cigarette to Li Dong, and lit himself again.

After taking a few mouthfuls, Sun Tao said: "Mr. Li, I know you are righteous. I have been taking care of me all the time, but I really know what kind of foundation I have. I have to talk about supermarkets. , But I have been trying to keep up with the pace of the distance, I still have some confidence.

But now far involved in real estate, shopping malls, logistics ...

At this time, you let me manage the group, to be honest, my legs are soft, I am afraid that I will become bald after a year and a half, and the pressure is too great. "

After talking, Sun Tao joked again: "Besides, I haven't gotten married yet. You have to give me some time. You can't really let me play bachelor all my life."

Li Dong suddenly smiled.

After smoking a cigarette, Li Dong said: "Is it really decided?"


"No regrets?"

"This ..." Sun Tao smiled bitterly: "Maybe it will, but now I don't regret it. I always have to be self-aware."

Li Dong groaned slightly, and Sun Tao's sudden decision somewhat disrupted his deployment.

Before, he was going to make Sun Tao the president, Shen Qian was in charge of the mall, and Wang Yue was in charge of the supermarket ...

But now that Sun Tao is picking the picks, the personnel changes have been relatively large.

Think about Li Dongdao: "So who do you think is suitable to be the general manager of a distant place at this stage?"

"I can't say this well, but it's ugly. I can't find such a person in the distance."

Newly established groups, new acquisition times, and newly established logistics companies will surely be chaotic for a while.

At this time, the general manager must be stable and have a big picture. It is best not to be from a team of people from afar, not to be selfish.

The four subsidiaries, no matter which system they come from, will certainly be biased.

And far away is the time when there is nothing to be done. At this time, a little selfishness may cause big trouble.

So Sun Tao said that there is no such person in the distance.

Li Dong thought for a while and said with some headaches: "Since you know, then you still pick the pick?"

To be honest, Sun Tao's ability may not be enough, but Li Dong can still trust him.

The two started from the end of the day. During the past two years, Li Dong dared to fight hard, but the company's job of maintaining stability has always been done by Sun Tao.

When the company becomes a group, the initial stage is stability. Li Dong is also optimistic that Sun Tao can do a good job. Even if there is a slight flaw, Li Dong can accept it.

But Sun Tao is not doing it now, Li Dong can't force him.

After taking a long breath, Li Dong said: "Are there any suitable candidates in your mind?"


Sun Tao's answer was somewhat beyond Li Dong's expectations.

Seeing Li Dong looking at it, Sun Tao smiled and said: "I really have a suitable candidate, depending on whether you dare to use it."


"Yuan Chengdao!"

Li Dong suspected that he had heard it wrong and repeated: "Who?"

"Yuan Chengdao!"

This time Li Dong made sure that he heard correctly, but soon Li Dong was exasperated and said: "What an international joke! Yuan Chengdao, he is a negotiating expert, you say he is suitable to be the president of the distance, President Sun, Brother Sun, you Isn't there any comfort from my wife-in-law, she's lonely looking at him! "

With a black line on his face, Sun Tao said silently: "What is it, I'm serious."

"Really, what is it, which point is he suitable to become the president of a distant place, you tell me?"

"First, Yuan Chengdao is not just a negotiating expert, he is also an elite in the management department. You may not know that Yuan Chengdao had previously worked as a COO in a multinational group, and then as a CMO in a foreign company, and O ...

That is to say, he worked as chief operating officer, chief marketing officer, chief negotiating officer ...

Those few enterprises are not small enterprises. Yuan Chengdao's ability to do this shows that his ability is multi-faceted. "

Li Dong touched his chin and said, "What else?"

No wonder Shen Qian highly praises Yuan Chengdao. If this is true, it means that Yuan Chengdao's ability is really not weak.

After all, he was a little bit in his early thirties, and having such a rich resume shows that he is really strong.

After thinking for a while, Li Dong said, "What else?"

"Second, this time with Yuan Chengdao for more than a month, I also have some understanding of his personality. This person is open-minded, unbiased, and has a calm personality. It is also suitable for controlling the more confusing remote groups in the early days."

"Third, that is, after this negotiation, Yuan Chengdao has a certain sense of belonging to the distance, which is very important."


"Okay, don't say it, it's all advantages, is there no disadvantages?"

"Yes!" Sun Tao nodded and said: "Yuan Chengdao naturally has shortcomings, and there are many. The most obvious one is that he is too arrogant and is actually not suitable for being a subordinate of others."

"Then you say he is suitable!"

"Zong Li listened to me, although Yuan Chengdao was proud, but this is also a scorer, do you think he can be proud in front of you?"

Li Dong couldn't help crying: "You are slapping me fart with you? Who said this guy can't be arrogant, when you first met, didn't you see that?"

"In the beginning, it was now, now. It was because he did not understand President Li. Now he has a certain understanding of the distance. You have seen it this time. Is Yuan Chengdao the same as before?"

"This is also true."

Li Dong nodded, which is true. This time Li Dong came, Yuan Chengdao did change a lot.

At the very least, Li Dong maintained at least the due respect.

Of course, this alone is not enough to make Li Dong tempted. Li Dong hesitated and said: "I'll think about it again, and you will send me his detailed information when I look back."

In fact, Li Dong did not say another reason, that is, Yuan Chengdao was introduced by Shen Qian.

Wu Shengnan of Dongyu Real Estate, Yuan Chengdao, president of the group, and Shen Qian of Yuanfang Mall ...

Even if Li Dong maintained a thousand percent trust in Shen Qian, he did not dare to come so far. Shen Qian was Shen Qian, and that was only her.

Do n’t forget that behind Shen Qian there is the Shencheng Group of the Beijing Capital Group and Du Anmin, the officialdom.

If all the people in the distance became Shen Qian's people, even if Shen Qian didn't think about it, they wouldn't be allowed to let others think.

This is just one point, another point is that the impact is not good.

Originally, Li Dong and Du Anmin were unclearly spread by outsiders. If even the group president became the senior of Du Anmin's daughter, then the distance would be labeled, which was not the result Li Dong wanted.

Behind can rely on, but too much involves politics, not a big group should do.

In fact, what Li Dong should do now is to keep a distance from Du Anmin, not to cross the river and demolish the bridge, but to do this to both parties.

It is not the right way for officials to participate excessively in business and businessmen to get too involved in politics.

In the past, there was no way to do it. Now that Li Dong has established a foothold, it is also time to get rid of Du Anmin's influence.

Of course, this is not going to happen overnight.

At least a little bit, with Shen Qian in it, Li Dong wants to completely separate himself from Du Anmin, which is almost impossible.

Fortunately, Li Dong knows the future of Du Anmin ~ ~ People are promoted, not demoted, or Li Dong would not dare to do so.

Thinking of these, Li Dong also had a headache.

Since Yuan Chengdao is not suitable, who should I look for?

Besides, besides the president, how should other subsidiaries arrange?

Also, where does the gap in personnel come from?

It's too troublesome and there are too many things. Li Dong feels big when he thinks about it, and he even starts to think about it.

It seems that the time to set up the group is still early, and things just happened to be together.

It may be more appropriate if it is delayed for two years.

But he thought of what he had to do next. Without integrating the resources on hand, Li Dong really had no confidence, a dilemma!

(To be continued.)