The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 523: Shen

? In a few words, Li Dong's 3 billion is almost over.

Because he had to leave 200 million to repay the loan, and another 100 million was allocated to Dongyu Real Estate, Li Dong now actually has only 200 million left to freely use the money.

Two hundred million, Li Dong is ready to slowly.

No matter how rich it is, it can't be spent like this. Besides, other people's money can be delayed. The 100 million loan mortgaged by Kelong's 15% share must be paid back as soon as possible.

Repaid the money, Li Dong only had 100 million funds left.

Finished splitting the money, Li Dong did not say anything, waved: "Okay, today's meeting is here, everyone should go back and prepare to prepare, the next is when we are busy."

Now all four subsidiaries have received money, especially the supermarket side, and I am afraid they will be busy all the time.

Others did not stay, but Sun Tao did not leave.

Waiting for the people to finish, Sun Tao whispered: "Mr. Li, you have injected so much money into the supermarket this time. Let's re-calculate the accounts. The diluted shares will be diluted shares.

Li Dong was also polite and nodded: "I will let Director Liu count it back, and then you can continue to increase capital. Of course, you should not have so much money now, you can deduct it from the subsequent dividends, and keep 5% of the shares. , Should not lose money.

Otherwise I will continue to inject capital, your shares will be diluted a lot, consider it yourself. "

Distant supermarkets open up the East China market. With the current profits of distant supermarkets, it is difficult to support the expansion of supermarkets.

Li Dong had to continuously inject capital, and Sun Tao ’s shares had to be diluted as soon as he injected capital.

In the end, Sun Tao's shares may be diluted to a negligible level, which is not what Li Dong would like to see.

When he kicked Sun Tao from the group to the subsidiary, Li Dong felt that it was too much, and it would be unreasonable to dilute his shares.

Sun Tao thought about it, and finally nodded, "Yes, then I would like to thank President Li first."

Inject capital with dividends, Sun Tao actually took advantage.

The scale of distant supermarkets has expanded, and profits have naturally risen. Sun Tao maintains a 5% share, and naturally can get more dividends.

This is equivalent to taking Li Dong's money to make money for himself. Li Dong did treat him very well.

Sun Tao did not refuse, on the one hand, Sun Tao did not want to dilute his shares to that point, on the other hand, he took care of Li Dong's face.

Otherwise, in the end, his Sun Tao was kicked out of the supermarket system, then the common wealth proclaimed by Li Dong before became a joke.

And Sun Tao is also a banner now. Many people know that he holds the shares in the supermarket. The senior executives of the group regard Sun Tao as the ultimate goal of struggle.

If Sun Tao's shares were diluted to a decimal point at this time, it would be humiliating to pass it on.

After talking about the shares, Sun Tao got up and said: "Li, then I will return to Sunan now. There are quite a few things there."

"No hurry, I said hello to Director Yuan before, he will go with you this time."

Sun Tao looked suspicious and said softly, "You didn't mean to let him ..."

"Let him take over the Yuanfang Group?"

Seeing Sun Tao nod, Li Dong laughed: "I have this idea, but wait any longer, Yuan Chengdao is still a little bit tender. This time let him go back to Sunan with you, it is the last test, you let him develop Lu province market.

If he succeeds, then I come back to take over the distance, I have no opinion, other people have also seen his ability.

But if he can't even do this well, forget it. I can't give the distance to someone alone. "

Sun Tao agreed after hearing this: "This is good, I was still thinking, I can't get away from Sunan, what should I do in Lu province, and now Yuan Chengdao has passed, and I am relieved."

"Well, then you go, discuss with Director Yuan, and you will be handed over to Sunan and Lu province."

"You can rest assured that we will do a good job."


Sent Sun Tao away, Li Dong rubbed his brow.

Next, Li Dong picked up the map and looked at it again. This time, the East China strategy in the distance was formally taken.

Jiangbei, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, southern Jiangsu, Lu and Gan provinces, and Li Dong, the five provinces, all began to lay out.

The only thing left is South Fujian and Shanghai. After the layout of these two places is completed, the road of East China in the distance is officially on the right track.

However, Li Dong is not in a hurry to open up the markets in these two places. The competition in Shanghai is too encouraging, and Li Dong doesn't want to go for the time being.

Minnan is close to Baodao, and there is a Gan province between Jiangbei, and Li Dong does n’t want to run so far right now.

In fact, Li Dong now wants to get through the Chuanshu Road. Between Jiangbei and Chuanshu, there is an E province and a mountain city. Li Dong stared at the map for a while, and the time seemed to run out.

Is now November 06, only one and a half years from May 2008.

For a year and a half, if you want to change something, you must speed up.

Li Dong calculated for a while and set himself a goal. For half a year, at most half a year, he had to get through this road.

Complete the layout of Hubei Province and Shancheng, and then enter the Sichuan-Shu market, so that it will not appear so abrupt.

After all, judging from the overall layout of the distance, if the distance does not want to enter the Beijing-Tianjin area and the Pearl River Delta area, it can only develop towards the central and western regions.

Compared with the Shaanxi-Gansu region, the Sichuan-Shu area is easier to develop. Even if Li Dong develops on a large scale in Sichuan-Shu, no outsiders will doubt it.

This is a bit slower, but it is more secure and safer.

Although Li Dong wanted to save people, he didn't want to put himself in. All the premises he did were built on his own safety.

Otherwise he put himself in, what's the use of doing this?

After reading the map, Li Dong was about to get up, and the cell phone next to it rang.

Picked up the phone and looked at it, Li Dong smiled and said: "What's wrong, didn't go out with my aunt?"

Shen Qian over the phone did not have a good air: "What to play, what mood do I still have to play. Li Dong, why did you not inform me of the meeting? Liu Hong said you took 3 billion yuan out of stolen goods, but the mall only took two Billion, you are too eccentric!

Although the mall is not as profitable as a supermarket, the mall is now in its development stage, and the number of registered users will soon reach 10 million!

With ten million users, the rise of the mall is sooner or later.

Arrive one day earlier, the mall can bring benefits to the distant place one day earlier, why do you give such a little money to the mall? "

Li Dong could n’t help crying: “You rest at ease, can you worry about anything else. Give the mall two hundred million is not enough, how much do you want? The supermarket ’s East China strategy is now the first goal in the distance, and the mall still has development. At times, supermarkets don't work.

You have also seen in the past two years, how have other retail enterprises developed?

Distance can't be hindered in the distance, otherwise the market will be out of us.

On the mall side, there is no problem in dragging for another year. I have calculated all of them, so you can rest assured. "

"You don't develop a mall, do you have no money?"

"Nonsense, why don't I develop with money, don't look at 3 billion, I don't have to look at it a lot, I won't have the time to change hands, wait, wait until the stock market is profitable."

"Shall I invest one billion yuan in the mall, what do you think?" Shen Qian said a little.


Li Donggang's tea came out and then coughed for a while. Shen Qian over the phone hurriedly said, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Cough ... It's okay, you were scared."

Li Dong gasped a few times before grinning bitterly: "Can you give a vaccination ahead of time before you say this? You invested a billion yourself? I asked you, where did you get the money? Borrowed by your mother?

After investing, how is the money calculated, is it yours or the Shen Group?

You know, I am a possessive person. From afar, I do n’t want to involve others.

If it is you, then I have no opinion, but you can take the lead in one billion?

It's good now, I don't want to make it unhappy at the end, if you are willing, I can count your investment of your 500 million, and I have no idea how many shares you want over the mall.

But Shen's can't! "

Shen Qian was annoyed and said, "But aren't you short of money now? Otherwise, my billion-dollar venture capital here will first occupy some of the shares in the mall. When the company has money, you can redeem it. What do you think? kind?"

"One billion is not a small amount. I am afraid the mall is not worth the price now. And when the mall will be profitable, it is all unremarkable. Are you sure your mother will agree?"

"She ... she should agree."

Shen Qian was also a little uncertain, and she whispered after thinking about it: "I talked to my mother once, and she said that if she could hold some shares of Yuanyuan Group, she could talk ..."

"Come on, I know that there will be no pies in the sky. Not to mention this matter, I will not agree.

It's only one billion, and after this year, I can't get it out.

Do n’t bother with you. Have fun on vacation, do n’t worry about the distance all day long, or you will get old. "

Shen Qian couldn't help crying: "If I co-operate, I care about it wrong! Forget it, I'm too lazy to say you, I don't care about the distance, that's ... Forget it, don't talk about these useless. Say. Looking back, I will try to find a way to see if I can raise some money to come back. The mall is my hard work. You are willing to procrastinate. I am not willing to. "

"Walk, just toss yourself. But still that sentence, don't disturb outsiders, or I won't agree."

"Got it, stingy!"

Shen Qian sighed, and then hung up the phone.



coffee shop.

Shen Qian hung up the phone and shook her head: "Li Dong is unwilling, I guessed it long ago, he would not agree if you want the shares of Yuanfang Group. And you don't think it's a billion, actually Li Dong There is still a lot of money in hand, and he has his own plan. "

Sitting across from Shen Qian was a woman who looked about forty years old. The woman was very well maintained, leaving no trace of years on her face.

When Shen Qian spoke, the woman drank her coffee gracefully.

After Shen Qian finished speaking, the female talent said with a smile: "If you don't want it, you don't want it, catching up is not a business. Besides, Yuan Group can only say it in general. Although the development has been good in the past two years, it can be found in me It seems that the Far Group is too chaotic.

Such a group currently looks good, but it is still a big question whether it can last.

Li Dong's ambition was too big, he wanted to take a bite and refused to let go of anything.

One hammer in the east and one stick in the west, the stride is too large, and the far group is actually very dangerous. It is a question whether you can get your five hundred million dollars back.

Daughter, Mom advises you to make plans as soon as possible.

Li Dong, currently worth some money on the supermarket system, don't guard the mall, let's go back to where you unloaded the mall and go to the supermarket system.

Even in the future ... "

Wait for the woman to finish, Shen Qian was dissatisfied and said: "Mom! Don't use your business man's suit on me. I'm not a kid anymore. I know what I'm doing!

And Li Dong is not as useless as you think, so far!

Do n’t look down on the distance, the valuation of the distance is not lower than that of the Shen Group. When I come back to buy the Shen, one day, you will have a face. "

The woman couldn't help laughing and gently covered her mouth and said, "Then I'm looking forward to that day. If one day, Shen Clan is really acquired, then I will work for you, I want to see me Does the aunt-in-law have this ability? "

Shen Qian's face turned red, and she said, "What aunt, what are you talking about?"

"Okay, Mom doesn't say it."

The woman laughed for a while, and then changed the subject again: "Yes, is your dad okay? Let him come to Beijing for activities during this time. I let your uncle and they also do something. Next year will be the party congress. Let me see if I can help your dad get it right in one step and let him directly control the capital.

If your dad can sit in that position ... "

Shen Qian said impatiently, "Don't tell me these things are OK, go shopping, you always talk about these tired. Tired father has his idea, don't always take the idea for him. And uncle them It's better not to mix it up, don't think that Dad will take care of Shen Group when he comes to Beijing.

For so many years, you still don't understand dad's person.

Mom, I can remind you that if Dad came to the capital, he would n’t be able to get the Shen Family Banner, and you, surely could n’t stay in the Shen Family.

I advise you to extinguish this thought ~ ~ Dad actually stayed in Jiangbei just fine. "

The woman's face changed slightly, and then she smiled and said, "Follow him, but your dad should not be able to stay in Jiangbei. I know your girl's thoughts, rest assured, at this point, your dad will be gone The successor will not be deliberately embarrassed. "

"I don't mean that."

"You, you are the meat that fell from your mother, and the mother doesn't know you yet. Sissi, you are not too young, you have to talk.

If you have time, come to Beijing to see more. Do n’t be around Li Dong all day. Li Dong may be good in the corner of Jiangbei, but when he entered Beijing, he was just like that.

You have followed your dad all these years, and your vision has been limited. The capital is the center of China. How many young and handsome men are here ... "

Shen Qian lowered her soup and got up: "Mom, I'm tired, go back and rest for a while, and go shopping tomorrow."

After Shen Qian left, the woman sighed: "Hey, it was carved with your father's model, how come I met you two donkeys."