The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 638: The world is drunk, I wake up alone

Yuan Chengdao left, leaving only Li Dong in the office.

Looking boredly at the ceiling, Li Dong suddenly thought up, and the ceiling should be changed.

These days I look at the ceiling a little bit more, and the colors are a bit too monotonous.

Thinking wildly, the door was pushed open.

In Yuanyuan Group, there is no second person except Shen Qian who can directly push in the door.

Shen Qian entered the door and saw Li Dong looking at the ceiling, and could not help sighing, "Are you too tired?"

Maybe no one else noticed it, maybe everyone thought Li Dong was very happy, but they got along day and night, and Shen Qian knew him well.

Sometimes, Li Dong is lonely and lonely.

There was a large group of people around him, and his face always showed a cynical smile, but he was so unique, as if he did not belong to this world, it seemed so lonely and ended.

Li Dong heard something surprised: "Tired? Why do you say that?"

Seeing that he did n’t admit it, Shen Qian barely smiled and shifted the topic: "Is it because of Brother Yuan?"

Li Dong shook his head and said with a chuckle: "No, maybe I was a little difficult to accept at first, but then I figured it out, why did I put so much pressure on myself. Since Yuan Chengdao is willing to take over the group, and has the confidence to manage the group, then Just let him do it again! "

"You!" Shen Qian sighed softly: "You always can't speak, you are very upset, but you don't want to talk to anyone. You are used to dictatorship, you are used to one word, now suddenly let go, Is it really not lost at all? "

Li Dong smiled and said: "What is missing, let's say Yuan Chengdao is only the group president, and I am the chairman of the board. It's not that I'm overhead. I'm still the big boss in the distance. He is willing to make money for me. What should I do to lose?"

"you are always like this!"

Shen Qian complained, and then fell silent.

Li Dong didn't even think about speaking, so he looked at the ceiling in a daze.

Overcoming the difficulties of the entrepreneurial period and overcoming the dangers of the accumulation of primitive capital, when the distance was on the right track, Li Dong suddenly seemed to have lost his original passion.

These days, he spends more time looking at the ceiling alone.

After seeing him not speaking, she was silent for a moment, and Shen Qian said softly: "Take a break when you are tired. Give yourself a little space. Maybe after you rest for a while, you will come over."

Li Dong said inexplicably: "What are you doing? I said I'm not tired anymore, what can I do?"


Shen Qian gave him a blank look, and felt distressed: "The outsiders do not understand you, they only know that you have a bad temper, only that you have money, only that the distance is the largest private group in Jiangbei!"

"But who knows how much effort you put into the distance?"

"Distance was established in 2004. The total assets of Distance did not exceed 800 million in 2005. By 2006, the market value of Distance exceeded 10 billion!"

"Others take it for granted, just marvel at your wealth and marvel at your soft money, but what do they know?"

"They are all fools!"

Shen Qian's expression was a little excited: "Don't care about other people's views, really, I understand you, I really understand you!"

Li Dong stared at her stunned, suddenly at this moment did not know what to say.

Shen Qian's eyes flushed and said: "Li Dong, no matter how others misunderstand you and think of you, you have always been the most powerful and bearable in my heart."

"A company that has only risen for a few years has accumulated tens of billions of wealth in a short period of time. How many swords and swords there are will never be known to others."

"You are cynical, you are grumpy, you like to fight regardless of identity, I understand it. I know, you are not what they thought."

"Like the Qi family, others said that you were unscrupulous for face, and forced Qi family to face a dead end for face. But what did they know? When Qi family and Zhou family got married, they secretly united large and small supermarket stores to set up Kelong. , Worry about the outside world and internal troubles, who knows what you have paid for the distance! "

"You interrupted the marriage of the two and delayed the acquisition and reorganization of Kelong. Did those idiots see it?"

"Photosynthesis, Menshen, Dahe Group, and the Zhou family, I still think about this kind of alliance, I still have a lingering fear, how could the distance at that time block this kind of attack? But you did it, you are really amazing!"

"There is also the Yao family. You keep suppressing the Yao family and even knocking on the door. They have done it, and many people have read the joke. But how did they know that Kelong was planning to join forces with a foreign-funded group to encircle the distance!"

"In the end, Kelong has become ours, this is all you plan step by step."

"In the era of mergers and acquisitions, everyone thinks you are just going to sign a contract, just a few minutes. But the day Fang Keng and his son went to Sunan, they obviously wanted to change their mind. At the dinner, Hualian and Bailian stepped forward. Pressing, it is your strong position, pointing at East China, suppressing their arrogance, and let Fang's father and son see your determination and courage! "

"There are many, many more, including the previous trip to Beijing, including the opposite of Longhua, really, I can understand."

Shen Qian felt sorry for her face and said: "You have paid so much for the distance, it is for the distance to grow up smoothly, and the **** storms have disappeared in your laughter and scolding. A group of fools don't understand you. , But some people in the distance do not understand! "

"Brother Yuan this time forced you, General Manager Sun is also forcing you, don't they know that there is a distance with you?"

"Without you, can there be the distance now?"

"What alliance association is an excuse, including me before, I am also forcing you, sorry, really, Li Dong, we should not force you ..."

Li Dong looked at her with some staring, but said nothing.

Suddenly he wanted to laugh, and wanted to cry. Really, it might be this feeling.

Some of Shen Qian was right, and some of them overestimated him.

But in general, Shen Qian was right.



How much is face worth?

Why do you want to fight in person?

Perhaps private grudges are part of it, but many times, Li Dong does think a little more.

Like the time when he pushed down Xu Rulong's villa, Li Dong was criticized.

At that time, Li Dong made such a move, maybe he hated Xu Rulong and wanted to teach him a lesson.

Don't forget that Dongyu Real Estate was established at that time, and Li Dong secretly reached an alliance with Xu Shengzhe, preparing to **** Yao Hong them.

That move was not just a boring act of grudge.

However, Li Dong was too lazy to explain, and misunderstandings would be misunderstood. What if thousands of people scolded him?

But what really confuses Li Dong is the interior. The interior of the distance is actually a bit chaotic.

It's not just the people who are chaotic Yuan Chengdao, including the group of Sun Tao who beat the world with him. This group of veterans can't sit still.

Everyone feels that Li Dong is too independent, too selfish, too self.

They seemed to see Li Dong's expansion and Li Dong's self-destruction, so they were all worried, worrying that Li Dong would destroy the hard-won situation in the distance.

But no one has thought about it in depth. Li Dong himself is in the distance. Why should he destroy all this?

Whether they are thinking about the future of the group from the bottom of their hearts, or whether it is purely for their own benefit.

Li Dong didn't want to fight anymore, just to fight against outsiders, to fight against his own people, to fight back and forth, and finally the cheap people are outsiders.

Before, he was planning to let Yuan Chengdao become the president of Yuanfang, but at that time Li Dong did not think that he would delegate power.

The remote rights center is still with him. Yuan Chengdao is just a facade to help with miscellaneous tasks.

But this time, Li Dong changed his mind. Since they didn't worry about themselves, since they all felt that they were leading the wrong path, let them try.

Establishing a board of directors and letting Yuan Chengdao take over the distance, Li Dong gradually let go of his rights.

Are you tired?

Maybe it's tired, maybe it's looking away, or maybe something else, anyway, when Li Dong decided to let Yuan Chengdao into the distance, he felt relieved.

Many things flashed in Li Dong's mind, and when she came back to her, Shen Qian was already in tears.

Li Dong suddenly smiled and said, "What are you crying about? Women are always so sentimental, and you think too much. I like to fight, that's because I'm from the grass roots, and I'm from the city ~ ~ This kind of life. I'm not as great as you think, nor as smart as you think.

I am the darling of a **** of luck, but I have n’t really thought about it that much.

Don't cry, not to mention this is just a normal corporate restructuring.

Someone told me that enterprise management should be divided into three stages.

In the first stage, the boss personally worked and charged with the employees.

In the second stage, the boss does not work, and the company has a professional and capable team of professional managers.

In the third stage, when the enterprise has grown to a certain extent, human resources management is already inadequate. At this time, it is necessary to rely on corporate culture to manage the group.

Now that the distance is changing towards the second stage, this is a normal process of transformation, and it is also an opportunity for the distance to get on track. Do you think I will be sad and lose?

Nothing, I am very happy, because the team has grown, the company's future is brighter.

If one day, the group no longer needs me, that is the most distant moment in the distance, so we should be happy.

Are you sympathizing with me at this time? Pity me?

Girl, how does your brain grow? "

Shen Qian looked at him stunnedly, suddenly showing a smile that she didn't know was crying or laughing.

At this moment, Li Dong is still the same person, but he doesn't know why in Shen Qian's opinion, he has a more human touch that he had never seen before.

The office was quiet again, as always.

But Li Dong has a little smile on his face, and sometimes it is praised and understood by people, it seems really pleasant.

Of course, he still wanted to tell Shen Qian that you overestimated me.

Not to mention, the time the Yao family smashed the door, he was really innocent. Besides, Hu Xiaorui smashed it. What does it have to do with him.