The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 639: Come, come, come!

Since Shen Qian barely revealed her heart, Li Dong and her relationship seemed to be one step closer. The fastest update

In many cases, the employees in the distance see that the two are out of the pair, and they can't help but give everyone more room for imagination.

However, the relationship between Shen Qian and Li Dong has long been rumored in the company, and everyone would not dare say more after a few chats.

At this stage, everyone is more concerned about the annual meeting in the distance.

The 2006 Far-away Annual Meeting is definitely a landmark annual meeting.

This year, the achievements made by distant places are hardly comparable to those of a second company.

In the physical industry, it is possible to achieve leap-forward development in a year, which is several times to dozens of times more difficult than the Internet industry.

In addition, there are rumors that Li Dong will release major news during the annual meeting, which is even more noticeable.

At the beginning, the distant annual meeting only caused a sensation within the distant place, but as the annual meeting time became closer and closer, the distant annual meeting gradually became the focus of everyone's attention.


January 25, the day before the annual meeting.

Liu Qi entered the office of Li Dong with a weary look and saw that Li Dong was processing documents. Liu Qi waited quietly.

After a while, Li Dong put down the document and smiled, "What's wrong? Tired?"

Liu Qi shook her head gently, and then bitterly said, "It's a bit tired. I thought it was only an annual meeting, but now I know that things are much more complicated than I thought."

"What's going on?"


Liu Qi quickly denied, and then said: "The sensation caused by the annual meeting exceeded my imagination. You don't know. Recently, many people have found me through various channels, hoping to come to see the ceremony from afar, and some people I can't refuse, so I am now There is really no way. "

"Watching the ceremony?"

Li Dong froze for a moment, and said a little strangely: "Our company's own annual meeting, how do others want to come to watch the ceremony?"

Liu Qi did n’t know whether he really did n’t know, or pretended not to know, so he had to explain: “Did you not invite some government leaders to come to observe the ceremony? Plus, you have important news to announce that as a private Jiangbei at this stage Many business leaders want to know what big news you want to announce the first time, so they just want to get involved. "

She said that, Li Dong understood.

In addition to these reasons, it is probably related to Li Dong's preparation for the establishment of the Jiangbei Mutual Aid Association.

Since the last time Li Dong announced the establishment of the association, coupled with the crowd of people like Hu Ming, Li Dong's status as a river and lake has been officially confirmed.

As Xu Shengzhe said, with the common recognition of the Jiangbei businessmen, Li Dong has finally established his position in Jiangbei.

Before the Jiangbei business leader has been Xu Jianghua, now Xu Jianghua can not close the gate, Xu Shengzhe a second generation without this capital to lead the entire Jiangbei business, Li Dong, who was introduced by everyone, naturally became a natural leader.

The influence of the distant place is also constantly spreading, and the annual meeting of the distant place invites politicians to observe the ceremony. Obviously to outsiders, this is something important to be announced.

The boss has something to say, the younger brothers naturally want to know the news first.

So this has caused people to want to come to the far-away annual meeting to observe the ceremony, and by the way, listen to what Li Dong wants to announce.

Seeing Liu Qi's tiredness and helplessness, Li Dong couldn't help crying: "Even if I have something to announce, it doesn't matter to them. I invite the government leaders, and it's just because the matter has something to do with the government. I said hello in advance.

Liu Qi smiled bitterly, and was a little curious again: "Mr. Li, what news are you going to announce?"

"Don't set up a distant charity fund, didn't I tell you in advance?" Li Dong said a little helplessly.


Liu Qi was also speechless at this time, and said for a long time: "But we will do this ourselves, there is no need to announce it at the annual meeting?"

"I will invest a little more money, which may cause the government's attention. Plus I want to take this opportunity to give a publicity to the charity fund, so I am going to announce it at the annual meeting. The ghost knows what they think, hey, This is troublesome. "

Although Li Dong only spoke casually, Liu Qi still grabbed the point and quickly said: "Mr. Li, how much is it?"

In 2007, there were already a lot of corporate charity funds.

However, generally the small investment is tens of thousands, and the large investment is tens of millions, which is relatively large.

In general, there is no need to report to the government.

Although the government has a document that the money invested in the charity fund can be used as a tax, the government will refund the tax. In fact, the tax refund in the country is almost non-existent.

In this case, the government does not need to supervise.

Send a few clerks to do the appearance, this is probably the operation mode of most charitable funds.

However, Li Dong actually reported to the government in advance at the beginning of the establishment of the fund. Obviously the money invested is not a decimal. Charity in the country will be doubtful if the money is too much.

In order to avoid some troubles, Li Dong announced in public in front of government officials and distant employees, but it is also a good way to reduce troubles.

When Liu Qi asked about it, Li Dong perfunctoryly said: "Let's talk a lot, anyway, who made me a famous good person."

Liu Qi was almost choked after hearing the words, and after a while, she said, "Which ... do you still invite those people at the annual meeting?"

"Come on, come on, let them come one by one since they have nothing to do. I will probably spread the reputation of Li Dashan, then I do n’t know if everyone calls me Li Dashan or I am a big fool. "


Liu Qi couldn't hold back and smiled hurriedly, "Mr. Li, then I'm going out first."

"Go, and pay attention to it. The security work must be done well. There are too many people this time."

This time Li Dong said that it would be a big event and a lively event, and the directors' organization of the annual meeting would naturally be carried out unconditionally.

Yuanfang has many employees since it was an industry. With the addition of several provinces in southern Jiangsu, Yuanyuan now has more than 15,000 employees.

Even if you choose one of ten, there will be 1,500 people.

Coupled with some leaders, management, and political and business personnel who are coming to watch the ceremony, the total number can certainly exceed 2,000.

This year, there are not many annual meetings with thousands of people.

Even if there is, it is also a simple annual meeting held in some factories. It is so formal and so grand as far away, it is really rare.

Liu Qi was sent away, and Li Dong shook his head.

This is the role of fame.

The more famous you are, the more people will pay attention to you.

If it was placed last year, even if a distant event was announced, no one else would care.

But this year, Li Dong just said something casually, and everyone else fell in love.

The establishment of the Yuan Charity Fund was something Li Dong had planned to do long ago. Li Dong had considered it before the establishment of the group, and mentioned it after returning from Beijing.

Li Dong wanted to do everything he should do before he delegated authority, so he took the opportunity of the annual meeting to give these things down.

Unexpectedly, others are still in love.

Too lazy to think about it, since they are willing to come then come, anyway, it is a meal, and Li Dong is not able to entertain.

Thinking about something, Li Dong's mobile phone rang.

As soon as he looked at the number, Li Dong connected and said, "Come on, come on, come on, isn't it a meal, I asked the head office."

Xu Shengzhe over the phone was choked for a while, and after a while he was bored: "Then we will go."

"you guys?"

"Laohu, they are going too. This is not my call. I don't have to specifically inform you when I go. Are you still not going to enter me? The main reason is that they are going to go. There are a lot of people. That ’s why I remind you. ”

"I'm relying on! Really when I am a free restaurant? I said that I have an annual meeting, why are you so kind."

Li Dong scolded, and finally said helplessly: "Come on then."

After Xu Shengzhe finished speaking, he couldn't bear to say, "What the **** are you going to announce?"

"I announced that I am going to quit the rivers and lakes. Are you happy? After the annual meeting, I will go home to support the elderly. When I have time, I will play chess with your old man. Jiangbei business will be handed over to you. Are you happy?

Xu Shengzhe had a black line on his face. He knew that he wouldn't ask anymore. He wanted to ask useful news from this guy's mouth.

Without talking to him again, Xu Shengzhe hung up the phone in a hurry.

On this day, Li Dong received many such calls, including Hu Wanlin, Zhang Lanyu, and some partners.

Everyone has the same meaning. I heard that your annual meeting will be quite lively, how about we go to join in the lively?

What else Li Dong can say, had to agree.

With these trivial matters done, the time is gradually approaching the annual meeting ~ ~ on the 26th.

Since the morning, cars have been driving into the remote headquarters.

Sun Tao and Wang Yue from other provinces returned to the headquarters with people, and the management on business trips rushed back.

In addition, employees and store managers from all over the world were brought together by bus.

Standing in the office, Li Dong looked at the crowd of people downstairs and sighed with emotion: "Nothing usually happens when I don't get together, now everyone is together, there are only more than a thousand people.

It may be an exaggeration to say that there are many people, but when these people wear uniforms in the distance, they look really magnificent.

After talking, Li Dong laughed: "I don't know if one day if all the remote employees are gathered together, how would it feel?"

Standing behind him, Yuan Chengdao chuckled lightly: "I don't know what it feels like, but I know that if there is such a day, the money lost in the distance can be pulled by truck."

Li Dong suddenly laughed, although this saying was tacky, but it is also true.

All employees were out of business for one day, and all supermarket couriers were closed for one day. This loss is really not small. The truck may be exaggerated. If it is replaced by a car, it will never run.

Making a joke, Li Dong asked, "How is it going?"

Yuan Chengdao calmly said: "I think there should be no problem."

"That's the best. You made your first appearance tonight. Many of the management of the group are not even familiar with you. Can you make everyone amazing, just look at today."

"That's not necessary. A glance is not my pursuit. After a long time in the future, everyone naturally knows who I am."

Li Dong didn't refute what he said. He smiled and didn't speak again.

ps: Push this book, 1.4 million words can be slaughtered. rw