The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 646: Nothing matter

Out of the office, Li Dong did not look back.

Now he doesn't want to say anything, understand what he can understand, and let them go if he can't.

They thought they were crazy, that's just what they thought.

Is Li Dong crazy?

Does his expansion plan really have any chance of success?

It seems that Li Dong wants to set foot in the four major regions, but in fact he is still in East China.

The Huazhong side is only incidental, and the Hubei side only needs to borrow an excuse, and Li Dong is communicating with Zhong Bai's Wang Aiqun at this time.

Wang Aiqun did not want the three groups to merge. He is now alone and needs help.

The appearance of Li Dong gave him hope. Although Li Dong is a foreigner, although Li Dong may seize the market, his own Zhongbai is Zhongbai.

Wang Aiqun and Li Dong have generally agreed on their goals. With the assistance of Zhongbai in Hubei Province, it should not be difficult for Li Dong to borrow and the cost will not be too great.

Mountain City is just a city, Li Dong will not invest too much, and will not cost too much.

North China is even simpler. Li Dong didn't need to spend a penny in the early stage. Suning was all investing, and there was nothing to spend.

Sichuan and Sichuan may invest a little bit more, but Li Dong ’s goal is only to gain a foothold for the time being. The real big investment should be at the end of the year or early next year.

That is to say, in the first half of 2007, the main need for investment from afar is East China, and these budgets have already been made and the money is ready.

In the second half of the year, it will cost more, but it should not exceed 5 billion.

With 5 billion investment, was there so much money in the distance?

Of course there is!

The stock market is on the one hand, and the pieces of land that Wang Pengfei and Wang Pengfei won before are on the one hand, plus the profits of Yuanfang Group itself, 5 billion is not much.

So to speak, Yuan Chengdao now needs to solve the 4 billion yuan due in March.

As long as the bond issuance is successful, the money is not a problem, everything is not as difficult as they thought.

But since everyone finds it difficult, Li Dong doesn't want to say more. This may be an opportunity to test the senior management of the group.

As the group grows bigger and bigger, it only thinks of benefits and does not want to work, and Li Dong is not a fool.

The veteran can treat him kindly, but it does not mean that he can only take money without being an official.

Walking out of the distant building, Li Dong exhaled for a long time.

After many days, he can finally take a good rest now.

Yuan Chengdao, then the group will hand over to you.


Yuan Chengdao took over as the group president, and Li Dong directly picked the pick.

This is beyond the expectation of many people. When Li Dong announced that the group had a new president, everyone thought it was the same as Sun Tao.

At that time, Sun Tao was in charge of internal affairs, and Li Dong was in charge of the overall situation. Everyone felt very good.

Everyone thought the same this time, but who knows, Li Dong directly said he would take a vacation, and then he really ran away.

Not to mention others, Yuan Chengdao himself was ignorant.


If it had been before, Yuan Chengdao wouldn't be like that. Only when Li Dong left, he could show his hands and feet and develop a perfect strategy for the distance.

But now?

Now Li Dong has decided on the overall situation, leaving only the messy ground to let him clean up. When he first arrived, how to clean up?

When he thought of Li Dong's crazy expansion plan, Yuan Chengdao was really crazy.

Others thought he must be very happy now, but only he knew how much pressure he was under.

If he didn't do well this time and messed up the situation far away, all his mistakes were his sins, and he is likely to become a sinner in the eyes of thousands of employees in the distance.


City God Temple.

Li Dong leaned comfortably on the sun lounger and basked in the sun. For several years, he had never been so comfortable.

You do n’t have to think about the company, you do n’t have to think about feelings, you do n’t have to think about everything.

Leaning on the lounge chair so lazily, basking in the winter sun, it was called a comforting one.

Just when Li Dong was about to fall asleep, there was a "K!"

Immediately afterwards, the crowd around Li Dong spread out, and Zhang Meng walked with a bitter face: "Mr. Li, just now you have a line, why didn't you say it?"

Li Dong opened his eyes, and looked dumbfounded: "Do I have a line?"

Zhang Meng wanted to cry without tears, so he was afraid of encountering such a thing when making movies.

You said that your good big boss is not appropriate, and Dashan people don't do it. Why did you come to the studio?

Come here, you have to addiction and play a passerby.

The performance is on, the key is whether you can be dedicated!

Just one line, but you forgot what Zhang Meng can say.

Seeing his appearance, Li Dongqian smiled and said: "Sorry, sorry, the weather is so good today, so I'm confused."

The actors and staff around Li Dongchao arched their hands, and then moved up the recliner and laughed and said: "Then I won't add to your confusion, really don't say, it's nice to bask in the sun on the Chenghuang Temple Street. The recliner borrows me Use it, I will leave after a while in the sun. "

Everyone smirked with their mouths closed. For the first time, they felt that Li Dong was so cola.

Originally in their imagination, Li Dong must have been very majestic, with a serious look.

But after waiting to deal with Li Dong, everyone realized that they had misunderstood.

Li Dong is actually a playful young man, but everyone was frightened by the halo on his head.

There have been rumors of Li Dong ’s gold spending all these days. Some people say that Li Dong ’s toilets are all made of gold.

But only after contacting Li Dong knows that Li Dong is actually no different from them.

Drinking the mineral water of the crew, eating lunch as they did when they were cooking, at most special treatment, and adding a chicken leg to yourself.

The clothes you wear may be considered big names, but in the eyes of the crew, this is nothing special. They have seen some stars. Some small stars in the 7th and 8th line may be better than Li Dong.

This kind of Li Dong completely overthrows some rumours of the outside world.

In the middle of everyone's snickers, with Zhang Meng's helplessness, Li Dong moved to the side of the recliner and continued to lie down in the sun.

Zhang Meng was a little funny, and he waved at the crowd, instructing everyone to continue to work, and left Li Dong alone.

Li Dong lay there for a while, and suddenly someone said, "Li Dong, have you finished?"

Li Dong opened his eyes and yawned, "It's over, Xiao Rui, I'm doing my best this time, don't say that I don't ask."

He wasn't really bored that there was nothing to do here to get the sun. Hu Xiaorui had been entangled with him for a few days and wanted him to come to the studio for a look. Li Dong couldn't help it.

But this girl, Li Dong finally had to run back to the dragon set.

Hu Xiaorui smiled and said: "You'll take a few more handsome stills to come back later, and this promotion will depend on you. You have been very hot recently, and you have starred in your friendship. Our box office must be red!"

Li Dong said with a black line: "I'm afraid I will be scolded to death!"

He showed his face from beginning to end, even forgetting the only one line, and waiting for someone to enter the cinema for him, I'm afraid he had the heart to kill him.

Hu Xiaorui didn't take it seriously: "Just scold it, just ignore him. Besides, this is a movie we invested in partnership. Isn't it half your money? The movie is about to kill, we don't need any special effects. It will probably be released in March and April next year. During this time, I have drawn tens of thousands of tickets for us. Li Dong, we made a lot of money this time! "

Li Dong looked helpless and made a lot of money?

Earn again, can this small-cost movie make a few dollars, can it be ten million?

Then two people split in half, and one person does not reach five million.

This is still a case of luck, and actually it is good to make a million.

For hundreds of thousands, Hu Xiaorui has been rushing around for several months, and she has also been drawn by her to show up in friendship. This business is not cost-effective.

However, Li Dong just thought about it. When he saw Hu Xiaorui happy, he smiled perfunctoryly: "It's a big profit. In addition, I also acted. When I look back, I have something to do, so I won't come here."

Hu Xiaorui strangely said: "Don't you care about the company? Why are you still busy?"

"As for the association, I have been busy liaising with the contacts recently. There are also some prestigious predecessors. I am also going to visit in person. As the end of the year is set, the association will be formally established next year."


Hu Xiaorui nodded and bulged his mouth and said: "Will I be busy with you? I've been bored watching them filming recently, so I don't know why."

"You go too?"

"What's wrong, isn't it?"

Li Dong said helplessly: "Forget it, I'm afraid you're making trouble."

Hu Xiaorui stared at him angrily, "How did I mess up? I tell you, uncles and uncles like me. If I go, everyone will definitely join the association. If I don't go, everyone will definitely not participate!" "

"Thinking about you too much."

Li Dong made a joke, preparing to speak, and the phone rang.

After looking at the number, Li Dong connected with some helplessness and said, "What's the matter? I said Old Xu, recently I have a rest, do you understand the rest? You call me all day, can I still rest? I have something to find Yuan Chengdao, I am busy now. "

"hold the phone!"

Xu Shengzhe shouted and then sighed: "Li Dong, I'll turn your face when you hang up!"

Li Dong lipped his lips and said, "Walk and go, don't hang up, you have something to say."

"The Organizing Committee here wants to go into the distance to learn some things ..."

"Let President Yuan talk about this."

Xu Shengzhe didn't have a good air: "If Yuan Chengdao agrees, I still need to find you! Li Dong, you can give me a word, will you join the alliance? If you don't join, I won't force it, and I will miss you. In the distance, it is not impossible to play!

But what you promised is good. Now that you have time with me, what do you want to do?

Don't drag me, you join or don't join, give a happy talk.

Are you deliberately dragging on now? "

Li Dong raised his mouth slightly, coughing and said: "I really haven't considered this matter yet, let me tell you why I'm dragging you. Also, I really don't care about these things now, you and Yuan Chengdao talk about it again, how is he doing? I will do whatever I say, as long as I am not allowed to pay, I am too lazy to take care of these things. "


Xu Shengzhe wanted to get angry. After thinking for a while, he suffocated and said: "Then I will ask him to talk again. If he flickers with me again this time, I will kick you out of the game. Don't blame me for throwing you away."

"How come, am I that kind of person?"

"Too lazy to care about you!"

Xu Shengzhe snorted, and finally said: "There is another thing to inform you, if you are interested in the replacement plan of Longhua Plaza, then find a time to talk about it. If you are not interested, then forget it, I am too lazy to bother thing."

Listening to him talking about Longhua Square, Li Dong got up his mind and thought for a while: "Let's find some time to talk after the opening year."

"Huh, don't you care about the things in the distance? You know you are fooling me!"

Xu Shengzhe scolded and hung up the phone in exasperation.

This guy's words really can't be taken seriously, it seems that he is hard-hearted and not mixed up in the league.

After he hung up the phone, Li Dong knew that he was being set up. After a while, he scolded and said: "This grandson is here again, let me meet him next time ..."

The cruel words had not been spoken, and the phone rang again.

Li Dong thought Xu Shengzhe ~ ~ was ready to scold him when he connected the phone, but Cao Fang's voice came from the phone.

Li Dong swallowed back his words with a sad face, and when he heard that Cao Fang had arrived at the station, Li Dong hurriedly said: "Mom, don't you mean that the day will come back?"

"The plane ticket was refunded. Your grandmother said that she didn't dare to take the plane, so she changed to a train. I was thinking about it and I was afraid that you would worry, so I didn't let them tell you."

"Then don't move, I'll pick you up immediately."

Hanging up the phone, Li Dong got up from the recliner, took off the prop costume and put it aside, put on his own clothes and put it on while he said to Hu Xiaorui: "My mom is back, I'll pick someone up. You are here in the movie I'll do it, and I'll go back and watch it when it's released. "

"Auntie is back, shall I pick someone up?"

"Come on, don't mess up. If it's okay, I'll go first. Call me if you have something."

After Li Dong finished speaking, he hurried away. Hu Xiaorui sulked for a while when he saw him walking so fast.