The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 655: Association established

February 28th.

After a few days of haze, Pingchuan finally ushered in the sun.

Greenland Building.

The red carpet spread, and firecrackers rang together.

When Li Dong and Hu Ming picked up the scissors to cut the colorful silk, everyone could not help laughing.

After laughing for a while, Xu Shengzhe said, "You can't be called Li Dong or President Li in the future. You have to be the chairman."

Others laughed when they heard the words, and Chang Yuanshan standing in the middle laughed and said: "This is good. In fact, I hope the association can have more people and more people who need help. Everyone can help each other Not only what you want, but also what our government wants to see.

President Li, I am looking forward to the Jiangbei Mutual Aid Association continuing to grow in your hands and carry forward the excellent style of our Jiangbei entrepreneurs. "

Li Dong nodded with a smile, and quickly said, "That's why we have to save more and take care of us."

"Hahaha, you don't need to say this, as long as you have the need, you can come to me at any time. Let Jiangbei enterprises go out, let Jiangbei elite go out, this is a scene that all of us are happy to see.

Chang Yuanshan's tone is sincere, his attitude is kind, and he can't see anything strange.

Li Dong didn't dare to take it seriously, but now the old fox might not know how to scold himself.

I won't talk about the previous things. Liu Long also sent a message to Li Dong through the middleman in the past two days, hoping to join the association.

But Li Dong refused without thinking, and refused on the pretext that this was just an association of Jiangbei people entertaining themselves.

If that were the case, Liu Long and Chang Yuanshan would not be dissatisfied.

However, when the list of members joining today is exposed, Liu Long may be angry at her.

What about the Jiangbei Association?

There are more than 20 companies joining today, but there are more than ten companies that really belong to Jiangbei people. Among them, there are at least seven or eight companies that are either Jiangbei ancestors or Jiangbei people.

They can join, why can't Tanglong Group join?

Of course, Liu Long doesn't care how he scolds his mother Li Dong. What if he doesn't give him a membership?

Liu Long still dare to think about using his own hands to get through the network in Jiangbei.

For this association, Li Dong himself spent a lot of time and network resources, not to mention, Hu Ming and these people are all contributing.

Everyone finally built a net, how could they be willing to let other people come in and share a cup of soup.

The more than 20 companies that have joined the conference are all carefully selected by them. For this reason, Li Dong also rejected many candidates that Hu Ming recommended.

As a result, Li Dong offended people without saying that, Hu Ming and Ji Yuanzhong also had some dull faces.

At this time, let Liu Long come in. Isn't this just beating yourself.

No longer thinking about these messy things, after Chang Yuanshan made a speech at the invitation of everyone, Li Dong also took the stage to read out the association's charter.

In fact, the charter is just like this, what unites and loves, helps each other, these are actually empty words.

Everyone gathers for the benefit of each other, and there is no common front right now. Only after a long time, everyone gets acquainted and understands each other. At that time, the talents will look at each other and see the prospects.

After finishing the regulations, Li Dong did not rush to step down.

Today he invited a lot of media reporters. After a pause, Li Dong slowly said: "Then I have something else to take this opportunity to announce."

As soon as he said this, many people looked at Zhang Jindong next to him.

Li Dong said that it would not be a day to cooperate with Suning. At the annual meeting last year, Li Dong said.

At that time, everyone knew that the two had joined together. Today, Zhang Jindong came to the listing ceremony and served as the vice president of the association. Everyone probably guessed that the two have reached an agreement.

Now Li Dong said that he wanted to announce things, and everyone naturally thought of this as soon as possible.

Sure enough, in everyone's guess, Li Dong said slowly: "Yuanyuan Group has reached strategic cooperation with Suning. The two parties will jointly invest 5 billion in the next three years to carry out industrial layout and upgrade in North China ..."

Next, Li Dong briefly revealed some cooperation contents, such as how many stores are expected to be built and how much profit will be made in the next few years ...

After he had finished speaking, Zhang Jindong also came over.

The two shook hands, and Zhang Jindong took the microphone and said, "The cooperation between Suning and Yuanyuan is just the beginning. In the next few years, our two parties may reach more aspects and more industrial cooperation. The cooperation project funds should Will exceed 10 billion.

The reason for choosing to announce it today is also a contribution to the establishment of the Jiangbei Mutual Aid Association.

The reason why President Li and I have realized the cooperation is entirely due to the Jiangbei Mutual Aid Association.

If there is no mutual aid association, Mr. Li and I will not know each other. If there is no mutual aid association, Suning and the distant place will not reach cooperation.

Now that Suning and the distant place have reached a cooperation, we would like to thank Chairman Li for providing us with this platform and the opportunity for us to work together ... "

Zhang Jindong talked happily on stage, and the members of the association next to him were all excited.

Ji Yuanzhong whispered in disbelief and asked Hu Ming, "Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang really only met when the association was established?"

Hu Ming nodded softly and said, "I know what you mean, but this is the truth. The two of them had no friendship and had never met each other before."

"Is President Li's proposal to set up an association not much time now? And he announced it at the annual meeting. Doesn't it mean that the two people talked directly over the phone a few times and directly concluded this cooperation?"

Hu Ming shook his head and said, "I don't know. I haven't known if the two sides have met each other. But the time is really short. Of course, it's not only because of the association. Ten billion cooperation projects?

But having said that, it is indeed the association that provides them with this platform and opportunity.

As President Zhang said, if there is no association, they will not know. "

Hu Ming's words fell, and many people beside him nodded.

Many people have bright eyes, and some of them were willing to join the mutual aid association because of human relations.

But the joint work of Li Dong and Zhang Jindong gave them a lot of bright prospects.

Since these two people can reach billions of cooperation, wouldn't these people be good?

After all, the association's charter also said that everyone should help each other.


The members of the association are eager to try, and the reporters below are also eager to try.

After Li Dong and Zhang Jindong finished speaking, someone immediately shouted: "Zhang Li, Mr. Zhang, can you give us some time to ask a few questions?"

Li Dong glanced at Zhang Jindong, who nodded gently.

Li Dong said with a smile: "Yes, but everyone's focus is still on the association. The cooperation between me and President Zhang is only incidental, but it can't be the winner."

Everyone laughed.

In fact, at this time, how could you only ask about the association, and the two chain giants cooperated on a large scale.

Li Dong's words fell, and immediately said: "Zhang Zhang, can I take the liberty to ask you a question?"

Zhang Jindong said with a smile: "Don't everyone stare at me, I am a guest today, you just ask Mr. Li. But this is the beginning, you first ask, if I don't know, you go to Mr. Li."

Everyone laughed again. The reporter who just asked quickly said: "Zhang Zhang, I want to know, why did Suning choose distant places as partners?"

As soon as he said this, Li Dong was reluctant to say: "Why didn't we choose Suning when we asked this?"

The media in Jiangbei had a lot of dealings with Li Dong, and knew that he was not really angry.

The reporter who asked the question hurriedly smiled and said, "Don't be surprised, I am telling the truth. After all, there are many domestic large-scale supermarket chains, and there are not many domestic household appliance chain giants. Mr. Zhang puts local Suguo not to cooperate, We chose to be far away, and we are really curious. "

Li Dong smiled and didn't **** any more, but looked at Zhang Jindong.

Zhang Jindong thought about it for a while, and thought: "Because President Li."

Many people looked at him with some curiosity, Zhang Jindong continued: "To be honest, Suning can cooperate with the distant place, and President Li is indispensable in it. I will not disclose the specific things now, but I still want to say a few points.

First, President Li is full of courage!

Among the young people I have met, President Li is definitely the most courageous. Among the courageous people I have met, President Li is the youngest.

Second, President Li has a big pattern.

The pattern doesn't mean bragging. I still don't look down on such people. President Li's pattern can be realized in my opinion.

Third, long-term vision.

I won't say much about this, and because of these points, Suning chose the distance, and the distance also chose Suning.

What I value is not how far away, not how far away the capital is tens of billions, nor how far away the far-reaching industrial layout is. President Li alone is worth our cooperation this time. "

After Zhang Jindong finished his speech, Li Dong smiled and said: "Zhang President has blown me into the sky this time. I'm afraid I won't go down the stairs later."

Zhang Jindong said with a smile: "You don't have to go down without steps. Standing far away is very suitable for you now."

Li Dong burst out laughing, and then some people from the audience asked: "Mr. Li, can I ask about your goals? The media has reported before, saying that you are interested in Gome and Wumei, how do you view this issue? of?"

Li Dong shook his head and said: "It's a far-fetched meeting ~ ~ It's not polite, everyone is doing business to make money, and who cares about those small favors and small complaints. This time Suning cooperated with a distant place and didn't mean anyone It is to improve our industrial layout and market.

There may be competition, this need not be denied.

But to say that we are specifically targeting them, that's a joke. Isn't the 5 billion investment just for personal grievances?

I have n’t been so irrational, nor will President Zhang.

The reason why you think so is because Gome and Wumei are now influential in North China, and it is not indispensable to regard them as our goals.

Of course, this is not specific to whom.

If Gome and Wumei are not retail leaders in North China, we will not stare at him. "

Everyone nodded. Li Dong was right.