The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 658: The first increase in the country

Fang Qingfei did not sleep until the next day, and woke up that afternoon.

Upon hearing the news, Li Dong rushed to the ward, and Fang Qingfei saw him enter the door and quickly avoided his head.

Li Dong laughed: "What to hide? Haven't you seen it yet?"

"Not hiding!"

Fang Qingfei made a sentence, and then hurriedly said: "You go out first, I will go wash!"

"Now I know it's smelly, and you look unkempt ..."

"Go out!"

Fang Qingfei was blushed and scared by what he said, and then shouted angrily, then he covered his head with the quilt.

Li Dong burst into tears and turned out of the ward.

After almost twenty minutes, Fang Qingfei opened the door and calmly said, "Come in."

"I don't understand you women."

Li Dong groaned, and apparently felt that her behavior of covering her ears and stealing bells was meaningless.

Fang Qingfei ignored him. When Li Dong entered the ward, Fang Qingfei asked, "Do you know all about Jiajia?"

"Well, I have communicated with the hospital. The hospital is contacting the liver source, and it will be in place soon. Wang Jia's high fever has retreated, but now his body is too weak, and it may take a few days for liver transplantation.

What Li Dong said was plain and flat, but Fang Qingfei's face changed from time to time.

After finishing talking, Li Dong turned to look at her. When she saw that she was not speaking, she said strangely: "Not awake yet?"

Fang Qingfei shook his head, and said after a while: "I only now understand what a privileged class is."

"For the problem of liver source, I have found many doctors, I have asked the hospital many times, and even asked people to find other hospitals, but they all said that they have to queue and wait ...

At first, I thought it might be a real lack of liver, but you turned around and told me that you have done everything, even the operation time is set ... "

Fang Qingfei said with emotion, and then smiled: "I used to hate the privileged class, but now I am very happy, and I am very glad to know you as a privileged class person."

Li Dongtan smiled and said: "The desire for absolute equality is a joke, and it is only the little rookie in your ivory tower who thinks that society is a great society.

In fact, students think so because they have not experienced it. But you are a teacher anyway, don't you even realize this?

Dean Huang went out that there is a special shuttle bus, do you have it?

He has several hundred square meters of house, do you have it?

Why do people work hard, why do they go high in a single mind, not to distinguish themselves from ordinary people. Don't feel unfair, this class is also obtained by other people's own efforts.

Switching to me before, I feel unfair and angry.

But now I think this is taken for granted, not because I stand on this side, but I now say that I know how much effort others have put into success.

Whether it is an official or a shopping mall, if you want to be that small group of people, you will pay more than you think. "

Fang Qingfei didn't refute what he said. He just shook his head and said, "I'm still too far away from what you said. I won't talk about it for the first time, but this time it will cause you trouble.

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of convenience." Li Dong laughed: "You should know that not long ago, a charity fund was set up in the distance. I spent so much money before and after, is it an advertisement?

Charity has always been the social responsibility of a company such as a distant place. I help others as well as Wang Jia.

The purpose of charity is to help others in crisis, so it is not worth keeping in mind that this matter. "

What Fang Qingfei wanted to say, but in the end did not know what to say.

Seeing her silence, Li Dong stood up and said, "Since you wake up, then I won't stay too much. You have a good rest these days, you don't have to worry about Wang Jia. Also, when Wang Jia wakes up, don't mention me specifically, you These women are small-minded and always care about small things.

When she wakes up, you will accompany her more. I will greet you and Dean Huang from the school and give you a few days off.

Just like that, if I have time, I will come over when Wang Jia has surgery, and I wo n’t come without time. "

After finishing these few words, Li Dong got up and left, and when he walked to the door, Fang Qingfei whispered: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, call me anytime."

Li Dong waved carelessly, and then the figure disappeared outside the ward.


Li Dong didn't go there again.

Now that everything has been arranged, it doesn't make sense to go anymore, nor does he do all this to show his merits.

Being there is putting pressure on them, but it has no other effect.

On March 1, after Wal-Mart, Yuanyuan, and Suning released bombs, China Resources was also reluctant to be silent, and immediately released a bomb.

China Resources Group Holding Company, China Resources Co., Ltd., officially signed an agreement to fully acquire the equity of Jiashijie Chain Supermarket Co., Ltd.

Therefore, in terms of sales, China Resources Group's supermarket business jumped to No. 1 nationwide.

Bailian Group, which ranked first in the supermarket business, fell to second place.

Li Dong, China Resources M & A World, had long expected, but some unexpectedly, this time China Resources M & A time seems to be a little ahead of schedule.

As for whether it is specific or not, Li Dong can't remember it. Anyway, he vaguely feels that China Resources is in a hurry to disclose the news this time. It should be influenced by Wal-Mart and himself.

After all, at the beginning of the New Year, the retail industry was in constant shock. At this time, China Resources did not take a bit of a surprise, and it made people underestimate him.

In addition, another freshly released leaderboard also made many people talk about it.

This is a list of retail sales that has just been completed. Li Dong did not pay attention to the specific statistics.

However, on the list, Yuanfang Supermarket Co., Ltd., for the first time reached the top of the list.

In 2006, China's retail industry ranked 17th, with a total sales volume of 12.2 billion for the whole year, up 600% year-on-year, the first increase in the country.

At this time last year, although the supermarket business in the distance entered the top 100, in fact the top 100 is really not enough to watch.

The top 100 in the retail industry cannot even enter the top 500 in China.

However, if there is no accident this year, the Far East Group will be able to kill 100% of the top 500 companies listed in the second half of the year.

This is not the top 500 private enterprises, but China Top 500.

And once you get in, the ranking will not be too low.

The total amount of distant sales in 2005 was only 2 billion, and it was only one step away from the top 500.

In 2006, the supermarket business alone reached 10 billion, plus the real estate company, the total sales can reach about 20 billion.

The revenue of 20 billion yuan may be among the top 100 enterprises in one fell swoop.


Yuanfang Building.

Yuan Chengdao was a little bit excited: "Mr. Li, this ranking list is released, but it gives us a dose of stimulant! Everyone knows that our distant group is doing well, and the supermarket business is doing better, but because there has been no specific measurement standard Everyone actually felt a little guilty.

Now that the leaderboard comes out, the employees are all at ease.

The retail industry ranks 17th, and the supermarket department store industry ranks 14th. In China, distant supermarkets have truly entered the top level. "

Li Dong looked at it again and again with the leaderboard in his hand, and said after a while: "This year, you set a goal to enter the top ten, is it not difficult?"

Yuan Chengdao's mouth suddenly stiffened, the top ten?

RT-Mart is currently ranked tenth in the rankings, with sales of nearly 20 billion yuan last year.

And this is just a statistical retail business, which means that this year's total sales must be increased by about 8 billion to complete this goal.

But don't forget, you expand others and expand.

Last year, 20 billion yuan could enter the top 10, which does not mean that this year, 20 billion yuan will be okay. The Far East Group has to increase its sales by at least 10 billion yuan to reach the top 10.

How difficult is ten billion!

Although revenue is not profitable, tens of billions is an astronomical figure.

How did the distant place increase tens of billions of revenue last year?

Before and after, distant acquisitions of Time, Kellong, and four or five small and medium-sized supermarkets, and local expansion were also rampant, which achieved the miracle of annual revenue growth of 600%.

The smaller the base, the greater the increase.

In 2006, Yuanfang Supermarket had already reached 10 billion in revenue, but now it is almost doubled, which is too difficult.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Li Dong smiled and said, "Why, not confident?"

"Our plan this year is not smaller than last year, as long as we can all achieve our goals, shouldn't it be 20 billion yuan?"

Yuan Chengdao smiled bitterly: "Afraid to be afraid ..."

"What are you afraid of? I said before that the goal is the goal. If you can't achieve it, you won't die. Besides, won't you Yuan Chengdao be able to do it? I'm not confident about this trivial matter, so what are you still doing?

In 2007, we reached the top ten. In 2008, we had to enter the top five! "

"One step fast, one step at a time. One step slow, one step at a time. This year you find the top ten difficult. Set yourself a goal of fifteen. Next year you will think that the top ten is also difficult. It is good to move forward one or two. , When you complete the top ten goals, I am afraid it will be 10 years later.

People, you have to force yourself.

Now that you have set your goals for the top ten, and struggle in this direction, by 10 years, we may be able to be number one.

In fact, you should understand this better than me. This year ’s goal is this. You go back and put this into a file and distribute it to various stores, so that everyone can put their energy into this, and everyone regards the top ten as the goal.

Only in this way can everyone's spirits reach their extreme, do you understand what I mean? "

Yuan Chengdao thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Understood, I will immediately convey the spirit of President Li to the following."

Li Dong smiled and said no more, and instead asked, "How is the bond over there?"

Speaking of bonds, Yuan Chengdao quickly summoned the spirit and said: "The NDRC passed it, and now we are waiting for the preparation by the CCB. Because we are on a tight schedule here, I have urged a few times, and the CCB is also speeding up the progress. If it goes well, we can start a roadshow at the end of the month. "

"The speed is okay. I'll drag the money over for a few more days, but I feel a little uneasy now ..."

Li Dong rubbed his temples and said after a while: "The issue is settled, now it depends on the market acceptance. Our main target is investors in Jiangbei and Sunan. You do n’t need to spend too much energy in other places. Mainly staring at these two pieces, we still have the home court advantage in these two provinces, and the visibility in the distance is also enough. "

Yuan Chengdao nodded his head and comforted: "In fact, 3 billion is not too much, and Mr. Li does not need to worry too much. Just after the retail rankings came down, plus the previous cooperation with Suning, the distance is at its peak. The time, the people and the people are all on our side. I do n’t think it ’s a big problem for 3 billion. "

"I hope so."

Li Dong breathed a sigh of air, three billions said less, not less.

Moreover, it is not ordinary people who really count on corporate bonds.

Buying corporate bonds is generally dominated by funds or other enterprises.

Everyone said yes, that may not be really good. Only these savvy investors are optimistic about you, that is really good.

These people buy corporate bonds, and the income is part of the reason. The more important thing is that your company is reliable, and the money can maintain its value.

If the future continues to expand in the future, maybe the bonds will be converted into shares, then it is called a real bargain.

In fact, Yuanfang's advantage in this respect is not too big. On the one hand, Yuanyuan is not listed, and Yuan's accounts are not transparent, so many people are not very comfortable.

On the one hand, the distance has been too aggressive in the past two years. Some investors like the style of the distance, but some people may not like it.

So to put it in perspective, Li Dong still has some bottom in his heart.

In fact, this time is not only a problem of 3 billion, but the main thing is to test the credibility of the distant place ~ ~ If the supply of these 3 billion is in short supply, it shows that the situation in the distant place is good and there are many people who are optimistic about the distant place.

But if no one is interested, it means that everyone is not optimistic about the distance.

If one is not optimistic, it may be a matter of vision. If you are not optimistic, even if you are really okay, everyone will think you are having problems.

A company that is not accepted by the public is useless even if you have a hundred years of experience leading others.

Like Ma Yun at the beginning, if no one is optimistic about him, he is no better, no one supports, no investment, he can not create Ali.

Even if Ali was created, he didn't invest a lot of money in it. He wanted to grow and develop, at least three or five years would be wasted.

Sometimes, time is the lifeblood.

Probably because of the delay in the past few years, people have embarked on a completely different path.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Dong got up and said, "Let's talk about it today, and let me know when the bond is officially issued. In the past few days, I went to find some relationships to see if I could pull some people over to support me. Scenes. "

Yuan Chengdao nodded and said: "Then you will be bothered by President Li."

"What's bothering me, the smooth walk in the distance is the smooth walk for me. I hope to succeed more than you."

Yuan Chengdao laughed and sent Li Dong out to say: "The company's assessment has officially started this month. President Li, the company may be a little messy next time. I hope you can give me a little time.

"I understand, let go and do it."

Li Dong waved his hand, beckoning him to feel at ease.

At the beginning of the assessment, some veterans will definitely be cleared out, and some chaos in the company is inevitable.

Li Dong has also made such preparations long ago, and Yuan Chengdao is worried that these are completely unnecessary.

Yuan Chengdao didn't say much when he saw it, and had been sending Li Dong into the elevator until he was slightly relieved.

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