The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 684: Self-sublimation = neuropathy!

Several people got on the bus, Li Dong did not rush to ask questions.

Instructed Tan Yong to take a break and waited halfway before Li Dong said, "What did you find?"

Zhou Haidong whispered: "Zhu Hongtao has only found out that he has something to do with Tang Long for the time being. I don't know if anyone else is secretly planning. I think it should be there. It's just that it is too deep. We haven't found it yet.

"How to say?"

"Tanglong Group just came to Pingchuan shortly, and I don't think they have the ability to hide our eyes and ears."

Li Dong nodded and asked, "What about Han Yu?"

Zhou Haidong said with some helplessness: "Because the capital is not our site, some things are difficult to continue to investigate. However, according to the current news and clues, Han Yu should be involved with Sentai Group."

"Sentai ..."

Li Dong murmured and asked, "What about Parkson?"

"Baisheng should be an industry that Jia Jia secretly holds. Han Yu doesn't have much power in it. This time, the 500 million yuan should only be borrowed from Parkson. In fact, it has little relationship with Parkson. The supporters behind Han Yu should be Sentai may not necessarily be the case for more than one Sentai. "

Li Dong knocked on the car window lightly and thought for a while, "Who is behind Sentai?"

Zhou Haidong frowned slightly: "It's difficult to check, we can only analyze it through some things on the surface, and we can't find out some transactions in secret. But we are not getting nothing. According to the information we got, Liu Hao is in Sentai. There are some shares and no concealment. "

"Liu Hao?"

Li Dong had never heard of this name, and was a bit strange: "Where is he sacred?"

Zhou Haidong said his name in a low voice.

Li Dong narrowed his eyes, it turned out to be him!

Liu Hao's old man really knew that he would be a celebrity in the future.

Liu Nansong, 53, is a deputy official residence.

At present, it seems that Liu Nansong is not very powerful. Although the level is not low, and the real power is not low, it can not be managed in Jiangbei.

However, Li Dong knew that it wouldn't take long for this person to change positions and become the deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission.

By this time, that's the real big man.

The importance of the NDRC is beyond doubt.

A deputy director, who is comparable to the local No. 1 and No. 2 giants, took this step before the age of 55. If he had good luck next, it would not be too difficult to reach Du Anmin before the age of 60.

However, Li Dong knew that this one was still unable to continue.

In 12 years, a magazine completely ended this career.

Many times, there are some things you can't go into. You can hardly imagine a deputy ministerial officer, but also a member of an important department, will fall on the hands of a small deputy editor.

Among them, Li Dong was too lazy to analyze.

But when the magazine broke the news, it was said that his son held shares in several groups.

Now that Liu Hao came up, Li Dong was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

This guy is probably used to publicity, even if many second-generation stocks are held, it is also secretly, but he is holding the shares of Sentai blatantly, the courage is not ordinary.

Thinking of this, Li Dong said again: "There should be more than him."

A Liu Nansong, to be honest, at least for now, Li Dong really didn't take him too seriously.

Unlike the next few years, the other party is in charge of important departments and has high weight.

At this time, Liu Nansong wanted to eat the distant group, then he was careful to support himself, it was almost impossible.

So Li Dong concluded that there must be others involved.

Although he said that Han Yu was a fool, the other party was not stupid enough to be hopeless.

A Han Yu who can be fooled by Liu Nansong?

That too underestimates Han Yu!

Besides, does Liu Nansong dare to provoke Jia Wenhao alone?

Although Lao Jia is younger than him, but his future is much bigger than him, he is not afraid of Lao Jia's account?

Zhou Haidong nodded and cleaned: "It must be more than him, but we can only find Liu Hao, and no more can't be found."

"Then forget it, it will jump out sooner or later. Sentai is mainly engaged in energy, do you have any business intersection with us?"

Zhou Haidong shook his head, Li Dong frowned for a moment, and then said after a while: "Then forget it, right, is the other party listed?"


"Listed ..."

Li Dong murmured, and had an idea in his heart, but the implementation of this idea is difficult, the key is that he does not have so much money.

Otherwise, you can retaliate for a while in the stock market.

But then Li Dong's eyes showed a bright color, maybe the next stock market turmoil is also an opportunity.

Sentai couldn't fight with his eight poles, but he tried to make himself over and over again. If this hatred didn't pay, Li Dong wouldn't be reconciled.

And being stared by a wolf all the time is not safe.

Go back and think about it carefully to see if you can kill the opponent with a stick. Even if you ca n’t, you ca n’t let them continue to have the energy to add chaos to themselves.

Did not tell Zhou Haidong that Li Dong was preparing to close his eyes and rest, Zhou Haidong suddenly whispered: "Mr. Li, the other is Miss Zhang's side."

"Miss Zhang?"

"Zhang Lanyu Zhang Zhang."

Zhou Haidong explained, whispered: "Did you ask me to check the female reporter before? I found out that Zhang Shiqi is the cousin of Miss Zhang, so this should be the news from Miss Zhang."

"she was……"

Li Dong's eyes flickered, what a **** woman Zhang Lanyu.

Even if I worked with Han Yu before, then I worked with Liu Ke.

Both of these two parties did not deal with Li Dong. When Li Dong thought that the two sides were destined to part ways, Zhang Lanyu was warning himself. What did she mean?

Thinking of Zhang Lanyu, Li Dong also thought of the thing he said he had to pay back.

The stock market retreated completely, and the money Li Dong got was slightly higher than expected, probably about 2.6 billion.

There is a capital injection of 2 billion yuan from the distance, and a capital injection of 500 million yuan from the charity fund. Li Dong still has about 100 million in cash on hand.

On Zhang Lanyu's side, Li Dong didn't rush to repay the money because he didn't want to contact him.

Now it seems that I can see Zhang Lanyu and settle the account by the way.


April 4th.


Li Dong sipped coffee slowly until footsteps came around him, Li Dong smiled lightly: "Come."

Zhang Lanyu nodded, sat down opposite Li Dong, and then said to the waiter: "Let's get a latte."

Waiting for the waiter to go down, Li Dong smiled and said: "For a few years, or this taste, have you never thought about changing?"

Zhang Lanyu laughed lightly: "I am used to it."

Li Dong didn't bother about this, and asked, "Is it okay recently?"

Zhang Lanyu said with a smile: "That's it, it's okay. You are alive, and you don't have to worry about eating and drinking. It should be considered a relatively good life."

Li Dong didn't say anything anymore, drinking coffee on his own.

Zhang Lanyu didn't talk to him either, he didn't know what to think with his chin.

Until the coffee was seated, Zhang Lanyu said while drinking, "How can I be free to drink coffee today?"

"I haven't seen you for a while. Isn't it normal for my old friend to come out for a cup of coffee?"

Zhang Lanyu said with a smile: "It's normal for others, but it's abnormal for you. We have known each other for a few years. When have you ever asked me to drink coffee?"

Li Dong slightly embarrassed and said: "I am not usually busy."

Zhang Lanyu interrupted with a smile: "Understood, no explanation is required, but the explanation seems to be a bit different."

"That's also true, it's been almost two years since we met?"

Zhang Lanyu nodded and said: "The first time I met in 2005. At that time my friend drove your car and we met for the first time."

"Oh, what about your friend, it seems that you haven't seen it?"

"It's not easy to live in Pingchuan when I go back to my hometown. In addition, the family is anxious to get her married. I went back to meet each other once, looked at each other, and then went back."

"Oh, it's not too young, it's time to get married."

Zhang Lanyu squinted and smiled, "How can I listen to your words wrong, but I am two years older than Jiao Jiao, you mean I am old?"

Li Dong said silently: "Nothing, your women always like to think."

"Shen Qian too?" Zhang Lanyu smiled.

Li Dong waved his hand and said: "Don't discuss these, didn't you say you want to set up a company some time ago? Have you done it?"

"Well, almost. It will be opened in a few days."

"What do you do?"

"Do everything." Zhang Lanyu gathered her hair and smiled: "Just for fun, where to make money go."

"Are you short of money?"

"It's okay, the investment is not big."

"When I acquired Dongyu Real Estate, did you forget the money I owe you?"

Zhang Lanyu glanced at him and frowned slightly.

After a while, Zhang Lanyu said: "The news of the broken capital chain in the distant place was not spread by me. If you believe it, just believe it, or not."

"I know it's not you, and I didn't say it was you."

Li Dong continued after saying: "However, human relations are human relations, and debts always have to be paid back. I said at the beginning, those 20 million I will help you invest, and when the investment is over, I will repay you. Now I invest The money was withdrawn and it was time to return the money. "

"Anyway, 20 million is not a big number for you anyway."

"Not 20 million, 50 million."

"Fifty million!"

Zhang Lanyu gave him a shocked look and was surprised: "Are you talking about true or false?"

Li Dongman didn't care: "What's true and false, these things don't need to fool you. Where do you think the 2 billion yuan I injected into the distant capital? In the second half of last year, I invested less than 900 million yuan, but now it is almost out It ’s almost 3 billion, so it ’s not uncommon for your 20 million to 50 million. ”

Zhang Lanyu took a breath!

In half a year, nearly 2 billion in profit, this guy is worthy of a gold hand!

She did not ask what Li Dong invested, but laughed: "You are showing me the bottom now, are you not afraid of me revealing your bottom card?"

There have always been speculations about the source of Li Dong ’s funds, but few people know where Li Dong ’s money comes from, and how much money is left after injecting 2 billion yuan from afar.

But now Li Dong told her that she had invested 900 million yuan at the time, and she got almost 3 billion yuan.

In other words, after the capital injection, Li Dong actually had little money on hand.

The mysterious source of funds was a big card from Li Dong, which also shocked many people. Now Li Dong easily tells her that Zhang Lanyu naturally feels different.

Li Dong disagreed and said, "I have nothing to worry about. Since I dare to say it, I'm not afraid of others knowing it. After that, even if I tell you that I don't have money in hand, do others believe it? Before I was poor, I was almost unable to expose the pot Billions of billions, and now I say that there is no money, do you believe that I can still take out billions?

Really, others will only believe their own guesses, you said it is useless. "

Zhang Lanyu couldn't help but laugh, which is true.

At the beginning, Li Dong suddenly took out billions of capital injections, which really scared many people.

Now that Li Dong has no money, others may not believe it.

Without worrying about these, Zhang Lanyu exhaled softly: "Since you are short of money now, you should keep the 50 million yuan yourself, and then help me invest, maybe a few years later, this money will become 100 million yuan. At that time, I was a billionaire while sitting still. It was much better than my own toss. "

She did not say no, just said to continue to invest.

If she said no, Li Dong could say a few words.

It can be said that to continue investing, he also set a goal for himself. As a billionaire, Li Dong is not easy to refuse.

At this time, he refused, but instead seemed to be stingy, not willing to take her to invest together.

Li Dong glanced at her, and nodded after a while: "That line, let me put the money first. You are tossing around now, it is indeed not very safe."

Li Dong does want money to be useful now, and he doesn't have much money on hand.

Li Dong is always doing something for himself.

In the early period, he secretly acquired some Tencent shares, and he has not shot, even if he withdrew this market, he has not shot these stocks.

The remaining money, Li Dong is also ready to continue to invest in the stock market.

This time I will not vote for Tencent, Li Dong is ready to buy Apple's stock.

In the second half of the year, Apple will release the first generation of iPhone, after which Apple's stock price rose sharply.

In the next few years, even ten years, Apple's stocks are rising, Li Dong now has this condition, and hoarding some stocks can also be at ease.

Coupled with the Baidu stock mortgaged to Shen Qian ’s mother, she will wait to return Shen Qian ’s money in the future. Li Dong will be able to become rich and prosperous for a lifetime just with these stocks in hand.

In the distance, you can do it with confidence.

Successful, it goes without saying.

Failed, take stocks for money, take your parents and family abroad, or go wherever you want without worrying about the rest of your life.

This is Li Dong's plan, so no matter how far the distance is now, Li Dong has confidence in his heart.

After talking about the money, Li Dong and Zhang Lanyu drank coffee for a while, until the coffee reached the bottom, Li Dong suddenly said: "What the **** are you thinking?"

Zhang Lanyu froze for a moment, but did not say anything.

Li Dong sighed: "I can't understand you more and more now, and since Chen Rui had something wrong, you have changed your mind. Toss a lot of messes, what do you want to do? My sister warned me ~ ~ What's the use of a woman tossing around? "

Zhang Lanyu's mouth turned up slightly, but he didn't reply.

After drinking the coffee in the cup, Zhang Lanyu got up and said, "I'm sublimating myself. It doesn't matter if I understand it or not, you will understand it sooner or later. I'm gone. Next time I change to a coffee shop, this coffee is a bit fake."

Leaving this, Zhang Lanyu left without looking back.

Li Dong's mouth twitched for a while, and he whispered for a long time: "Neuropathy!"


The second generation of you is not a good boy, but you have to sublimate and sublimate!

But Li Dong also understood some things in general, and this woman should be nothing malicious to herself.

As for what she wanted to do and how to sublimate, Li Dong was too lazy to manage.

Women, you never understand what they think, it's too complicated.