The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 740: Busy business

(Ask for a subscription, a reward, a beggar, the brothers do n’t support it anymore, the eagle is about to collapse)

After inspecting the branch in the morning, Li Dong went to Oriental Plaza to report in the afternoon.

There are many people who think the same as Li Dong. All the 35 managers in the first phase of training are in place, and no one asks for leave.

However, the people who asked for leave in the second period appeared. At least, four or five executives had no time to come.

Dean Xiang Bing was not surprised. After the statistics, he said to everyone: "The course will start formally tomorrow. We will gather downstairs in the morning. We will go to the first company for inspection after the assembly."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a humane: "Director, which company to inspect?"

Xiang Bing said helplessly: "You should be advancing with the times, the schedule meter college has sent you a mailbox, haven't you read it?"

The manager who just asked was a little embarrassed, he laughed and said nothing.

For these older generations, using the Internet for communication is still not used to it.

This e-mail is probably a trendy sign up, and it's hard to tell if you don't remember the password.

Xiang Bing didn't say this again when he saw it. As soon as he was about to change the subject, Li Dong suspiciously said, "Dean, what mailbox does the college use?"

"Both Hotmail and Gmail ..."

Li Dong pouted: "No wonder I didn't receive it, Dean, I remember that the communication message I left was the PP mailbox? Did you send it wrong?"

"PP mailbox ..."

Xiang Bing froze for a moment, then coughed and explained a little embarrassingly: "Maybe the staff sent the wrong ..."

"Dean, isn't this very good? I'm a student of the college anyway. The mailbox college developed by my own students does not support it, and others will not support it. You don't know. In fact, PP mailboxes are also very easy to use now ... … "

Li Dong boasted a few words. The flower branch next to Wu Yajun shook his mouth and laughed. It took a while to help say: "Yes, Dean, PP is really very easy to use. Especially the farm game developed in the distance, quite It's fun. Everyone can have fun when they have time. By the way, promote it to your employees.

At Longhu, we now use PP for up and down work, which is really good. "

Li Dong squeezed her eyes, Wu Yajun smiled more cheerfully.

After being run over by the two, Xiang Bing was somewhat helpless, saying: "It's not that I don't want to use you. The key is that your PP has not opened global services. You also know that everyone is busy, sometimes not in China, and it is easy to delay things with PP. "

This time it was Li Dong's speechless speech, and he said for a long time: "Forget it, when I will open the global server and come to the Dean."

Xiang Bing slightly relieved.

In fact, he also knows that Li Dong is talking casually, after all, how useful is it to expect a few managers to open PP mailboxes.

Even if the whole college supports it, it doesn't have much influence.

However, this matter was actually a mistake in college. They subconsciously forgot PP, but Li Dong didn't receive the email.

The itinerary is still a trivial matter. If there is really a major event to be notified, the mobile phone cannot be contacted. Isn't this a delay?

Not daring to say more about it, Xiang Bing turned to the topic and said: "Since some people did not receive the itinerary, let me briefly mention it. Tomorrow we will visit the Huayuan Group. I think many people present at Huayuan will have a common linguistic.

As one of the earliest real estate companies established in China, Huayuan has many places worth learning from.

There are not only successes, but also failures.

Huayuan almost bought Vanke back then, but now you look again, Huayuan Real Estate's revenue has been surpassed by Vanke.

Of course, there is no need to deny it. After all, a company that has survived for decades can be worth learning. "

When I heard that I was visiting Huayuan, many real estate company executives were very interested.

Wu Yajun said with a smile: "I think Dongzi is more interested, one cannon, one cannon, dean, I think they will certainly have a common language."

Li Dong said with a black line: "Sister Wu, I'm not very good at being black in front of you?"

Wu Yajun is unbridled: "Why am I blacking you, and praise you."

Everyone laughed out loud, and Xiang Bing couldn't help laughing: "Tomorrow, Ren should always have time. If time permits, we can have a good exchange."

A few people on the field were more familiar with the man, and he smiled and said: "Even if the old man has no time, I heard that Li Dong is coming, then he must have time."

Everyone knows what this means, as two well-known cannons in the industry, plus real estate.

I really want to hear that Li Dong is going, as long as there are no important things, he definitely wants to see him.

Li Dong was helpless to see them smiling.

Once this nickname is spread, you don't want to admit it, and as the popularity increases, the spread will only spread.

A national male **** like him was actually nicknamed a cannon, and Li Dong really wanted to cry without tears.

Joke is a joke, and everyone did not talk about it unscrupulously.

Wu Yajun spoke first, and they followed a few words of excitement.

If Li Dong is really upset, it is not worth the loss.

With the recent expansion news, Yuanfang Group has become bigger and bigger, and its influence in China has become greater.

At this time, Li Dong also had a top presence in the domestic business community.

Others do not say that at least these people in the class, except for a few state-owned enterprise executives, really can not be compared, and state-owned enterprises are not private, really compared to the real state-owned enterprise executives will not provoke Li Dong for no reason.

After the joke was over, Xiang Bing told him a few more words without saying more.

Everyone was preparing to disperse. Li Dong did not rush to go and sat down with Lan Xingguo and chatted.

After asking a few questions about the reorganization, Li Dong finally said: "Brother Lan, I am going to prepare for the construction of the Southwest Logistics Center in a few months. By then, you will need more help."

Lan Xingguo understood what he meant, and Li Dong was ready to use the power of Sichuan Airlines.

After thinking for a while, Lan Xingguo nodded and said: "I will take care of this matter. You are now a shareholder of Sichuan Airlines. It is a good thing that Far East Logistics and Sichuan Airlines can reach a strategic alliance. The board will not refuse."

Speaking of the board of directors, Lan Xingguo said again: "The board of directors will be reorganized soon. How are you arranged from afar?"

After the reorganization of Sichuan Airlines, the original board of directors will be dissolved.

As a major shareholder with 25% of the shares, Far East also won two director seats.

After listening to Lan Xingguo, Li Dong considered for a moment: "I haven't decided on a good candidate for the time being. I'll go back and consider this matter. But Brother Lan is assured that I will support you."

After the reorganization, the Sichuan Airlines Board of Directors has a total of 9 members.

Although Far East shares similar shares with Sinotrans, but in the field of aviation, Sinotrans has more say than Far East.

Yuanfang won two seats for directors, while Sinotrans, which is similar to Yuanfang, got three seats.

And Sichuan Airlines and Sichuan-Shu State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission won a total of four seats, but the votes were not more than half. Sichuan-Shu has no absolute advantage over Sichuan Airlines.

Even if Lan Xingguo, as chairman, has a veto power, this is not a long-term solution.

Only with the support of Li Dong or one of Sinotrans can Lan Xingguo have absolute say in Sichuan Airlines.

Although it was introduced by Lan Xingguo from afar, Li Dong did not express his position on it. Until then, Li Dong expressed his breath, and Lan Xingguo gasped and laughed and said, "You can rest assured that the older brother is older, but I still Not confused.

With me in, Sichuan Airlines will only bring benefits to the distance, and will not let you do a loss-making business! "

Li Dong immediately smiled and said: "Of course I believe Brother Blue, if I can't do this, why should I spend billions of shares in Sichuan Airlines because I have confidence in Brother Blue!"

Billions of billions of shares in Sichuan Airlines cannot be controlled.

Li Dong said that believing in Lan Xingguo is not a lie.

If he wasn't familiar with Lan Xingguo, he wouldn't really dare to do it.

Li Dong invests in Sichuan Airlines not only to earn a dividend, but at such a large cost, he is just to open the shipping logistics market.

If you change a chairman, Li Dongzhen will not necessarily continue to invest in the situation when many people in Sichuan and Sichuan rejected him.

The two then talked about Far East Logistics and Sichuan Airlines for a long time. Lan Xingguo did not continue to get bigger, but talked to Li Dong about his future plans for Sichuan Airlines.

Since Yuanyuan became a shareholder of Sichuan Airlines, Li Dong was at least nominally the boss of Lan Xingguo.

Li Dong doesn't know much about shipping.

Lan Xingguo just said what he said, he just listened to it, wrote down some important points, and turned to the professionals to know.

Although Li Dong is independent, it does not mean that he will express his opinions casually.

Unsure things, he always upholds the principle of listening more and talking less.

The two chatted for almost an hour, and Wu Yajun, who had left for a long time, suddenly came in and complained: "I said two, I drank three cups of coffee downstairs, and I didn't even wait for you.

Li Dong laughed and said, "You haven't left yet?"

Wu Yajun rolled his eyes and said: "You are so looking forward to my departure? Didn't I tell you before, just a few words, you're really forgetful enough."

Before Li Dong spoke, Lan Xingguo laughed and said, "Okay, then we won't talk. Xiao Wu, you continue to talk, and we will meet again tomorrow."

Lan Xingguo said to Li Dongdao again: "Dongzi, the things I just said will be printed back to the far side. In addition, regarding the directors, you should settle it as soon as possible. Now time is money, and the next business can only be carried out after the reorganization of the board of directors. "

Li Dong nodded and said, "Okay, I will select the candidate as soon as possible."

"Then I will go first."

After Lan Xingguo left, Wu Yajun said: "Dongzi, you are really busy with business now."

Li Dong rubbed his temples and said: "No way, the establishment time in the distance is too short, many things have to be carried out, no less than you, leisurely. I came to Beijing this time to want to have a few words with Sister Wu, otherwise it's really not Time to come. "

Wu Yajun shook his head and said, "No one is idle. I want to make money this year. How can I be so idle. I came to Beijing this time to study. On the one hand, it is more important to study the Beijing market, otherwise I will not have time to come."

"Inspect the capital market?"

Li Dong raised his eyebrows and said: "Your Longhu is about to enter the capital?"

Wu Yajun nodded and said: "With this idea, the market is now hot, and the Olympics will start next year. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the development of some iconic commercial real estate in Beijing will greatly benefit Longhu's entry into the national market in the future."

"It's too expensive to enter the capital at this time."

"The future will only be higher." Wu Yajun smiled.

Saying that Wu Yajun did not continue this matter, but was somewhat puzzled: "I heard that you recently emptied Dongyu Real Estate, Dongzi, what do you think, are you not going to continue to do real estate projects?"

Li Dong shook his head and said: "Recent funds have been difficult recently, and I am also helpless. As long as the company's funds are revitalized, I will continue to do it!"

"You're too impulsive, and the good situation that was finally set up, let go at this time, and it will be more difficult to enter the game again."

"There is no way, who made me short of money."

When it comes to money, Wu Yajun has nothing to say.

Compared to the distance, Longhu's situation is not much better.

The reason why it is not so difficult in the distance is that Longhu has received a lot of foreign funds, plus a large amount of loans, which only lasted.

Most current real estate companies are also in this mode of operation.

Mainly loans, supplemented by own funds.

Li Dong's side is not the same as everyone's. This guy's real estate company's debt ratio can be said that even if it is not the lowest among the large and small real estate companies in the country, ~ ~ is far higher than the safety line.

Wu Yajun did not speak, but Li Dong thought about it and wanted to remind: "The atmosphere is not very good lately. Sister Wu is still careful."

"Atmosphere ..."

Wu Yajun glanced at him slightly suspiciously, Li Dong explained: "The recent subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has intensified, and it is likely that it will soon sweep the entire US and European markets.

Although I do n’t want to admit it, I have to say that the United States and Europe are the world ’s financial centers.

I see this situation, and if it continues, it may affect the domestic market. Once the government takes measures to tighten the monetary policy, major enterprises will be in trouble.

Especially for real estate companies, the trouble is even greater. "

Wu Yajun was a bit distracted: "No, is it so serious?"

At this time, the subprime mortgage crisis actually broke out on a large scale, but it has not affected the global financial market.

As the CEO of a large enterprise, Wu Yajun still knows this.

However, many people think that things will not be affected so much, and they are not too concerned. After all, there is no bad sign in China.

Seeing her unbelief, Li Dong shrugged and said: "Anyway, I think so, as to whether it will affect the country in the end, this is hard to say. I am afraid of the scene of 1997, the bigger the business, the less courageous , Now that I have some capital anyway, I do n’t want my name to appear in the bankrupt members. "

Wu Yajun couldn't help laughing, and didn't continue to talk more, but he took note of it in his heart.

Li Dong didn't continue to say this, it was enough to mention one sentence.

Wu Yajun was pretty good, plus Long Lake didn't fall down at this time, instead, he grew bigger and bigger, and gave him a favor.

When the financial crisis erupts in the future, Wu Yajun will have to remember his personal feelings for his remarks today.

Free favors, don't give away without giving away.