The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 767: Mobile phone industry layout

As soon as the meeting was over, the store managers hurried away.

There is not much time left until 718, and what has just been set in the meeting must be implemented as soon as possible.

After they left, Shen Qian looked at Li Dongdao with some concern: "If there is a large loss this time, do you think it will shorten the cycle?"

The month-long promotion battle is more and more terrifying.

Especially after making various preferential conditions from afar, one month's sales may exceed 10 billion.

Even with a 5% loss ratio, the mall's loss will exceed 500 million.

In addition, the loss is not limited to the mall, the express fee is waived, and there will also be losses on the logistics side.

The wages of employees are not money, there are other expenses, freight, and losses together may be beyond everyone's imagination.

Li Dong rubbed his temple lightly and said, "No, every month, I don't believe them!

Don't think too much, last year, the total share of e-commerce did not reach 40 billion.

In the first and second quarters of this year, the total market share was only about 20 billion.

I really don't believe it. We can sell tens of billions of things in a month. If this is the case, it is also our chance. Who can tell between gain and loss? "

Shen Qian asked: "Are you really so optimistic about the e-commerce market?"

If it is not optimistic, Li Dong will not compete at such a large price.

For any company, a loss of more than 100 million yuan is a great thing, and a loss will not be done on its own initiative.

Only from afar, knowing that it would be so, Li Dong chose to insist, which shows that he is full of confidence in the future of e-commerce.

Li Dong nodded and said: "Yes, I am fully confident in e-commerce. This market is very large, and it will only grow larger in the future. Even the physical market will not be affected."

Shen Qian said with some uncertainty: "Do you really think so?"

Today's e-commerce market occupies the entire market share is almost negligible, Shen Qian is difficult to imagine that one day.

Li Dong lightly laughed: "Maybe, who can be accurate in the future. But I just want to be optimistic. In addition, there are things I told you before, how are you preparing?"


Shen Qian just wanted to ask something, but quickly responded: "You mean Opal Mobile Communications?"


Shen Qian didn't rush back, but said with a puzzled face: "What are you doing with the acquisition of Opper's shares? Are we going to enter the field of small appliances?"

"No idea." Li Dong smiled and smirked: "I want to be a mobile phone."


Shen Qian almost died. After a while, she was speechless: "What are you doing as a mobile phone? In addition, even as a mobile phone, what's the use of your acquisition of Opper shares, they don't make mobile phones."

"Who said, since the end of last year, Opper has been involved in the mobile phone industry. But because of technical problems, so far they have not launched their own mobile phones."


Shen Qian is still puzzled, and now there are more mobile phone manufacturers.

Let's not talk about why Li Dong has to do it. Even if the key is to do it, why not choose Opal?

Li Dong is really hard to explain about this matter. In fact, he does not have to be a mobile phone, just to control a mobile phone manufacturer, so as to complete the industrial chain.

Now far away mall, pp, Weibo, distribution platform, these things are online gadgets, mobile phones are the real terminal products.

Without a mobile phone, everything else can be said to be rootless.

Moreover, the era of smart phones is getting closer and closer, of course, Li Dong also wants to share a slice of soup.

At the beginning of the rise of the smart phone, the four members of the China Cool League were the mainstream, but Li Dong of these four is still the best idea.

People are not weaker than him now, and even if he has an idea, he is useless.

Of course, Li Dong is also not interested in playing with their ideas, let alone investing too much. After a few years, Huawei will still be strong.

In the later period, the three that really rose at the speed of the explosion were Xiaomi.

Well, there is no such concept, the company is gone, and Li Dong can't intervene.

Vivo belongs to BBK, and the strength of BBK Group is not weak. Li Dong also has no chance to intervene.

Counting, the only chance is oppo.

Not even the first mobile phone is on the line, and almost no one in the outside world cares about this small business.

Although it came from BBK, Li Dong knows that the founder of BBK does not have a lot of shares in Oper. Now Oper has little to do with BBK.

In addition, last year, Opal's CEO wanted to enter the mobile phone industry, and he invested a lot in this, and the mobile phone has not been online. Now the funds have encountered difficulties.

Time and place are right, Li Dong certainly does not want to let this opportunity pass.

He is not very interested in making mobile phones, but he can control a well-known mobile phone manufacturer, which will greatly help the future.

Li Dong is also not interested in running his own business, and he will continue to hand it over to the original team.

From time to time, I have come up with some ideas to speed up the development of Opal, which should have little effect, and in this way, my entire mall system will be complete.

Of course, the most important thing in the end is money.

Now Opper Communication is not well-known. Before doing LCD TV, it also ended in a loss, and then small appliances and mp3 are also in the stage of making money and not making money.

Chairman Chen Yongping is now thinking about making mobile phones, but the funds are not enough. The first mobile phone is on the line indefinitely, and Opper will not be able to sustain it any longer.

At this time Li Dong entered, the timing was right.

If you don't spend a lot of money, you can easily obtain a controlling stake.

The founder of BBK did n’t value Opper too much, and the other party now retreated behind the scenes, not much of it.

And Chen Yongping himself has nowhere to go now, and he doesn't care if he holds a controlling share or not, as long as the management right is in his hands.

This is also the frustration of many companies, founders and heads are not the largest shareholders.

But everyone is accustomed to this, as long as the company is still operating in their hands, it means that there is still a chance to make a comeback, so everyone is so keen on financing for listing.

These thoughts passed away in a flash, Li Dong did not struggle with these, and asked: "Have you ever contacted each other?"


Li Dong has a black line on his face. Didn't I let you touch each other long ago?

Seeing this, Shen Qian laughed: "I have been in Pingchuan, how do I contact each other. But I let people go to Guancheng, and now they are on the line, but according to the news there, the other party can sell part of the equity, holding I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. "

When it is time to despair, no one wants to give up control.

At this time, although Opper lacked funds, it had not reached the end, and it was not so easy to control.

In addition, after all, the relationship between the other party and the BBK Group is very strong. Even if there is no way to go, the other party is more willing to return to BBK.

Of course, BBK is willing to accept this tow oil bottle. In other words, now Opper is indeed a tow oil bottle.

Li Dongwenyan thought for a while and said: "Continue to talk about it, if there is really no way to control, then you can also buy shares. Of course, my idea is still best to control. At this time, the other party's enterprise value is not high, and the valuation should be less than 1 billion ... "

Before he finished, Shen Qian shook her head and said, "Don't say 1 billion, I don't think 500 million is worth it. In fact, there are a lot of companies similar to Opper, there are a lot of them in Guancheng, I don't understand why you are Value them?

If you really want to make a mobile phone, just buying a business is better than that.

Are you playing BBK's idea?

If this is the case, I think it ’s better to give up. Backgammon is the leading brand in Guangdong Province. The local government will not let us control the other party.

And we do not have the strength to control each other now, which is too difficult. "

Shen Qian's guess is also in line with outsiders' assumptions.

At this time, holding Opel, I am afraid that others also think that Li Dong wants to touch backgammon sideways.

Although there is no overlap between the business scope of Yuanyuan and BBK, it seems to be ok if BBK is regarded as the layout of the downstream industry. Of course, there are still many unreasonable points. After all, it is really necessary to lay out the downstream industry. group.

Li Dong did not confess on this, in fact, he has nothing to explain.

As Shen Qian said, there are a lot of companies like Guancheng and Opper now. Why Li Dong wants to hold Opper in an attempt to control it is hard to say.

If Li Dong knew the mobile phone, then as Shen Qian said, just find a company.

The key is that he doesn't understand, so of course he has to find a successful person to do this.

He himself is not involved in the operation of Opper. Li Dong feels that the future change should not be too big. This brand will still be on the road to rise.

You can't leave the ready-made ones, and start your own business. It's really like that, and Li Dong is unwilling.

If you do n’t understand Li Dong, do n’t say it. After Shen Qian ’s questioning, Li Dong broke out on masculinity: “You do n’t care about this, just listen to me anyway. Continue to talk, regardless of the other party ’s valuation of 500 million or 1 billion ~ It is worth spending three or five billion holdings. "

Three or five billion now looks a lot, but when the other party gets up, this amount of money is not enough for others to sew.

Shen Qian rolled her eyes. At this time, she was too lazy to ask, listlessly: "I know, and I would like to remind you, don't spend money just to spend money.

The land is a one-time purchase and sale. You have run out of money now. I see how you will expand in the future. "

This time, a part of the mall's loss and a part of the logistics loss have to prepare for the construction of a data center, and then Li Dong will also acquire Opal.

Coupled with the expansion of Beijing and Tianjin, and the expansion of Shanghai and Henan provinces prepared by Li Dong, the money for land sales is definitely not enough.

It takes so much money to spend money. It is not a matter that Li Dong is still talking about three to five hundred million yuan. Shen Qian doesn't know where his confidence comes from.

Li Dong laughed and said, "Isn't it money? It's okay, then there will be money."

"I hope so."

Shen Qian didn't want to hit him too much, hesitating a moment after saying this: "When will Qin Yuhan come back?"

"Cough ... that, it should be tomorrow."

"Come back tomorrow?" Shen Qian frowned: "Then ... would she go to the Provincial Party Committee compound?"

This is really difficult for Li Dong to answer. He lives in the courtyard of the Provincial Party Committee. Since Qin Yuhan is back, he must be coming. She can't help but let her come.

But really going to the Provincial Party Committee compound, Shen Qian also has a headache here.

Li Dong hesitated for a moment and said, "I will not go back to the Provincial Party Committee compound in the past few days and go to Jinhu Park for a while."

Shen Qian's complexion kept changing, and it took a long time to say: "I'll go first, whatever you want. In addition, there will be activities on the side of the mall these days, and I'm busy. Don't bother me.

Leaving this, Shen Qian went straight out of the meeting room.

Li Dong didn't stop her, rubbed his head and sighed: "His mother, the blessing of Qi Ren is not good!" Rw

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