The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 818: Game agency

Chen Lang came back in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Sunan has not settled, he is now the general manager of Sunan, and he can't leave for too long.

Li Dong handed over all the tasks of negotiating with China Resources to Chen Lang.

As the former CEO of Wanjia, Chen Lang has a natural advantage in front of Hong Ji.

Negotiations with the old leaders, Hong Ji may not be Chen Lang's opponent.

It is true that Chen Lang knows China Resources Vanguard too well and understands that even Hongji is not as good as him.


November 11.

Of course, at this time, no one shouted at this day to confuse the light.

But at this moment, Li Dong wanted to chop people's mind a bit.

Not chopping others, but Liu Hong.

As the CTO of the mall, Liu Hong can be said to be second only to Shen Qian in the mall system.

When Shen Qian gradually left the mall system, Liu Hong was almost the first person in fact.

The reason why he wanted to chop him was Li Dongqi's liver pain.

During this time, because of the supermarket, he did not put too much energy into the mall. Some things were left to Liu Hong to take charge of.

There are many businesses under Faraway Mall, and Li Dong has not separated his business because of lack of manpower.

Businesses such as PP and Weibo are mixed together, and almost all are in charge of Liu Hong.

As for the game system operated by PP, Liu Hong is naturally in charge.

Nowadays, among the PP game systems, the most famous one is the farm game. Although Tencent also made a copy in the later period, the difference is still a bit big because it did not get the authorization from the far side.

The result is undoubtedly that the imitation game failed to achieve the desired effect.

Tencent also knew that they could not get copyrights from afar, plus that they were far more rogue than them.

In the end, Pony was too lazy to fight with the distance, but shifted his goal.

This goal is nothing else, but the famous "Dungeon and Warriors" in the later generations, commonly known as DNF.

At this time, DNF is well-known abroad, and NEOPLE is seeking global agents.

And China is no exception here. Since the beginning of 2007, China ’s agency rights have been discussed.

Previously, Shanda, Lianzhong, and Jiucheng were negotiating with NEOPLE, but due to agency fees, several parties failed to reach an agreement.

This year, the agency fee for a game is generally not too high.

Like the previous World of Warcraft and legends, the agency fee is not high, generally within a few million yuan.

But this time NEOPLE's reputation is not small because of DNF, and the cost is a little high. When it comes to the few companies, I don't agree.

However, as soon as Tencent entered, the situation was different.

At this time, Tencent desperately wants to represent a world-famous game. Even when 3D games take the lead, Tencent is not picky. 2D DNF's reputation is not bad.

My little brother has money. Although the agency fee of 15 million yuan provided by NEOPLE is a bit high, it is still within the scope of my brother ’s tolerance.

On November 8th, Tencent has started the technical evaluation of DNF.

Saying so much is not the reason why Li Dong wants to chop people.

Since Li Dong's speech, following in the footsteps of Tencent and copying Tencent's game system, PP is also playing games and acting as an agent.

When Tencent and NEOPLE started negotiations, Li Dong didn't know about it, but Liu Hong did.

Not only did I know that at that time, people from afar were also sent to talk about agency issues.

As a result, when the data of 15 million came out, when the negotiator reported to Liu Hong, Liu Hong didn't want to directly withdraw the negotiator.

Nothing else, too expensive!

A 2D small game that is about to be eliminated, the agency fee is actually more than 10 million, what a joke.

Besides, in addition to the high requirements for agency fees, the other party also has other incidental requirements, such as publicity and large-scale publicity, and the hardware requirements of the server are not low.

If this money is included, at least tens of millions of dollars will be invested for this game.

And this is just a proxy, not directly selling copyright.

Since Tencent is stupid and wants to go to an agent, let them count, because it is only a small game, and Liu Hong is not too serious.

Until now Tencent opened the technical review, Liu Hong casually raised the matter with Li Dong, Li Dong did not know what he forgot!


How much money DNF has earned for Tencent, because Tencent games have always been an overall statistic, except for internal staff, everyone is not very clear.

According to the financial report after DNF went online and the financial report before it went online, DNF earned hundreds of millions of RMB for Tencent just in the first quarter of its launch.

This is the first quarter, and it will be at least hundreds of millions throughout the year.

The first year of the launch was 2008. At this time, the money was still money. Later, when Tencent became bigger and bigger, DNF not only was not eliminated in many 3D games, but became more and more brave.

Before LOL became popular all over the country, Tencent relied on two games, DNF and Cross Fire, to top almost half of the game system.

Now, Liu Hong actually gave up.

Li Dong knew that he was not to blame. At this time, even game companies such as Shanda and NetEase were not optimistic about DNF and felt that the price was too high.

In other words, Tencent, because there has never been a game with a big fire, is extremely eager to succeed, so it does not care about money.

But it is not strange to say that Li Dong's eyes can still kill people.

Liu Hong sitting opposite him was extremely uncomfortable, and he didn't know where to mess with the boss.

After being stared at by Li Dong for a while, Liu Hong moved awkwardly.

When he moved, Li Dong's eyes became sharper.

Liu Hong almost cried and looked at Li Dongdao with a grievous face: "Mr. Li, isn't my face not clean?"



Li Dong exhaled and gritted his teeth: "Now that the two sides have not signed the contract, you said we continue to shoot now, can we win the agency right?"

"Agency for the underground city?"

Liu Hong was a little surprised, frowning slightly: "Since I didn't sign the contract, of course we can still talk about it. But when we enter again at this time, it will be the tiger's mouth. The price may not be low.

Mr. Li, this is just a 2D game. Now that 3D is prevalent, the underground city does not necessarily have a market in China.

In addition, tens of millions of agency fees in one year, together with publicity expenses and operating expenses, this game alone may cost more than 50 million yuan per year.

In terms of profitability, this 2D role-playing game ... "

Liu Hong said a few words, but the profit point was not enough.

The agency fee is too high. Ten million agency fee, more than enough to develop a game of this kind.

And it is still the annual agency fee, which is simply to grab money.

Li Dong shook his head and said: "Don't worry about the profit first, anyway, you can't let Tencent win the other party!"

This is also true, if NetEase or Shanda won the agency, Li Dong might not care too much.

After all, this game has a lot of profits, but there are many things that make money this year.

Tencent is different. Now everyone is a competitor.

DNF has brought a lot of help and fame to Tencent Games. If it were not for this game and the subsequent cross-fire, Tencent Games had little visibility in China before 2007.

Really want to get more real, people are not as far away.

There are some phenomenal farm games in the distance, but Tencent does not.

In this case, Li Dong will naturally not give Tencent games a chance to get ahead. This is not just a matter of money.

Liu Hong listened to Li Dong's words, but it was somewhat embarrassing: "Now Tencent has talked to them about the final stage, and we have already withdrawn in advance.

At this time, we intervened a second time, but instead encouraged the prestige of NEOPLE.

Tencent and we are also domestic companies anyway ... "

Liu Hong said that there are some issues in Ai Ai, and it seems to him that it is better to give Tencent a deal than cheap sticks.

Is a 2D game really useful?

Li Dong didn't expect this guy to be an angry young man. If he weren't, Li Dong wouldn't like cheap sticks.

But now, Li Dong has to do it.

In the business field, these indignant emotions cannot be substituted, otherwise the PP will be defeated when he turns back, and he will justify who he is.

Li Dong didn't explain any more, and said with a straight face: "Let you do what you do! Anyway, anyway, I just ask for the agency right of the underground city!"

"Mr. Li ..."

"Go and do it!"

Liu Hong had no choice but to nod and said: "Well, I will let people continue to talk to NEOPLE."


Li Dong shouted Liu Hong and asked again: "Have you heard of CrossFire?"

"You mean crossing the FireWire?"

This time it was Li Dong's stun, and even the Chinese name came out. This was not a good sign. He quickly said, "Why, you know?"

Liu Hong nodded: "I know, a first-person shooter game that was tested internally just a few days ago is also operated by Tencent's agent."

"Tencent has taken it down?"

"Well, time is coming soon ..."


Li Dong stared at him fiercely: "Don't I let you stare at Tencent? They won this game, why didn't you tell me!"

Liu Hong felt really wronged, what happened?

Tencent is so big, so many businesses, I can't stare at everything.

Besides, it's just a game. It's still in beta. I heard that it's not very good. It's not much different from the current CS. Is the boss so excited?

At this time, Li Dong was almost depressed and died. How many things did he forget ~ ~ Crossing the FireWire is still under internal testing, indicating that Tencent won not take long.

Ten times out of ten were taken from Tencent while staring at the supermarket, but Liu Hong didn't care at all.

Li Dongqiang endured the urge to chop people and gritted his teeth: "Now give me the agency right of the dungeon anyway! If Tencent takes it away, I will take you down!"

Liu Hong twitched and said with a sad face: "Mr. Li, I will definitely win!"


When Liu Hong left, Li Dong sighed helplessly.

It's a pity that if you cross the FireWire and Dungeon yourself this time, the future Tencent game is simply not enough.

However, the following LOL must not forget that the agency power is nothing. Before the others are not famous, they can directly acquire their development companies to maximize their benefits.

What's even more depressing is that Li Dong doesn't even remember which company developed the LOL.

He probably knew a little bit. This game was developed by a game company from Laomei, but there are not too many American game companies. A studio is a company, and the ghost knows which company is developing LOL.

It seems that it is time for me to set up a game department next, and acquire several small game companies.

LOL has played for a while, and I do n’t know if I can copy it.

However, the general difficulty of developing games is not too big, mainly creative, I hope to be copied in advance, and the province is preempted by Tencent.

Thinking about these things in his heart, Li Dong got a headache again.

On the mall side, you have to find a person in charge, and the business of the mall has to be separated.

Now the business is entangled and everyone's energy is dispersed.

The mall is getting bigger and bigger, and if you go on like this, you can still tolerate yourself. I am afraid that Liu Hong and these people are going crazy.