The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 864: Crime of non-war

January 10.

Snow began to float across East China.

The heavy snow like goose feathers seemed to fall down from the sky.

On the 11th, Jiangbei Meteorological Bureau produced the first "Special Report on Major Meteorological Information".

On the 12th, the special report reported that the snowfall in Jiangbei reached 12 mm in 24 hours!

What is the concept of 12 mm, 7.5 mm or more can be called Blizzard.

The snowfall and snow depth are also different. In simple terms, the snowfall is 1 mm. If there is no melting on the ground, the snow depth will reach 6-8 mm.

The amount of snowfall in 12 hours is 12 mm. If it is not due to rain in the snow, it has melted a lot, and the amount of snow can reach about 8 cm!

Even if there was rain wash, the snow depth of Hirakawa on that day also reached more than 5 cm.

And this is just the beginning. The heavy snow in the sky shows no signs of stopping.




Uphill and downhill, four young girls wrapped in dumplings and stood waiting by the side of the road.

Soon, a car appeared in front of several people.

Several girls hurriedly swept the car tires, and when they saw that the other party was not equipped with snow chains, several eyes lit up and hurriedly raised the signboard in their hands.

The signboard reads a few bold letters-sell snow chains!

The car did not stop and went straight uphill.

However, these girls chose to sell snow chains here, naturally prepared.

This is an uphill section. It ’s just that the road is too flat.

When it's sunny, Kaiping Road is naturally cooler.

But now it snowed for two days, and the road was icy and extremely slippery.

As long as the average driver is not a particularly powerful veteran, and the driving force of the car is not very strong, he will certainly not be able to climb up.

Sure enough, the car tried several times, and finally found that I am afraid that I can't climb the **** alone.

The car quickly stopped doing useless work, the door opened, and a middle-aged man got out of the car and walked towards several girls, asking: "How much is the snow chain?"

"Uncle, we are the latest rubber chain. A pair of 400 is enough ..."

The middle-aged man's face was ugly: "400, you are too dark, I haven't bought it, I forgot to bring it this time. It seemed that I didn't buy it when I bought it last time ..."

"Uncle, we are different, things are all good and bad, our snow chains are the best. We took them from the manufacturer over 380, it's such a cold day, we're freezing here , Always earn us a little.

And we only sell 400 sets. If you go ahead and see, there are people selling there. If you lose 500, others will ignore you. "

Ponytail twitter said for a while, the middle-aged man looked at the steep slope, and then looked at the nearby road. I'm afraid it would take dozens of miles to make a detour. Forget it, 400 is 400.

When the middle-aged man paid off and left with snow chains, several girls couldn't help snickering.

Qian Jiajia rubbed her red face and excitedly said: "The 12th pair! The purchase price is 240, one pair earns 160, Ting Ting, quick calculation, how much do we make?"

The ponytail smiled and said: "1920 yuan! We still have 18 pairs in hand. It shouldn't be difficult to sell today.

When it is sold out, we can make 4800 yuan, according to the proportion of our money, Jiajia, you can almost get 1400 yuan.

In one day's work, we have earned two months of living expenses, which is great! "

Qian Jiajia suddenly chuckled, and the feeling of making money for the first time in life was too happy.

Although it was a bit cold, although I was still a little scared when I bought it.

But now, Qian Jiajia only feels cool from head to toe, not even cold.


When Qian Jiajia was cool, Li Dong was not so happy.

He still underestimated the impact of heavy snow.

In just two days, the snow is almost 10 centimeters thick.

Such heavy snow, not only Taobao's logistics of these e-commerce companies have been affected, but Li Dong's side has also been affected.

He still overestimated the ability of distant logistics, he felt that others could not continue, far away is certainly possible.

But the snow was too big. In two days, more than 20 vehicles on the far side of the logistics company were blocked in the middle of the road, and more than 10 vehicles directly went out of flame.

Listening to the reports around him, Li Dong suddenly said: "Contact the supermarket storage centers around the world. If the express delivery of the remote mall cannot be delivered in time, you can get it from the local supermarket storage center!

When necessary, you can get it directly from the supermarket store. "

There was an instant silence in the large conference room.

Sun Tao frowned slightly: "Mr. Li, this will affect the normal operation of the supermarket.

At this time, the logistics system on the supermarket side was also stagnation. Fortunately, we prepared a few days in advance. The warehouse center had sufficient goods, which had some advantages over other supermarkets.

However, if we still have to meet the supply of the mall, our advantages will no longer exist.

It may even affect the operation of the entire supermarket, plus the temporary call at this time, which is too much trouble. "

Li Dong said with a serious face: "This is not the time to consider these. I said that the Far East Group is one. You must understand what I mean!

Supermarkets and malls are originally a combination of online and offline, and the two are complementary.

On the one hand there are problems, on the other hand to make up for the shortcomings, this is our advantage.

We have opened more than 500 supermarket stores throughout East China.

At this time, which household appliance manufacturer can compare with us?

Do they have warehouse centers all over East China?

Do they have physical stores all over East China?


And now their logistics channels have been intercepted by us for a small half. Our own logistics plus outsourcing logistics can't meet the logistics needs. How can they do it?

Since they can't do it, then we have to do better!

They may not be able to deliver the courier for half a month and a month, but we can be anxious. No matter how far away, they will arrive in three days. What do you think consumers will think at this time?

Don't think too much, I believe our logistics team!

There is enough storage in the supermarket, and temporary calls will not affect the goods. We will deliver the follow-up goods in time. "

Sun Tao didn't object anymore and nodded, "I'll arrange it, but I'm afraid it will take some time."

"It's okay, don't panic, the more panic the more chaotic."

Li Dong said again: "This is our opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"I don't care about other places. In East China, I want to make Yuanfang Mall the largest electronic mall!"

"Shen Qian, you go to arrange it right away and get ready to hype it. Taobao ’s items will not be available for ten or eight days, and all of us will arrive within three days.

No matter how heavy the snow is, no matter how congested the road is, let all consumers know that there is nothing we can't do from afar! "

Shen Qian nodded and didn't talk much.

This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to destroy Taobao ’s credibility in East China. This is just the beginning.

As long as this time succeeds, it will be difficult for Taobao to surpass the distant malls.

Now it depends on how long the heavy snow can last. Not everyone is cold-blooded, but this is the case in the business field.

Now the bigger the snow, the longer the time, the more obvious their advantage.

If the next ten days and a half months continue, other courier companies may have to shut down.

And distant logistics will not!

Because they are struggling for their own business, even if they rely on human transportation, they can do their best.

Next, Li Dong issued an order, but at the moment of heavy snow, the distant group was enthusiastic.

Beyond Taobao!

Beyond Taobao!

This slogan, they shouted for a long time.

Soon after the establishment of the mall, they began to call this slogan, since the 7.18 war, they are calling this slogan.

After 7.18, their short overtaking was quickly chased back by Taobao.

At that time, everyone felt that there was little hope in recent years.

However, now everyone sees hope.

As long as the heavy snow lasts for a while, Taobao's logistics has stalled, and their opportunity comes.

After everyone went out to work, Li Dong picked up his coat and went outside.

Seeing this, Chen Ke quickly said: "Mr. Li, are you going out now?"

"Well, I'm going to go around the stores to visit.

The snow is so big, I'm not at ease. "

"Mr. Li!" Chen Ke hurriedly stopped: "Mr. Li, let's just forget it at this time. The snow outside is too heavy, and even the road can't see clearly. It is too dangerous."

Li Dong didn't take care of her, and it was dangerous to visit the stores in Pingchuan. Wouldn't those logistics companies be alive.

Putting on his coat, Li Dong entered the elevator directly.

Chen Ke gritted his teeth as soon as he saw it, and hurriedly followed.



Ma Yun stood by the window and his body was covered with snowflakes.

Lin'an also snowed heavily, not much smaller than Pingchuan.

After standing for a while, Ma Yun said hoarsely, "Shunfeng and Yunda, what do they say?"

"Chairman, the snow is too big, SF requested suspension. They said they can't joke about the lives of their employees. Other places are okay. Most cities in East China have to shut down."

The talking man paused and continued: "Yunda and several other logistics companies are also the same. At this time, they can only choose to shut down.

After all, the snow is too heavy, and accidents are easy to happen at this time ... "

"Out of service!"

Ma Yun's face was a bit stiff, and he gritted his teeth slightly: "How far?"

"Distance ... distance ..."


"Distance Logistics continues to operate, and I have heard that they have adopted an integrated online and offline tactics.

Now that the Internet has opened up, Faraway Mall guarantees that it will be reached within three days no matter how bad the weather is.

Consumers trust them because of the last payment event.

In addition, the three links are also willing to continue to serve distant places, and have no choice to stop operation. "


Ma Yun really couldn't understand why this happened?

SF and Yunda are not weaker than the three links, and even the three links can continue. Why can't they?

The reported subordinates didn't say anything, in fact, they all knew it.


Because Taobao's merchants are too mixed!

Yes, it's too complicated.

Everywhere, maybe in the countryside, in a remote street, or in an abandoned factory where the birds do n’t shit.

Picking up these logistics express is too much trouble, especially in such bad weather.

Far away?

There are large manufacturers that ship uniformly, and the work of the express company is much simpler and easier.

Pulling the goods directly from the warehouse to the distant express delivery point is so simple. It's too easy.

Although there are some dangers on the road, there is nothing dangerous in this year.

At least compared to Taobao, the remote parts are easier and safer, and the three links are naturally willing to continue to work.

If they are suspended, they will also suffer heavy losses, less than a last resort, who wants to stop.

Ma Yun was a little depressed and muttered: "I hope Xue will stop soon."

Subordinate employees also hope so, but looking at the current situation, it seems that it cannot be done in a short time.

After a decadence, Ma Yun regained his fighting spirit and gritted his teeth: "Continue to contact various logistics companies, talk to them, and add money!

Taobao Mall here we increase the cost, other merchants, we will also provide express subsidies!

I do n’t believe it, they do n’t care! "

"I will contact you immediately."

The man didn't say much, what can he do besides adding money?

If all the malls are shut down, then there is nothing to say, Taobao does not care.

But everyone else stopped, but the distance continued, and they could not stop at this time.

The scope of the East China region is not small, and the population is even larger. This is not the western region.

Once East China is abandoned, Taobao will not be finished, and I am afraid that it will not be competitive in the distance.

For consumers, corporate responsibility and credibility are crucial.

At this time, many people were unable to go out for shopping because of the heavy snow, and they originally placed their hopes on Taobao.

As a result, Taobao told them that because of the weather, they had to wait ten days and a half months. What do they think?

Every family is so, then they can only recognize.

But at this time, the distance jumped out and told everyone that we can, and we will definitely be able to deliver it within three days.

Good guys, robbed other e-commerce customers at once.

It's easy to **** it, but it's not that simple to **** it back ~ ~ So Ma Yun is in a hurry, he knows this better than anyone.

When his subordinates left, Ma Yun said tiredly: "Is God even helping you?"

Had God not helped him, would Li Dong have such an opportunity?

Taobao's logistics channel was cut off first, and then encountered heavy snow, and most of the other logistics companies were paralyzed.

At this time, what can Ma Yun say?

The crime of non-war!

It ’s not that Taobao is inferior to people, it ’s not that they do n’t work hard enough, or that they do n’t develop well.

It's just that the snow didn't come at a time, one year in advance or one year delay.

The year before, Faraway did not have the strength to challenge Taobao. After another year of delay, his rookie logistics network has also built some scale. At that time, he was not afraid.

But this time, hell!

Thinking of these, and then thinking about what he had suspected of Li Dong before, Ma Yun suddenly bent down.

This is no coincidence, this is all premeditated, and Li Dong has premeditated!

He probably knew that it was going to snow, and with this, Li Dong would bet on this one.

It is not difficult to know that it is snowing. Some professional organizations and old farmers can actually judge.

But I want to know how big it is, which requires a bet. There is no doubt that Li Dong won.

In fact, even if the bet is lost, Li Dong doesn't seem to lose anything.

If you change to yourself, you are willing to gamble.

It's a pity that everything is late, he didn't expect Li Dong to find another way to beat himself from the weather.

At this time, Ma Yun thought of a person, Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge defeated Cao Cao by Dongfeng. Now, should Li Dong also use Daxue to defeat himself?

Ma Yun smiled self-deprecatingly. The guy was like Zhuge Liang, and he was not Cao Cao.


A sigh, drifting with the wind.