The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 919: Just ask you if you are afraid

Chuanshu is arresting Liu Tang, Li Dong didn't care about it or ask about it.

As for whether Liu Tang can run away, Li Dong is not too concerned.

Even if he ran this time, Liu Tang's forces were completely over.

Without the background backing, without the force of tyranny, Li Dong does not care about a Liu Tang without his teeth.

As for Liu Tang's single-handed revenge, Li Dong can only say that he thinks too much.

Reality is not a TV series, and Liu Tang is not a superpower in the anti-Japanese **** drama.

He is a fugitive who hides from Tibet and wants to assassinate Li Dong.

Of course, Li Dong didn't think Liu Tang could run away.

Liu Minghua also expected to tear a gap from him and completely open Sichuan and Shu.

One province and one came out in person and expressed the importance of paying attention to this matter. The following people are just going to find Liu Tang.


After the press conference, Liu Tang's potential threat has become a dog of bereavement, and Li Dong is in a good mood.

Without continuing to stay in Hanzhou, which was unsightly, Li Dong returned to Shudu with Shen Qian after the press conference.

And on his way back, the Internet was broken!


The information age, especially the emergence of Weibo, has made information exchange more smooth.

Just after Li Dong's forefoot opened the press conference, some pictures and videos on the scene of the press conference were uploaded to Weibo.

When the people eating melons saw these, they were immediately angry!

Yes, angry!

There is definitely a conspiracy!

At this time, everyone did not believe it, nor did they want to believe it, but it was simply a question of the quality of the teaching building.

This topic is changed in peacetime, there is a problem with the teaching building donated from afar, everyone will definitely discuss it.

However, at this moment, who still cares about this.

Everyone's concern is that Li Dong was attacked, some people murdered the top rich people in the country, and created a shocking explosion ...

Compared with these, there is a problem with the quality of the teaching building, which is too low!

So, when Li Dong knew nothing, a user on Weibo initiated a petition.

Yes, it is a petition.

More than 100,000 users signed to Li Dong Weibo and called on Li Dongxiong not to bow to evil forces!

And with the migration of time, as the video of the press conference spreads more and more, more and more people petition.

In fact, many people join in the fun, anyway, they are also idle, signing a name, the real name and the pseudonym have not been edited by themselves, and no one is reviewing them one by one.

What the people who eat melons want to see is to make things worse, even if Li Dong is not dead. Anyway, he has to make some entertainment gossip after dinner.

Now you admit that there is a problem with the quality of the teaching building, which is too weak.

For a time, "Li Dongxiongqi" became a hot word on Weibo and a hot word on the Internet.

I don't know. I thought Li Dong had an incurable disease.


When Li Dong returned to Shudu, Bai Su reported things to Li Dong.

As Li Dong's secretary, keeping an eye on the boss's Weibo is also one of the jobs.

At this time, two hours have passed since the press conference.

The following replies on Weibo reached 300,000.

Seeing the top reply, Li Dong couldn't help but brush his teeth. What the **** is "Li Dongxiongqi"?

Tossing the notebook to Bai Su at will, Li Dong casually said: "Don't care, everyone is just having a fun together, and they are still rising up. They can't let me do the Chuchuan Shu government at this time.

I'm almost on the government blacklist now, and things are still over in the capital.

Mayor Du is fighting, and there are also troubles on the Sichuan and Shu sides. "

Li Dong sighed, and this year's luck seems not very good.

It was only February 2nd, just after the first month, I seemed to have a lot of trouble.

There are just a few municipalities in the country, more than 30 provinces, and both places are messed up by himself. He wonders where he will go next time, whether he will be treated by the local government as a plague.

On the side, Shen Qian couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said: "You still know the feelings, I thought you didn't understand it.

Back to Jiangbei early, don't go there.

If you make another noise in the mountain city, the local governments will probably want to blacklist you in the future. "

Li Dong confessed: "Not so serious? Anyway, everything has caught up, and I didn't mean it."

Li Dong said everything was false and always felt that he was a troublesome complex.

In the future, maybe he will have a special function, staring at someone and dying, giggling, think about it all.

Without thinking about it any more, Li Dong continued: "It's really inconvenient to go here on the mountain side. It seems that I have to say something.

I had a few appointments with Sister Wu, but the results were always up to date, and I was embarrassed myself.

Forget it, let me see you next time. "

There are many people staring at him now, and Li Dong does not want to continue to cause trouble.

If there is any more trouble on the mountain side, Li Dong himself will have self-doubt.

Several people were talking, and a few cars stopped a short distance away.

It was Sun Tao who started it. They rushed to Sichuan and Shu soon after the accident. The flight was also the latest one.

Hurry and hurry, finally arrived in Shudu on the same day.

As soon as he saw Li Dong, Sun Tao rushed over with red eyes and said, "Mr. Li, are you okay? Why did you leave the hospital so quickly?"

Mr. Shen, you need to persuade you to do this. There is still gauze on your head. What if the wind leaves the sequelae?

And Lao Tan, now is the time for danger, you just let General Manager Li stand outside?

Lao Zhou, let our people get off the bus and **** President Li back to the hotel ... "

Li Dong's mouth twitched straight, and Shen Qian also grinned, looked at Li Dong, and swept Sun Tao, the rhythm of you two is full of love!

Seeing Sun Tao chattering, he began to direct Zhou Haidong to do their security work. Li Dong was helpless and said: "Brother Sun, stop first. You just came, didn't you watch online?"

Sun Tao stopped the words, and some suspiciously said: "No, why?"

"Nothing, it's just the end of the matter. It's not as complicated as you think, it's because the quality of the teaching building has gone wrong and it collapsed automatically.

No murderer, no one wants to kill me.

In addition, there is actually someone staring secretly at the provincial office. It ’s okay. Do n’t make such a big fanfare. It seems that I am afraid of death. "

Sun Tao looked at Shen Qian, and Shen Qian also nodded, "General Sun, there should be no problems for the time being.

And we will leave Sichuan and Shu soon, and will not stay here for long. "

Sun Tao exhaled for a long time, and then asked Li Dongdao: "Mr. Li, what about your injury?"

"The skin was traumatized. Looking at the bluff, it actually broke the skin. It will be fine in a few days. Instead, let Sun Bai run away."

Sun Tao hurriedly said: "It's okay if it's okay, and it's not in vain. You don't know, the incident is back to Jiangbei, and the group is panicked.

Everyone was arguing about coming, and I insisted on taking a look to be at ease.

Seeing that you are okay now, my heart was put back in my stomach, otherwise I would not be able to calm down even if I stayed in Jiangbei.

Mr. Li, don't do these dangerous things next time.

In inspecting such things as schools, there are many people in the foundation, and a large number of people in the group, how can you let you pass in person.

Now Yuanyuan Group has 100,000 employees.

You are the Dinghai Shenzhen of the group. If you are out of the spread pool ... "

Sun Tao didn't dare to continue, and his words came from his heart.

On the one hand, there must be true feelings.

After working with Li Dong for four years, not to mention brotherhood, there must be some friendship.

On the other hand, speaking of the secular point, Li Dong's safety is also related to his interests.

When Li Dong was there, he did not say that he was in a high position in the group. He also controlled the 3% fixed shares in the supermarket, which was almost not diluted.

This is hundreds of millions of assets, and even reaching more than 1 billion is only a matter of time.

Once Li Dong had an accident, these wealth Sun Tao may not be able to keep it.

Therefore, among the group, it is not the people like Yuan Chengdao who are most concerned about the safety of Li Dong, but Sun Tao.

Li Dongqing said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who likes to take risks ..."

Before saying this, many people rolled their eyes.

Are you not that kind of person?

You are that kind of person!

On the ability to cause trouble, Li Dong is absolutely one-on-one.

Now Sun Tao is a little afraid of him going out, it is better to stay in Jiangbei and not go out.

In Jiangbei, even if Li Dong doesn't work or come to the company, as long as others are in Jiangbei, it will make everyone feel calm.

But when he went out of Jiangbei, everyone was a little vacant.

In the far-end group, there is no problem for everyone, but Li Dong must not be missing, at least at this stage.

As for the future, it may be the same without Li Dong, but not now.

A few people exchanged for a while, seeing that someone has paid attention to this side, everyone has entered the hotel one after another.

As soon as he entered the hotel, Li Dong took the initiative to ask: "Brother Sun, aren't you presiding over financing? It's all right now to let go of the matter, right?"

Sun Tao shook his head and said, "Whoever wants to raise money as soon as the matter comes out.

Not to mention that on our side, those PE / VC organizations can't help it.

The reason they dare to bet on Yuanfang is that you value you. Under your leadership, Yuanfang Technology can surpass Ali and surpass Tencent.

If you are a bit lost, they are more afraid than us.

In the morning, there were several organizations talking to us. As soon as the news came out, the people of several organizations terminated the negotiations.

It just happened that we didn't even want to continue talking, so we temporarily suspended the negotiations. "

Li Dong glanced at him, and after a while, he smiled and said: "It always feels like you are flattering, who did you learn this set from?"

Sun Tao said in earnest: "I'm serious, President Li, please think twice before doing anything next time.

Now you represent more than you ... "

"I know, it also represents 100,000 employees from afar." Li Dong smiled bitterly: "I am now scared by you, every time I take 100,000 employees to stop my mouth.

Having said that, how many employees are in the distance?

Are you sure there are 100,000? "

Everyone looked at each other, how suddenly turned to this topic.

Or Bai Su replied: "Mr. Li, there are a total of 106,540 employees in the distance.

We have 600 supermarket stores and a total of 86,421 employees.

There are more than 1,000 stores operating on the logistics side, with a total of 9785 employees.

From far away technology ... "

Bai Su crackly reported a lot of data, and Li Dong gave her a surprised look.

Even Sun Tao and Shen Qian couldn't help but look at her. Li Dong's remarks were just casual, just a joke.

Both Sun Tao and Shen Qian understood, but did not expect Bai Su to actually report it.

Being stared at by everyone, Bai Su was a little embarrassed and lowered his head to whisper: "I ... I usually don't have many things. I like to look at various documents of the company.

There are reports on personnel matters. I read some of them. In addition, this is the data from 7 days ago. I am not very clear now. "

Li Dong laughed, and Sun Tao couldn't help but praise: "It's a good thing to like research, to read more and learn more. Assistant Bai reminded us that learning is endless, and we old guys can't slack off."

Shen Qian joked: "Is President Sun not including me in this remark?"

Sun Tao laughed and said: "No, no, I mean, I'm about to become an old man."

"Come on, don't talk about these useless."

Li Dong interrupted him and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the employees in the distance really exceeded 100,000. I used to think that I was a false finger. Now it seems that I have a great responsibility.

One day, I was interested, how about calling all employees to hold a meeting?

With more than 100,000 employees gathered, I do n’t know if the Pingchuan government is afraid. "

Others are a little funny, Shen Qian said: "Are 100,000 people afraid? You think too much. Some manufacturing factories have tens of thousands of employees in one factory, and several factories have more employees than us. I didn't see the local government afraid. "

Li Dong pondered for a moment and said, "This is reasonable ~ ~ It seems to want to make them afraid, at least a million starts.

Later, when our employees exceed one million, they will be afraid. "

This was not a joke, and several people gave him a glance.

Li Dong didn't say much. He walked upstairs and entered his room.

These people Sun Tao had just arrived, they had to clean up and prepare, and did not continue to disturb Li Dong.

After they left, Shen Qian said: "You have to go back as soon as possible. I'm afraid there is some chaos in the group.

Now General Manager Sun has come, and the financing has been put down. If you do n’t go back, they probably do n’t want to go back.

As for Sichuan and Shu, I will stay for a few more days and deal with the matter at hand before leaving.

You can rest assured that I will handle it. "

"Are you going to stay?"

Li Dong frowned slightly: "Let's go back with me, Sichuan and Shu are not safe here."

Shen Qian thought he was talking about Liu Tang's business, and didn't take it seriously: "It's okay, Liu Tang doesn't know where to hide now.

Besides, even if he escaped, he would not retaliate against me.

I dealt with the matter here and left. The Foundation has made some mistakes this time.

Hanyuan Elementary School must have our own people involved, otherwise Liu Tang would n’t want to frame us.

Don't pull these nails out, and sooner or later it will be a mess. "

Li Dong thought about it and thought for a while: "You can't stay for a long time. You have to go back in April. Jiangbei still has something for you to handle."

Shen Qian didn't ask much and nodded: "Maybe it will take less than April, and I should be back by the end of March."

"That's good."

Li Dong exhaled without worrying too much.

After all, there are still two months before May. Even if Shen Qian ’s affairs are not over, she can urge her to come back.